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Everything posted by Deleted1308005User

  1. Should it have scaling of some sort with perks? Also, I assume "Cloud of bats" means that short warp you can do? Edit: Turns out to be a tricky one.. And I thought I'd do something small before working on bigger stuff.
  2. Re-asking question slightly in different form: I'm thinking about making realistic material properties mod, and currently only issue I'm having is that I can't decide how I give hidden perks to NPC's. Also, aiming for maximal compatibility. Currently I am using hidden perks similar to Dawnguard armor properties, but the perk is applied when you wear the helmet. (When wearing helmet perk checks if you are wearing enough pieces of the set for the bonus, and then it's applied) Options would be: 1. Script that gives the perk to every playable race. (Not sure if possible) That way it'd be compatible with custom armors that use vanilla keywords as well. 2. Putting the perk on chest piece of armors. This way I would only tamper with chest pieces of each set. That way it would still work with gauntlets/boots/helmets from other sets, but you'd need to wear chestpiece to make it work. (Why not helmet like Dawnguard armor? I'm using mod that makes all helmets show your face, one of my favorite mods so I definitely don't want to break that) Soo.. Any insight is welcome.
  3. Same happens when you install creature mod, see the creature around, uninstall mod. Puff, you got floating creatures. How to avoid this next time? Read mod description, correct installation order and don't install two versions of the same mod.
  4. Loading old save with old setting works. No way to revive the glitched werebear save tho. Only way to brick that one is in case OP installed first the mod he actually used, overwrote with the stuff from the one he didn't use, and then sort-of played the game with "makeshift" version of the mod. But yeah, trial and error. Everyone learns it.
  5. Are you using LOOT to sort load order?
  6. This offer was never available in the first place.
  7. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=88713264 This one? Mmm.. I might need to check that out.
  8. You are running some really heavy mods I'd say. Though, it sounds like a script issue. I've heard moonpaths causes some stability problems, feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Also, are you supposed to use both versions of the more draconic dragon aspect? Same for black sacrament armor. Two versions. You are running REALLY much big and scripted mods. locational damage, magic duel, spell effects (Not sure if it's considered heavy), Movement and stamina sounds like scripty thing, survive the night.. List goes on. I'd check out Papyrus log, what happens at the last moments before it crashes. Add this to your skyrim.ini [Papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 bEnableProfiling = 0 uTraceStatusOfQuest = 0 After that, save the .ini, start game, load and then do the usual stuff you do before it crashes. Then check folder user/mygames/skyrim/logs and open the file, scroll to the bottom and check if you see some texts that repeat many times. (I'm not an expert at guiding others with crashy stuff.) It's not a crash log, but it might hint which is causing currently the heaviest load.
  9. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63854/? This one just popped into nexus, most likely you noticed it already. I guess our tastes are quite similar with mage armors then :laugh: I've been trying to find some kinda gauntlet/hand thingy with glowy/magical bits on it. Currently using Wraithguard from Morrowloot with custom stats. (Yes, there's actually working wraithguard model on nexus) Other cool hand gizmos I can't remember now. There is one dwemer- centered mod which adds couple, but I haven't tried how those look in-game and I can't recall the name of the mod.
  10. Mm.. If every file structure is same as on nexus version you shouldn't get any problems. You could try it, just don't overwrite saves when doing that. in optimal case you don't even see the "This save relies on content that is no longer available"- prompt.
  11. Something went wrong at the uninstallation procedure then. I guess you need to revert back the setting where you started and try with older save.
  12. Mm.. Not sure if this is the part that is related to FNIS, as page states it requires that. ( I never played werebear so I don't know), are you using FNIS?
  13. Did you completely reinstall the new mod after deleting the two? As they are most likely using same scripts/files, so if you didn't reinstall the one you are using now you are missing tons of files. Reinstall it, try again and report back.
  14. Yeah, clarification for the first part. Magic armor, so like, shining orbs everywhere? Also, "PS: i dont have dawnguard or dragonborn just hearthfire." That one is going to take out some really good armor mods.
  15. Can't remember seeing any. Silver effect on silver weapons is not basic enchantment like other enchantments, it's done via script that attaches the said effect on the weapon with perk. Most likely done that way to allow enchanting of silver weapons, so turning it into an enchantment prevents you from enchanting it further. Could be done in seconds though, there seems to be unused "silver" enchantment in game files. Only requires some conditions to be set.
  16. When uninstalling those mods, were you in werebear form? Also, did you re-infect yourself after switching mod? Edit: Were you using both moonlight tales mods at the same time?
  17. Didn't even remember this good thing we have here. (Q&A) If I give item effect similar to dawnguard gear (When worn gains bonus passive effects against X when conditions are met), does it work for NPC's as well? I vaguely remember I saw somewhere someone saying that only perks which are given in spellList will affect NPC's.
  18. Good place to start is to go through STEP guide. http://wiki.step-project.com/Main_Page After that? Well, immersive armors is a big bundle of armors. For textures you could try Amidianborn textures, Tamriel Reloaded ETC. Big texture packs. Just use categories for help, search for most endorsed ones and you most likely find mods that work well, look good and have no issues. http://skyrimgems.com/ contains links to many good mods. I won't start pointing out every mod I like, as I believe I have basically cycled through them all.. *Sigh* Also, READ. MOD. DESCRIPTIONS. Too often new players ignore them and then end up bricking their game. Anyhow, have fun with mods and feel free to ask for more, but try to be specific.
  19. Mm.. Realistic properties of metal types, yes, sounds doable. (Similar way how Dawnguard armor gets the special protection from vampires) I might actually check this one out. (Though, once again it sounds too simple in my head, so it's most likely not gonna be as easy as I think) Edit: Currently checking this one at CK, as said it does look like it'd be doable. Though most likely it wouldn't work with mod-added armors unless I'd manage to figure out keyword based system. Anyhow, I love the idea. Basically I'd love to see gear have some buffs and debuffs. Like, steel against lightning shouldn't be a good decision, right? Most of the fur-based clothing could be resistant to frost, some metal types could be useful against lightning etc. Options are ENDLESS! :laugh: :laugh: However, I'm not going to reserve this idea. With my focusing abilities it could take some time, and I haven't been in modding mood now that I finally managed to fix my Skyrim. Edit: I'm an idiot. It's already keyword based system. This should be really simple. Okay, basically I figured out whole thing on how to do this, Sadly I can't find existing values so I could adjust, for example, shock damage resistances etc. If I manage to figure out how to do that I might actually build mod based on this idea. (Though, I need to start new thread for such, as I need some ideas.) Edit: Did I mention I'm an idiot? Been struggling with this for a while now because I couldn't find the values I have been looking for. (Going manually through drop-down lists). Augmented flames/shock/ice perks had the modifiers I've been looking for. Basically I should be able to individually change how much different spell types deal damage against certain armor types.
  20. Glad to see how you are taking advices (Even if it sometimes is harsh). Forums are sometimes crowded with those "I'll be directive leader without responsibilites"- approaches, so it's easy to understand that people who actively read forums can be a bit grumpy. (Myself included) Anyhow, Dwemer city. Can't remember seeing too much mods that would add such. (At least with decent to high quality) While learning, I suggest you try to do some visual improvements on interiors. Most appreciate content that looks good (Without superduper ENB 20000), so, clutter, lights etc. You could start working out for basic structure of the content you are planning to do. Possibly building other content (Quests, etc. whatever you plan to do) around it, or plan the other stuff first and then make interiors based on those ideas. Also, make sure you check out modders resources, tools and guides available on Nexus. There's plenty of stuff that helps when building interiors.
  21. Imaginator and dynavision, if you want some pretty altered colors without enb. Currently using only ENBoost and those two and I can adjust stuff really well without it affecting performance. (Though I guess my rig could handle much more, but I'm more than happy with current setup)
  22. Mmm.. There was a certain mod.. It had system a bit similar to "Don't starve"'s night system. During nights in the dark you would slowly lose your sanity and eventually you'd see all sorts of ghost-things that wanted to kill you. I just can't recall what it was called, and I have no idea if it was buggy or anything.
  23. "My world mod is at the top of the list and the resource is at the bottom." If your mod requires another mod your adjusted version should be at the bottom. (Not sure if that's how you mean it is)
  24. Does your mod require the original mod? (Loaded in CK before your mod), and if so, is your mod loaded after original mod in load order.
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