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Everything posted by wax2k
Please... don't contact Steam on the subject of Fallout bugs... contact Bethesda. And only do that, if you are perfectly sure, that the bug occurs in totally pure unmodded vanilla game. As soon as any mod is involved in testing, that bug report is of no value to them. At least as long as modding is not officially supported by the game.
activating setalment build mode crashes game
wax2k replied to GhostSSnake's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Read and follow this guide / ruleset thoroughly. And in case you still have issues afterwards, describe them and post your load order here in text form (use NMM's export button on the plugins tab) in spoiler tags. But know in advance, that I'll probably rip you apart (well... verbally), if I catch you not doing it thoroughly :wink:- 11 replies
Do it again. Seriously... it's not meant to sound rude or cocky but I've had so many users finding and fixing their issues on the second or third time they went through the guide, due to missing or misunderstanding some part of it the first time(s). And if something in the guide seems ambiguous to you, feel free to ask. And in case you really have an issue that is not covered by the guide yet, please let me know of it in case you get it fixed, so I can add it as well.
Known issue in relation to the ini setting bUseCombinedObjects=0 (default=1) or using Spring Cleaning's non-ini version, which applies the same setting on a per-cell base only in settlement cells. While this triggers that bug, the real cause behind it is Bethesda being lazy with the collisions of some objects in some areas and relying on the use of combined objects. Using Simple Intersections should solve that issue for most vanilla workshop objects. Many of Homemaker's objects should be fine as well due to incorporating the same features like Simple Intersection does. And of course Place Everywhere shouldn't have this issue on any workshop object anymore.
New crisis on horizon: Mod Menu Category Formlist Cap Bug?
wax2k replied to Gambit77's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
The most common issues that are known to be caused by hitting the keyword cap are jumbled and / or missing menus in the settlement workshop and / or crafting stations. When following the general load order advice by Gambit77 and me (refer to this guide / ruleset), the jumbled / missing menus should be reduced to crafting stations only even when having hit the cap. The invisible robots are not totally confirmed to be caused by this, though it's quite an educated guess and quite probable. -
Update: Added some commonly used mods known to conflict on certain menus due to adding custom categories including alternatives, fixes and / or workarounds. The quest for getting this thread pinned seems to be doomed. I didn't get a response from any of the three people I messaged about that or to be exact: they didn't even read it yet. :sad:
All .esps + .esms disabled randomly?
wax2k replied to ddavies10693's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
It's not random, it happens everytime you use Fallout's own launcher to start the game. Always launch the game via the button in the upper left in NMM, not from Steam or with Fallout's own launcher. And for double-safety, make your plugins.txt read-only and only allow NMM to override that. -
LOADS? What is this?!?! Google & Nexus know nothing!
wax2k replied to azurkryptos's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Never heard of that. Can you provide some examples on mods/users recommending that? Edit: seems, like they're referring to this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9057/? -
I also use AWKCR, True Storms and Armorsmith Extended. They don't have any actual issues due to the "conflicts" shown in FO4Edit, especially no CTD issues. Do you use any texture mods as well? If so, make sure to update them and check this thread for textures known to cause CTDs. When in doubt, just rename the \Fallout 4\data\textures folder and see if the CTD still happens. If not, it's related to at least one of the custom textures you use. And seeing the reports on that specific quest, it might also be a vanilla issue: http://www.google.com/search?q=fallout+dangerous+minds+CTD
I also used those settings before the Fallout patch 1.3 and they definitely helped with that issue. Since the 1.3 patch though, they seem to achieve the opposite and removing these settings actually resolved the issue completely for me, so they obviously did something about it with that patch. But there are of course other things contributing to that issue, like for example using the deprecated ini settings for mod support instead of using archive invalidation. And having the game and mods on an SSD and having a decent PC also helps avoiding/reducing these issues.
Perverted Perks not showing up in F04Edit.
wax2k replied to TheGreatEater's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
FO4Edit is only meant to show/edit .esm/.esp files. Perverted Perks is an asset replacer-only mod that doesn't use an .esm/.esp file. Same probably holds true for the mod that Bosca is referring to. -
@dmgdmind: Don't feel embarrassed. At least you shouldn't in my eyes! Wise is the man who acknowledges his mistakes and learns from them. You are definitely not one of the dumber people here. You know how to ask, how to describe your issues and provide helpful information and you're willing to take advice. And you don't blame it on the messenger, when being pointed to some error on your side. I have dealt with quite a lot of people here and everywhere else, who can't truthfully claim even one of these things for themselves. And they're the reason for my tone sometimes getting a bit harsher, when I get the impression that someone does not follow the advice thoroughly or even chooses to ignore it but still complains about issues (doesn't apply to you of course). But that's not to say that there aren't also a lot of nice, friendly, smart and appreciative people here! :wink:
I am quite sure you still will need to have the mods running which provided the objects in the first place. But as I said: I didn't use it myself.
Mod to keep power armor pieces from disappearing?
wax2k replied to frederik1's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Only mods that increase the durability or even make them non-breakable as far as I know. -
Black Lines on Character Faces?
wax2k replied to LastBestHopeofHumanity's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Haven't had that issue yet and I am also using True Storms (and Nuclear Weather additionally). Could aso be related to some graphics setting or a graphics card driver issue as well. I'd probably fiddle around with the graphics settings (especially disable godrays) and try to revert back to an older / stable graphics card driver version. -
Nope. Could be a load order issue or still missing meshes from one or more of the mods. Check my guide / ruleset for load order advice and the "CTD issues" section for probable causes and their solution. If still having issues afterwards, describe them and post your full load order in spoiler tags here.
Moved fallout file and NMM can't find it?
wax2k replied to HeartShapedEnemy's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
There are folder settings in NMM. Check them. NMM does have issues when itself and its mod folder are on different harddrives than Fallout's installation folder, so you might want to reinstall both on the same harddrive. -
If NMM asks for that, then your plugins.txt is already read-only and you should be fine. The file itself is in \%userdata%\AppData\Local\Fallout4. Just enable all mods in the plugins tab and always launch Fallout directly via the button in the upper left in NMM.
As long as you have NMM and its mod folder on the same harddrive as Fallout, it should work, although most probably leading to longer loading times. NMM does have issues when having its mod folder and Fallout's installation folder on different harddrives.
@dmgdmind: Make sure to check for every single probable cause mentioned in the "CTD issues" section and double-check even if you think it doesn't apply to your setup. If still having issues afterwards, try these reduced load orders and disable everything else accordingly: 1. SettlementKeywords Homemaker Homemaker - SK integration Patch Homemaker - Streetlights use passive power 2. SettlementKeywords Robot Home Defence Robot Home Defence - Settlement Keywords 3. SettlementKeywords OCDispenser OCDecorator Please report back afterwards on what happens in which combination and on your findings regarding the "CTD issues" section. And please post your complete load order (use the export button in NMM's plugins tab to avoid errors from manually typing it) in spoiler tags.
A CPU issue, not a GPU issue. In case you overclocked your CPU, revert that or at least try tuning it down. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wiki/windows_10-update/bcc101-clock-watchdog-timeout-troubleshooting/e8734fe3-8945-4224-91ac-17919b455395
Just don't launch the game from Steam or Fallout's own launcher. Always launch it directly from NMM. And for extra-safety, make your plugins.txt read-only and only allow NMM to override it. And next time browse the forums / use the search function. This is probably the most mentioned and explained issue in all Fallout 4 modding.
Could you provide a smaller screenshot please? That one is WAAYYYY too big! :rolleyes: (Seriously: how should anyone guess from that tiny thumbnail, how your issue actually looks?)
What's up with all the black re-textures?
wax2k replied to NikitaDarkstar's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Whilst removing saturation and adjusting brightness & contrast to generate more darker or lighter shaded textures practically requires only two adjustments, creating a mask and changing hue or adding a pattern of some sort isn't really much harder, but may require bit of time to get the mask set up. Hence why I wrote "the whole color scheme", since that would actually mean to select and recolor only certain parts and not only change the overall hue, saturation, brightness and / or contrast. So lots and lots of blue... That doesn't really support your point. (Dark) blue is probably the most used color besides black and grey, yes. Doesn't really contradict with my point(s). Got more? [/line] And btw.: do we really want to argue on assumptions?