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Everything posted by Mekii

  1. Time to sit down with Far Cry 3 - Deluxe Edition, I need calm my brain from getting mod ideas for my Skyrim mod... I only have two hands >.<
    1. Mekii


      I take that back, counted wrong with 4 whole hours T_ T
  2. Ah! This is good! How do you two handle such things as dialects? Which dialects can you do and which can you not? @Tim, how much brighter/higher can you take your voice? @Mat, opposite, how much lower can you take your voice? Edit: I might add that I have just begun with my mod and I'll just require voice actors at a later time. Never wrong to hunt down your needs early though!
  3. The horses are made to move in the direction you are looking at, or opposite direction depending on what key you press. Though the vanilla horses doesn't have the ability to walk backwards. There's no issue or bug, it's made that way of some odd reason :confused:
  4. As davycrockett^ have mentioned, FNIS have caused problems for plenty of its users. Recommended is: Update FNIS (I don't use it so I can't tell if they have made a fix yet) or Remove FNIS
  5. The best part with modding is the problem solving = tearing the hair of my big brother instead of my own.
    1. Shadiva


      haha Aaww yeah they are there for a purpose!
  6. Man tackar, man tackar.

    Den är några år vid det här laget, men

    det gör ju inte så mycket ^. ^

    Dewa mata!

  7. It would be: player.placeatme <BaseID> <#*> # equals to any number (preferable 1) ------------------------- Jordis the Sword-Maiden Ref ID 000A2C95 Base ID 000A2C8F
  8. Saaaaay what? o_O Does it show like player location and such too? o_O
  9. Interesting, I'll go and check it out at once. And thanks for the tip and heads up. Now I have to figure how my search could not find this guy :psyduck:
  10. I am currently in a early planning stage of an mod that I want to create. Now I have this idea of that the world map shouldn't have the ordinary 3D look when coming to and traveling this new world space. I have this idea of whenever entering the map an hand-made (drawn) map should be shown instead of the ordinary looking map. Since I, at this time, have no bigger clue how I'd do this, I am wondering if someone might have an idea of how and/or if it is even possible to make such a change of the map? Early sketch of the map I want to use. http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj619/xSyncrozx/Worldmap-Sketch001.jpg I will probably have to adjust it over time.
  11. I heard FNIS may cause some issues (such as animations issues )due to the 1.8 patch (I don't use it, so I don't know if they have made any updates or so by now). In most cases removing FNIS, would solve such things as Animations issues of various kinds. I have also read that animations mod that haven't been updated for patch 1.8 might also cause some errors. But I'm just making guesses now out of what I seen and heard.
  12. There is a option to reduce HUD visibility in Settings. (Settings > Display)
  13. It could be a mod causing it have you tried deactivating your mods and load a earlier saved game? Edit: if it might be a game bug waiting about 24 hours or so sometimes seem to fix these kinds of bugs. Whole Riverwood became hostile for no reason at a point- I loaded a earlier saved game and waited 2 days by resting and doing other things. No more hostility).
  14. Does the problem repeat itself if you spawn her yourself? Similar thing have happened to me, in my case a re-spawn of the missing NPC have fixed it for me.
  15. Have you tried verifying your game cache via Steam or maybe an re-install of the game (backup saved games)?
  16. It could be FNIS, seen some threads here in the forum and elsewhere that it have caused one and another glitch (such as animations glitches) due to the 1.8 patch (but not just for 1.8 ). Personally I don't use FNIS, so yeah, just another guess on what I've read in other threads. Good questions, I stick to vanilla mostly.
  17. Have you updated the game to 1.8? Could be that any of your animations mod needs to be updated, or deleted if there is no update for them. It's just a guess, 1.8 seem to mess with animations in one or another way as far as I have read. Though, that just old women seem to be affected... could possibly be another cause.
  18. I have heard that animations mods that haven't been updated for 1.8 may cause this. Might not be enough to just deactivate the "outdated" animation mod, an complete update of it (if it have gotten an update) or deletion of the files for the animation mod(s) should do the trick. Edit: May add that also FNIS seem cause this issue, but it's a guess from what I've been reading.
  19. I would like seeing any armor coming in parts so you can blend and mix as in Shogun 2, but I wouldn't mind solid sets either. :sweat:
  20. I did patch my Skyrim to 1.8 some days ago and since then I've had various animations issues (i.e blocking and weapon swings doesn't show, from time to time there's no character animations while running/sprinting). Have done some googling on the subject and plenty of answers pointed on animations mods (in overall) would be the rat. In my case the animations are all vanilla. Have had some posing mods, but they have been deleted since long. At most I sit on CBBEv3, ~55 armor/clothing mods and 2-3 weapon mods. So, I'm rather clueless about the cause and how to fix it at this time. Anyone that might have an idea? :ermm: :unsure: Could any of the armor/clothing/weapon mods be the rat?
  21. Ummm, well, been drawing quite a lot, but still I rather wanna do 3D, haven't had the chance though, but maybe around spring I might get going to study it. Already have a big pile of things I want to make, hehe... maybe a bit too many ideas though!
  22. Me not be here, me be hiding. No actually, computer failure.... or total crash actually, bought a new one a few months back. Completely forgot about Nexus though, good thing you dropped a comment or I would probably have been MIA still. Busy Last month though, B-day and work and other stuff, barley had time for some surfing!
  23. Umm, no, I don't think that is the case. I'm working with Skree on his mod and I don't think he have needed to ask for permission for the sounds/music used (I'd need to get a hold of him and ask to have a clue about that). I think it would get a bit of hell if we claimed that we were behind it all, which we ain't. Lotta credit to those behind BF2142.
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