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Everything posted by Mekii

  1. Try: Some Poses from Backsteppo > Standing > Arms crossed. There's 2 types of arms crossed in the Backsteppo list, also one and another in the Hero poses. @twilightblade It looks a lot like CRI.
  2. D_V_A, looks like the Groovatron to me.
  3. I believe that the helm on the far right girl is from here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5962
  4. Oh noes! The video filled my head with more ideas, like I don't have enough of them already. :wacko: Sephiroth is alright... well, more than the avarge alright then, though someone else stole my heart be fore he could. ;)
  5. If I only had a garden! Too bad it's hard to have one when living on the 3rd floor. :( But hey, I got a whole forest behind my house, and a nice lake, so it makes up for the lack of a garden. ;D Hmm, which one will be my favorite this time... the bottom one good a good chance! Oh and my turn! My dinner a while ago. Donno why I took a picture of it. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k319/Nimmeriz/Namnam.jpg http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k319/Nimmeriz/Solnedgang.jpg
  6. Almost! Almost!

    Just some final touches and you will see the final result of the drawing... well, the character at least! Don't got the right colors I want for the background :(

  7. Looks as some of it is from the tailor maid mod (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5424) the dress is from http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7726 .
  8. Umm, umm... *peeks out through the window at neightbors* ... ummm... :confused: Well, I actually took a few pics of the lake behind my house... umm... can be found on page 19. But what ever you do, if you go peeking, don't click the picture. Or it's more like of the sun... but the lake is there! Edit: Oh and, and the first and the two last pictures are greate! Go shoot some more!
  9. Naw, not fair, I don't got such nice flowers growing around here. :( Could probably find them in a flower shop though, but that wouldn't be the same. :confused:
  10. This is my latest drawing, yet it isn't finished. I started on it last night and have been doodling with it for about 6 hours now. For the first time in a very long time I've been using color pencil to color it. I found out that I lack quite many colors so I can't really complete it before I've bought some new pens. Anyhow, here's a peek. Credits to Kungfubelly, for some inspiration. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k319/Nimmeriz/Trolling-40.jpg
  11. Vintersorg - Isjungfrun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ol8-o_eKRw
  12. I think I'll have a lil break from trying to get the radio up and running. For the very moment I'm just getting annoyed by looking at it and that's no good. I have a few other things to fix up apart from the radio, maybe should get going on those for a bit.
  13. Oh, I donno 'bout that, I love to draw, but I haven't evolved too much latley, more like stepped down a notch or two cause I've been busy with other things... we'll see how it goes!
  14. Apart from the scratch wounds up on my head, I'm doing just perfect, hope you doing good over there too!

    Ps. Your PP inspires me to an drawing, I'm so going to draw you ;D

  15. The spalsh and the puddle looks like a spalsh and a puddle, didn't connect 'em to something though. :unsure: Anyhow, it's a very nice drawing, makes it tempting to pick up the 'ol pencils again. ;D Infact, I think I'll do just that right now, geck is teasing the heck out of me.
  16. Oh yes, it is nebulas they were callded, silly me, i forgot the word so I went for "stars and such". Back to the school bench. ;D I figured at least that life/death were theme in the picture cause of the horse and the fire. Should had figured rebirth had a finger in the game aslo.
  17. Woohaa, that is a nice work with the colors there. The fire (I hope I'm seeing right now) looks real nice, also the stars is nicely done! Wish I could do nice stars with pencils, though I don't use that too often.
  18. The 2 boats is nice pieces. :thumbsup: I like 'em, even if they're old and hand scaned.
  19. That's an good idea Skree. Haven't done any tests with vanilla songs yet. Edit: Alright, same result with the vanilla songs. I got 2 ideas now. 1. I re-export my .wav files with different export settings and test them, 2. I'll try to edit someone elses radio, replacing the songs, some re-naming and such and see if it jumps from working to non working. It might also be a possibility that my Geck requires an re-install.
  20. I were born and breed here in ol' Sweden.
  21. Hmm, oh, haven't been peeking there... *3 seconds later* Umm, it's blank. :( I guess that's a problem...
  22. Arrgh, I had something to say about the whole... sorta forgot it though. Not my fault, it's 6am and it is all Gecks fault I'm still up. Still, I think it's a nice poem, and umm, I'll edit this post a bit after that I've been to bed.
  23. @wasder, I like no. 5, 6, 7 most of those sigs, nice work! Umm, this would be a picture taken behind my house earlier this summer. Or well the lake isn't exactly behind the house, it's 4 minutes of walk. And for godsake, turn down the volume if you click the picture, I don't want to hurt your ears withmy umm, bad home made music. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k319/Nimmeriz/th_Mercurial-Wandering.jpg
  24. It says: Data\Sound\Voice\Amadeus Music.esp\FemaleOld01\RadioAmade_RadioHello_00000EAA_1.wav So, the path is right and all, by what I can see.
  25. Yes, both are pure .wav files. Made in FL studio and exported from there as .wav I can heard the other radios loud and clear in-game. But I wish it would have been the volume control that would have been the "error". Then I could at least just felt silly, laugh at it and tell myself to put the brain in next time.
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