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Everything posted by Rixirite
This is a relatively large request, so if you do not plan on the effort of such a large mod then simply step back. My request in short is to have someone make a Terran Battlecruiser. The details are below. Quest wise, I have an Idea: You recieve some strange radio signal from miles away where these "marines" are sending distress SOS calls out to the wasteland for help. The Coordinates of the radio's location is uploaded onto your pip-boy. When you get within a certain distance, the draw distance should make the Battlecruiser visible, hovering over a few hundred feet high and a giant gargantuan object of a ship in the horizon. When you arrive you should be right underneath the thing. The idea goes that the marines on the ground are calling for recruits to be sent aboard the Battlecruiser to defeat the Enclave's invasion and boarding of the ship. The only reason the battlecruiser isn't under Enclave control is due to the fact the bridge is not taken yet, and your objectives is to locate the bridge and stop the enclave before they control the ship. To get there however, you have to combat enclave soldiers with a squad of marines all the way to the bridge in tight corridors on the ship. Once you arrive to the bridge the admiral will tell you that the engine bay has no response and the Enclave and seeking to blow up the Battlecruiser as a last ditch effort. You then work your way through to the ship and clear out enclave soldiers all the way to the control room to get access to the engine room and then stop the enclave from detonating the four massive engines in the rear. After you complete this, you then have to eliminate a second wave of enclave to board the ship again and get to the bridge to keep the admiral safe. Once the Battlecruiser is in good hands, you will then be rewarded with your own personal First Class bunk room as a personal player house with 100% access to the Armory, Bridge, Hangar, Engine Room, Control room, Med Facility, Cafeteria, And Crew Quarters each room complete with special items and characters to meet. You are able to get on and off the Battlecruiser Via Transport aircraft to the Hangar bay. Vendor list: Quartermaster - Armory (Buys and sells armnament, armor, ammo, and other goods.) Ship Cook - Cafeteria (Supplies food and drrinks.) Ship Medic - Med Facility (Supplies Medical stimpaks, drugs, and heals rads or damaged body, Also sells Medic armor!) Ship SCV - (Repairs anything to 100% for free.) Also: What about having Satcom Mini-Nuke strikes in open celled enviroments (The wasteland, not interiors to buildings.) that are called from the Battlecruiser. I was hoping someone could come up with a plan for making a Battlecruiser mesh (The world Object) and then making the interior using Enclave Cell blocks to make up the ship's interior. I wonder if I could ask Jaysus to make the Medic armor from SC as well.. This project would be large, but I would like to live in a battlecruiser.
New Armor Models You'd Like to See in Game
Rixirite replied to Flash432's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Ideas
I would REALLY REALLY love to see Chaos Armor from the Warhammer Fantasy Universe get implemented as Massive armor with Massive strength modifiers. -
Idea: DOW2 Farseer armor for female elves
Rixirite replied to LadyDeath616's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Ideas
I would like to see it done as well, For the craftworld! -
I tried modelling, but It never worked out for me. A nice elven ear would take more than just a few vertices or faces editing. However, I don't see why it can't be done because I would really love to have an Eldar Player in Fallout 3. :wallbash:
YES! OH GOD YES! We need Martial Arts in Fallout 3! Bruce Lee style ass whoopin!
spoiler No control can be dissapointing.
Rixirite replied to Rixirite's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Exactly, I woundn't care about my safety. It is them I care about and the way it works is, all that adrenaline pumps through the blood causing a peak of muscle activity which will allow your hand to hand swings to be rock smashing blows. If I was in the Grey Warden's Position (The City Elf) I would punch the Arl's Kidneys out of his body with all the rage and frusturation built up from the amount of strife he caused. Besides, I AM the Greay Warden so why can't I choose the actions off my mind rather than what they want your mind to be? -
spoiler No control can be dissapointing.
Rixirite replied to Rixirite's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Not true, the Grey wardens would still see your fighting valor when you fight your way out of prison, and in to kill the arl. The arl hasn't raped her and I killed him, etc. Duncan would still see me as a potential. -
No, she gets raped.. It pisses me off how you cannot stop him in time or that there is no control over it.. It happens no matter what... Really sets me on fire, so anyone who could mod this out so you can A. Get to shianni before she is raped, and B. Torture Vaughan so you can hear his screaming and suffering, watching him bleed painfully, etc. Then I will thank you and be at peace.. I know it's just a game but I get worked up over there things and I don't feel satisfying just killing him. I want him to suffer and I want to see it happen and hear it too.
spoiler No control can be dissapointing.
Rixirite replied to Rixirite's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
You don't see it happen, but Shianni is one of the Elven woman at the Alienage who smashed the drunk with a vase to knock him out to protect you from him. Then the next day he returns and has her taken to his chambers where he rapes her. The only thing you can really do is kill him. But I want to see him suffer. I want the Arl's son to be tortured, and shown no mercy. His screams of pain would have been great too considering the look on Shianni's face, a expression of brutality and rape just enraged me. That is how pissed off I was. This is one of the things I really get upset about, because I am passionate about these things and even though it is a game it seems to real to me and I object the lack of intervention. If I had the choice I'd simply kill him right when get comes back to get Shianni, but again: Can't do that. No control. I am requesting a mod where Shianni can be saved before she is raped, thus preserving her life and happiness before it dims. -
It is too late to save shianni though, the damage is already done to her. I just want a mod where you can stop it before she gets raped.
Can someone PLEASE make a mod where you can actually save Shianni before she is raped? I cannot stand the fact she just gets it and you can't do anything to save her in time and it sets me on fire. If you can't make a mod that saves her please make a mod that allows me to torture the arl's son for raping shianni. I must have vengeance!!!!
spoiler No control can be dissapointing.
Rixirite replied to Rixirite's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I see what you mean, but they should at least let me torture the arl's son for raping the elves, that really set me on fire. It shouldn't though because it's just a game.. But it did. -
Needless to say, I hope someone takes up the modding oppertunity, maybe making it a race and making them skinny and light to make them more elvish.
spoiler Which king is better for orzammar.
Rixirite replied to RebelOConner's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Harrowmont all the way. Bhelen is a murderer, a traitor, and has links with a carta that does terrible things to other people. Why vote for atrocity when you can vote for someone who the king WANTED to take throne anyways? -
spoiler No control can be dissapointing.
Rixirite posted a topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Do you ever have that feeling where you think you are powerful and everything that has tried to bite you in the arse fell before your blade, that there is no true way to sought a path of revenge, or justice? The game is awesome, well designed and balanced (Gameplay wise) but the story just made me feel like I had no control over the fates of certain characters and story points. For example, if you are an elf from the Alienage: the Arl's son comes to pick up elven victims to his drunk atrocities, you can't attack him or engage him in any way. No matter what you do, you cannot stop him from raping Shianni, etc. I know this might be a nit pick, but I have a hard time letting someone get raped, or someone tortured when you are there. You have to let the dialogue take its place, you cannot interrupt anything and it is just heavily dissapointing. The same applies to when Queen Anora betrays you to the Loghain's captain, when you arrive back at the estate you cannot kill her like you could kill someone in fallout 3, or oblivion if someone was to be of nuisance to you. I know the story cannot be modulated to so many degrees but the fact that you cannot intervene even as a powerful warrior who killed a dragon, or slayed 20 people you have no saying or doing in other things. It is as if you start from being real powerful to becoming a weak peasent in the eyes of some scum character who betrays you, etc. For example, I know you can kill Arl howe, but you can only do it once at one time. You can't decide to kill him early when the landsmeet is being called upon, and even though it would be foolish to do so with all the witnesses and guards, why can't i draw blade? Again, I am a powerful warrior who has slayed two higher dragons, hundreds of people that got in my way, yet I have no ability to have control over what happens. The duty of a Grey Warden is to establish armies to fight the darkspawn, yet when you gather these armies you have to run on errands to get thier help, which is fine otherwise there would be no point in the game other than to fight darkspawn ultimately. But as a Grey warden you should have two choices of gaining help from someone. So if I have this tyrant Loghain and Arl Howe who can't even keep crime away from the city, and cause so much in the Warden's way: Why can't the Grey Warden do what he/she does to anyone else that stands in His/her way? Kill them. But no, you cannot kill. You have to go with the dialogue and hope that you can control what happens in the end, but you can't. I, for one: love the way you can bond, or disband with your companions. If you like someone, you can inspire them and make then useful and then become romantically involved. If you hate someone, you can get rid of them. That is control I admire and the kind of control I am talking about that should have been implemented in non-companions. I know I am not supposed to be a god, and that I serve the lands of Ferelden but if I am so unstoppable with the help of my party members, what is to stop me from choosing someone's fate with the might and power that has proceeded within me? You are supposed to be the Grey Warden, you are the Grey Warden's mind. Mass Effect, and KOTOR are similar in some ways to all that I have mentioned above, and maybe it is just the style of Bioware's art team to design the games that way. Deus Ex is a comparable game to these Bioware titles in the sense that if you didn't like someone, you have the option to whack them even if it is in front of tons of troops, or take out random individuals. Trust me, I do not have the animosity to do such things but that was the freedom of choice in the game. The freedom to choose fates of others good or bad. In Dragon Age: Origins, it is aggro attacking only. In DA:O There is only choices Green, and yellow; but not a single red light. Well, that is all I have to say as far as criticism goes. The game is truely amazing with my critical attacks aside, but bioware: Can you please allow me to choose more willingly and be in more control over situations like those mentioned above? Any thoughts? BTW, Is anyone else angry with the random loot system? (I walk down a dungeon killing all these beasts to find a chest, which I unlock only to find a deep mushroom in this exquisite chest... What is that? -
Yeah Evil isn't the star of the game. But for me I really can't be evil because it is just senseless and atrocious. However, they should have allowed you to become a raider or Talon Company merc and work your way up the ranks. Fallout 3 is lacking "Guilds" in which you are recruited. I know that you can become a regulator, or a contract killer but the story behind these jobs are minimalistic and vague at best. You simple collect fingers, or ears and deliver them to the agents, nothing more then money rewards and karma.. To me Fallout 3, even though it is a awesome game, and even better with the additional modifications made by all of you I found the original game in itself to have a monotonous storyline and quests. It is always find this, find that, get this, get that, rescue them, rescue her, etc. BTW I hate the Arefu quest. I kill all the Family members that Evan King was complaining about needing hell to be payed, etc and arefu and the west kid turns on me.. I thought Evan kind wanted them dead.. I don't know, maybe the west kid told him the story and Evan got angry with me, but I am a badass explorer who took out a whole colony of vampires, and they have the balls to stand up against me, with my power armor and flame thrower?
I would like to see this done as well. The Swan station fits the technology level of fallout 3 with the old computers, 50's style electronics, etc.
It is rather not. The Eldar from Warhammer 40k have pointy ears. There was a race in Star Trek with pointy ears. I don't necessarily think having elvish ears is a bad thing. I want it for the sake of a Eldar mod.
I would like to have elven ears in fallout 3! Someone must commit to this mod or pay dearly!
Faster than our brains recognizing it perhaps.
Thanks! Let me know if you find the Shoulderpads and belt. Kudos for you!
Where can I get the armor in this picture link? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/2...-1264600735.jpg
Agreed, because they launch bladed projectiles, that is what a shuriken is. :D Update: I found that Sparky is working on Eldar Guardian armor. My msitake for not searching but it was recent and I assumed no one was working on it. So I have to request that someone just makes the Shuriken Catapult, and Shuriken Cannon.
What gun is that in the link?
I don't know about you but, computers in the future are unknown in many ways, bu what is predicted and projected as to how they operate is essentially practical in many fields. Future computers: 1.Highly energy efficient ~ 25 watt usage that can perform 30 times more powerful than a typical modern pc. 2.Ultra thin, being made of superior computer hardware that is the size of a penny. 3.Extremely fast.. (As fast as it can get.) On the subject of a modern pc, the style of Fallout 3 is supposed to be retro-futuristic in concept. The bombs dropped in 2070 (60 years from now) where the world was made with a style of 50's futurist concepts like light-bulb vacuum robots, and CRT monitors. The game is supposed to be built in the eyes of someone who lives in the 50's and is only known to 50's retro style and future thinking. Of course, in modern society our standards for what is high tech is at a higher magnitude than before. However, it would not hurt to see a Modernization mod for Fallout 3 where everything gets a complete overhaul to match that of a early 21st century appearance. There are already modernized mods on the Fallout Nexus databas. I have requested before that someone or many compiles a modernization mod effort to make Fallout 3 seem more futuristic. Though it still wouldn't match because our robotics isn't sophisticated like these tin can robots with target identification (Without human selection). Nor is there a hover robot, and Helicopter drones don't qualify as a Mrgutsy. Someone who put effort into a modernization mod would be greatly rewarded with endorsements and kudos, at least from me. We need a modernization mod indeed!