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Everything posted by wax2k

  1. And how do I find one who is responsible for this forum section? The link The Moderation Team only shows a blank page, although the according topic in the Help section states: So should I report my own thread to get it pinned? :D
  2. Make sure to read and follow this guide / ruleset. If still having issues afterwards, post your load order in spoiler tags here.
  3. That's a question you should ask on that mod's page and preferrably adress to the mod author.
  4. And to answer the question: Yes, the first two digits represent the load order number of the file/mod, which provides the item and it will change accordingly when changing the load order. The other digits however will remain the same, as long as they aren't changed by an update/change to the mod itself. Created objects however are not only saved with their reference id but also with the according name of the mod file. So renaming an .esm/.esp will lead to deletion of that created object when loading a saved game afterwards. It can however be created again using the same base id in that case.
  5. To be a bit more precise: The cell reset bug will be triggered in outdoor cells that were edited in "Worldspace" by a mod.Common examples are all mods that expand the buildable area of one or more settlement(s), mods that put new objects in Worldspace cells or replace existing ones (most XYZ-repaired mods for example) and most mods that expand scrapping of landscape and architecture objects (except Spring Cleaning which utilizes a workaround).The reset of a cell (which is a standard function in the game) generally is triggered by for example fast travelling far away or by letting enough time pass by while not being in the close vicinity of that cell.When an mod-edited cell is reset that way, the cell reset bug will also be triggered.It affects all vanilla pre-placed containers in these edited cells and most of the vanilla power armor frames (except the ones bought from a vendor), if they are placed in one of these edited cells.It will reset the contents of the affected containers / frames to either random new loot or to their original state when first being discovered, thus deleting all player-placed items from them.It will only be triggered as long as you run the mods that edit these cells. As soon as you remove the mods and don't have any other mods editing the same cells, the bug won't be triggered for these cells anymore.There are mods that act as a workaround by replacing the affected containers / frames.When knowing how it's triggered and how it might affect you and what the possible workarounds are, it's not a big hassle, but knowing about it is the important part.
  6. Well, since he didn't provide ANY information on what he already knew, checked, tried and ruled out... what exactly did you expect? Do you have any idea how frustrating it can be, when trying to help someone and then having to drag every piece of valuable information from their nose? And in the end you get the answer "I already know and did everything you proposed"? Well sh*t Sherlock! Next time tell me BEFORE I waste my time on you! Good luck on your quest to find the one who knows the "color my stuff like rainbows"-setting. :rolleyes:
  7. Was Craftable BOS Barricade the mod you were initially looking for? If so: that set is also in Homemaker ;)
  8. And you have double-checked on every single one of the possible CTD causes as well? It's easy to miss an additional Fallout4.ini in the \Fallout 4\data folder or a conflicting interface mod. And judging from your description, it could also be meshes not being found or even not being where they should be. AWKCR for example requires the following two files to be in \Fallout 4\data\meshes\AWKCR: AnS_Armorsmith_Workbench.nif Weaponsmith_Workbench.nif If they are not in that folder or if your Fallout4Custom.ini doesn't have the two lines for archive invalidation or if it gets overridden by another ini being in the \Fallout 4\data folder, the game tries to load these meshes but can't find them and it will crash on the Workbenches menu. And many other workshop mods also require their custom meshes with the same outcome if they aren't there or the Fallout4Custom.ini isn't configured correctly or is being overriden. And to avoid misunderstandings: when using SK and SK incorporating mods and everything is installed and configured and ordered correctly, the Stores menu is not in the main workshop menu, but in Resources / Stores.
  9. Does the name of that remaining keyword count as an issue? :P
  10. In that case refer to the second advice.
  11. Possible, hence why I posted the last advice.
  12. Update: Added some more detailed explanation to the guide. Btw.: whom should I be sending flowers to, if I want this thread to be pinned?
  13. You add all three lines in that case: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
  14. The advice still holds true... uninstall those 2 mods and then see if there are any custom leftovers which could be responsible.
  15. Did you ever have any mods installed? If so, make sure you don't have any leftovers in \%installpath%\Fallout 4\data It should only contain:
  16. In case of future issues make sure to read and follow this guide / ruleset. While not explicitly adressing the issue of pink/invisible objects/textures, it still would have provided you with the solution to your issue, since it also causes CTD in case of custom workshop objects:
  17. So let me understand that... you read the guide and understood it... but chose to not apply any advice from the guide to your mod setup and load order? Just asking... 'cause at first glance your load order violates at least 4-5 of the rules in that guide. In case you now choose to actually follow those rules and apply them to your mod setup, you also might want to click on that "Show" button behind the word "Spoiler" afterwards to find some load order advice. Sometimes I really wonder, why I even wrote that guide. :rolleyes:
  18. And Northland Diggers might also circumvent the cap by providing custom scavenging workbenches.
  19. Read and follow this guide / ruleset. Rule #1 already holds the most probable cause for your issues.
  20. Haven't tried it but the Utility Protectrons in Robot Home Defence can scavenge for you, and I don't think they use the station. Might be worth a try.
  21. The author has been banned from Nexus. But most probably not due to the mod Verdant Wasteland itself. Normally you would find a post stating the ban reason here. In this case, you will only find this warning from 3 weeks ago. Maybe the reason for the ban will show up later on, but I think it's safe to assume, that it's more about the authors behaviour, not about the mod.
  22. I haven't tried it, but this mod claims to allow copying settlements from one savegame to another: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8330/?
  23. There are no general issues with Fallout 1.3. It just again tries to disable mods by clearing the plugins.txt and some people claimed, it cleared their Fallout4Custom.ini as well. Make plugins.txt read-only and only allow NMM to override it. Double-check the Fallout4Custom.ini for the necessary archive invalidation setting after updating (covered in the guide). Then launch Fallout directly from NMM, not from Steam or Fallout's launcher and that issue should not arise. The rest of the issues people had with the update, are also more or less covered by the guide (CTD due to incompatible textures for example). So I'd recommend to get the Fallout update, since it also fixes some issues. As for Homemaker: refer to rule #8... Homemaker only provides one file that is not listed under "old versions" :wink:
  24. Absolutely! No matter if or if not you are trying Homemaker!
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