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Everything posted by Rabbit1251

  1. A big welcome to the Lion of Wales, PhasMan!! I hope that you find your most desirable mods among the many on the site. I'm sure, though, that you are not to come away empty handed. Enjoy your stay!! The Welcome Rabbit
  2. Greetings to you, Raveniaa, and an official welcome to the board!! The Rabbit
  3. Hate it. Travel comes from the French word "travail" which the dictionary defines as "engage in painful or laborious effort". The Rabbit
  4. I agree with this. The Rabbit
  5. You would need the permission of Bethesda Studios and the Studio that created Metal Gear Solid to do this. It is prohibited by your license to import works by other studios in Bethesda games without these permissions. The Rabbit
  6. And include a link so that the Moderators can find it. The Rabbit
  7. Just finishing "The Hunt for Red October" by Tom Clancy. Much more involved than the movie. A good read. The Rabbit
  8. Did you install all of those mods at once? What you need to do is install one, or two, mods at a time and play the game for a bit to make sure they work. Then add a couple more and test them. If you run into problems with a mod it will be one of the last that you installed. It will simplify troubleshooting. The Rabbit
  9. Thank you very much, Edge. You've satisfied my curiosity in a grand manner. Much obliged!! The Rabbit
  10. Do the Zetans make an appearance in Fallout 4? Any of their technology? I enjoyed the Zetan DLC from Fallout 3 and would have liked to face them again. Thanks!! The Rabbit
  11. This should be posted in the Skyrim Forum for better results. I have asked that a Moderator move it for you. Good luck!! The Rabbit
  12. Gentlemen. This is the Site Feedback and Suggestions forum. This needs to be moved to the appropriate forum for the game but you didn't mention the game that you are having trouble with or I could have redirected you. Please inform me and I'll let a Moderator know so that it can be moved. The Rabbit
  13. Can't. Bethesda won't permit nude mods for game systems. The Rabbit
  14. Thank you. Never heard of it. Steam runs many of my games but otherwise I don't go there. The Rabbit
  15. You should try posting this in the Stardew Valley forums found here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3641-general-stardew-valley-discussion/. Good luck!! The Rabbit
  16. Hello and be welcomed!! The Rabbit
  17. If the mods were made by someone other than yourself you will need permission from the author before you can upload them. The Rabbit
  18. Welcome aboard, ClassicMail!! Enjoy your stay. The Rabbit
  19. That would have to be a battle between firearms and bows and arrows. The Rabbit
  20. Come on in and pull up a chair, Jun... Uh, I mean Sandy!! You can call me Rabbit as it's my name. Do enjoy your stay with us. The Rabbit
  21. I loved the Wind Commander series of games. Good story, interesting flight mechanics, challenging missions, etc. Those are the games that prompted me to spend money on flight controls. :smile: (programmable ones at that.) Anyone else remember the 15 pin "game port" on sound cards? :D You mean like the "Mockingboard"? The Rabbit
  22. Rabbit1251


    Welcome, George. I'm glad to see you with us. Please enjoy your stay here. The Welcome Rabbit
  23. I just purchased Privateer through them a little while ago. Haven't gotten around to playing it yet. It's been years, decades since last I did. Wing Commander was a smash with us, too. We still go around quoting from it. Thanks again!! The Rabbit
  24. Huzzah!! I owe you for that, HadToRegister, I usually get emails on this, but not this time. I was just looking for something like this, too. The Rabbit
  25. 50 years old? Well, I got you beat at 68. A very warm welcome back at you, Tsunami1500!! Enjoy your stay with us, The Welcome Rabbit
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