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Everything posted by Rixirite

  1. I do share the frustration that the hair in Fallout 3 + the hair mods are overdone cause the hair "clips" through the model which is a ugly sight in my opinion. Animated hair is more likely to happen than hair with physics.
  2. It depends on how power intensive your system is going to be. It also depends on what the power supply offers. It must meet the requirements for your graphics card or you will: A. Not have the right connectors, or not enough. B. The PSU will not have the correct Ampere support. C. The PSU will not have the correct Volt support. So if you get a GTX 260 Core 216 for example: A. According to the hardware requirements, you need a 500 watt or more power supply. B. The PSU will need to support up to 36 Amps. C. Your PSU will need 2 x 12v rails. The Antec Earthwatts 500watt PSU has matching compatibility for this GTX 260. But if you bought another graphics card in the future to do SLI, it will not work because: A. The Earthwatts 500watt PSU can only dish out support for one Graphics card due to limited amount of connectors. B. 500 watts cannot support 2 GPU's that require 500 watts. ( The 500 watt requirement doesn't mean the Card takes up 500 watts! ) So if you bought a GTX 295 in the future, you would need to buy another power supply unit that can support the connector slots on the GTX 295, as well as outputting enough amps. So you would have to look at the connection requirements for the individual video card + the PSU you are looking at to see if it supports the GPU (Graphics processing unit fancy for graphics card.) My system uses a GTX 260 Core 216 with that Antec 500 watt, and runs perfect on fallout 3 ultra high settings. If you do not follow these factors into play when buying a GPU, your system could die or get severely damaged and be rendered disfunctional. So the final verdict on a PSU is only if you are getting the GTX 260 Core 216: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371007&cm_re=Antec_Earthwatts-_-17-371-007-_-Product Ask me for any more information and I would be glad to assist.
  3. I am missing the more proper face of good ol' abe. I was wondering if anyone could create a face mesh that features Abraham Lincoln from one of his most famous pictures. http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/1450/abrahamlincolnheadonsho.jpg Also there aren't any good beards like Abraham Lincoln's, someone with the expertise to do some beard mesh blending to use give sideburns and the beard like Abraham Lincoln's would be awesome. I am requesting this because he is one of my favorite 1800's president and it would be so cool to march into paradise falls with the .44 Repeater wearing the top hat and the suit getting rid of the slavers.
  4. Everything looks good but I highly recommend you put a more powerful graphics card in your system, and get a Antec PSU. The Antec power supplies are great because out of all the PSU's I have bought: The Antec one seems to be the most reliable one. Why such a high wattage on the PSU? 500 - 600 watts will do if you are only using one video card vs Crossfire or SLI. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130434 This card has great reviews, I have had this one for 8 months now. It runs quiet, and everything I have thrown at it runs smooth. As far as that issue is concerned, I was talking about how the latest video driver for the card causes stuttering/hitching problems in Fallout 3. Older versions like 186.18 solves the problem. It is not just the Nvidia drivers but ATI apparently is having the same issues with the latest.
  5. The link requires me to log in. So you will have to post it.
  6. Personally, when I bought my rig I had to do a lot of research. Do you have a ATX case you were going to put your new hardware into? I did the same thing where my budget was only around 1,000 bucks and got a nice rig. Graphics card: I would get the GTX 260 Core 216 instead, that card will last longer than the 9800gt as far as performance will go in the next year. For 190 - 230 bucks it is well worth the money. The Benchmarking on this card is well done and averages fallout 3 at 50 - 60 FPS maxed out with full anti-aliasing and Ansotropic filtering. However, many people experience stuttering in fallout 3 with ultra settings due to driver problems, you will have to install a older driver for fallout to run smooth with no hitching, or stuttering. Nvidia driver 186.18 is the last known driver to run Fallout 3 without hitching. This hitching can be a pain when explosions go off, etc. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130434&cm_re=gtx_260_core_216-_-14-130-434-_-Product Power Supply Unit: Also make sure you have a 500 - 600 watt PSU with 2 6-pin power connectors. The PSU is important for the video card, VERY important. Consider getting a 700 - 1000 watt if you plan on doing SLI in the future having 2 pr 3 video cards. But honestly one card will do the trick. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371007&cm_re=antec_earthwatts_500w-_-17-371-007-_-Product Processing/Motherboard: For the Processor, I personally got the Core i7 because of its value for what it can throw out. 8 64-bit processors with one huge heatsink gives you massive processing power. But getting a quad core or a Core i5 would be good. (The Core i7 is practically overkill and was made for processor-heavy computing.) An equal motherboard that supports PCI Express 2.0 16x is important when getting a new computer. If you get a motherboard with AGP 8x or normal PCI then your Graphics card will not be able to connect to your motherboard. The motherboard must have compatability with the processor you buy. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813138160 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115215 Memory: As far as memory goes: make sure you get at least 4 gigabytes for gaming. Anything lower might not handle well on some games that require a lot of memory performance. Since you are planning on getting Windows 7, 4 gigabytes will do better compared to Vista in which you would need 6 gigs (I have Vista 64-bit so I have three-channel 6 GB). http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145260 OS: Make sure if you get windows 7 it comes in 64-bit flavor. Since your processor will be a 64-bit you need the matching OS bit. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116716&cm_re=Windows_7-_-32-116-716-_-Product Prices: $134.99 - Motherboard $214.99 - GPU $119.99 - Memory $69.99 - PSU $199.99 - CPU $179.99 - OS Total cost: $920.99
  7. I hope new vegas is as open-ended as Fallout 3 is. I hope it is even better than Fallout 3. The only thing that I think they won't get right is making the city itself. To make Las Vegas untouched by nuclear bombs is a HUGE project, especially since there are a lot of unique buildings and landmarks. Those factors alone will make New Vegas questionable in quality towards making the city alive. The Mojave desert will be cream gravy, and well done I can imagine. When it comes to games that have deadlines (Fallout: New Vegas is supposed to be released this upcoming fall!) there is a lot of stress and hurry this up type of stuff going around the developer network. This is one of the reasons I fear New Vegas won't be as incredible as I imagine.. But a man can dream... A man can dream... I just hope they release a G.E.C.K with New vegas to people can overmod it like Fallout 3. If every Fallout fan was very patient and didn't send emails to Obsidian that might allow them to drop the shoulders and take thier time making the game a workng masterpiece, otherwise expect a minimalistic approach to Vegas. Besides all the negatives I seem to have emitted I do trust Obsidian will do a good job on New Vegas. Obsidian has done some great games in the past (KOTOR 2 being thier first) as well as having developers who worked on the original Fallouts. Obsidian took KOTOR 1 and made it much better with better crafting, etc. However, I am sure you KOTOR fans remember how KOTOR 2 was rushed because of a deadline: thus leaving unfinished work that was obviously spotted in the gameplay. I am afraid that Obsidian with the amount of push they are getting will leave Fallout: New Vegas the same way unless they extend Fallout: New Vegas' launch date to next year. In the meantime I will keep a eye out and a ear on for how they are progressing. I think 75 - 80 % of thier work should be dedicated to Vegas alone.
  8. Yeah they do cost more, but it is well worth the money. In the video I used the ammo cheat to get 999999 ammo on every big gun (Except for rock-it launcher, that ammo is free!).
  9. Does anyone seem to realize just how powerful and mighty big guns are in Fallout 3? They ensue massive damage when used and provide satisfactory results. Yes, the bigger the gun is: the more powerful and mighty you will become. It is essential to understand how crazy powerful they are when you use them, and to respect them! If you don't respect big guns, may I suggest you watch this. Please note the quality has been tilted off by youtube. Enjoy!
  10. Nice! We need more enclave mods, the Enclave Commander one is awesome, but not enough for my taste. For some reason I think bethesda should have spend a little more time allowing you to join polar opposite sides.. I.E., BOS or the Enclave, etc.. But in the geck I found a simple way to make them not hostile. So that was figured out. You Edit factions with fallout3.esm and simply add "playerfaction" to the "Enclavefaction" and check the allied box. You have to do it both ways, so the player faction needs to be allied with the enclavefaction, and vice versa. This works well when you use the enclave in enclave commander cause you can walk around with a enclave squad without being hostile to other enclave in the wasteland. But to hear about this mod you are currently working on, I will be an avid watcher if you don't mind cause joining them "through rank" and being recruited sounds better. :thanks:
  11. Hey, I recently downloaded the Enclave commander mod which is great by the way, however I am stumped on the part where you lead enclave troops and the non-squad enclave are all hostile to me.. I would love a mod that changes this and makes every single enclave soldier/scientist/commander allied with the lone wanderer so I can actually feel more like apart of them than seperate from them. I know colonel autumn is hostile right away because he doesn't get along well with John henry eden. So the way it could be made it a handful of enclave are loyal to Autumn but the rest are all on my side, thus a "execute traitor" non-visible quest could be in order. When you are imprisoned at the enclave base raven rock that could be a thing where autumn wants to have power over you so he imprisons you and interrogates you to get the purifier running. At this point the raven rock enclave soldiers can remain hostile when autumn gives the all clear to kill the lone wanderer, after you leave raven rock THIS is when the enclave should be 100% behind you. While this might negate some of the challenge it will make the Enclave commander mod fit in a little tighter.
  12. I got a good idea for the use of those wrecked up F-80 Shooting Star fighter jets on the Rivet City Aircraft Carrier. Short: You stumble upon a F-80 shooting star aboard Rivet City's Flight deck, while it suffered the initial effects of the bombs the integrity only needs a patch job as well as some replacement parts. Your goal to get this Jet in working order is to scavenge parts from military and factory installations to find the appropriate parts to restore the F-80. The quest starts when a "usable" wrecked up F-80 has a Engineer's book and parts catalog sitting on the flight deck. This catalog lists different factories and thier purpose in the different parts on the jet. Your goal is to find 5 custom meshes/textured parts. You will need the Wing ailerons, Pitot tube, Flight Stick, Canopy, and a new landing gear. Once you obtain these 5 parts and place them, the jet will need 20 pieces of scrap metal to patch up the holes and dents on the jet's fueslage to make the airframe stable in flight. The only thing left to do is press the "use" key on the aircraft and it can take you to different locations. Details: The idea of this mod is to give travel to other locations outside of the capital wasteland, specifically custom made locations. You basically take off from rivet city and land at a landing strip long enough to support small aircraft landings. Animations would be nice for seconds. Once you select a destination a 5 - 10 second animation of the jet taking off with you in it would be nice followed by a black screen fade. Once it fades black, this is when the new cell loads followed by animation of you approaching the runway and landing on it. Once on the tarmac you exit the jet and have full player control. The jet isn't supposed to be controlled, it simply just transports you to different worldspaces. One idea is to use Broken steel's Adams AFB runeway for landing as one possible place to go. But one of the main ideas is to add transport like GTS but made simpler with the press of a button you will fly to your location. I was thinking this would go good with Real Time Settler where you fly to a empty paradise with a runway and build some sort of city or something. This is on the back of my mind, I do not expect anyone to do it but I just feel like talking about it. Give it some thought!
  13. If Enclave wasn't so hostile to begin with I would have considered joining them just to see what it was like. On the other hand: They are evil bastards who represent repression among the people therefore I do not support the enclave for that. The BOS is cocky, and arrogant. When Sentinel Lyons first saw me she told me off like I was some dirty wastelander... So I really don't like the fact of siding with others, but being me.
  14. What a sexy looking gun that is. It would make a great appearance in Fallout 3 whether it is lore friendly or not. I hope someone makes this!
  15. It is funny, because I have a UFO home in space and I come back and take s**t from Outcasts who think they are more advanced than me. "Hey local, shouldn't you be banging rocks together or something?" Nah, I am banging fission batteries together.. So watch out!
  16. Well, I guess the aircraft could be F-4 Phantoms, those were great jets at the time as well. The metro system would need some refinishing like ads and posters like you suggest. The road system lacks traffic lights either wrecked or standing.
  17. I think there is a way in the console to unlock those doors and access the otyher parts of the ship again.
  18. Mothership Zeta is cool, I seemed to like it beside the cheesy story line. Lots of combat and I like the interactions with the ship. Mothership Zeta in a sense is like the retro-futurist concepts of "ufo's" and the aliens. The guns seemed kind of too fictional for my liking, but nevertheless there is nothing like atomizing a raider's head. The space walk seemed kind of short, there should have been more to it in my opinion. There are lots of goodies in Mothership Zeta plus it becomes a new player house. It seems like I missed some rare items I could have got but didn't search thorough enough. The bummer is: if you complete the main quest you get locked out from some parts of the ship where you would find the rare items. There was a funny moment when I was in the cryo lab, and I revived the raiders. When they started to attack the aliens in that room, the first thing they did was say: "I'm gonna rip your f*cking throat out!" and beat the aliens to death. I lol'd..
  19. Well, I bought the DLC pack that features Broken Steel and Point Lookout, then I bought Mothership zeta through Mircosoft Games for Windows Live. There is a method of playing DLC downloaded from live without needing to connect to the internet. You simply cut and paste your DLC's content to the Fallout 3 data folder and viola!
  20. Because when I roleplay I don't want my character to be mind-f*cked because of some stupid quest to gain entry to a church. But like I said: The cybernetic implant will reconstruct the cognitivity in the lone wanderer's brain making him normal. The way I played it out was that his personality dipped and he has slow reaction. But with that implant he is back to normal; if not better.
  21. In real life it would screw up many functions of your brain. According to the scar position a portion of the left frontal lobe was removed, therefor: In roleplaying terms I am f**ked in the head and have a loss of personality and cognitive awareness... I guess I will get the cyborg perk to replace that missing chunk with a implant that emulates those frontal lobe brain functions.. Sorry I get real deep when I roleplay in Fallout 3, and I hate it when it is not in my control. Such as having no other way of getting into the church thus getting that brain damaged from that male without a father tobar who rips me off with tickets..
  22. Hey, I was curious: Is it possible to program the nexus sites so that they can sort mods by DLC or Expansion? This would require people to edit the file information to let you know what DLC it works with, but I think this would be great to sniff out mods that are DLC specific.
  23. Hey, yesterday I recieved the DLC pack Broken Steel and Point Lookout.. Point lookout is all I have reached so far and completed the main quest. However, I am not satisfied with the outcome and it really pisses me off a piece of my brain is missing! I know you can kill Tobar, but I was hoping when she let you in on him you could torture him or something, so that set me off as well. Is there a way in point lookout you can complete the main quest without losing a chunk of your brain!? I don't care if you can get it back in a jar I don't want my head to be touched at all. I should have the very option to go through the main quest without doing that stupid punga seed crap. I don't need that perk either! I am so pissed off with Point Lookout right now...
  24. Update of who I hate: -Any of the tribals in Point Lookout -That piece of S**T tobar who removed my bodily property!!! I WANT MY BRAIN BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS GODDAMNIT!!!! Update of who I like: -Desmond is my new favourite. His strong use of swears makes me laugh.
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