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Everything posted by wax2k

  1. Why not use something like Armorsmith Extended, which allows to improve/mod almost any piece of armor/clothes?
  2. Well... replacer-only mods like texture-replacers or string-replacers wouldn't need enabling. But since he mentioned workshop mods, he definitely also uses plugin mods that DO need enabling :wink:
  3. You're welcome! When considering adding more workshop or crafting mods, make sure they either don't add custom categories or consider migrating your setup to use Settlement Keywords / AWKCR wherever applicable. Mods that add more custom categories will probably either put you over the category cap or conflict with each other.
  4. @kingculex: good call. But since he didn't reply anymore, I guess he got it to work somehow. @mlq88: oh that... yeah... probably sounds a little bigger than it actually was. ;)
  5. Do you have a Fallout4.ini in your Fallout4\data folder for some reason? If so, remove it, since it will override the regular inis.
  6. Safe SSEx.esp=1 <- I'd recommend to get rif of it. It's unmaintained, has some issues on its own and even more with other workshop mods. It adds massively to the category keyword count and doesn't add much that isn't also in Homemaker. Homemaker - SSEx Compatibility Patch.esp=1 <- disable/remove it if you choose to get rid of SSEx Workshop_Planters.esp=1 <- I'd recommend to get rid of it. It's unmaintained and has been made with XSnip, making it a high risk for savegame corruption issues. Use Homemakers planters. And try this load order: Let's see how that works. Report back afterwards and we'll see, if you still have category keyword issues. If yes, you might have to migrate your setup to use Settlement Keywords as well, but maybe it'll work without that,
  7. Yeah, thought so. First of all: the missing icon door is in Structures / Custom Doors? That would be from SSEx then. If it's the door second to last it will even crash your game, when you hover on it. Apart from that, you most probably already ran into the category keyword cap issue. I will put together a list with advice, but it might take a bit.
  8. Happens everytime the Fallout launcher is started. Launch Fallout through NMM and not via Steam or its own launcher. And to make sure it doesn't happen accidentally, make your plugins.txt read-only and allow NMM to override it when asked. For editing it manually or allowing other tools to access it you will have to disable read-only temporarily when needed.
  9. Your plugins.txt holds a lot of things to comment on, but you might want to describe your issues as well.
  10. ExpandedSettlementBuildings_Homemaker.esp=1 <- don't use this patch and make sure, you use the uncategorized version of this mod ExpandedSettlementBuildings_SimpleIntersection.esp=1 <- put this somewhere below both ExpandedSettlementBuildings.esp=1 and Simple Intersection.esp=1 Don't use beta patches when modding. The current beta patches make changes to workbench functionality. While you might get lucky and it works, you can't expect that mods just work fine with beta patches. And don't expect mod authors to accommodate their mods to beta patches. The risk for unnecessary work and having to revert changes over and over again is just too high. Revert back to 1.2.47 and stay with the retail patches. @SirTwist: that special behaviour you describe is known to happen when using MO2. While NMM also sometimes has its issues with installing meshes, it has not been due to the behaviour you describe. And with both NMM and MO2, it has not only happened with Homemaker but with other mods as well. Please stop your dogmatic crusade against Homemaker.
  11. I'd wait until it's released as a retail patch and then try it. I don't think it will take that much longer until it's released.
  12. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation Follow the advice and you should be good to go.
  13. I have it up to date, yes, and it works fine alongside the other mods. I haven't had to deal with the transfer issues, since I didn't use the single standalone sets on my current save before. But I had used them an a previous save and have experienced them as being stable and well maintained as well. I'm not a mod author... or what did you mean by "work on the mods"?
  14. Since you said you got rid of SSEx, your list seems fine. I assume you use the latest versions of each workshop mod and chose SK-versions wherever applicable?
  15. Like every other file in windows: right click on it in Windows Explorer / select Properties / check "read-only" or "write protected" (dunno how it's called exactly, my Windows is not in english) and save it.
  16. You're welcome! Let me know if it worked :wink:
  17. Metal Gear Fallout 4.5... I like the idea! :D
  18. Could be related somehow to Fallout Configuration Tool, since that seems the only mod, that might make a change like that. I didn't use it myself though, so it's just a guess. Apart from that, you might want to check all inis, especially Fallout4Custom.ini, for any setting involving FOV, since it is definitely a thing that would be influenced by changing the FOV.
  19. Don't launch Fallout through Steam or the Fallout Launcher. Make your plugins.txt read-only and only allow NMM to override that and launch Fallout directly from NMM. Also update NMM, because this issue has been adressed in some update as well. If you don't use NMM, make the plugins.txt read-only so the Fallout Launcher can't clear it every time and only change that when editing it yourself. It has been an issue with the Fallout launcher since the first updates to Fallout.
  20. The best practice as a customer with this kind of issue is, to give them at least 24h to notice and fix it on their own. Try rebooting the router again after a couple of hours. If it isn't fixed after 24h, feel free to inform your ISP. Just know, that this is a normal issue and occurs ever so often. And even though your ISP is your primary contact, they might not be the ones responsible to fix it but sometimes can only investigate and contact the responsible provider. So be nice to your customer service agent! :wink:
  21. Exactly. These kinds of issues happen sometimes, when the route between your provider and the targeted server isn't working as intended. Sometimes, just reseting the internet connection helps fixing that by allowing to choose another route. Sometimes, it has to be fixed by your provider or the provider of the targeted server. Sometimes it has to be fixed by the provider(s) of the exchange points between them. In most cases, whoever is responsible, will notice these kinds of issues quite fast due to being monitored constantly and fix them.
  22. Seems like for some reason the associated css-styles aren't loaded. Since you say, that using a VPN fixes that, it might be a routing/peering issue, though I would assume that the css-files are on the same server as the site itself. But it might be due to the loading times you mentioned. Have you tried reconnecting your internet connection/restarting your router (if possible)?
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