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Everything posted by Deleted1308005User

  1. Mm.. Falmer were driven away by nords, from which dragon priests were born. It could make sense that he wanted to achieve similar power to dragon priests. However, this idea has flaw as well. Arch-Curate isn't interested on abilities gained from others. If I correctly remember he doesn't use any vampiric abilities or powers. He hates vampires, which is most likely the reason he froze his brethren inside ice as well. So I'd say lore-wise he wouldn't try to copy something from the monsters that wanted to kill them and drove them from their lands. I'd say it'd be more interesting to see some sort of elven artifacts in similar style as Auriels bow and shield are. It could be elven mage frozen in time at the lake, wearing ceremonial clothing and mask. (Imagine morrowind ordinator- style mask with falmeric colors and style) Though I'll stop hijacking thread here.
  2. Interesting idea. I always thought that the College is a bit too much about wandering aimlessly and too little about actually learning about magic. It's like the guild of the archeology- mod for Oblivion. You stumble on stuff, go to gather stuff and you basically just end up as Arch-mage without casting spells after the initial "test". I like it, you should change the original post to reflect the idea.
  3. You could upload it as a resource to Nexus, most likely someone could give it a try.
  4. Well, there's plenty of stuff to do, and it's pretty much up to you what you are looking for. There's tons of good dungeon mods, quest mods, and followers with quests that add some stuff to do. First of all I recommend you get all the ThirteenOrange's mods from Steam workshop. His mods are top quality and really well made. Aldmeri dominion mod series is good as well, it can be found from steam and from nexus. As for followers I have Hoth and Inigo, never used those before and I am eager to see those in-game.
  5. I dislike the idea of races being hostile towards each other (As in attacking on sight). It could/would break the game in too many ways. It'd be great however, if your race would actually matter and people would treat you and each other accordingly. Like, acting hostile towards you, being angry at you without reason. Shopkeepers would pay attention if you are khajiit/argonian for example, and they would walk behind you to make sure you aren't stealing anything. ( Nord merchants would keep an eye on elves and so on as well) Also, some quests could be locked if you are "wrong" race. Nords would be cautious towards elves, and so on. I support the idea, and I hope that eventually someone builds "racism" mod like this.
  6. Mmm.. I can't remember where I found really good tutorial for this. It was about rigging armor, however as Nova said, it's the same process as if making armors. (Body actually consists of armor addon parts, you just assign the body AA's at race window to that race.) (I hope I explained myself clearly.) I'll post the link to site if I find it.
  7. I don't really care if it hassles someone's mind or not. Only issue I see here is that it'd require lots of work. Mainly because one of the reasons the Stormcloaks started the rebellion is the fact that their god was banned by Aldmeri Dominion. (I can't really remember if there's more of these obvious reasons. I can only remember this being mentioned in game) So, many quests would need to be altered/removed. Many lines of dialogue would need alterations. It is not something you could do in a simple manner. Also, how about dragon worshipping? Dragon priests.. Draugr..
  8. If it is rigged I can put it in game. Or I can guide you through it.
  9. " Like Realistic Ragdolls and Force, Fast Travel Multi Fix etc" I wouldn't merge those mods. I'd only merge armor/weapon mods, much less chances to mess up everything. But yes, scripted mods are a still no-no. They might work, or they might break stuff.
  10. Did you notice there's two related thread for the mod? You could try there instead of popping a new thread.
  11. I love the idea! I can't recall any "Rebuild your castle" mods, but this sounds interesting. If you need help with CK work or something, feel free to ask, I'll surely help as much as I can. Working practice starts next week so I'm not applying as tester, as I guess I don't have too much time to play.
  12. A FREAKIN ORCHESTRA FOLLOWS YOU INTO BATTLE PLAYING COMBAT MUSIC! lol, anyways good idea i like it. Wait, would be actually really funny if when entering combat a random group of five bards would appear and start playing music. (Evil laugh insterted here) Anyhow, a group of bards would be cool. I think it happens at the end of the bard questline where all instruments are played at the same time with the same song and it sounds absolutely amazing. (or I was hallucinating.)
  13. "or mabey being mute, and not allowing you to speak" This reminds me of neverwinter nights where you could be too stupid to talk anything sensible. I've actually always wanted a peg leg or some sort of artificial arm. As for the ideas for some others, you could have migraine/some sort of medical condition that at some intervals blurs your vision, makes you "reckless" or "agonized". Reckless state would buff up melee (As if just hacking everything in rage), but it could block spellcasting or something. Agonized state would just be.. Agonizing. There's actually plenty of stuff you could do, if you have the skills. Looking forward. Maybe I get my peg leg at some point.
  14. no you cant, again copy right laws This. At least you can't do it on Nexus. Maybe not, but as it is copyrighted material, admins have the rights to remove the content. (and most likely they do so)
  15. Well this is weird request. Simply remove amulets of mara from your game and you have no way to accidentally end up married. *Groans'
  16. Well, it's not easy at least. Some people are learning how to crack open behavior files and make wholly new combat stuff fur creatures. (Though, mostly ppl focus on adding animations to player.) So, short answer is no, you can't do it. AFAIK chicken doesn't have any combat animations so it'd be too difficult to achieve anything. What kind-of thing you are working on?
  17. Meh, I was hoping this would be based on mods and some cool looking mod combo armors. Anyhow, conan stuff: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40914/?
  18. Looks really interesting! I thought at first that I most likely won't like it as it's too "nordish", however, the hidden chamber and some other things make me think this would be quite fancy for mage characters as well. I like it. (Also, no nude tag is my opinion. )
  19. Umm.. Have you been walking randomly in the main room of the college? There's already some lessons in vanilla game.
  20. *Cough cough* almost three years old thread just got necroed. You don't have to promote your mod by bumping every slightly related thread.
  21. Whoa. This looks really cool, how I haven't spotted this thread earlier.
  22. Sounds really interesting, only one thing boggles my mind: "My role is the one of the manager, communicator and talent scout." Do you have any skills of modding? Do you know how to use CK, are you able to make custom meshes or anything like that? Of course, a project like this isn't comparable to some of the big mod projects, development system seems a bit similar to Skywind? People who can and want can contribute, which is nice. So it could work. (It's just slow) I like most of the Lotr things myself, so it ain't bad idea to collect most of the things under one mod in bigger project. I'll keep an eye on this, I like the idea.
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