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Post #44 TWFF[One][17.1][37][36 7] Taratacacrant way her way through a supermart selling a wide range of goods from toiletries to clothes, small remoterobots, 3DTV sets, sporting goods, toys for children of all ages, books, computers, cutlery, camping gear and so much else. It sold only a small range of shelf life extended food, and drinks, along with boxbottled water. The supermart was managed by biotocitizens, of biotopairings but also by the CCNS. The vamphir was genuinely there to buy some items, for herself and her lumbering partner, but also to meet the leader of a survivalist group. Using old type cash, as gathered up, the survivalists were gaining new type credit for it; this was despite that the cash was only being taken at 10% of its old stated value. She had not told her new 'partners' that she had come to the dimensional pocket zone so as to carry out more than one goal though she had never meant to be trapped there. Her true stated goals, as told to them, was her seeking of Predoomsdays knowledge but also just to understand what was going on in that place. Doophiphir was following her, happily pushing a shopping trolley partly filled with toys for himself along with young children's books, two bath duckies, and other items of the kind. There were also some protoblood bags in a small, portable, refrigerator; that was definitely for the consumption by Taratacacrant though she now needed far less than she once would have done. They went past a regulated weapons sales stall. Then were gungum type guns, springdartguns, boxbows of semiautomatic crossbows, basic laser weapons, a range of melee weapons and more such devices. Taratacacrant deepsensed growing danger but what could be a threat in a CCNS secured area like that? The survivalist leader, she was to meet, was of the Hardblood Faction that had been well known of in Hopenorth before vanishing with out any logical explanation. It had ended up trapped in that dimensional pocket zone but long after it had been created, that is after the Doomsdays had taken place. It was becoming increasingly apparent that the zone had been growing, slowly-steadily, larger but also had also been changing in other ways; the primary questions were how was it happening, who might be behind it if anybody, and why might anybody being doing so if they were? She had done some 'business' with the Hardbloods, over 10 years ago, but had not had any contact with them since. Gavag had promised her some very interesting information arising from what he, and other members of his faction, had observed. Then he was standing there before her looking a little nervous which for him meant he was quite so. He was a tall, broad shouldered, man of genged workers background; that is his ancestors had been genetically engineered as physical workers using various amplification type technologies such as exosuits. Except that there was 'something' about him that was not quite right for this one to be truly Gavag. Taratacacrant struck out with blinding speed and hurled the entity backwards only for it to roll through the air to end up coming up on his feet; he now looked like a shapeshifting hybrid of a doppelman; that is a doppelganger-human hybrid. The gear remained authentically the same but now it was not so well fitting as it had been. The doppelman, probably an assassin, brought out a springdartpistol and fired it off at Taratacacrant but she easily dodged the projectile, which she guessed would be poisoned. Other figures came racing towards her, and Doophiphir, and made the mistake of thinking that the big entity was harmless. Doophiphir picked up a doppelman assassin and hurled her across the room. A security remotedrone shot her with a heavy stun pulsebullet of energy. Security remoteturrets, remotedrones and remoterobots were springing out of previously hidden access points; remoteturrets dropped down from the ceiling. In moments the assassins were all stundropped being five men, six women and two neuters. Doophiphir sighed. “Me didn't hurt her too much, did me?” Taratacacrant patted his arm. “No, sweetie, those doppelman assassins are very tough and these ones are likely to be special forces level of training and experience; I will tell you what that means later.” Doophiphir sighed. “Somebody does not like you very much.” The vamphir shook her head. “The reason is some information that I have, or so I suspect, but I do not know what bit of information for I know very much; some of it I wish I did not know about. There are also gaps, in my memories, and confusion in some places.” Doophiphir said. “Gosh!” This earned him a kiss from his new, vamphir, mum.
Post #43 TWFF[One][16.1][36][36] Doggygoodfarmers, of doggybiobots, had been the only known kind of doggybiobots that were in the new Doggygoodzone. Now Doggygoodworkers, Doggygoodguards and Doggygoodartisans had joined their numbers or at least as known off. An EverEyelet managed to 'get a peep' before being pushed back, gently but firmly, by a kind of Celestial power that it failed to identify. The report was disturbing for there was an army being biovat grown, and manufactured, of Doggygoodtroopers and their gear. Doggygoodfarmers were DGFs, Doggygoodworkers were DGWs, Doggygoodartisans were DGAs while Doggygoodtroopers were DGTs. There were many subtypes of all of these. There were also revealed Doggygoodleaders or DGLs. Other types, and subtypes, were emerging. The CCNS reported to Sharry13 that it had repulsed away attempts, by thieves, to ransack parts of it. Its remoterobotic units had used stun, and EMP, weapons to do so. It had managed to capture some equipment-supplies that it stored away. The CCNS had been taking, and adapting, cars, buses and trams; now these were its remoterobotic units of which some would be soon given over to serve local peoples, being paid for by a few token-coins. Seekars, EverFolk, tamefolk and wildfolk had been working with the CCNS for some time and now many local humans were starting to do the same. It turned out that the Raynbakind, and Faynbakind, had been doing likewise!
Post #42 TWFF[One][15.1][35][35] Sharry09o13 floated, in her bubblechair, through the air while speaking to Melandias, an aspect of the EverWanderer. “We managed to communicate with the Shadowcult Leadership, with some difficulty considering their paranoia that is understandable given their negative karmic history. The Shadowcult Leadership lost contact with a secret Shadowcoven in this area. Fearing treachery, with some evidence to indicate that they had good reason to do so this time, they sent a taskteam of their high level investigators. The dead constable, killed by his own Justisfier Spike, was but one of them.” There were found small signs that a Undoademigod had been in the area, as with his Undoademitorc. Clearly he had departed, along with those who served him that supposedly included false mercenaries of ice-minded humans. As for Taratacacrant, as in the clone-daughter of the real one, she was discovered by Wildmilitiascouts, with the help of local wildfolk, co-inhabiting with apenoids close to the wildfolk hamlet of Tongadionga. She, and some secondary clones, had set up a small, underground, habitat there where the apenoids spent some of their time. This version of Taratacacrant was now self-named Wildcacarant. She wanted to be with Cardicrant whom she considered to be her son. She needed healing, just as he did, in a secure place but that could be at the new habitat named Habicrant. There were no more troubles with rogue wildnoid adult-males going malignant though a much smaller number did go rogue as some wildlife also did. It was evident that the number, of rogue incidents, had been artificially boosted. Melandias walked beside Sharry09o13 with a smooth stride as he easily kept up with her. “Where is the Shadowcoven located?” Sharry09o13 responded. “When our organised taskteam reached the abandoned farmhold, where it was supposed to be concealed, all that was found was evidence that it had been there for years before abruptly departing about five months ago. Or at least many of the Shadowcultists did for there were long dead Shadowcultists, including witches of the Shadowcoven Circle. Not only were their corpses buried,, in shallow basement graves, but their bodies were dessicated as if they had been vamped.” The irony was that not only vampires could, and did, vamp people as biolifeforms. Most preferred to 'graze' on volunteer 'feeders' who would gain moments of quiet blissfulness in turn. Those normally in pain were often happy to be such feeders and those needing to be peacefully controlled were others. Such as vamphirs, and biopires of biological vampires, were most commonly carrying out such duties for true vampires could rarely be trusted. They entered a large transvator that moved horizontally, then vertically and finally diagonally. They came out into a sealed observation deck type chamber. Through the advanced, transparent, screen they observed an astonishing sight. A great swirling pattern, of rainbow-greybow energy energies whirled around a bright yellow center that was wrapped around a bright white core. The EverWanderer spoke. “Amazing to have such forces exist in a mortal realm.” Sharry09o13 communicated. “This Multiworld, of many worlds, including NewEarths, perhaps it is straight forwardly a mortal only realm. Faynba'dibbly, and Raynba'diibbly, have aspects in there as Faynebaspheres and Raynbasphers. In there are aspects of more powerful Celestial entities.” Melandias spoke. “Could there be Rainbowtoys, and Greybowtoys, also active in there.” Raynba'diibbly spoke out of mid air. “We got here three, secondary, Celestitoys being the two two CEEETs of mine and one of Faynba'dibbly as regained through the real Taratacacrant the vamphir. They are being both deeply analysed and diagnosed by Celestiaraynbahybria Collaboration. Celestiaraynbahybria is making sure that they have not been tainted by negative entities.” Faynba'dibbly: “Such as Procelestials or Anticelestials or something like that.” A gentle shimmer-shiver went through the Freecomplexity as it continued to expand-evolve, to add new zones, to refine older facets of itself and more. The Freecomplexity was not under the control of the Seekagodzi or the EverFolk and it was unclear, to them, just who-what was in charge.
Post #41 Notes: to be expanded-edited. Celestial Goddessgods of the Celestial Balancing Truecelestials Primecelestials as highest tier of the Truecelestials being very small in number but not in power. Falsecelestials Procelestials who want to go against the Celestial Balancing by controlling all for their 'own good'. Anticelestials who want to go against the Celestial Balancing so as to be able to do what they want for their own satisfaction.
What game(s) was/were the biggest disappointment to you?
Maharg67 replied to RedHeadAngel's topic in Off-Topic
A range of Real Time Strategy games where you can not turn off the superweapons so as to focus on fighting a more conventional type war. Only a few seem to have the choice and then there are those ones where superweapons do not exist such as the Age of Empires games. There is also a rarity of means to counter superweapons. The special technology, in Rise of Nations, does not seem to work as it should. -
Post #40 TWFF[One][14.2][34][34] Shadz came into the chamber, wearing special adapted sunglasses over its multiple eyes so as to shield them from light that was quite bright to it. With it came the EverCarer now named EverShadzmum but also other EverFolk; that is two other EverCarers, EverGuards, EverServers and EverMinions. There were other entities like Shadz along with pet-companion entities that came with them. Shadz spoke. “Shadoista is in trouble. Shadoista is being attacked by Undoagodzi through their Undoatorcs. Shadoista does not know why but it seems that the attack is not meant to destroy that one but to force it into a trap that will then be sealed up by the Undoagodzi through their Undoatorcs. Me doesn't know why they do such things.” Sharry13o13 responded. “And your so very clever! Welcome to you all and please know we are finding a good-proper home for you and the others from that lumnisupercavern that you came from. It would appear that the Undoagodzi want the attention of other, powerful, factions up on the surface of this world of HopeEarth of the NewEarths. One is the Seekagodzi! Another is linked to you, wonderful Shadz but which is not the Shadoista. Then there are the EverFolk.” Shadz tried to nod, wisely, and then fell asleep. Soon he lay with his head in the lap of EverShadzmum who sat upon the floor. There was much to do, many arrangements to make and actions to be carried out; so it started to happen.
Post #39 TWFF[One][14.1][34][34] Raynba'diibbly spoke to Sharry13o13, through a Raynbasphere of a Rainbowsphere. While all Raynbaspheres were Rainbowspheres, only a very few Rainbowspheres were Raynbaspheres. This was deliberate as to make it harder to detect the Raynbaspheres and the same was true for the link between Faynbaspheres and Greybowspheres. “Faynba'dibbly, and I, suspected that we were somehow being misled by Taratacacrant though she did provide us with valuable information leading to the finding of two Rainbowtoys and one Greybowtoy. We asked our Celestial Mummies for the truth and learned we had been almost tricked. When we gave the 'rewards' to Taratacacrant, as she asked, they were karmic responsive in nature. Turns out that she had been part of the stealing of those CEEETs in the first place and so knew where they were located; she had pretended to have discovered, where they were, through luck alone.” Faynba'dibbly spoke. “Those CEEETs had been misused to help create the Undoatorces that were then utilised to turn megaclones into the Undoagodzi. Other, very powerful, artefacts were also part of that dark, fallen, process. Taratacacrant took a minor role in helping to create the Undoatorces or so we were informed; she considers that her role was very important.” Sharry13o13 responded. “Taratacacrant is quite insane! Your 'gifts' turned against her, because of her attempts to manipulate you, to deceive you, and so she suffered. Then the vamphir created a clone-daughter and managed to send her out of this dimensional pocket zone though how she did this is yet to be learned by we or our allies. Cardicrant is her grandson who was captured by his now truly remorseful, repentant and redemptive clone-mother as he came to see her as. Back when she captured him she was not as positive karmic as she is now but she was not as fallen as the true Taratacacrant. You created Doophiphir to keep a track of her, did you not?” Raynba'diibbly: “We were assisted to do so but we may not say how or by whom we were.” Faynba'dibbly: “Maybe the emergence, of the doggybiobots, was not so accidental after all but they were sent to help learn more about the hidden threat that maybe what is known as the Undoafirst being the very first prototype Undoagod type entity. He was rejected, as a failure, by those who created him except for you Seekagodzi who tried to help him only to be punished by your supposed allies.” Sharry13o13: “We feared that he was very powerful being far more potentially so than the other schemers knew. We were known as the Wisehighgodzi back then being a most pretentious title for ourselves. After we managed to escape, from our so called allies, we went back to using our original name that came from when we were the primary flightcrew of the vast StarArkship the SSAS Seekar Hopefar. Its hulk, still largely intact, is the basis of Seekahomecity of an enclosed, most underground, supercity.” The catsnake, Tabbyhissy, poked her curiously flat, cat like, head into the open and made a curious mowing sound while thrumming greatly with pleasure. In her arms she clutched three teddybears; one was her original brown one but another was rainbow patterned while the third was greybowish. “I love teddybears that you gave me but also the teddybear that mummy gave me before. Now they are Tabbyisteddy, Rainbowisteddy and Greybowisteddy.” The three teddybears wiggled in delight, at her purry words, for they were quasiliving, silicon based, entities. Tabbyhissy licked each, in turn, on the top of their heads. Raynba'diibbly spoke. “Tabbyhissy, and her teddybears, are gorgeously lovely wonderful.” Faynba'dibbly changed subjects, after also complimenting the four entities. “The doggybiobots are doing what was expected they would do but also other tasks not so expected of them.” Sharry13o13: “EverEye has informed me, of this, but could not report just what the doggybiobots were doing other than their standard duties. It is no surprise that they are growing biobotic food-serum pods, that they call doggybioserumpods. They cultivate other produce for themselves and-or carbon based biolifeforms. They manufacture an increasingly wide range of goods of which many are turned into tradegoods. Now, though, they are cultivating new substances, for them, and making odd items, in an area where no noidfolk are allowed to go.”
Post #38 TWFF[One][13.1][33][33] As glittering, dull mirrored, torcdarters hurled themselves, at the sanctuary force bubble as a dome above the surface, they either rebounded away or exploded dramatically. They were warmachines designed to attack, with secondary weapons, even as they tried to strike at targets in the style of missiles. The big machines launched smaller torcdarts that carried out the same tactic but less powerfully so; the torcdarts were still quite big. The force bubble held back the attack but also stopped any other form of defences to be used such as missiles , lasers, drones or fighters. Rainbowbeings came streaming out of the Rainbowcube, in the Cassingville Central Sanctuary Zone and Greybowbeings did the same from the Greybowcube that was very close to it. That is dragons, robots, humanoids, animals and so much else including spheres. For just 10 minutes this took place but the number of entities that came, from the two Celestial Cubes, was large. The last of the torcdarters came, and with them the last of the torcdarts, only to be destroyed. It could have been a testing attack but with the dark, hidden, entity it was hard to know especially as it was somehow linked to the Undoagodzi. The torcdarters, and torcdarts, had been an exclusive type of Undoagodzi weapon though close in design of others as used by multiple other factions. Sharry13 oversaw the final completion of the Freecomplexity that was made up of multiple facets, some being more exotic than others. It absorbed the SeekaoutbaseA023 but the outbase remained semiautonomous to it. It took in the new Seekaoutpost that ceased to exist, as such, but whose facilities remained under the control of Seekars. The torcdarters flight path was traced to a cave entrance leading to a large cave-system made up of many caverns, smaller chambers and other natural spaces but also underground ruins left over by a wide variety of peoples. The torcdarters could have eventuated from a secondary source, such as mobile launchers of some kind, and had probably done so. The pocket dimensional zone was not only growing but, as it expanded, it was adding on features; at least some seemed to be the result of blending with other pocket zones but it was hard to tell the truth of what was going on or why. There began the shift of people into the CCSZ, the Cassingville Central Sanctuary Zone, as it had come to be known. Past the new Rainbowtree Forest refugees came in vehicles being mostly basically adapted civilian ones. Often they pulled trailers, caravans or even various machines. There were police, medical, fire-fighting and paramilitary vehicles of the Emergency Response Services. The Cassingville Compuautorobotic Network-System was waking fully up having been repaired by the Rainbowgreybowflash of energies but, more than that, had been regenerated. Parts of it had been damaged, even destroyed, during the strange incident that had led to the appearance of the Necroforma and the town being trapped in a pocket zone. Sharry13 had made first contact with the wary CCNS that had also suffered looting attacks by survivors. As it was it was manufacturing as many remotedroids, remoterobots and remotedrones as it could and that was plenty given its sudden build up in many types of resources; while most were multimodular, and multipurpose, a few were more specialised such as security, defence and security-intelligence units. More rift-gates had opened up, had stabilised, leading to the Zigguratzi ziggurat but also to the underground city of Shazzantacca of the citystate of Shazzantaccastate. Other rift-gates were still being investigated. An aspect of EverEye entered the pocket zone and from it was launched EverEyelets as its kind of EverMinions. At first all of their activity was kept within the CCSZ.
Post #37 TWFF[One]12.2][32][32] Rubysa11o13 spoke. “The layout, of that fortress, shows that any underground escape passages can not take away most of the Hightratroopers' warmachines and transports. Their bigger flying machines are trapped. Only their infantry can escape along with their smaller robots, vehicles and other machines.” The assistant sounded puzzled. “The Seekalords, of the Seekahightra Faction, are now calling themselves the Hightralords of the Hightratorcs. They vow revenge against those who have wronged them, doing so in the name of the Hightragoddessgods of the Hightragodzi. They also openly declare their alliance with the Undoagodzi. I did not know that such as the Hightragodzi existed.” Rubysa11o13 shook her head in wonder. “Neither did I or even the Seekagoddessgods!” With out the booming, of the guns, a peacefulness settled onto the area. A full force dome was projected in place now that rocketshells were not being fired off. Except that it had ways for birds, and other wildlife, to get through. The gun battery would most likely have to be moved, to a new location, to be used again in any useful manner. That was part of the changing strategies, of an ever shifting war, as the Hightra were being driven back or had already fled.
The original Avengers movie, again, but I must admit that it was mainly Scarlett Johansson who got me to do so as the Black Widow. I just wish they had given her bigger guns and even a power suit of some kind along with special powers.
Post #36 TWFF[One]12.1][31][31] The very big, 200mm calibre, autohowitzers were firing off rocketshells, the rockets not igniting until after the rocketshells left behind the barrels of the field-guns. Each gun was bolted down to a larger hoverplatform. The automatic howitzers were belt fed. Each had a large system for recoil regulation and the hoverplatform assisted with this problem. Gun crews were in armapowersuits as they attended the big guns. Seekaloyalists, of the Seekalords of the Seekahightra Faction, were being bombarded by Seekarebels in support of the new Seekaconstitution. They were seeking the end of the increasingly autocratic, corrupt and incompetent Seekahightra Government. Seekars fully supported the growing rebellion that was becoming a full on revolution. They had been reluctant, officially, to become part of any Seekafolk action until the Seekahightra had started pressuring them to attack the Seekarebels; this had consisted of threats and dubious promises of rewards. Rubysa11o13 observed the action from a heavily fortified, and concealed, observation point through a direct optics-screen and 3Dscreens linked to a wide range of changing sources. “Seekatroopers have joined the Seekarebels' First Freedom Force striking into the Seekahomeland North-East.” An assistant reported to her. “The FFF has been using Seekar provided training, and equipment, most diligently. Seekagrenadiers are arriving soon to join them along with Seekatankers.” Seekatroopers were lighter, faster, forces often being sent in by paragliders while Seekagrenadiers were heavy duty mechanised infantry and Seekatankers utilised a range of hoverbattletanks. The Seekars had been forced to organise the new, military, Seekaforce. The Seekaguardia, of paramilitary Seekaguards, had so far remained removed from the revolutionary war. They did protect any refugees who arrived in the buffer zones where they were given support by Seekaservers of the civil oriented Seekaservice. The assistant went on, changing subjects. “Recently the High Seekalord, of the Seekahightra High Council, has been recorded as wearing a glowing torc around his shoulders.” Rubysa11o13 responded. “Then what the Seekahighcouncil has feared is true. There is Undoagodzi influence amongst the Seekahightra or at least one of them has got hold of an Undoatorc. It could easily explain their growing madness, their delusions of grandeur and paranoia. We need to find out if it is elsewhere in the Seekahomeworld; Seekasecurity has been doing just that for over 20 years but has found nothing.” While the Undoagodzi were notably ice-minded, they often had a chaotic influence on others that was seemingly contradictory to this way of existence. Question was, was in deliberate or accidental but it was far from the only question asked about the deeply mysterious, disturbing, Undoagodzi of the Undoatorcs. The assistant spoke. “Is the relationship, between the Undoagodzi and Undoatorcs, one of healthy equality?” Rubysa11o13 responded. “Ask me about that subject, later!” The five, big, guns ceased firing so as to cool down while ammo belts were also refilled using large machines including robots. The bombardment had been carried out to suppress enemy forces inside their huge fortress while destroying much of its external, surface, infrastructure. Apart from some underground escape routes, the large Seekaloyalist force, of Hightratroopers, was trapped.
Post #35 TWFF[One]11.1][30][30] Aspects, of EverEye, observed the taskgroup entering into the pocket zone of Cassingville and its surrounds. With the help, of local wildfolk, they had found a way through to the rift gate that seemed very stable; there was no obvious explanation for this being the case. EverEye examined the energy bubbled ziggurat of a truly massive structure like a pyramid with a large flat area atop of it. The observation was through the very powerful bubble that had grown in strength since a tactical nuclear missile had struck, its unleashed energies being absorbed through the force fields. EverEye could have tried to get closer but did not want to risk being detected by trying to do so. Saraba oversaw the expansion, increasing diversity and growing sophistication of the newest, mostly underground, Seekaoutpost. EverEye observed this, sneakily consuming some energy snacks that Sara13 had left out for that one. The expedition, with Sara13's Second Five, departed for Tradetopiacity that was at the political, economic and social center of Tradetopiacitystate. EverEye did not attempt to enter the pocket dimensional realm as created so suddenly by the Hardisgodzi. EverMentality warned EverEye not to go there at least not yet. The taskforce, that had been struck at by a tactical nuclear missile, had been saved by a Rainbowflash of energies but with it had been a Greybowflash. The nuclear detonation had been, by Celestial means, to help to keep safe the taskforce but then to change it. Now in a dull rainbow-greybow patterned fortress, the taskforce command decided to wait there while more was learned about just what had taken place.
Post #34 TWFF[One]10.3][29][29] From the Greybowcube came a greyscale cartoon type humanoid with a big head, nose, hands and feet. It was had a kind of doggy shape to it and was wearing old fashioned bib-braces type overalls along with a wide brimmed straw hat. In one hand in held a hayfork. It was Doggyfarmgood, a character from the Doggygoodtoon Show. Then came another but this one held a big, double barrelled shotgun or duoshotgun. They kept coming, half looking more male and others being more female. Each also had a large, compact, backpack and a utilitybelt dotted with pouches plus items. There were more items, added to the mix, be they picks, axes, crossbows, wheelbarrows full of filled sacks, wheelbarrels, handcarts of small goods, or else but also some carried what appeared to be softly glowing miniatures of larger items. Faynba'dibbly spoke, in her twangy fashion. “Gosh, me always like greyscale cartoons of the Doggygoodtoon Show. That is a very good documentary.” Sarafo nodded. “Yes, a very good documentary from a world where humans only see in the greyscale because of the quality of the sunlight there that they are adapted to working with.” What had been a large, empty area, of ground, waiting for the construction to begin of a new building, soon became the farm of the biorobot humanoids, biorobot standing for 'biological robot'; they were sometimes called biobots. Soon mannoids would join their community, being very welcome to do so as the 'doggybiobots', and mannoids, complimented each other with their differing abilities. Their moods also matched! The odd glowing items expanded to become small buildings, complete with single basements, tractors, farmtrucks, pumps placed inside pump-houses, a solar power array inside a transparent dome, crop-yards, a wind-mill, power wind-cylinders etc. It was almost the Doggygoodfarm from the cartoon show! Would other entities, from the Doggygoodtoon Show, appear from that Greybowcube? Faynba'dibbly spoke, eagerly, to Sarafo and Melandias. “The doggybiobots grow biobotic food-serum pods for themselves but extras would be useful for others to work with. They gain new skills and make both older and newer goods. They can make gungum cartridges and some guns to use the cartridges with but also gungum nailguns as tools. They can grow other stuffs to supply to locals, to trade with locals. Mannoids are already moving in with them as equals and now animanoids are doing the same. It is all very nice! Me is starting to think this is meant to be for the doggybiobots will be important to the future survival of the town.” Melandias, with the other EverFolk spanned out behind him but with his EverFollowers being closest, spoke. “Yes, it would seem to be the case. EverFolk can be sent to assist the doggybiobots.” Sarafo nodded. “Seekars, also! I suggest we keep looking around. We can visit the new doggybiobots' colony as we do so. Iself am deepsensing that, despite extensive efforts to convince otherwise, that this metropolis is not at all typical for those of the Hopegrand Empire. That great conetower, and the ancient complex beneath the town, may not be the only big oddities here.” It was getting darker as the long daytime had come to an end and the long dusktime was into its very early stage. Which was when air raid sirens began to sound.
Post #33 TWFF[One]10.2][28][28] The Greybowsphere, and Rainbowsphere, went with the both the Seekar and the EverPrime along the street past a large, basic looking, laundromat. It was an indicator that the town had truly not been at all typical. Puzzled looked mannoids, human like versions of animanoids were buy washing, and drying, basic 3Dprinted garments and bedclothes. With them were nombies, transformed zombies, now peacefully defensive aggressive only. The necrofestators, merged into their backs, had transformed into nombihelpers. They were getting on well with the mannoids. The mannoids were all biotopairings with their own biotohelpers. A rainbow coloured vending-machine used almcoins but they were dispensed, freely, from another mechanism as a trickle; the almcoins slid down a chute and into a large, shallow, bowl. Now, and then, came also a small gift wrapped in reusable rainbow cloth. Then there was a greybow vending-machine that sold other different types, of items, than did its rainbow cousin but also for almcoins. The big mechanism sold items identical to ones from the tradegoods menu of the Risengodzi plus a few others. Sarafo was studious of what was going on there. “Why would a town support mannoids in that fashion?” With the rainbow-greybow flashes had come information as a side effect or so it seemed to be at the time. “Semienclosed shelters, service centres like that laundromat, and other places offering little real protection but from what? In contrast the human citizens had a good deal of protection or did it turn out to be enough given what went 'wrong' here.” Humans began to emerge from buildings, and vehicles, looking puzzled. They wore multiple purpose hazensuits, hazardous encounter suits, inclusive of transparent bubblehelmets that could be polarised if need be. There were also remoterobots, remotedrones and remotedroids, remote androids, of guided dumb versions of robots and androids; it was cost effective, in more than one way, to use those instead their smarter, more independent, cousins. With a soft sparkling-shimmer a Rainbowcube materialised on an area of superconcrete flagstones made to look like traditional stone. Then so did a Greybowcube, of the same dimensions, being 3x3x3 cubic metres. They each opened up by having one side vanish away, with a soft shimmering, only to show that each was filled with either a rainbow or greybow energy-mist. Raynba'diibbly spoke through the Rainbowsphere. “They are acting as gateways to-from special realms but firstly they must do some kind of tuning.” Faynba'dibbly: “Yes, some kind of special tuning though they might bright through some testing items first of all.” Sarafo turned towards the two floating spheres. “You met Taratacacrant before?” Raynba'diibbly responded. “Yes, southwards from here in what is now known as Stanecape. It was a wonderful, richly fertile, land full of healthy life. Perhaps the Celestial Goddessgods saved most of that life in line with the Celestial Mandate-Protocols. It was when Taratacacrant began to question her way of life, her motives and actions. We assisted her to begin her escape. She relented of her over pride and much else. She expressed true remorse for the evil that she had done. She repented to the Primecelestials. She began her redemptive works. We gave her gifts as allowed by the Celestial Mandate-Protocols. Then we went searching, again, for what we had lost after Taratacacrant gave us valuable information that assisted in finding three CEEETs. That is Celestial Entertaining Educational Enhancing Toys. Two were Rainbowtoy and one was a Greybowtoy.”
Post #32 TWFF[One]10.1][27][27] Sarafo could not explain just how the information, that what ever mystery entity trapped in the pocket realm was linked to the Undoagodzi, or where it had come from. Yet there was a feeling of familiarity about it that 'whispered' of the Risengodzi. The ending of the Damnation War had come with the direct intervention of the Primecelestials, of the Truecelestials, and through them the indirect invention of the Celestial Goddessgods. The consequences, for the Risengodzi, was that a few ended up being wholly, or largely, destroyed as Risengodfactions. None of the survivors, including the scattered Risengodfactionless, could remember just what took place with the 'Great Celestial Intervention' but mortals did not seem to know that it had ever happened. Yet, below Cassingville was revealed a great subground Zicomplexzi as created by the very focused, multiple extreme specialised, Zavagodzi as backed up by the Zevegodzi, Zivigodzi, Zovogodzi and Zuvugodzi. It was done at the behest of the rather mysterious Aragodzi at the topmost tier of the Zigodzi Zigodzidom, as of the primary tier that was above even the high-high-high tier. The rainbow, greybow, effect had done through that whole suburb and had reached down as far as an ancient Zaztec Imperial Network. Back, when the Hopegrand Empire had flourished during its golden age, it had leased out areas to other empires. The rise and fall of that civilisation was basked in much mystery as was a good deal of Hopetralian history. It was said that the Zaztecs, who still survived as a much smaller empire, were a nicer cousin to the Stanestari Empire and the Shaztec Empire that had sometimes worked with them or even against them. The rainbow-greybow effect had gone as high as the highest building being a conetower of 55 levels, each level being normally made up of three sublevels. As it was the conetower continued underground, as a vertical cylinder, for many more levels. It was the Cassingville Research Development Centre as run, formerly, by the Hopegrand Imperial Corporation's Research Development Division. The town had been, officially, only a regional settlement of the Hopegrand Empire that survived largely by serving the Risengodzi. At its height it had ruled four, of the eight, subcontinents of Hopetralia. Hopecentral was strictly for the Risengodzi and those that served them more directly but also a few others under their stewardship; what happened there had always been a mystery to most outlanders and continued to be so. Sarafo studied the conetower with some noticeable intensity. “There is something about that structure that hints at the ways of the Risengodzi.” Melandias nodded. “One could take it as being inspired, in its general design, by Risengodzi towercones, complete with outer spiral rampway, except that I also have an odd feeling about it. It could be an inner Zicontowerzi concealed by the working facade of the outer conetower of mortal construction.” Sarafo shook her head, just a little. “It was not the norm for we Risengodzi to conceal our workings in that manner but neither was it unknown when it came to some Risengodfactions.” Other structures, in the suburb, were typical of that sort of officially designated zone. Apartment blocks with extras, shopping complexes, fitness-sports centres, hospitals, medical centres, industrial parks, a zoo complex, a cultural centre, government service-support blocks, garden parks, sporting ovals, three power plants, two power battery centres, a solar power park, a wind-cylinder power park, a police headquarters, police stations, fire stations, a small paramilitary fort, a central emergency regulation response centre, schools, collages, a small university and a few more.
Post #31 Notes: to be expanded-edited The Undoagodzi, of the Undoatorces, rising from the deepest depths and driving others before them who, in turn, are driving yet others before them etc. Cardicrant and the more local mystery. The launching of the tactical nuclear missiles, seven counted so far and with, three of those, being tracked to their destinations, the tracking down of the other four; where there more than seven launched? The opening, of the riftgate, into what was a trap of a dimensional pocket realm.
Post #30 TWFF[One][9.5][26][26] Melandias spoke. “Now, for you, to confess your supposed weaknesses but start with stating you true identity.” The distorted vamphir replied. “I am the original Taratacacrant and my clone-daughter is the one who has been busy in the forest area doing battle with a Copper Undoatorclord who is also a Risendemigod as you are an aspect of one. He has with him ice-minded supersoldiers disguised as mercenaries but also other superclones as the same along with workers, servers and specialists. She manages to communicate with me, now and then.” After a long sigh, the vamphir changed course. “The so called human shield is made up of lightly necrofestated people who I am keeping free from full necrofestation. The human shield is only true in that some of those humans are both willing and able to use sporting weapons against zombies. Their necrofestation stops them from being further necrofestated. My deformity came partly from an attempt to escape but also from the attack from a well hidden threat also trapped here, in this dimensional pocket. The necroforma hates, and fears, it more than it is concerned about the Biotofolk. Nor is it the trapped Risengod that dominates its own area.” A Rainbowsphere, and Greybowsphere, floated into the chamber causing Taratacacrant to smile. “So we meet again, at last, oh cheeky chops and cheeky chops.” A combined Rainbowflash, and Greybowflash, swept through the 3Darea, through everybody and everything. The reach, of it and its effect, was not great but did take in that suburb both surface plus above and below levels. It was a relatively smaller suburb, of that large town, and very concentrated with it having buildings at least three levels to them. It was the Cassingville Central District by name. There were a few thousands of both Biotofolk and necrountested there or at least that is how it had been. Just what was the situation now in the same area? Taratacacrant looked very comfortable and a big, squat, humanoid sat next to her on-in an oversized armchair. It looked big, powerful, friendly and hairy with four arms, two legs and a long prehensile tail ending in an extra pawhand apart from its other four. Taratacacrant, who looked healthier, and more human, spoke. “I am now a damphir rather than a vamphir and this is my new clone-son Doophiphir. All the former necrountested, within the range of the duel Celestial energy flashes, are Alpha Immunes as are all of the biotopairings.” Sarafo was frowning softly as if in thought. “Information came, to me, during the energy flashes. The Risengod is a Hardisgod of the lowest tier being a Hardislogod. He is still very powerful. It is no accident that he, and the others that came with him, are here. When the Hardisgodzi created this dimensional pocket it was not because of the necroforma and it was this Hardislogod that helped with the making of the first biotopairings so as to resist the necroforma's necrofestators. What was trapped here, by desperate Hardisgods, is an entity far far worse. The Hardislogod volunteered to be inside the trap to make sure that it worked and so it has done so for a very long time but it is starting to weaken. This entity is linked to what is happening in the rest of Hopenorth with the Undoagodzi rising from the deepest depths and the results of that happening.”
Post #29 TWFF[One][9.4][25][25] The 3Dmovie was coming to an end, when Sarafo entered it along with the aspect of the EverWanderer. The elderly, but youthful, woman sat more in than on a large armchair being surrounded by biotopairings of bodyguards, assistants, advisers and carers. Her biotohelper was abnormally large, for such entities as they were on those adult humans, and flowed up to form a cap on her head. She spoke out to them. “I am the focusi, of the psychic ability of all of the Biotocitizenry, of Cassingville, though not the only focusi. There are the leaders, the commander of the Citzenguardia, the healers, the sage, the sheriff, the advisers and secondaries along with the council elders.” Sarafo smiled but the smile did not quite reach her eyes. “The untested, of the town, are very quiet including the few children amongst them. Or at least the ones, that we have met, are. Behind the armaglass doors, of the cinema lobby, were a group of the untested who were armed with sporting weapons.” Oracle'Sensais half smiled. “Really, you need not concern yourself about those that I protect and guide. The untested, or necrountested as we call them, are happy to be helped by myself.” Sarafo frowned. “Helped? The Biotocitizenry, as you call them, have informed us that you use numbers, of the necrountested, as a human shield against the rest of the biotocitizens. Yet it is not the necromentality that you are linked with, in your criminality, but with one that was also trapped in this dimensional pocket, along with you others.” “Our ancestors, yes, trapped along with the necroforma to wage a bitter battle against it and necrotested humans become zombies.” Oracle'Sensais shrugged. “The council elders, who are the oversight council for the Biotocitizenry, saw fit to condemn for the crime of 'psychic vampirism' from necrountested and the manipulation of them. So I set out to protect myself from their feeble attempts to take me into custody.” Melandias spoke quietly but with an undertone of great strength of conviction. “You do not speak of your biotohelper as normally would any biotohost.” The woman stirred in her armchair as if trying to make herself comfortable. “What of it? That one is but my servant, my pet, even my follower but not my equal. Biotopairings? How foolish such a concept is.” Sarafo spoke. “What happened to the real Oracle'Sensais?” The entity shimmered to show a pale, woman like figure with rather thin, angular, features of a vamphir. “Unfortunately, she escaped my entrapment of her and her biotohelper.” Sarafo spoke. “Are you Taratacacrant?” The other scowled. “No, she is one of my brood sisters. The fool began to gain a conscious after she captured her grandson, Cardicrant the damphir. Having begun her path, to weakness, she left the Sisterhood of the Bitter Blood before we could, rightfully enough, torture her to death for her betrayal of both we and her true nature. While hunting for her I ended up being dragged into an anomaly and sent backwards, in time, to end up here over 120 years ago. Between the biotopairings, the necroforma and the mysterious, deranged, Risengod here, it has been a most interesting struggle to survive. You are linked to the Risengods, I can deepsense that it is so.” Sarafo nodded. “Of a Seekademigoddess known as Sara13; I am of the First Five of Sara13 being Sarafo, the 4th of five. You are deformed, the supposed biotohelper being part of you. You are in agony having carried out a most foolish act in desperation to escape this place and its peoples.”
Post #28 TWFF[One][9.3][24][24] Sarafo focused her mind and made a request to Sharry13. It was granted but also other support was promised from the EverFolk along that with more interesting kinds. Melandias materialised, out of mid air, but not alone; with him came other EverFolk; there were three EverFollowers, nine EverServers and nine, robotic like, EverMinions. Melandias led the EverFolk group through the rift gate and Seekarangers arrived from the taskgroup. Sarafo ordered them to remain, to warn any locals to stay away from the seemingly stabilised riftgate, and then the Seekachampions went into the town. They, and the EverFolk, were immune to the necrofestators that swarmed, very lightly, in the necromist but that was being driven back, anyway; that is by armabodysuit wearing figures using flamethrowers. Sarafo psysensed that they were biotopairings with the biotohelpers protecting the biotohosts from necrofestation. Were they deliberately made to be that way to deal with the necrofestation? She doubted, considering the great-complicated histories of the Risengodzi, that it was that simple. The necromist retreated back away the way it had seemingly come from and the soldiers made no attempt to pursue either it or the lifendead and living things inside it. Zombies were not the only lifendead that could be found in a necromist. Light came from behind the fortified, reinforced, armaglass windows of a 3Dcinemaplex (3DScinema complex). There stood some untested humans along with three big hound dogs. They wore heavy duty armavests, the dogs having something similar against necrofestators along with gasmasks. They were all adults though two were quite young for such. They held a mixture of civil guns such as duoshotguns (double barrelled shotguns), bolt-action hunting rifles, sporting compound bows and even a sporting target pistol. A soldier came to them, halted before Sarafo and then he spoke in the language of Panglish. “Oracle'Sensais predicted that you, Seekachampions, and these EverFolk, would come to assist us and also the trapped necroforma. Please come with me to meet she who is a focusi for the gathering of psychic ability of all of the biotopairings of this town, and the area around it, as trapped.” Sarafo smiled through her helmet visor, which was not polarised at that moment. “So you are concerned about the necroforma. Very good! Some of your people managed to leave this entrapment and are active in Hopenorth, the place you can see through the rift, there. Hopenorth is a great subcontinent.” The soldier nodded his helmeted head. “This town was once 'there' with the Third Doomswar raging. Who won? We have been waiting for, hoping for, rescue!” Sarafo sighed, softly. “Nobody really won any of the Doomswars and after the third, and final, one came the Damnation War followed by massive, direct, Celestial Intervention. That was over a thousand years ago.” The soldier nodded. “The ones, that escaped, promised to get help for us.” Sarafo responded. “Their memories were damaged by some kind of trauma so they were not in a condition to even remember to call for help. The riftgate opened with no obvious cause to it.” The other responded. “The way that they escaped was through a risky experiment so that, unfortunately, makes sense. Oracle'Sensais is watching a 3Dmovie in one of the cinemas in that complex. It is Rocky Super Boxer III, from memory. She likes to spend some of her time with the untested of Cassingville, this town which was on its way to being declared a city when it became shifted.”
Post #27 TWFF[One][9.2][23][23] Sarafo deepsensed growing danger but, then, so did the other woman. Seekapsychics, in the taskgroup, were soon sounding the alarm. A few, of the animanoids with them, did the same. Wildlife, and wildfolk, were troubled including the trees. An odd disturbance went through the area as a flickering of light and a physical shivering that effected everything including the very air. Care'Sariasu sounded alarmed. “My people awoke, with only a few, fragmented, memories in a glowsupercavern not far from here. That I have already told you but now the memory comes to me of this very type disturbance having been previously experienced by our people.” The Seekachampion frowned hard, a rare kind of expression for her kind. “A wild rift is opening up of a transdimensional sort.” She took out a multirod from her hoodrobe and activated it, worked it and viewed its small 3Dscreen with a look of deep concern. Then she appeared relieved. “The rift is neither very big or powerful and appears to be stabilising under some kind of outside influence unless its coming from the other side of the rift door. I am going to track it down, along with a small number of Seekachampions serving me on this mission.” The taskgroup came to a halt, began to prepare for trouble, even as five Seekachampions darted through the jungle being slowed, by their standards, but still being very quick. Then they came to a large, long ago blackened, and hardened, clearing with cracks running across that superconcrete surface. There were the twisted, half melted, remains of a Risengodzi created riftgate where a few big, other, mechanisms had been destroyed. Through a shimmering hole, in the air, could be seen a wide, urban, street with automobiles in a scattered pattern. It was as if they had come to a quick, perhaps, panicky halt and two of the oddly bulbous cars were on their sides. The softly glimmering, sickly greenish, mist was everywhere or so it seemed to be. Then there were the long died, skeletal, remains of what seemed to be long dead humans. Sarafo frowned. “Iself remembers a past life where Iself observed a wild rift opening to a natural, dimensional, mortal realm of a different nature than this one. Through it was drawn, against its will, a necroforma that came first as necromist, then necrofog and finally as a necrocore of the necorforma's very central makeup. The Hardisgodzi acted, with out consulting other Risengodzi, trapping the whole town in a long term unstable dimensional pocket ream. It was but one reason for the Celestial Goddessgods putting an end to them though many of them, especially the lower tiers, became Seekars.” One of the Seekachampions responded. “In past lives I did serve the Hardisgodzi who treated, those who served them, with great brutality.” The streetlights were on, in that town, though dimmed by the necromist. It was clear enough to see the shambling forms of former humans though only in an obscure fashion. They were necromutated to become common zomshamblers. The failed zomrotties must have died a very long time ago to be eaten, most likely, by successful zombies. There was the muffled noise of a machinegun blazing away and three zomshamblers collapsed to the street paving, their headnodes destroyed. Guided by the Necromentality, a most alien type intelligence of much power, the surviving lifendead walked backwards into thicker necromist. For that moment they did not shamble but actually moved more quickly, and effectively. The Necromentality had bolstered their efforts even if for only a short time. Sarafo wondered if they should enter that place but the danger was that they could end up being trapped there. All of Sara13 were needed in the mortal place and not in the terrible pocket realm.
Post #26 TWFF[One][9.1][22][22] Sarafo led a taskgroup of Seekachampions, through the jungle that was larger than a standard taskteam and smaller than a taskforce. There were other kind of Seekars there being Seekaspecialists, Seekascouts but also some Seekaspecials. The last were disguised, protected by bodyguards and kept by Seekacarers. They moved through the thick forest, of exotic nature lending itself to the name of 'jungle' that came from genged, genetically engineered, plants of yet another Risengodzi research development program of projects. It had been one of the Humanagodzi Subfactions being the Biogiagodzi. There was an Artigodzi built Zigguratzi, a massive ziggurat topped structure that was mostly underground; it had been done for the Biogiagodzi who had then adapted it to their needs and wants. A tactical nuclear missile had been launched in that direction having most likely done so from either a temporary launch site or some kind of mobile one; only a small amount of evidence had been found at each set of launching coordination, being confirmed that it had taken place but little else. Of the seven, as detected by EverEye, it was the fourth to be investigated. It had been straight forward enough to do the same to the known targets. Question was had there been more than seven such missiles launched though it was difficult to consider that EverEye may have missed them. The expedition, to Tradetopiacity of Tradetopiacitystate, had been delayed thanks to the exotic way that the steamcraft being prepared, for it, had been changed. That is by the Rainbowflash. The SisterBrotherhood people, that is Mother Compassionate Care'Sariasu and her other people, had turned out to have a positive symbiotic relationship with the entities melded to-into their backs. The biotopuppeteers were known as biotohelpers and those who had them melded to their bodies ere known as biotohosts instead of biotopuppets. Yet they had been attacked on a psychic level and perhaps also by an obscure biological one as well. They biotopairings were now adapted, augmented, to be far more secure against such threats that could also endanger many others. Mother Compassionate Care'Sariasu sat next to Sarafo in back of a ponycart that was looked to be just a wooden box at back and semienclosed, by timber, at the front. Armour was hidden behind the hardwood facade. A compact navcomputer, navigational computer, sat on Sarafo's lap showing, on its top, a holographic map of the area. “The Biogiagodzi Zigguratzi is supposedly in this area but the Tanglement had expanded in the area over many square kilometres. Local wildfolk are wary of the Tanglement but did do trade with what the Tanglefolk who both lived in thee Tanglement and served it through its Tanglementality. The Tanglement has some kind of Celestial element to it making it, perhaps, Demicelestial in nature; this would mean it is less powerful kind of Celestial but also more comfortable with existing in a mortal realm.” There were five, adapted, ponycarts designed to move easily along the fairly narrow type road that they were following. There were also saddleponies being both those ridden on plus spare ones with saddles but not being ridden on. Then there were packponies with carefully balanced, loaded, packs and panniers. Other spare ponies were resting packponies and cartponies, that is resting on the move. Care'Sariasu responded. “Before we reach the ziggurat site, we will encounter the wildfolk village of Widin'Tashal. You know of that place, as you previously mentioned, but what of the anomalies that sometimes take place in the area closer to that ziggurat. The people, of Widin'Tashal, will not go closer to the ziggurat than where there is a tradepost where they do business with the Tanglefolk; there are a few SisterBrothers there.”
Post #25 TWFF[One][8.2][21][21] Sarace tended to the wounded chimpnoid type apenoid, the warrior who had probably saved other wildfolk by bravely confronting the distorted creature. It was good that wildfolk warriors tended to be very tough. After some healing, by herself, locals took away the wounded warrior and Sarace looked around at what were five, other, dead distorted creatures. Wildfolk had brought them down with arrows, spears, blowdarts and even some hurled, heavy, building bricks. Where had they come from and did it have anything to do with the sharp, disturbing, sense of trouble that she had experienced shortly before she was drawn to deal with trouble in the workyard. Then she saw it, the crude cube shaped structure now partly scorched, bent out of shape and with a door panel having fallen to the ground to release what ever was inside. It was a crude, one way, one use only, version of a teleportcube. Inside she found a dead, distorted, creature and it soon proved that the poor creature had died of a broken neck. The teleportation journey must have been an amazingly rough one to have killed such a physically powerful creature in that manner. There was a Rainbowflash of energies that swept through the workshop, and the workyard, even as a Rainbowsphere came shooting into view. There were various limitations to just what the Raynbari could do in any mortal realm and not just because of the Celestial Mandate-Protocols. So the Rainbowflash was a small area effective incident only. Yet the effects were amazing, by mortal terms, with the animanoids all returned to full, healthy, life as they now slept peacefully on thick, rainbow coloured, bedmats. The workyard was now dotted with odd formations made of rainbow coloured metallic, wooden, glass, plastic and other such materials or so was the appearance of it all. Rainbowtrees had sprouted up from the ground, baring rainbowfruits and there were rainbowbushes with rainbowpods. Small rainbowdragons were sleeping, curled up, beneath the rainbowtrees and close to the rainbowbushes. There were other kinds, of rainbowcreatures, with them being rainbow patterned versions of creatures already well known on that supercontinent. Or so it seemed to be at first. Saraba materialised, with a soft shimmering, using Sarace as a teleport beacon to guide herself more safely to those teleportgraphic coordinates. She was frowning softly. “Cardicrant awoke, the booby-traps all stripped away from his mind as if they did not exist in the past. He is groggy and it will take some sleeping for him to be able to truly communicate with us. I have a feeling that he is going to present us with some interesting revelations.” She looked around and smiled richly. “Rainbow this and rainbow that! The rainbow patterned workshop is a nice touch; goes well with the new, if rather eccentric, decorative touches added to it.” Rainbow wind-cylinders spun on the gently sloping roof where deeply black panels absorbed a great deal of sunlight. From a vent shot a jet of blast of steam that quickly dissipated in the air. Yes, it was truly an amazing sight to behold.
Post #24 TWFF[One][8.1][20][20] EverEye had managed to trace three of the tactical nuclear missiles, from launch points to target coordinates, but not the other four thanks to powerful interference that seemed to be Celestial in nature. There was no real clue to whether it was Truecelestial, Procelestial or Anticelestial in nature or of some other, less common, variation of the Celestial. That interference was now gone as if it had served its purpose. Sarace, of the Sara13 First Five, observed the adapting of steamcarts, and bigger steamwagons, to take electric lighting. The electric lighting was such as headlights but also turning indicators. Other upgrades were to the suspension systems, the braking and in other ways; the addition of seat-belts, roll-bars, pieces of hull and more was also being undertaken by her people along with wildfolk students wishing to refine their skills. Far from also steamcraft were being changed in this manner but local gaslamp makers had been mollified by orders of their wares to gaslight a large lumnicavern; this was where shadowfolk were setting up a settlement as refugees who had no care for worshipping Shadowadis or anything like it. The gaslights were popular, with them, being both very useful and pleasing to them with the lamp's low intensity lighting. The adapted steamcraft were to fit a role of Seekars, and those with them, undertaking a covert mission to the domed city of Tradetopiacity that centered the citystate of Tradetopiacitystate. The reason was that an aspect of the EverInvestigator, one Sherlock Holmes in deepguise, had requested that such a taskforce go there to meet him there along with Professor Watson his male assistant. Both he and Doctor Watson, supposedly being his daughter, were EverFollowers of the EverInvestigator. The Second Five, of the Sara13, would be going there while the First Five remained in that place and continued to do valuable work there. The Seekahomeworld continued to expand and evolve but was still relatively small. While all Seekakind were as well cared for as possible, the elite Seekars had access to far more advanced, sophisticated, scitech (science based technologies) than did the far more numerous Seekafolk. Which reminded her that when any teleportcubes arrived, in future, they would be filled with tough, basic, resources before returning to SeekaoutbaseA023. Not that there were 23, or more, Seekaoutbases for the number was chosen so as to disguise just how many of them there were. She wondered how the swamp over would be done but the answer would soon arrive but not in the form of a teleportcube. She turned and then pelted towards a big side doubledoor leading out to a large, semienclosed, workyard. As she did, Sarace pulled out of her hoodrobe a very large autopistol, automatic pistol, but did not raise it fully. The two doors slammed open and through it came racing wildfolk workers and far fewer Wildmilitiaguards. Sarace shot past them, easily dodging them, so quickly that she was barely a blur of motion. Then she was drawing out a second, identical, autopistol with her other gloved hand that some might just call a 'hand-cannon'. With arrows sticking from its distorted, distorting, body the creature screamed in both agony and rage. It stood over the dying body of an apenoid warrior who had lost her sword-staff in the brief fight she had fought with the creature. Blood flowed from a large wound in its side. Sarace knew she could do nothing for the former animanoid, for she psysensed that what it had been, except to give it a merciful death. She raised both guns and blew holes in it so that soon it was falling, already dead, heavily to the ground.
Post #23 TWFF[One][7.2][19][19] Melandias looked very thoughtful. “We need to discover any links, if any, that Taratacacrant has with what is happening on, and below, Stanecape. That means tracking her down.” Which was when a message came that concerned all there, who could understand the implications of what it meant. A tactical nuclear missile had been launched at the taskforce that had previously been struck at by conventional rocketshells and rockets. The so called clean fusion strike warhead only failed to destroy the taskforce because their was a great Rainbowflash of energies. It absorbed the energies of the relatively small, 'clean', nuclear explosion of a type of weapon that created no radioactive fallout. Soon after a second, such missile, struck the barrier Wallfortress and was harmlessly absorbed with a soft shimmering of energies. The quasiliving entity had been struck with far worse during the Damnation War and to it a tactical nuclear warhead was of no real threat at all. Yet preparations were soon being made in case a more powerful nuclear missile struck at the Wallfortress. A third tactical missile struck a great, big, crater of Stanecape. The quasiliving entity stirred enough to devour the energy released by the blast thus making it harmless so as to protect lesser, more fragile, entities in that place. Then the great entity raised a protective structure, over the crater, before settling back to sleep but not as deeply as it had been as it was now more watchful. Other tactical missiles had been launched, they had all been fired off from different locations, in a very clever fashion leading to doubt whether the instigator would be found. At once a major investigation was launched, firstly to discover just where the other four missiles had struck.
Post #22 TWFF[One][7.1][18][18] Sharry13o13 spoke from her globechair. “Cardicrant is the real one who had vanished 230 years ago. He had been searching for a reported intruder of great power, dark skills and cunning. Unfortunately, for the damphir, he found that vamphir . Like damphirs, vamphirs were between mortal and fully undead but vamphirs were far closer to being truly vampiric. Yet the vamphir was also linked with unnaturally imbued other powers to do with the EverCursed and yet also the Undoagodzi. Both rewarded her for sinful tasks well carried out during the Damnation War. Somehow, she assisted one of a Undoagodzi, of the Gold Undoatorces, to survive an attack by EverSlayers.” While there had been just 13 of the Undoagodzi as melded with the Platinum Undoatorces, each having 13 aspects of three tiers, there were 13x13 Golden 13s, that could be said to be 13x13x13 given that each of the base 13s had 13 aspects. So each lower tier was correspondingly in larger numbers but less powerful as 13s being the Silvers and then, finally, the Coppers. Yet it was widely believed that behind this, more general, explanation-description was deception and that the truth was not so simple or straight forward.” Sharry13o13 went on. “She is one Taratacacrant, the twisted grandmother of Cardicrant himself. Perhaps that is the main reason he was not treated with her typical brutality and managed to survive the 230 years of being mind enslaved to her; yet he was also fighting back and she knew it and that might have bemused-amused her. It is said that she became closer to being ice-minded thanks to Undoagodzi granting her dubious powers; there is always a price for such 'gifts'.” Melandias stood there, as an aspect of the EverWanderer, with a thoughtful look on his rather craggy face. “As we EverFolk know altogether too well!” There were other Seekars there, a Rainbowsphere, a Greybowsphere and also more EverFolk who had accompanied Melandias. There was a process, taking place, of the merging of that Seekaoutpost with the EverComplex; this had started out with the influence of Raynba'diibbly but also of Faynba'dibbly who had chosen to have a name similar to her long bonded love-friend. More general Greybowfolk, and Rainbowfolk, were emerging but so were, less commonly, Faynbafolk and Raynbafolk. Former roguefolk, as distorted wildfolk, had long ago been cured as tamefolk who dwelt there in large numbers as did wildfolk along with wildlife. There were also tamelife being a mixture of pets, worker-pets and livestock. Sharry13o13 frowned softly even as a ginger-black-white furry catsnake stuck her head into view, perhaps having been asleep curled up on her lap. Despite the name of her hybridnoid species, she had the two, typical, double jointed arms of her kind. Sharry13o13 gave the creature a kiss on her curious flat feline like head. “Tabbyhissy is not reptilian at all but a hybrid of a mammalian fursnake and a tabbycat type housecat. We have sent out Seekachampions to hunt down this Taratacacrant but so far they have found only the ruins of traps that she may have been responsible for setting; the wildfolk have destroyed them all and they had good reason to do so but they spoilt any traces that 'she' or any serving her may have left behind.” Melandias nodded. “I take it that you will continue to try to gain information from Cardicrant.” Sharry03of13 sighed as Tabbyhissy gave her a loving lick. “First we have to deal with the booby-traps that have been set up in the depths of his mind. We will need to do a great deal of analyse before we even start to disable those amazingly cunning, mindwise, triggers; yet it is not certain that Taratacacrant did this work herself.”