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Everything posted by dianacat777

  1. I did, and he is aggressive. Result script is this; Begin block; ShowMessage AlexMessageFurious Set AlexREF.Waiting to 0 Set AlexREF.HasBeenHired to 0 Set AlexREF.Hireable to 0 Set AlexREF.L38 to 0 Set AlexREF.IsFollowingDefault to 0 Set AlexREF.IsFollowingLong to 0 AlexREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 SetFactionReaction AlexMercerFaction PlayerFaction -100 SetFactionReaction PlayerFaction AlexMercerFaction -100 AlexREF.RemovePerk AlexLoyaltyPerk AlexREF.evp End Block; AlexRef.StartCombat Player He becomes unhireable and ceases to act as a teammate, but he doesn't attack.
  2. I hate to double post, but... curiously enough, I can't get Alex to actually attack the player, even though the rest of the furious script works. He'll attack if attacked, but he won't initiate combat. Can anyone see any problems, or identify what might be a problem? I might add, there's a StartCombat trigger at the end of the Furious dialogue - starts on end.
  3. Thank you, that's extremely helpful. I've tried to close a lot of loops, but clearly I've still got work to do. Ooh, maybe that's why this one other trigger convo isn't happening, either.
  4. I have certain actions that directly set IsFuriousWithPlayer to 1, which are the ones I've been testing with, and nothing's happening. :/ Sqv? That would actually be really helpful, if I could change/check mod attributes ingame. How exactly is that done?
  5. So I'm a new modder, still pretty wet around the ears. But I've managed to cobble together some rudimentary quests, dialogue trees, triggers, et cetera, so I'm mildly competent at this point. However, I've got a few things that I can't get to work. Most important at the moment is that my WIP companion works off a series of loyalty/hatred points. Loyalty eventually opens up a quest and perks, and pissing him off enough eventually gets him to leave and attack you (and certain actions are an automatic leave). Except it doesn't. Here's what I have. Begin GameMode if (AlexRef.IsAngryWithPlayer >= 5) Set AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer to 1 Endif End Begin GameMode if (AlexRef.IsFuriousWithPlayer == 1) SetEssential FollowerAlex 0 AlexREF.StartConversation Player FollowerAlexAlexHasHadEnough AlexRef.RemoveFromFaction PlayerFaction SetFactionReaction AlexMercerFaction PlayerFaction -100 Endif End The conversation triggered finishes the rest of those pieces, with; ShowMessage AlexMessageFurious Set AlexREF.Waiting to 0 Set AlexREF.HasBeenHired to 0 Set AlexREF.Hireable to 0 Set AlexREF.L38 to 0 Set AlexREF.IsFollowingDefault to 0 Set AlexREF.IsFollowingLong to 0 AlexREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0 AlexREF.RemovePerk AlexLoyaltyPerk AlexREF.evp But it doesn't seem like the first trigger is getting hit at all, because no conversation is initiated, even when I do things that would put him into the Furious state. Could a more experienced modder point out any issues in my scripts here? Thanks. :3
  6. All right, still confused at how this is supposed to work. The order says it goes a certain way, but I'm... not quite getting it, I guess. Could somebody explain to me why this is wrong? I'm pretty sure I'll understand it from there. GetSpellUsageNum1 OR GetSpellUsageNum2 OR GetSpellUsageNum3 OR GetSpellUsageNum4 OR GetSpellUsageNum5 AND GetScriptVariable AND GetIsID AND I took this to mean (1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 and script variable and ID), but it seems to just not work, and putting spell number 5 as an or just makes it always come up - which makes sense. Do I need (1 and scriptvar and ID) or (2 and scriptvar and ID) and so on, and if so, how would I place that? The and/or; does it apply to that effect or the next in line?
  7. Thanks a ton, let's see if this works. Edit: No, it's still coming up where I don't want it triggered...
  8. This seems like a simple question, and it probably is... I've been learning how to mod for the past month, and I've certainly improved. I started out following a companion guide, and now I can cobble together rudimentary scripts, quests, dialogue trees, and play with texture maps and their negatives. But in dialogue, I still cannot figure how to use 'or' - and it's impossible to look up because all search engines ignore that particular word when you're looking them up. I've tried since the very beginning. Basically, I have a character that I'm giving different greetings to when you're in certain locations or have certain statuses. However, some areas span more than one cell, and the only way I know how to make the character say X greeting in the area I want is to make y number of greetings, one for each cell or condition. And this is just massively cluttered and there has to be a better way to do it. When I try to use OR... I always have my GetIsID function (with AND), and it seems like the OR takes that as an okay and automatically gives that greeting or trigger, even though none of the other variables - the ones that actually have OR on them - are fulfilled. So... how do I make it so some conditions must be filled, and then at least one of other ones has to be? Thanks, and sorry this is phrased so confusingly.
  9. This is way late, but oh my god thank you so much. I have been trawling the internet looking for a straight answer on this for so long...
  10. I don't think we're centered around being lore-friendly - we're adding a few things as far as quests are concerned - but we like to stick to lore, yes. I think. To me, it's more like a plain logical fallacy. Armor doesn't grow alongside you. If we were to have any sort of werewolf armor, I imagine it'd be like broken armor - platemail that's torn apart but in some places still strapped to the werewolf. But I don't think we're working on that at all atm. Maybe sometime later. Oh, and for the communications thing (gah, thieves), we do have a steam community.
  11. Do we even want werewolves with armor? I mean... it's kind of immersion-breaking there. You grow in size as a werewolf, so human armor should strangle you. Besides, that looks a little wonky. :/ It seems that you dont who i am dont you boy? :) Seconding Infinity's facewall here. Look, Xahstur, you shouldn't be taking things from other people and claiming them as your own. I mean, now I don't really trust the image for your second tree because I know you took the first from somewhere else and claimed it as your own. The more times you do that, the less inclined I am to have you on the team. It's not my call, but you practically waltzed in here claiming we 'stole your name', and now it feels like you're trying to be really important. Okay, great. Now stop trying to act more important than everyone else. That's antagonistic and arrogant behavior. :/ Don't call people 'boy'. That's pissing me the hell off. Sergyu has been working on this a hell of a lot longer than you, and I am highly grateful for his work. *few pages back, I'm catching up* However, I'd like to mention that Elder is really calling the shots. I might have conceptualized this, but I really don't have the ability to make this a reality or the leadership skills to pull together this wonderful team. So defer to Infinity 'cause he's awesome. :D Oh, and Sergyu, having the same problem. Have we pinned down what's causing that?
  12. Infinity, as for the lines... Right now, I really hate to say this, but I'm practically dying of work. Like, living-on-verge-of-a-panic-attack type amounts of work. :/ I already know of seven different packets I need to complete for the week-long break ahead (from only two of my classes classes), two different chapters to learn on AP chemistry (organic and thermo II), my mom is in SCHOLARSHIPS OMG mode, and teh intornetz is bugging me for fanfic. I'm not sure I can get this done or even do much work on it this or next week. D: It's crazy. I really just need some time right now to sort everything out and get working on everything I need to work on. I'm sorry; I'll contact you again once things are less nuts over here.
  13. Oh, speaking of the werewolf sounds - do you plan on carrying any from the old set over? I was pretty fond of those. Also, I find that when I'm in werewolf form at night, if I feed, I spontaneously transform back (and then immediately to a werewolf again). Is anyone having this issue besides me?
  14. It's been a long time since I posted here... Hear we've got nightly transformations working and up? Awesome. Going to go try that. Search for bugs, if I can. Edit: Oh, that werebear is awesome!
  15. Samogen, that werewolf model you made is purely amazing. I love it! Excellent work, there.
  16. Well, thanks - I guess I was just getting defensive. The werewolf is a race in and of itself... now, Skyrim isn't Oblivion, but I know that a common mistake with Oblivion characters was that they weren't levelled - like Agronak in the Arena, or so on. My guess is that the player werewolf is either not levelled or improperly levelled - as in, following the player's stats, but not gaining anything outside of that. I don't really know how to create that exponential growth, but I do know how to add create and add racial abilities.
  17. The thing is, we aren't just sitting here screaming 'hai guise plz come ovr heer n halp'. We are doing things on our own. What's in our way for our first few sets of checkpoints is the lack of the construction set. Other than the missing sneak animation, I believe we already know how to get that far. I'm very grateful to all Infinity's doing, that's for sure, but I am trying to help out. Besides... if you shouldn't try anything if you aren't a mod wizard, it's like automatically invalidating your ideas. Different talents lie in different areas. I've seen brilliant Oblivion mods with dialogue that was spelled atrociously and had gaping logical fallacies in the quests/interactions/what have you. The scripting was more or less perfect in those cases, but the mods ended up looking unpolished simply because nobody bothered to smooth over the linguistics. My 'talents' lie pretty exclusively as a writer, but that doesn't mean I'm useless in creating the finished product. Scripters are probably the most important part of a mod, but the artists, conceptualists, testers, and so on have their places as well. I guess I'm just irritated that there's this sudden influx of people saying 'lawl giv up' before we've even started. Did every other mod in this section start out with a full team or something? If we were just standing around complaining we can't get stuff done because we don't have a haxx0rz pro modder around, then yes, we'd probably deserve this demoralizing shtick. But no, we're just at the same roadblock everyone else currently is stuck at - no CS. We can't really see if the scripts and commands Infinity's showed me will work or not until we can put it in the game. Yes, there are things we probably cannot get done due to our skill set. No, we are not completely incompetent. As for the time and learning constraints... I believe there's a thorough difference between having the time to do things you already know, and having the time to learn something and do it. I can write with ease, but right now, my brain is sort of swimming upstream with learning statistics, economics, and chemistry. I can do what I know already, but it's hard to effectively learn when I'm already trying to do a decent job of learning electron orbitals and electron-region structure of an atom, paramagnetism and diamagnetism, variance, the laugher curve, every component of GDP and NDP, et cetera. I don't really have much space for learning scripting right now, especially without any sort of guidance.
  18. I don't know, but if you set your race to the dragon race, and you shout, you'll hear a deep voice saying the words of the shout, not the generic roar. The roar sounds cool, but I agree - where's the word itself? I'm wondering what happened there.
  19. Delphine stops helping you if you don't kill Paarth, and I still get letters after that. Also, has anyone ever gotten letters in really weird places? Like... Blackreach, or a bandit dungeon? Because yeah. I think it's M'aiq. He's boss.
  20. You know, I'm nearing 200 hours, and I've been experiencing considerably more CTDs than I used to, usually in the middle of random actions (unsheathing a wep, making a potion). I used to never get crashes.
  21. This. I loved the Blades, and then they had to go and throw this stupid tantrum and alienate me. Now I spend hours in Sky Haven Temple murderizing Delphine's essential ass. Honestly, who does she think she is? It's her sworn duty to protect me, not boss me around on matters she's too bigoted to even try to understand. I'm cooler with Esbern, but... you're either with me or against me. Paarth may be up to no good, but he's kept his nose clean for millennia, and he's a pretty cool guy, so I'm really inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  22. Oh, that place was so disturbing. And tragic. Also marked the start of me honest-to-gods loathing the Falmer.
  23. Well, the thing is, we really don't have anyone who can do meshes right now. Add to that that I'm pretty sure there are other people doing werebears, and I just really don't see the point of spending time on something that other people could likely do a lot better. Prometheus, there really is no need to be an a**hole. We've had plenty of voice actor volunteers, and we understand enough about scripting to get our basic checkpoints down. I may not be able to do much, but I'm more than 'that dude with the idea'; even if I don't know how to script, I have a basic understanding of how these things work. The person who created Curse of Hircine: Resurrected allowed us to look at his scripts for basic reference, because many of the prompts are still applicable (it isn't so much about the direct commands as what he linked to what in order to create a certain effect) I'd like to think that as we progress, we'll get more people interested. And believe me when we say we've got a damn good idea for quests.
  24. Well, I wish it had been shifted back. Dawn seems way too early. Really, I preferred the whole 8-6 thing that Oblivion and Morrowind had going on.
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