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Everything posted by Rixirite
Hey fellow Fallout 3 Players, and Modders! I just wanted to made a mod request that will probably get disregarded and sunken deep into the forum backpages because many people don't have time to do every request what so ever even though I will insert this request hoping it will be taken into consideration for a mod. Yes that last sentence was long. Yes that last sentence was short, but this one is not! Anyways: I have a idea I consider to be priority to modders if I should say so myself: Road mod! The idea is really just taking the fallout 3 DC area and making the roads and bridges restored, allowing the use of motorized vehicles which I am sad to the fact Bethesda denounced vehicles for some lame reason.. The Idea would be to replace every road and bridge with a more conditional road for driving, such as smooth or somewhat acceptable roads with no rubble on them, or at least not too much. With this combined with some mod that added 50's style cars that are fully restored, life would be a lot funner especially if you could run over a bunch of raiders. Detailed modification request: The way this mod could work is that you start a quest given by a random encounter that has a gear-head ask you to clear out smith casey's garage so he can restore a car there. The quest could then move on to you finding car parts that are added in random places in the game either as chance drop or placed in specific locations through the GECK. Once you retrieve the items the gear head will then build the car frame and will reward you with the car at the sum of 3,000 caps given to him. This car is then drivable and should have a first person driver's view of the car with speedometers, and RPM. Here are the requested features in detail: 1. The car is most likely nuclear powered so fuel isn't a problem. 2. The car has hitpoints and can blow up with enough damage to it, thus a repair tool mod should be added to keep your car up and running. 3. The car should have a trunk which can carry up to 500 pounds of weight (At least) or more. 4. The car should be able to be equipped with extra parts like armour platings to enhance the car's durability in combat. 5. The car should be programmed to be in Automatic transmission to ease the amount of modding work on the car. 6. The car should also have a Air Conditioning system part addon that gives 100% rad resistance. 7. You should be able to look around inside the car, and not be locked into a 12'o clock head view. 8. The code for the car should be based off the Oblivion Horse, but only modified to have a more car approach. 9. There should be conditions on parts for the car like the brake pads that need replacement after the brakes are used too much. 10. The car should look in better condition than the crushed ones found in the Captial Wasteland. 11. Using the car models from the tranquility lane sequence of the game might make a good start. 12. The interior should be visible from the outside. 13. Make working Speedometers and Odometers if possible. (The more mileage on your car means that you will need to have it repaired.) 14. Make the power plant of the car need fission battery switch outs every 500 miles travelled. 15. Lastly, allow passengers such as companions to enter the passenger seats of the car. Note that I don't want this all done in one go, but to simply start as a small mod and grow to the point where it fulfills these requests listed above. Community support on this request would be most appreciated as Fallout 3 has been out for almost a year and there has not been a decent car mod released yet. Someone out there please consider this and start working on it, I am sure many would love a car mod especially with a trunk to lighten the load on your items! There are many different retro cars in fallout 3, try using the ones fron tranquility lane only modify them to have interiors and a more dynamic animated and fluid mesh.
Correction: But Hilter did have something to do with it at the time, here is a excerpt from wikipedia. "In 1933, Adolf Hitler gave the order to Ferdinand Porsche to develop a "Volks-Wagen" . The concept may have been influenced by an earlier design of the same name, created by Josef Ganz, a Jewish engineer who had designed a "Volks-Wagen" in the 1920s.[5] The name means "people's car" in German, in which it is pronounced [ˈfolksvɑːgən]). Hitler required a basic vehicle capable of transporting two adults and three children at 100 km/h (62 mph). The "People's Car" would be available to citizens of the Third Reich through a savings scheme at 990 Reichsmark, about the price of a small motorcycle (an average income being around 32RM a week)"
I have a balance where I like Corporations, but not where they trade and manufacture from. Sometimes I cannot blame them, they see cheaper means of labor they move to China without thinking about how immoral it is, some do think it is immoral but to keep the money flowing they have to. Unions are just an extra burden that can cause financial trouble in the long shot. I was thinking of buying a Volkswagen New Beetle until I found out the original beetle was designed by Hitler, now I seem to back away from them. Every car company on the market has a union in them even the Japanese ones do.. I know it is wrong to take politics into consideration from buying a car, but I am trying to come to terms to figure out what the best car to get is with as little political ties as possible. Volkswagen is somewhat socialized, the German government owns 20% of Volkswagen's shares in the market. Volkswagen has a strong and powerful union in Germany and Mexico in the Pablo (sp?) plant in Mexico City. On the Other hand, you have GM along with it's Chevrolet branches which are completely unionized by the big bad UAW. So do I buy an American Car or a German car? I think I would like to support American jobs rather than Germany, cause after all Germany is full of unions just like any other car company and some are bigger than others but in the long run they are all unionized at some degree so there is no such thing as escaping from unions in the car industry. I guess my best bet would be to just get a car in America that is fuel efficient and handles nicely. I am thinking of buying myself a 2010 Chevrolet Camaro for many reasons: It has 29 MPG for a sportscar which is rare in rear wheel drive, it accelerates real fast and has good safety ratings and I just love the look of that car. The Camaro also has a retro style tacometer and speedometer in the diver's seat with a mix of futuristic and modern car styles. To me this car is just the Cat's meow and unions aside it is still a great damn car and I would love to own one of those. Again, I am sorry if I deeply offend people but this is my opinion and if you disagree then that is your problem, not mine because I have strong belief in how I see the world fit just as much as you do. I don't like unions from the reasons stated in this thread and I would like the future of this forum to be a little less political and heated.
Delete Duplicate thread please.
What does it say about me? By the way, if you think about GM and how they give over 6 BILLION dollars a year to benefits like healthcare it is one of the most expensive in the industry. GM is dominated by the powerful UAW, and after a certain point it can do little but try to convince the union to give important concessions in order to keep the company afloat. Without the company how does the union get their "hard-earned" money? Obviously GM would shut down, especially if they can't make enough money from the sales they make.. Think about it.
So does massive corporations, they donate tons to charities every year. The union is asking for help from the government to get more power. Of course the police and firefighters are unionized cause they are government and government jobs are very prone to unions. Air traffic controllers in the 80's went on strike saying they demanded more money and that they would stop operating on air traffic control if they didn't all get a increase in wage. Ronald Reagan fired the atcs cause when they went on strike airlines couldn't coordinate well with air traffic which usually leads to nasty accidents. If they go on strike at the expense of danger just so they could get more money, they are playing with fire and I don't believe a union should exsist if they cause problems in the world like air traffic accidents or throwing nails under trucks etc they are total punks to vandalize other people in the name of thier union.. It is not right.
bravo!!! the truth wins out.You don't care how much money you make,good for you.Many people like to give their families the things they themselves never had! You don't understand a union yet you said you did,now it all boils down to just your own dislike of a way of people living a life thast better than their parents or at least an equal too.How much more shall the government or corporate america do for you before you succumb to worshiping at their feet? If I had a family with children I would greatly understand getting wealthy to be able to give and provide for my family for the things they want. The only issue is: How do you make that money? Think about America back then in the 50's how we had a living industry making cars and other things that America seems to make less of today. Look at the mnumber of factories in the US go down and watch those towns that were stimulated by the factory become impoverished. Then if you analyze how that happened you will learn that when the taxes went up and up over the years for companies they could no longer afford to pay for labor union/non-union at these factories thus having to move the factories to China where labor is dirt cheap at the expense of american jobs and industry. Some of these taxes were enviromental ones, some were simple corporate tax increases. So here you have GM and Ford along with all the smaller branches of car companies they own, and they are mostly comprised of union workers, add the amount of money the company has to give to the unions along with the money that has to go to government taxes makes it much harder for them to pay for other things. Then the companies go to the government for our taxpayer dollars which I work hard to make and it goes to these godforsaken people who don't realize they are part of the reason the company is going bankrupt! Doesn't any of this make sense to you? There would be more labor in America if our government did not make it so difficult and expensive to have factories operating nation wide, there would be less unemployed people too.
I just plain don't like unions. They are radical about thier agenda and make all kinds of wealth without doing hard work. I have a job working at a local grocery store and it has no union and I don't need to make 12 dollars an hour because the kind of work I am doing is nothing special. Sorry if I offend anyone who is in the union of has a strong philosophy or agenda that supports unionism but to me unions are just a waste of money and time.
There is no ignorance in observation into the work and philosophies behind unions when it comes to me, I have a open mind and explore different agendas and philosophies and by the nature of good and bad I also have the nature of what is wrong and what is right, many may not agree with my philosophies and that is fine. Union workers make way more money than they need because union workers like my Relative from Canada has a nice house with lots of expensive appliances, he is spoiled and dipped into his own pride being that he is in a union and there are people that work way harder than him that don't even make the same pay or live in a nice house like he lives in. There is also a Union person I know at a barn down the street who sits on his bum all year long except for 2 months of actual labor and gets paid so fancy that he has his own house on a farm property. I just don't think it is right for Union workers to get paid that way and be able to work as little time as possible and take as much money as they can, in my opinion it is laziness, incompetence, and downright unfair for other people who work hard and make peanuts for money.
It's not a "forced union state" It is along with most of the midwest and California and New York one of the last strong Union states.But a forced Union State! Hardly.People recognize what equality and a fair paycheck is in these states and fight for it. Because japanese companies produce and flood the market doen't make their products better..check Toyotas latest recall stats and nissans...OOPs! Fair wage for fair working hours is not a given,it has to be like freedom foughten for.Big money will always say unions are bad because unions want their employees given a fair shake.Read up on labor before the unions came into being. I think you'll find an eye opener into why Big business and some governments hate them..equallity over slavery...anyday my friend! If you read one of my earlier posts I stated that Unions made sense in the 50's etc but not anymore. In a modern society food is cheap and requires little labor to get it. Toyota isn't the same thing as Honda. The whole idea in my paragraph about that was if you compare the Japanese facility with a American one that produces the same motorcycle, the one in a non-union factory is more productive and efficient compared to a union run factory. To me Unions are causing financial problems because like I stated before the companies cannot afford to make cars cause the union takes a hog amount of money and the car companies run to our government to get bailed out which means my money and your money (If you live in the US) goes straight to these companies. That isn't fair and I don't think unions deserve to make all kinds of money when some of that money is coming for me. In my opinion Unions no longer serve thier place anymore in America, with labor protection laws in this country it boils down to the worker: Does the worker want to sign an application for a company that expects him to work 8 hours a day? If he doesn't want to work 8 hours a day and the company doesn't want him then he should leave and find another job instead of getting employed then once inside whine that he isn't paid enough or is overworked when he stated in his application that he would work 8 hour shifts. One of my relatives did this in his truck union up in canada..
Starcraft (1998) Quake 2 (1997) Starsiege: Tribes (1998) Homeworld (1999) Unreal Tournament (1999) Quake 3 (1999) Age of Empires 1 (1997) Age of Empires 2 (1999) Falcon 4.0 (1998)
But there is a difference. Compare a Honda Factory in Japan with one in America. The Japanese are so efficient and thier manufacturing is so fast that every 60 minutes they actually complete one motorcycle. In the US it takes 3-4 hours in a American plant. The Honda plant in America is in Illinois which is a forced union state. If people are going to go on strike and whine about not getting enough breaks and underpaid then the best they could do is at least have the same production competence and efficiency as the Japanese plant, otherwise I would like to buy a Japanese-assembled motorcycle instead of a American-assembled motorcycle from people who make 60 dollars an hour and drain the money out of the company to the point where the government has to bail them out because the company cannot afford to keep making cars and giving paychecks to union employees who don't even pay off from thier work. When it comes to manufacturing and unions it becomes political because the US government has made it political using taxpayer dollars to keep these god-forsaken plants up and running when instead that money could go to a bunch of starving people and people with no roof on thier shack. I would rather see my money feed starving children in Africa then my money go to a bunch of spoiled assembly line workers who have a roof and have a meal at the table. Sorry but the US government says they want to help the poor yet they do not, they take the money and give it to companies that deserve to fail and go bankrupt, it has happened before it should happen now. Milogrim, my father works for a company that does nothing but does Labor Audits on foreign countries like China and Africa and Taiwan. The Company is an IT one and they dedicate thier jobs to finding out if laborers are abused or poorly fed, etc., then they take those reports and data and send it to the companies that have work forces in that country and if there is a Labor Audit failure then the company will stop it. Believe me, I boycott products that are made in China, etc because it is immoral. Companies can be terrible by doing cheap trade at the expense of slavery. The reason why companies are overseas when it comes to manufacturing is because our government in the past 30 years has raised taxes on manufacturing in America which drives out the manufacturing industry in our country along with thousands of jobs. Iraq isn't burning? Last I checked woman and children are going to school and they are becoming a more peaceful nation. Please don't derail this thread.
OH come on, Lost is the best show!
The world might end, but I will have already established with me a towel along with a guide.
I don't win!
Yeah... it's called planting a tree. False. the show was talking about a scientist who make a Carbon Dioxide scrubbing MACHINE to take CO2 and turn it into air. Also, I care about future generations, what I don't like is how something like "Save the planet" is turned into a political government powerhouse that allows them to make all kinds of restriction on the people. It's like saying "Ok, there is a lot of crime so we are going to put cameras all over the United States" even though those cameras don't stop crimes, they just catch the person commiting the crime. It's like saying "We are going to take away the right to bear arms to stop gun shooting." Even though that doesn't stop shooting because people will just get guns from the Black Market. Sure, the police could crack down on the black market and stop gangs from illegally owning guns but instead they implement laws that don't work. It is as simple as that. It is also true we are going to another Ice age, and yes it is accelerated by the CO2 emissions but there is no stopping it, only slowing it down but the planet cannot function without automotive transport, there is no way with the way things operate in the world. Also, I agree our oil supply is becomming scarce I would buy an electic car if I had to, but for now I would rather buy something I could feel comfortable in.
Herculine, Public transport and bikes are impractical for the world's need of transportation. I hear some scientists that were on a show on the Discovery Channel are finding a new way to scrub Carbon Dioxide into clean air. If that technology grows at a magnitude of world use and operation then that eliminates the need to restrict ourselves of transportation and freedom of movement. To deprive ourselves of everyday life isn't worth it.
The trick is Lepus: Not to care what other people think. America is a wonderful country and even though it has its problems so does many European countries. The problem is that many people care what foreign nations think of us and we start to "listen" to them to get a idea of how to make our country better for them instead of us, the American people who live in it. Even as we have a government that shares many opinions that the Europeans have it isn't enough for them. Americans are supposed to be seperated and disliked by Europe because that is why America was made in the first place. The colonies isolated themselves from Britain so that they could live in the way they wanted to, and not be over-taxed and bossed around by a big bad government. Of course, our country in itself is changing and is not in the same position as it was so long ago, proof is this: History. Simply put, don't listen to what others think: What matters is what you think about yourself, and your country. Do you believe in America? Or do you believe in some foreign country? Alliances and partnerships can be formed and many citizens can love citizens from other nations, but that altogether eliminates America's founding purpose. Here is a excerpt from George Washington's farewell address: "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none or very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world..."
When I labelled "Union Car" and "Socialist car" I was merely nicknaming them after the magnitude of thier manufacturing in regards of Labor unions who build the car, or the government putting high value added tax on each car part, to companies recieving handouts, etc. I am not saying that a Chevrolet 2007 Pickup is a union truck (Otherwise it would stop it's own engine and go on strike.) or that a Volvo is a Socialist car. I just wanted to clarify myself as some seem to misunderstand me.
I disagree, the union is the one deciding whether or not the company they work for (UAW working at Chevy) can make a plant down south to escape from forced-union states. Unions tend to control the car world, usually a world they didn't earn because they complain how much their job sucks and how they should make the equivalent wage as an IT developer. If American car companies were not unionized companies like saturn would not be depending on penske to keep them up and running. Car companies in the US are getting handouts because the amount of money it takes to feed the unions is way too much, doesn't this mean more taxpayer dollars go out to these companies? It is as if the car industry is on welfare so they can give money they don't have. If car companies get handouts then obviously America is going to become socialist. I would rather support european car companies then support people who demolish the company they choosed to work for knowing what kind of money they make. My philosophy on that is simple: If you don't like your job then find another one.. The American car industry like other great American feats are fading off.
I never said every european is socialist. I am merely stating that European countrys tend to be quite socialist in aspects like high payroll taxes, how involved the government is with the people. Look at UK for example with it's socialized medicine and heavy indiscriminant law enforcement surveillance along with its value added tax. While many european countries are not labelled socialist they act like socialist nations. One might understand my frustration towards europe as being a natural american instinct, too bad many americans are losing sight of how this country was made.
Try re-downloading the demo, or downloading it from a different site, that might fix it.
I think I am going to get a Volkswagen New Beetle. I love the style of it and it has decent crash test ratings. I must disagree with Vagrant on one subject. The amount of effort it takes for assembling cars is a lot less today cause of the robotic machines that do a lot of it for them, the union workers who work for chevy are mostly assembly line workers who get paid about the same amount as a IT developer with no college degrees. Database programmers have a much larger magnitude of working effort than assembly line crew who just screw in car parts and yet these car workers make way too much money for thier job's demand. Unions might have made sense back in the 50's but today they make no sense anymore, there are laws that protect workers, etc. Simply put: If you don't like your job, or want to get paid more: Go learn how to be an IT developer or just find a different job, or work two jobs.. By the way I do not watch fox mostly because they are sarcastic, and I hate sarcasm.
Just wanted to say I completely respect and salute every member of the Military. Also, for me it would be the Air force. I love to fly and nothing is more fun than piloting an F-16 if I had the chance. (I do fly a F-16 in the closest thing you will get to a real Fighter jet simulator.)
Hey, ever since now the automotive industry is either Unionized, or under a Socialist government. Unions have car companies like GM and Chevrolet at thier throat. Socialist cars on the other hand (Cars from European Car companies, or Asian Car companies) are.. Socialist! Having no choice to get a Capitalist Car, which one is better? No flaming, no complaining, and no anger directed towards me please. Sorry if I offend Socialists or Union Workers, we all have our opinions and I just wished there was a purely made Capitalist Car. If you do not attempt any of the above actions in this thread you can say whatever you want. :thanks: