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Everything posted by Rabbit1251

  1. Where did you send them? The correct place would be here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5416300-account-closure-requests/. I hope this helps. The Rabbit
  2. Greetings to you, Pali62 from Buenos Aires. I've been playing Fallout 4 too much and reverted to Fallout New Vegas for a bit, but I would really like to get back in to Skyrim. It is good to meet you after so long!! The Rabbit
  3. The term "modding" can refer to adding mods to your game or to creating mods for your game. What are you up for? The Rabbit
  4. Gasp!! That means that I'm a year older. I can't afford many more of those. The Rabbit
  5. There are no mods to install absolutely. You install those which strike your fancy and, since fancies change from one person to the next, these also change from person to person. The Rabbit
  6. If no one knows here you might ask in the mod's discussion forum for the mod itself. The Rabbit
  7. You need to post this is the Skyrim dedicated Forum found here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/414-skyrim-technical-support/. Include more information like are you running any mods, what are they, what did you do before noticing the issue, what version of Skyrim are you running? The Rabbit
  8. In other words you want someone to create a whole new game for you? The Rabbit
  9. Just being off topic, but what does CDN mean? Thank you. The Rabbit
  10. Welcome to the Nut House, Worldsend419. I bought my first computer back in 1982, an Apple ][+. Playing Fallout 4 now. If you have any questions don't ask here. This is for introductions. Ask somewhere around here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=3485,3500. You will be more likely to get an answer to your game questions. Have fun!! The Welcome Rabbit
  11. I enjoyed X-Com Apocalypse and Fallout Tactics very much. They are still on my play list and are available from GOG. The Rabbit
  12. It is aimed at 13 year old boys who want to play games socially rather than do their homework and learn to spell. The Rabbit
  13. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3350-the-witcher-3-mod-troubleshooting/ The Rabbit
  14. Modding really isn't the issue. The question is is the game worth playing. Mods can make it better and prettier but you must have something to start with. As Fallout 76 appears at this point to be an online multi-player game then the game is not worth playing for me regardless of modding or not. The same goes for the new Elder Scrolls, if that is the case. I'm dearly afraid that this might be the end of my commitment to the Bethesda franchises with these two games. I've enjoyed them up til now. The Rabbit
  15. The best place to post this is in the discussion forum for the game you want to use it on. As you haven't stated for which game that you wish to use it I cannot redirect you. The Rabbit
  16. I am afraid for the new generation of games, specifically the Fallout and Elder Scrolls franchises. Will they be multiplayer exclusively? Will they be available on PC or just gameboxes and telephones? Either direction leaves me out of the gaming picture for the future. I'm watching them both with a wary eye. The Rabbit
  17. I've heard from many that Morrowind is the superior choice. I've had it since it's initial release and have tried playing it several times and gave up. But I've spent many long years playing Oblivion and have many fond memories of it. If I had to make a choice today which one to play I would pick up Oblivion again without a second thought. Of course I played the modded game and if Mr. Assassin is correct there may be some issues with that now. They are cheap though. Go to GOG where you'll find them with all their bells and whistles included on sale. Morrowind: https://www.gog.com/game/the_elder_scrolls_iii_morrowind_goty_edition Oblivion: https://www.gog.com/game/elder_scrolls_iv_oblivion_game_of_the_year_edition_deluxe_the Best of luck, The Rabbit
  18. Maybe there's one or two that I haven't bought yet. Who knows? The Rabbit
  19. It's not even been released yet and you already want people to rewrite it? Wait until the demned thing comes out first to see what we've got then improve it if needed. Sheesh!! The Rabbit
  20. Getting rid of Settlements and their Micro-Management has been my dream ever since I started playing Fallout 4. Good riddance, says I!! The Rabbit
  21. I would rather that they spent their time creating new worlds to explore rather then wasting time remastering the old titles. I can have fun replaying them just as they are. The Rabbit
  22. Thanks, DD. I did do a search on Google but these commands were hidden behind a wall of text. These look much clearer. I saved them for when needed. Now she needs to own her bed. Garvey keeps sleeping in it and he wont remove his shoes. I found reference to enter console, click on item and type 'setownership'. I'm on the road and not able to test this out yet. My character would just love to get her bed back. The Rabbit
  23. Thanks, guys!! The coc Sanctuaryext worked like the proverbial charm. The 'coc' command seems to work a little differently from the way I used to use it in Oblivion. I've written it down for future reference should I once again get trapped in a church full of slavering ghouls. The Rabbit
  24. I got in through the front doors and I'm trying to get out again but the door wont open going the other way and I can't 'beam' out from there. What'e the command for getting to the test area? I should be able to fast travel from there. Thank you. The Rabbit
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