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  1. I got it: The armor is present in the mod for four times (with slight variations in the path name). I took the wrong path. D'o'h! Back to the drawingboard.
  2. Thanks for giving it a try! I didn't create my own esp, I used the files to overwrite the armor from HDT CBBE for A Little Sexy Apparel Replacer. (Not the safe way to mod it, but for a test it should be good enough). I can use the different weights, too, so I think _0.nif and _1.nif works as intended. -- The Cbbe-Sliders get build by bodyslide (using Build with Bodymorphs activated) and are the same as the Sliders in Bodyslide (as seen on the picture above) just accessible in-game from Racemenu under the heading "CBBE Morphs". I can use these to adjust bodyparts of the character in-game. In addition to weight = Min(0) up to Max(1), this lets you adjust other body parts, that deviate from the standard-body say broader shoulders, more massive arms, that pregnant belly in the picture above, and so on). While this works on other clothings prepared by their modders to use the sliders, my attempt to make LSAR work similar have failed so far. For example I made the shoulders less broad, which works on the plain body, as well as on the following suit: However equipping my "modified" armor, everything foes back to the standard values of the amor (the shoulders are as broad as with the standad CBBE-Body).
  3. Hello Everybody, I have bodylide & outfitstudio 2 installed, a Cbbe HDT body and can change that body with the CBBE-sliders built with Bodyslide in the Racemenu. So far so good, but as soon as I don armor or clothing the Body get's reverted to standardvalue, because the clothing of HDT CBBE for A Little Sexy Apparel Replacer doesn't have bodyslider-support. So... I tried to make a first armor compatible to the Race-Menu sliders... I imported the armor into outfit studio, added the CBBE HDT reference to get the sliders (and did "conform all" as a quick and dirty "cut and paste"), removed the reference and saved it as a new Project. Lastly I created a Group for it and additionally created a group CBAdvanced in the same file (so I can use the standard-presets). It looks, like it needs some polish, but It works in Bodyslide (pregnant body as a visible prove of concept). I made a Build with "Build Morphs" ticked on and tried it in the game, but nothing happens. While the normal weight-morph of the racemenu works, the armor isn't interested in the CBBE-Sliders' settings. I think, if it works in the Body-slide Preview, there's not much missing, but I just don't find what's the problem. Does anybody see a problem with my files, or is there yet another rookie mistake I probably made? https://www.mediafire.com/file/ad28yytfjcd91rw/bodysliderExperiments.zip/file EDIT: The armor is present in the mod for four times (with slight variations in the path name). I took the wrong path. ...
  4. I wanted to do a little dungeon with low ceiling passages, but I can't move forward in them. Crouching/sneaking, doesn't seem to change the collision height of my character. At least not significant enough to allow me to move through the passages. Is there any possibility/mod that changes this?
  5. I "recreated" the pictures as good as I could by following the tutorial. Can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/p0srsyrfuaszevp/Tutorial.zip (I couldn't get the example file to work with Skyrim's Creation Kit, It's an NV-file after all, but I could apply the tutorial steps to skyrim's nifs, so I guess, everything's still sound).
  6. Usually Tes5Edit places backups of the file in an extra subfolder "TES5Edit Backups". Try to find this. Otherwise, I'm afraid, you're screwed.
  7. Skyrim "anchors" AnimObjects to bones used in character animations. FNIS allows to do this with custom animations. It's pretty straight forward, but I have trouble finetuning the items position. For example, my custom book appears at the wrong angle, splitting the hand seemingly in two. After correcting the angle by manipulating the nif-files offset/rotation (not done in 3ds max or similiar), the book looks better, but still somewhat burried in the hand's mesh... If there a way/tutorial to create the AnimObject's offset in 3ds Max or Blender, instead of doing this by trial and error in Nifskope?
  8. As far as I can tell, the behavior-selection in CK's Anim Object has no effect at all in Skyrim. All vanilla objects seem to aim at random creatures(either chickens or spiders), even if they are clearly used in human animations. Perhaps a leftover from Oblivion?! Otherwise I only know how to do this with FNIS: Create a new Nif. Create a new AnimObject in CK with it, and using FNIS, anchor the object with the CK-name to a bone of the animation.
  9. I got this done, once. My way was: Create an object in 3ds Max and export is a "raw.nif". Open said file with nifskope. Then create a copy of the original nif file (animobjectflute.nif in your case, you might need to extract it from the original BSA file) and open it with nifskope, too. Copy the block "NiTriShapeData" from "raw.nif" and paste it over the same block of "animobjectfluteCopy.nif". Copy the block "BsShaderTextureSet" from "raw.nif" and paste it over the same block of "animobjectfluteCopy.nif" (or put in the correct used texture pathes yourself). Save "animobjectfluteCopy.nif" and use it your animation (or simply use it to overwrite "animobjectflute.nif" in your mod).
  10. Is it possible to turn off NPC collision for specific characters? I know there'*s a console command, but this turns it off for everyone. I'd like to apply the effect to just certain NPCs such as ghosts...
  11. There's no easy way to do this. A) Look at the item in Creation Kit under Object Window->Items->Armor. Open the Armor. Look for "World Model". It should read something like "Clothes/MageApprentice/MageAppRobes.nif" B) Use nifskope to open the bsa-archive of skyrim and export said file (you can also extract the files using BSA-Extractor or ModOrganizer if you've installed it). Most likely there's a _0 and a _1 Version of said file. Extract both. Apply the following steps to both of them. C) With a little luck, the hood is a seperate mesh. In that case you can delete it in Nifskope and hope it still works. Otherwise you'd need 3dsmax or blender, to cut it out. (if you haven't used these before, it's perhaps best to ask someone who knows these allready. It should not be much work for them, but it's a steep step to learn the programs in the first place). D) Save the changed file(s) under Skyrims data folder, under "/data/meshes/myMod/Clothes/MageApprentice/MageAppRobes.nif" (Create directories as needed. You can use any other name/directory past that. Important thing is: it's in "meshes", and it's not the exact path/name as the original robe, or all robes of said type will use the new model) E) Restart CK. Create a new item in CK, that looks like the item one under A) but uses your new path/file for the "World Model".
  12. Is there any more extensive tutorial on dialogues? For a riddle quest, I want to do something like "Ask the guards of Whiterun, each gives one and only one hint (until we run out of hints)." I think I can do something like that with topic conditions (Give Hint1 at Stage 71 and increase Stage to 72, Hint2 at Stage 72 and increase to 73... Hint9 at Stage 79 and increase to 80..,. Everyone who gave an answer joins faction "noMoreAnswersFromMe"...), but it feels like there should be a more elegant way (and using queststages for this, feels like abusing them). On the other hand I'd like the player being able to ask/consult the quest giver about the hints allready known (ask about hint1 if Stage>=72, hint 9 if Stage>=80) and give a mayor clue to the player, if given enough consultation. I can add a script with nothing in it, except a counter, increased by papyrus-fragments, that sets another stage if counter>x, allowing for more dialogues. Again this feels pretty awkward. Any good tutorial on this?
  13. I seek for an option to check for enabled mods without being ".esm"- dependend on it? For example, if there's "Unique Loot" installed, I want my give out a special item from this, as a quest reward, else I would hand out some vanilla items as a fallback. Is this possible and if so: Any hints on a script or tutorial?
  14. Is it possible to "Ragdoll" a single limb? Say, an arm gets a critical hit and just hangs down for a while?
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