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Everything posted by Mekii

  1. I've seen some Tau Armor around, and one or two weapons. The Tau Commander armor I believe I have seen as an modders resource but nothing finished. Just cause I'm nice: Tau Ghost Stealth Suit Tau FireWarrior V2 armor Tau Rail Rifle Tau Pulse Rifle Tau Pulse Carbine Tau Drone Companion This would be most of the Tau stuff on Nexus. But as Tony points out: it is an good idea to use the search at Fallout3Nexus to find mods. PS. Tony, you better save some arrows for me, don't waste 'em all!
  2. do not launch oblivion using OBMM.launch it the normal way or if you have OBSE dependant mods then launch it using OBSE Ah, I'll try that out then and see how it ends up. *crosses fingers* I wanna go to bed >.< Edit: *sniff* Didn't work any better with the OB launcher either... :unsure: Oh well, I'll figure on this later, now I need to get some rest.
  3. Hi! I can't get any of my mods to run at all and I have no clue of why. The files is in their right folders and so (i.e Oblivion/Data/Meshes - Oblivion/Data/Textures etc etc.) I ran the Archive Inv. in OBMM and Launched OB from there (by advise from Skree). I'm missing something, though I can't put my finger on why it doesn't work. I don't need to do any edits in the Oblivion.ini or something too, hmm?
  4. You could try to google for Opacity map tutorials, I found a few nice written once a while ago, though I'm not at the same computer now so I can't post any links.
  5. Hehe, your's ain't too bad either!
  6. The BF2142 items isn't in a School locker, but in 2 footlockers at the entrance (where the cage with a corpes on top is), on the left side of the entrance door, standing on the floor. So, when you have got FOMM up and running, look there instead of the ordinary school lockers.
  7. Shotgun, shotgun... I could pop an shotgun sketch later, tomorrow or so, though I'd rather see the rifle I've been sketching on for a while in game. But well, an "shotagunno" it is. :thumbsup:
  8. Oh cheese, that were an unexpected hit in te head, I guess. That also made an question to pop up in my head... umm... donno how I should ask it though, think I'll need to refresh my knowledge about the ToS first.
  9. Ah, yes, you have a good point there, buddah, didn't take my thoughts that far.
  10. *Cough* I meant FO3Nexus File Image Gallery... I came to think on that whenever a new picture is uploaded, either by the author or an user, that will be shown in the display picture at the description page of the file. I also came to think on that some uploads pictures that they might call: Album Cover, Cover, Gallery Cover, Mod box shot and so on. So, why not create an function, on the page where you manage the pictures for a file, which allows you to select a image as the Album/Gallery cover? No matter how many pictures that gets uploaded after this function is activated, the selected picture will always be shown in the gallery display picture. Well, just an idea about an function I like to use when I manage my Photo/Image gallery at other sites that have this kind of function.
  11. I donno if Beth is or will hire any modders from here, or more like hire any of them you mentioned. Maybe they should, though I do know some modders do have donation links in their descriptions. I wouldn't have a clue, however, if anyone is ever donating anything to them. Wouldn't mind hiring a few of them myself, though I'm awfuly short on cash.
  12. I have a smaller issue about that the NPC I have created do not wear the armors or weapons that I've been giving them in Geck. Well, they wear them in the Geck, but in-game they end up wearing nothing. I can't put my finger of why they don't wear their items in-game any ideas of why they don't?
  13. Yes! Quite a few above my head. Umm... A old school Nintendo?
  14. An really nice tutorial tutorial there! Too bad i don't got any Oblivion hair I want to add... yet. Got an small question though, does is work to follow some of the steps in the tutorial for to i.e adding new body mesh and such?
  15. Shoot, I also had that idea... umm, I better come up with something new... hmmm... I'd spice up the world with a bit more magic... along with the space travel.
  16. ooooh, I see, I see, can't help with that yet, just been toying with the living ones. :confused:
  17. Press the Z (that is if you use your default keys) button in range of a body. Should let you move it around.
  18. Something like this? There's several skin retextures/body replacers and so at Fallout3Nexus. Also poking with settings in the race menu can make the skin more/less brownish. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/1647-4-1230393862.jpg
  19. I'd probably do it myself also, but same deal here, all stinky on scripting and such. Yep, Siggies and profile pictures is as my clothes, i change them often, hehe.
  20. Umm, my godlike moment were when I ran into this Behemot in the Wasteland, in Evergreen Mills(not sure if it were called that), I think it were there at least. I began with launching the 2 missiles I had and made him run into my mixture of mines and a mini-nuke, which didn't hurt him too much. That ended up with that I were doing hit and runs on him for a while, with a weapon that were half broken. By some dumb running I did get myself cornered, so I decided to spray and pray and hope for a good end. Of some reason he started to run around for a bit as if he couldn't get to me, which were a good thing for me, then he gets really, really close up, I almost got stomped at. Cause of the odd running he did, I were quite sure on that I couldn't lose now, so when the last bullet struck him, this happened: http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k319/Nimmeriz/ScreenShot118.jpg (What the picture doesn't show is that he is still going up) My first thought were: "Woohaa! Behemot Rocket!", next thought were something like that I must have been taking/eating something really odd. Now days, after several simular events, it have got to be a bit of a habbit sending off behemots to the sky.
  21. As for what I've heard it is possible in theory, though I haven't heard about anyone that is trying it. And yea, would be cool being able to prone/crawl/lie down.
  22. Mekii


    I feel sorry for her, her mind seem so twisted. :confused: I hope for her sake she starts to thinking smart rather than thinking thin. Makes me wish harder for to pulling on some more weight, which I don't quite manage with, though I'm happy that I'm not all sticky like.
  23. Getting good loot, such as Armor and Weapons at a low level in Morrowind early in the game is easy. Getting good loot in FO3 is also easy. I made some bigger changes to my FO3, such as lowering the amount of any good loot that is found (i.e Power armors isn't loot able from Outcasts, BoS nor from the Enclaves,), did buff up the enemies quite a lot. Morrowind feels as child play compared to my FO3 now. So, yea, getting all the good vanilla stuff straight from the start will ofc make the rest of the game very easy, so if you want it harder, don't get the good stuff straight away, or get some mods making things harder. Maybe just sticking to an Chinese pistol and Wasteland Wanderer armor (or something) through the whole game on VH could also be an idea.
  24. Too many! Pens and paper sheets spread out all over the floor?
  25. @DJ_D not all bad for being straight in paint! :D @KFBD That's some nice pieces you got there! First 1 got some nice jewelery. ;D
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