I have some minor problems with Anchorage and Broken Steel (Think I saw a solution for BS problem in another thread so no big need to reply on BS), the problems would be following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anchorage: -I'm not sure if this is really an issue but, as far as I can understand I am supposed to recive an radio frequency with a message from the Outcast. After about 10-12 game days travling the waste on a character almost done with FO3 main story, I've yet not got the radio frequency, I had a thought on that maybe I had gone pass it or something cause of where I were in the main story. So, I switched to another character, being half way, playing for about 8 game days and no radio frequency. Then I got the thought that maybe I had to start all over, thought that sounded a bit strange, but I did so anyways, after about 15 game days I had yet not got the frequenzy. So... my question would be; I don't really need the radio frequency from the start, or? -Since I discovered the Outcast outpost with out the radio I entered the elevator and spoke to those 3 Outcasts (that apperes to be key characters) and I get this suit and also this Objective to put the suit on. When I do, the Objective remains not completed. -After several atempts to solve the issue with the suit I gave up, I putted on the suit and finished the objective with a console command, could still not sit in the chair. The pod had two objects that could be activated, I tested both with the console comand "activate". The result where the same in both cases, I'd end up being stuck in the pod staring at a white "screen", apart from when I looked down onto the floor then. So either it won't just work with the consol or there's an issue here as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broken Steel: After completing the FO3 Main Quest I get sent back to main screen instead of getting onto the BS story line. I am however able to reach lvl 30, so the DLC is kinda working a little bit. I did however spot a solution in another thread a while ago, so I'll see if I can find it again, it's no big need to reply to this BS Issue, but feel free to do if you feel for it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During this: -I had no mods or other DLC activated while testing each of these two. -I got the fakepatch 1.5 (since it were recomended) and also, Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch. -I use FOMM -I use BSA Manager Umm... yea, my mess for today.