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Everything posted by Mekii

  1. I have some minor problems with Anchorage and Broken Steel (Think I saw a solution for BS problem in another thread so no big need to reply on BS), the problems would be following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anchorage: -I'm not sure if this is really an issue but, as far as I can understand I am supposed to recive an radio frequency with a message from the Outcast. After about 10-12 game days travling the waste on a character almost done with FO3 main story, I've yet not got the radio frequency, I had a thought on that maybe I had gone pass it or something cause of where I were in the main story. So, I switched to another character, being half way, playing for about 8 game days and no radio frequency. Then I got the thought that maybe I had to start all over, thought that sounded a bit strange, but I did so anyways, after about 15 game days I had yet not got the frequenzy. So... my question would be; I don't really need the radio frequency from the start, or? -Since I discovered the Outcast outpost with out the radio I entered the elevator and spoke to those 3 Outcasts (that apperes to be key characters) and I get this suit and also this Objective to put the suit on. When I do, the Objective remains not completed. -After several atempts to solve the issue with the suit I gave up, I putted on the suit and finished the objective with a console command, could still not sit in the chair. The pod had two objects that could be activated, I tested both with the console comand "activate". The result where the same in both cases, I'd end up being stuck in the pod staring at a white "screen", apart from when I looked down onto the floor then. So either it won't just work with the consol or there's an issue here as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broken Steel: After completing the FO3 Main Quest I get sent back to main screen instead of getting onto the BS story line. I am however able to reach lvl 30, so the DLC is kinda working a little bit. I did however spot a solution in another thread a while ago, so I'll see if I can find it again, it's no big need to reply to this BS Issue, but feel free to do if you feel for it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During this: -I had no mods or other DLC activated while testing each of these two. -I got the fakepatch 1.5 (since it were recomended) and also, Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch. -I use FOMM -I use BSA Manager Umm... yea, my mess for today.
  2. I'd have a simular problem, though my pod stops working once the "screen" turns white, might be cause I have't got the radio signal, does it comes around randomly or do I have to do something to get it? Think I've wandered all over the waste by now.
  3. Umm, umm, I donno what I did right between the last post, the 4 more re-installations and this post... Didn't do anything different, installed same way as the very first installation of the mod, where I first encountered the issue... ...but now it works... :huh: ;D
  4. Yes, I do have quite many mods installed and running perfectly so it very odd to me that it doesn't in this case. And the files are in the right place once again, I also got TYPE3 body replacer. So... yea... I'm clueless here...
  5. Hi, it's the very first time I have this kind of problem with an mod. I installed all the items from the zip as usually in my case D:\Fallout 3\Data... and started up FOMM and crosses all the boxes wanted and the launch the game itself. I go and get the new item from the said location, to my dissapointment my character ends up with just 2 hands and a head floating around, or if i actually put the following hat on, I get a big ! (the icon in the pip-boy did however work alright). So for a while now I've tried a few different things and also tried out some solutions in other topics, tripple checking that everything is same as with the other armor mods that is working as they should, but without success and I'm running dry on ideas. I have i.e moved the folders around such as: From: D:\Fallout 3\Data\Textures\Bronson From: D:\Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Bronson To: D:\Fallout 3\Data\Textures\armor To: D:\Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\armor Hoping it were just some sort of folder issue(?). At one point i deactivated the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated and activated it again, thinking it were that one being messy... So, yea, running dry on ideas to why it happens and how to solve it, this would be the only mod I so far have had problem with. :confused: Well, it's not an very alarming issue, I either just forget about it or do some re-installing in worst case, if I don't manage to get it working. Thanks in advance for any ideas! Mekii Edit: this would be the mod I have problems with: Nurse
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