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Everything posted by dianacat777

  1. I didn't know I could play with DDS files on photoshop. When I save a DDS file, I don't see any options for any sort of Alphas - just DDS. That's with my converter, though. :/ Thanks, though, going to try and use photoshop again.
  2. I like this even more than I did good/evil, and it also reminds me of something on the first thread. A 'tame' werewolf is more controlled, and has their normal mind dictating their actions, while a feral werewolf has completely withdrawn into its animal instincts. We'd been toying with the messages you'd get when you tried to activate an item you couldn't use; whether or not you couldn't remember what to do with it, or you just couldn't manage to use it with your deformed hands and lack of opposable thumbs. I'm all for two different messages; one along the lines of 'after a few moments' worth of frustration, you give up trying to use this', and another like 'try as you might, you just can't remember how to use this'. The one you got would depend on whether or not you were leaning towards feral or tame (controlled?).
  3. All right, I'll get to the point. I'm a new 'modder', if you can even call me that. A dabbler, maybe. Or just a curious person without a clue what she's doing. Long story short; I want to retexture things - I have access to photoshop, and convert dds files to pngs before working on them. The main areas of what I texture come out fine. But the parts that stick out, like fur details? Well... You get this. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d197/purricat777/skyrimddsfilesarehaters.jpg Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? I've tried re-adding transparency, I've just left those bits of file entirely alone... but it still does this, and I can't work on anything remotely complicated unless I can understand what I'm messing up on.
  4. Yeah, that was my thought upon playing Skyrim. I had seen the leaked videos of werewolf gameplay, and I was positively bursting with excitement... and I built up my expectations so high that when the game actually came out (doing the Companions line was the first thing I did), I was terribly let down. I remember just waiting, praying that the lunar cycle would do something... but nope. And now I can hardly use my werewolf form, because at level 77, the werewolf isn't even a glass cannon anymore. I can do more damage with daggers than I can with its claws, to say nothing of how quickly it bites the dust. It's a novelty, a fun thing for screenshots and to say you can. Right now, that's about it. The Curse of Hircine: Resurrected mod for Oblivion was positively brilliant, and I think I had come to expect that sort of gameplay in Skyrim. But even Morrowind's system would have been preferable to this. (Werewolves were always overpowered at every level; merely moreso at lower ones. Sneak was godly, you actually felt like a werewolf, and the little frustrated noises you'd make when you tried to activate an object - I loved those.) Edit: Ooh, Infinity, a thought for later. You know how CoH had a good/evil werewolf thing? This is obviously something that can only be considered at a much later stage of development, but what if your form changed over time to reflect yourself? Imagine we had two werewolf models. The current, bulky-berserker-styled one would befit a werewolf that did evil deeds and revelled in murder, while the thinner, sleeker one we plan to create is your starting model, but also the one you keep if you avoid senseless death and limit your kills? -I don't really buy into the 'neutral' werewolf. You're either fighting against your instincts or glorying in them. To avoid killing is an act of good in and of itself. A clan as a whole could be neutral, but neutral really only ever served as a starting point for the player.
  5. Hopefully, once we've gotten the basics of this mod out, it'll attract interest and bring in some modelers. For the basics, extra models aren't that necessary. The current roaring animation works all right for howling, given a different sound. Sneaking... that's going to be a problem, but there might actually be something already there if you remove the block tha prevents werewolves from accessing most keys and actions. Might be being the key word, but regardless. And changing the model is a goal, but not necessary for the mod's base functionality. I'm really excited for the CS to come out. I'm not sure how much I can contribute, but I'm ready to give this my all.
  6. Thanks, Infinity! One other thing; we also want the ability to customise your own werewolf, picking from a variety of coat and eye colors. Wild werewolves will accordingly have their own colors. I've created a mod that has multiple eye colors, and Aikospacerogue offered us his coat recolors, so for now, we have those resources. Many other things have been addressed in the old thread; if people are interested in those, I'll bring them forth. Our planned main questline has several different factions you can join - both werewolf and hunter. And as Infinity said, even then, you're not shoehorned into one path, or even two. That guy is a genius, I tell you. I'm lucky to have found him. I'm willing to write dialogue and books, plan quests, and conceptualize, but I'm afraid I can't model and I understand very little of scripting.
  7. I wonder if that sprint idea is possible? Because yes, I love that idea, and the 'flying upon being hit' effect is already there... Also, I think that's a good idea - not just because people would be afraid of it, which they should be - a pause and 'Wait, what's going on, what's happening to him? Oh gods-', but also that as things are, people attack you while transforming. Upon reaching higher levels - if I'm getting attacked by more than one person, I'm usually dead (from 450 health to 0) before the transformation is even complete. Perhaps werewolf hunters wouldn't flinch away while you're transforming, but your average citizen or bandit really should. Ooh, another idea. Silver is poisonous to werewolves, right? What if (in first person), your vision became hazy for a few seconds after getting struck with a silver weapon?
  8. Oh, total support. I've gotten all the enchantments now, but I was always buying expensive stuff to disenchant because I wasn't sure if I already had it or not.
  9. Lucky! Whenever I got gifts, they were always non-skill books. I want to get some booze, that would tell me that the people actually love me. :( I haven't gotten a random gift since around when I first started playing the game, though. Odd.
  10. Huh. Well, I see no reason to abandon our attempt just because of rumors. :s Like I said, I doubt they have your ideas. We could all joni up if it did turn out to be true. ...I really wish they'd come out with the CS already.
  11. Yes - would you make the thread? I'm really not the person to lead a project. :| Or otherwise, how should I design the page? And we need a cool name. As for the CoHR in Skyrim, who's doing that?
  12. I'm heartened by the interest on the thread... huh. Somebody's already doing it? Well, I doubt they have your ideas. Thanks for that post, btw. :3
  13. The literal scale of a werewolf to a person is 1.13 to 1 in the game... not to mention, the werewolf is inherently built better for strenuous activity. Look at how fast it can run compared to a person. It's far more resilient, and (should be) more agile. By the way, I'll say it again, that plan for detection as a known werewolf was friggin' genius. Edit: I think you misread my post. I was talking about fall damage, not werewolf height. I don't want giant-werewolves... dear lord, astral-punting werewolves. Do not touch their mammoths.
  14. The complete lack of 'curse' style lycanthropy. It plays more like an easter egg than anything else. Also how short the questlines were. Progressed way too fast to be natural in the College and Companions, for one. And finally, the fact that a ten-foot fall instakills you. If the game is going to be like this when there's MOUNTAINS EVERYWHERE, I want my friggin' Acrobatics skill back.
  15. Overall, I was really disappointed with Skyrim's DB quests, and slightly less so - but still substantially - with the College. College was just way too fast and didn't explain anything that was going on. It started out promising, making you feel like an apprentice - and after Saarthal, it just went downhill - advancing too fast. It got cool at the climax, and then had a really anticlimactic ending. I'm spoilering my grievances, so if you haven't done the DB questline yet, don't read. With winterhold college...
  16. For the shouts, guys, remember that a lot of the words you're looking for already exist in the dragon language, so no need to make words up. As for shouts? Shoop-Da-Whoop. Charge your laser, fire your laser, and BLAAAAAAARRGH.
  17. If nothing else, the scripts could show us how to go about doing something, like random transformation variables and calculating the lunar phase. And true. Needless to say, I'm disappointed with how clunky playing as a werewolf currently is. As for the sequence breaking - huh. Really, that's sort of inevitable... I will ask this, though. Is it possible for us to change the fall damage independently of jump height for werewolves? They're tough creatures to begin with, and can feasibly twist to land on all fours... it's really just ridiculous how a ten-foot fall will instakill you. If I jumped out my window right now for whatever reason, I am quite sure I wouldn't die, and in terms of Skyrim abilities, I'm level negative twenty, max. A seven-foot-tall beast of prey, made for all sorts of terrain to enact the hunt? Give me a break, Bethesda. I think we could right now. You've really put a lot of work into this, and it might be the only way to attract modelers and the like.
  18. A way to do it without getting guards to attack you would be more fun. :P
  19. Ooh, that'd be great - a running leap? Definitely something to consider. Infinity, can I look at those scripts in the construction set? And do you want me to right now, or when Skyrim's CS comes out?
  20. Yes, I do. What do you need? And that's a shame D:
  21. I think the guard armors need to be remeshed so there's an arrow sticking out of one of the knees. And after the quest, the guards will thank you for avenging their knees :P
  22. Samogen, if that's possible, it'd be brilliant. Infinity, do you think it's possible to cause actions in werewolf form to contribute to an entirely separate level-up, with its own specific perks? And Boomnuke, don't worry, we are working on quests. Infinity has some damn amazing ideas. Edit: LogicDragon said we could look at his scripts? Sweet, I'll have to thank them. Those should be a big help in showing what we want to do. As for modeling... I don't know what to do with meshes. I am, however, capable of recolors, and beyond that, textures. There's just one (unfortunately large) catch. No matter what I use, the DDS files lose the identity of their negatives on the extraneous details; the fur that sticks up on the side, and so on. Even if I don't touch those at all, the black background is absorbed into the file itself, creating this; http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d197/purricat777/skyrimddsfilesarehaters.jpg I'm convinced that I could create some very nice textures if I could only get around this irritating issue. I have photoshop, and enough rudimentary knowledge of it to work with things without them looking completely terrible.
  23. Heh, true. W40k is one of a kind, from what I understand. Although I'm of the mind that Peryite and Sanguine were inspired by Nurgle and Slaanesh respectively. Some parallels between Tzeentch (however do I spell that?) and Hermaeus Mora. I'd been hugely into Prototype and Alex Mercer in particular this summer, and I've gotten into the habit of torturing characters just to see what happens. Ah, really? I can't do much more than create spells with existing effects, etc. But that's why I wanted to contact LogicDragon; I think some of the coding from CoH: Resurrected might be viable in Skyrim, or at least provide a foothold.
  24. Not to mention, I'm not a leader. You/me/whoever has/have to find somebody who fits that role, because I can't organize, keep up with this, manage... I bounce off ideas, and I write. But I can't keep things in order. Oh, and Infinity, I forgot to mention - or I ever said clearly - I think the main issue I had with what you proposed was that of the three packs, none were a moral grey area.
  25. I don't know - do you have to have a coherent team before starting there? And should I copy over the first post, adding important points that have come up over this thread? Plus, we need some fancy name for it.
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