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Everything posted by wax2k

  1. Both the description and the statement you quoted are more than a month old. The latest file update for SSEx is more than two months old. Its Bugs section is overflowing with unsolved issues. You can keep on ignoring the facts, I couldn't care less. But everone else can easily take a look and judge for themselves. And if anybody still chooses to keep using SSEx, I am fine with that as well. Just don't expect it to work without issues.
  2. Shouldn't affect earlier saves normally... but it's the best guess I can take from here.
  3. Might be due to True Storms editing ini files (at least for its sound settings, maybe even more).
  4. Happens mostly when either having Fallout installed in one of Windows' standard Program Files folders (try launching NMM with admin rights and then installing the mods again in that case or copy the files manually), or when having Fallout and NMM's virtual mod folder on different harddrives (try copying the files manually in that case).
  5. I've read that Move that Workbench allows to accidentally (or even intentionally) scrap the workbench as a side effect. Did you do that for some reason? If so, that might be the issue.
  6. After having helped a lot of users with a lot of related issues in the past weeks and getting tired of repeating the same things over and over and since in 99% of the cases, these kinds of issues happen for the same reasons, I condensed the most common ones and their causes into: [/line]Ten rules to get a mod setup with a lot of workshop & crafting mods to work [/line] [/line][/line]#1: Don't use Working Food Planters and/or older versions of SSEx / Safe SSEx prior to v3.0! Homemaker and / or NX Pro Farming are well-maintained alternatives and don't have the issues that Working Food Planters and older versions of SSEx / Safe SSEx have and cause, including CTD and savegame corruption issues due to being made with XSnip (original SSEx & Working Food Planters) and/or incompatibilities causing missing menus due to being unmaintained and not providing SK patches (applies to all three of them). If you already built a lot of settlement objects with SSEx and want to keep using it, make sure to update it to the latest version (v3.0+), which has been fixed by Ethreon! [/line][/line]#2: Know your mods and understand, what they do and how they do it! Read and follow the descriptions, sticky posts and issue reports of the mods you use, to get information about how to install them, known incompatibilities and patches, how they add their items to the menus and other known issues. And whenever in doubt: ask the mod author! Keep in mind though, that the author of one mod doesn't necessarily know and use all of the mods you use and might not know about certain incompatibilities or load order issues in specific combinations of mods. An example for that is Snap'n Build. Its author recommends to put its .esm file below all other .esm files, which in combination with Homemaker and its Greenhouse and / or Bunker Disabler might lead to a CTD in the workshop, hence why Homemaker.esm has been put below Snap'n Build.esm in the recommended load order example below. [/line][/line]#3: Use the latest versions of Settlement Keywords (SK) and / or Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) and don't allow other mods to overwrite their .esm files with older versions! These two provide a custom "standard" set of category keywords for other mods to use. They are the necessary base for a mod setup with a lot of workshop & crafting mods, at least until a better solution to battle the keyword cap issues has been found. Make sure to get accustomed to the menu structure provided by SK, since some vanilla menus are moved. A common example for that is the Stores menu, which is moved from the main workshop menu to Resources / Stores. So read the sticky post on SK's mod page which shows the complete menu structure provided by SK and browse all menus ingame before you declare something as missing. [/line][/line]#4: Use SK- / AWKCR-versions or -patches for your mods wherever applicable and / or mods, that only use vanilla categories without altering them. When in doubt, refer to rule #2.These are the settlement workshop mods that I use in conjunction with SK. When using the latest and right versions, installing them correctly and making the right choices during installation and applying the correct load order, these will work fine together: [/line][/line]#5: Don't use mods, that add custom categories without providing a patch for SK and try to avoid mods, that still add custom keywords to the game even with their SK patches. Try to convince their authors to provide a vanilla category version or a full SK port. When in doubt, refer to rule #2.Some commonly used mods that are known to cause menu conflicts due to adding custom categories without providing SK patches are: [/line][/line]#6: Don't use additional compatibility patches for the SK versions of two mods as long as it is not explicitly stated, that they are meant for the SK versions as well. With SK versions of two mods, incompatibilies between them in terms of shared menu categories should already be solved. When in doubt, refer to rule #2. [/line][/line]#7: Don't use multiple versions of the same mod / patch at the same time. Self-explanatory. When in doubt, refer to rule #2. [/line][/line]#8: Don't use outdated versions of your mods / patches and don't combine different versions of a mod and its patches. Self-explanatory. When in doubt, refer to rule #2. [/line][/line]#9: Don't use mods that are already part of another mod you use, unless it's explicitly recommended by the mod author in special cases. Common examples for this are Homemaker & Snappable Covenant Walls or Snap'n Build's main mod & one or more of the Snap'n Build single-set mods. While it might work in some cases, in most cases it is at least unnecessary, if not conflicting and leads to unnecessary confusion especially when troubleshooting. When in doubt, refer to rule #2. [/line][/line]#10: Preferrably use NMM or LOOT to generally sort your load order and look for missing master files and then adjust the load order manually according to the example load order originally provided by Gambit77 (author of the excellent mod Armorsmith Extended) and tweaked by me. The main thing here is not the individual mod order, which might differ depending on your individual mod setup and different mod versions, but the overall order sorted by mod type and for example having all workshop mods above all crafting mods! General load order rules, especially regarding mod / patch files having to be placed below their master files, still have to be applied in case they differ from this example. [/line][/line] Following these rules should allow you to see and use all of your mods' objects in the menus. This does however NOT guarantee you to not hit the category keyword cap, due to some mods still adding their custom keywords to the game, even with their SK patches. But it should reduce the jumbling of menus / items to crafting menus only, even when having hit the cap. And since I keep forgetting it and I can't edit the title to say "11 rules", I'll just put it here: There are restricted settlements where you won't have access to all workshop menus! Boston Airport is one of them. Always try it in settlements known to be unrestricted, like Sanctuary for example! [/line][/line] CTD issues The above guide / ruleset does NOT necessarily solve issues apart from menus not showing up and/or objects missing. While some CTD issues might already be solved by following the above rules, there are a lot of other, more probable causes for CTD on startup or on workshop menus, including, but not limited to: your ini files not being set up correctly (anymore)follow this advice to set up your \%userdata%\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4Custom.ini and double-check, even if you already made that change earlier, just to make sure it didn't get reverted by Fallout's launcher or an update in the meantime.remove \%installpath%\Fallout 4\data\Fallout4.ini in case you have it, since otherwise it would override your \%userdata%\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4Custom.ini [/line][/line]having placed mods / patches above the master file(s) they are referring to or not even having installed / enabled the master file(s) at allcheck and fix your load order. NMM shows these files in orange / red and LOOT will sort them automatically. Make sure to still apply the general mod type order shown in the load order example above afterwards. [/line][/line]not having installed the files in \meshes and subfolders of a mod to \%installpath%\Fallout 4\data correctly (can also happen when using NMM and / or MO2)try copying the folder and its content manually and / or try launching NMM with admin rights and then reinstalling the mods [/line][/line]having a conflicting interface mod or other custom changes to the game besides .esm / .esp filesremove \%installpath%\Fallout 4\data\interface\Workshop.swf in case you have it. Other .swf files might conflict as well.remove any custom .ba2 files like for example \%installpath%\Fallout 4\data\widescreen.ba2 or other non-vanilla ones (the vanilla ones all look like this: Fallout4 - *.ba2). [/line][/line]using corrupted or incompatible textures (check this thread for some examples)when in doubt, just rename the \%installpath%\Fallout 4\data\textures folder. If the CTD does not happen anymore and you see some pink objects or vanilla textures instead, it is a texture issue and you will have to hunt down the according texture(s). [/line][/line]having built stuff far beyond the limits of vanilla game with the help of mods and / or console commands (high amount of objects and / or building outside vanilla borders for example)try it on an older save or a clean new game [/line][/line]suffering from savegame corruption due to using flawed mods on that playthrough beforehand (Working Food Planters and at least the old XSnip-version of SSEx are probable causes for this)try it on a clean new game [/line][/line]suffering from general savegame bloat after playing hundreds of hours on that playthrough, which can even happen in vanilla game without ever using any mods at all, although using mods at least increases the risk for this to happentry it on a clean new game [/line][/line]suffering from game file corruptiontry verifying game cache in Steam and/or reinstalling the game
  7. Please refer to this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3767665-ten-rules-to-get-a-mod-setup-with-a-lot-of-workshop-crafting-mods-to-work/ And post your new load order, if still having issues afterwards.
  8. And does Muffled stack? So does it make sense to have it on more than one piece?
  9. Or just click the export button in NMMs plugin tab to export the full load order to clipboard and paste it here.
  10. Glad to see... though I'll remain curious, what the actual cause was...
  11. It's related to mods that make cell edits thus triggering the infamous cell reset bug affecting pre-placed vanilla containers and power armor frames that were not bought from a vendor or built with one of the mods that explicitely claim to be a workaround for this. Spring Cleaning (apart from the initial versions as far as I recall) does not trigger that bug, but a lot of other scrapping mods do. Same goes for mods that expand the settlement areas and there are others that do so too.
  12. Since you obviously use some Strings replacer mod for item sorting, it might be related to that and/or Misc&IngestiblesSort.esp. Just a guess, not a known issue.
  13. You might want to post your load order in spoiler tags, so we can check for known or probable causes.
  14. I'd contact Gambit77, the author of Armorsmith Extended, on that remaining issue. He's got more experience with all the crafting mods.
  15. Only when having archive invalidation activated. It's either [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= or [Archive] sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\ the latter being the older and inferior one due to the loading times.
  16. CBBE might be a candidate... see also: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3699950-crashing-with-raiders/
  17. Because it worked like that in previous games. And the information about the archive invalidation setting was spread later on so not everyone knew of it or even knows of it today. And for example a mod like Fallout 4 Configuration Tool can make changes to your inis.
  18. Sounds like category keyword cap issues. The overall amount of keywords added by your mods is probably too high. Since you already use SK and AWKCR, you will have to narrow down your workshop and crafting mods a bit.
  19. Did you check this thread? http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3699950-crashing-with-raiders/
  20. Since it only happens when shooting raiders, it might be related to either what they look like, what they wear or what they use/do. So meshes, textures, sounds or whatever related to their clothes, armor, weapons, body, voices. Or a mod that influences their behaviour. Since you mentioned you edited textures and meshes yourself, it might also be related to one of these files.
  21. I don't know of any debug log or tracking tool. But did you try verifying the game cache through steam? Apart from that it might be some texture, mesh or sound replacer or similar located in your \Fallout 4\data folder or subfolders. If verifying game cache doesn't help, uninstall all mods through NMM (I assume you used NMM to install them?) and delete everything in the \Fallout 4\data folder apart from: - \Strings folder - \Videos folder - files whose names start with "Fallout4" since these are vanilla. Then see if it still happens.
  22. Using mods with the beta patches is a bad idea. While you may get lucky and it works, it might also cause additional issues due to the mods not being developed and tested for the beta patches. There have been several reports related to that.
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