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Everything posted by VisseNekku5746

  1. Would not have thought to see another Christmas, but here I am!
    I can still walk around without help and do housework, even if I get easily fatigued. And I lost sight from one eye.
    But as long as I've got one working eye, I'm happy. 
    Merry Christmas, Filthy Animals!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      I can't explain it either. Been a bit of a test of endurance. 
      Still, I'm glad to still be around. Probably won't see the release of Fallout: London, but I don't mind too much. 

    3. Pagafyr



      I made it up a flight of steps to a walking path above me because I am not going to let my body down and let life beat me just when old age has started making life interesting again.

    4. Pagafyr


      Have you seen any YouTubes with comic strips like yours where the author puts up one pix at a time, of one short strip, and speaks like they are the person in the pix?  And narates them?

      I found a couple parts of one comic strip like yours that I got caught up in until I realized it twas only one section with five frames just like a weekly newspapers or yours.   I kept trying to find any order from part one to part two and so on.  I subscribed to the persons YT.  At their subscribers page the separate strips were all there and easy to follow along.  That way it all made sense.

      Fill your bucket list with stuff so it's too heavy to kick.  LOL

  2. Hey! I know there's probably nobody left to read this. :D But I'll write this anyway. It's been ups and downs for me, but I still come back to these games. Even now I've been playing Fallout 3 again a little bit, just with different set of mods. Still very much kicking, enjoying life and capable. Even though I'm waiting on that to change any day. For those who don't know, I've struggled with cancer a long time. And there's been a development.
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      Interesting that it would show up as Japanese. And even more interesting that if you press the "listen" button, it pretty much says it the same way I would. With a bit of a Japanese accent, of course. Apparently I am surprisingly in sync with Japanese language.
    3. VisseNekku5746


      Over the years I've talked only with a few members that later got banned. Usually those people made it very clear what was going to happen early on. Thanks to that, I can easily say that there are way worse things to be than confusing. Being a good person makes you a better person to talk to than many, many others. Regardless of how clear those other people are in their train of thought.
    4. Pagafyr


      I am simply mindful of changes in outward views now. No injuries from the valley of death are walking me through to the gate. No more suspicious vents or ranting and raging to find the pain giver that confused me so. I only could focus from the illusion of attacks when there were needs greater than fear of new dangers. I learned to dodge the corrupters so well any new person that might have been a friend never got a chance to.
  3. It took some effort, but I think that actually works! Been fiddling around with that and now there are occasional ambushes to deal with. It works pretty much exactly as I hoped it would. Thank you for the suggestion!
  4. Oh I see, "Marked for Termination" is almost what I want. But it does way too much. It appears to have quests, additional characters and dialogue. And even a companion that you are apparently stuck with. Also the terminator hunting you is modeled after either Nora or Nate, depending on who dies in the beginning. Maybe I'm being picky for wanting something lighter. But it's really close. Maybe if there's no other option, that mod might scratch that itch.
  5. Hi! I'm looking for a very simple mod and I can't figure out how to make it. At bare minimum I'd like a mod that randomly spawns a Courser in the game world. It would try and hunt down the player character. You can kill it but another one would spawn soon after. In addition I'd wish that they spawn far away from the player and then walk up to them. And yes indeed I'd love it if they always walk, never run. That way you might see them coming for you in the distance, so you could try and avoid them. Or lay traps if you're so inclined. Also I'd like it to be a proper buffed up courser for the full Terminator experience. Could be optional files for extra buff courser. Maybe this would only happen if you vilify the Institute. And they stop coming when you destroy the Institute. I was inspired by some of Nerbit's challenge videos on YouTube, where he tries to beat the game while being chased by someone. In one case it was Mr. Burke in Fallout 3, in which case he was always walking. And it was terrifying. You never knew how far behind he was. And any time you go into a building, you risk being caught up to. Thank you for reading the request!
  6. How are you people? Survivors of the winter :) Well it's not over yet, but it should be getting sunnier now. I wonder how many of you are checking profile updates, like I kind of still am.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin


      Hard to believe this was posted nearly a year ago - wow! :O
    3. VisseNekku5746


      Oh gosh. :D I swear the years are getting shorter all the time.
    4. Pagafyr


      Faster because work used to be like a curse. When I was working for a living the clock at work always seemed to slow down just before quitting time. Winter?
  7. I haven't been very active here lately, but I really wish you all have happy holidays. :) To me, many of you are my friends. Enjoy your time!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Well wishes for the new year!
    3. VisseNekku5746


      Thank you all! And my well wishes for 2018 for each and every one of you, as well as everyone else.

      If we made it through the past two years, we can take this year as well!

    4. Deleted54170User


      You're welcome. Thanks for your wealth of wisdom.
  8. Returned home after a month long trip :) Using the PC already feels weird. Especially the keyboard.
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I've had a small one before the day a few of us here at the Forums discussed ours when you shared about your Indestructible one. I dropped the one I have and broke it. I leaned over to pick up a grocery bag and it slipped out of my pocket. Now that I have had to think about it I just realized why my family members wanted me to get one.
    3. VisseNekku5746


      Yes! I'm alarmingly glad to hear you say that. I drop my phone embarrassingly much. If only people knew how much, they would never hand me a baby. That's exactly why I can only have indestructible phones. Only one phone I could never recover is the one that apparently had slipped from my boob-pocket into a garbage press at work. I didn't dive in to search for it.

      Now just waiting for the time we install phones directly into our heads.

    4. Deleted54170User


      Clumsy us. I dropped a phone with the name, "The V" many times. It's case was barely scratched. Never seriously damaged. I think the world businesses are plotting to get people to buy disposable phones so they can afford to keep building cheap and charging $100.00 of dollars for something the manufacturing company built for us from a few pennies they melted down and some sand they turned into silicon and glass. Oh! Wait! Too late! They already are! LOL
  9. Hey, how are you doing? :) Since I'm lurking around, I should say hi to an old Samurai friend. What have you been up to (whenever you may read this)?
  10. Hey, Paga! I've been missing a lot of notifications, so now I'm lurking around to see what's going on around here. What have you been playing these days?
    1. Deleted54170User


      Mass Effect: Andromeda. The reason you haven't been getting notifications may be because you haven't been peeking while you are lurking and therefor your friends accounts don't get counters to refresh your connection. Reality has brought my attention to the fact a Young leader in North Korea is playing around with Hydrogen Bombs. He doesn't realize that the land where he exploded the bomb on is useless now. He will probably be a lot older and wiser when it becomes clear that...
    2. Deleted54170User


      ... the land he turned to a wasteland with that H-Bomb will be Dangerously useless even after he dies of old age. A game "Fallout 6" should be made for him so he can see what he's done in North Korea.
  11. Hi! Since I'm lurking around, I should at least say something :) I'm curious though, what have you been playing these days?
  12. Hey! How are you doing? And what have you been up to? :) Dropped in to say 'Hi'.
  13. Wow. Even though I check here every day, I didn't realize that I haven't been getting any notifications for months. I don't know why that happened, but I'm sorry if I missed everything.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      First time for me. Need to keep an eye out for that from now on.

      How do you do, Nighty? Playing anything?

    3. Deleted54170User


      I checked the settings for notifications on my system settings. It was not set to instantaneous notifications like I had it before. It was turned off. I got notifications still, but not from everyone. I checked each Friends account by looking at them and like magic I started seeing their Avatars appearing in the latest visitors again. Could be that Nightshade715 is correct.
    4. VisseNekku5746


      It might be that activity has something to do with it, but I don't know. I see no reason to have the settings reset.
  14. If it was up to me, the next Fallout game would be set in Dublin. I want to know how all those brits and Irish people got to America.
    1. Deleted54170User


      Are you writing dialog for a comic strip for it?
  15. H*ly f***ing s***. Just now realized that a song reference I used in one of my comics saying "I'm sorry I don't pray that way" was actually a direct quote from a different version of the song I was thinking of. Soft Cell had changed the lyrics of "Tainted Love" from play to pray, and here I thought I was misquoting.
    1. VisseNekku5746


      The original Gloria Jones version would have been "I'm sorry I don't play that way." I never knew the other version was any different.
  16. Fallout 4 now has a good alternative start mod called 'Start Me Up - Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul'. It pretty much fixes the biggest problem with the game, the player character. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18946/?
    1. VisseNekku5746


      TinyManticore really worked fast. All I needed to do was point out some dialogue inconsistencies, and a moment later they were gone.
  17. I mentioned that the gun models in Fallout can badly block your vision. Made a picture to show you what I mean, if you let me . http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/67355/?
  18. I already have a hotkey for that. But let me show you what I mean right here.
  19. This is an issue that needs fixing and I'm surprised that it hasn't been fixed yet. For some reason in Fallout 4 you hold every gun way up in your face in first person. Some guns cover almost half your screen. You can of course tweak your FOV but that's not a good solution. Best would be to just have player hold the gun half a meter lower. I would love to do something about it myself, but I have no idea how. Is there anyone out there who can at least show me to the right direction?
  20. Gosh it would be lovely if it was possible to have someone teach me how to make mods. I've tried and failed so many times, having only ideas but not the know-how.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      No plans. What I sometimes did with FO3 was to go to GECK and have some fun :) That was how I learned the basics of that system. That one was very easy to use though. Later I tried more complex things and mostly managed to make things work, until of course there were some technical difficulties that I couldn't solve. Did some fun stuff though.
    3. Deleted54170User


      Is all you need to do is get your head back into the same thinking? That you're going to have some fun with the new CK and the magic will return so you can begin? I can imagine that. CK for FO: 4 is like a new toy. Looks similar, and yet, it really is a new toy. :)
    4. VisseNekku5746


      Haha! We'll see. I'll be poking around a little more again :) Some people have managed to make it work, although I have to say surprisingly few. I guess Fallout 4 also as a base game doesn't require such big mods right away as the previous games. But, it has always taken a while.
  21. It's a shame this hasn't happened yet. As far as I see at least. Fallout 3 had that option, so it feels a bit clunky when it's taken away.
  22. Went back and played through Mass Effect 2 and 3. This time I modded the last game. And holy heck, the mods correct everything I wanted. Got me in actual tears of joy to see it work so seamlessly.
    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I recieved this link through Nvidia at CES. It's 2 minutes of the new Mass Effect game.
    3. VisseNekku5746


      The combat mechanics of Andromeda seems to be familiar, if a little improved from the last game. Although I was quite happy with how it was already. The real meat of the game will come clear only by playing, because for me it's always been the story and dialogue that drives the series :) We'll see soon enough.
    4. Deleted54170User
  23. Cancer. That's a bit of a bummer. At least the rest of this year is going to be slightly difficult.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Druuler


      I am sorry to hear about the cancer, my friend. :( I hope that treatment is going well. :)
    3. VisseNekku5746


      Thanks :) Don't worry. Things are going better than expected, and we didn't even expect anything too bad. It's tiring though. But nothing that time wouldn't fix.
    4. Druuler


      I am very glad to hear that! :)
  24. Downloaded the fan-made "Pokemon: Uranium version". It looks good, is free and is made for PC. Nintendo will definitely take it down soon.
    1. Deleted54170User


      Looks like radiation colors with glowing radiated evolved pets. Ooo! :P
    2. Deleted54170User


      Thanks for the movie reminder. I like the movie, "Book of Eli". I watch it again if I had a hard copy.
    3. VisseNekku5746


      In retrospect it was pretty damn great, wasn't it? I've seen it a few times already, but it's been a while since the last time.
  25. I'm back home :) How's everyone doing?
    1. Ithildin


      Doing fine hon, playing FO4 now (my first playthrough, finally, thanks to the Steam sale). I hope you had a fantastic vacation!
    2. Deleted54170User


      Hanging in there. Fallout Shelter is now available for PC for Free. Playing that. Be Well.
    3. VisseNekku5746



      I also took advantage of the steam sale and got both Metro games. Great so far.

      Hoping to get more free time :P Almost feels like I never even left for a vacation.

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