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Everything posted by Karasuman

  1. Skyrim is an overly-simplified version of Oblivion with a worse UI, worse melee combat, ice instead of grass, and dragons instead of Oblivion gates. It doesn't revolutionize the series in any major way, and to the discerning eye, it takes a step backward in key areas, namely character development and the PC UI. The UI that shipped with the console version should *never* have been ported over to the PC version. It may just be the worst UI I've ever used in a PC game and makes Oblivion's look stellar by comparison. You also can't use a controller in tandem with the keyboard and I think that sucks ass, because that's how I play Morrowind and Oblivion, and it would've helped circumvent some of the bad UI's shortcomings. Why was the ability to use the keyboard/controller at the same time even removed? Answer: Because Bethesda doesn't really give a rat's ass about the PC players at this point. Those are my main complaints. I think Skyrim's good but as a player who has sunk lots of hours into the previous games, I don't believe Skyrim is as good as many people think it is. Some parts of Skyrim are an example of backwards evolution. Just my two cents.
  2. Morrowind>Oblivion=Skyrim. Even without a technology facelift I still think Morrowind is best for a few reasons, with Skyrim and Oblivion trading shots with each other because while I think Skyrim does some things better than Oblivion, I also think it does some things worse. If Morrowind *did* get a complete engine overhaul, it would murder Skyrim and Oblivion both. Why? Because Morrowind simply gave you more options than the other two. Many more. In Morrowind, I can choose to specialize in many specific weapon types, even spears. Did the people in Skyrim and Cyrodiil forget there was such a thing as a spear? I suppose so. Did the Dwemer run out of crossbows after Morrowind? I think I'll specialize in Mysticism in Skyrim! Wait, no i won't, because it disappeared too. I am not crazy about attribute removal in Skyrim either. In the previous games, you could craft a very specific type of character and there was almost no end to the possibilities. Even without perks, I still felt Morrowind's (and Oblivion's, for that matter) character development was deeper because there was more variety and more choices you could make. Another example: Once upon a time, I had 3 clans of vampires to choose from, each with their own distinct advantages/bonuses. It goes on and on. Don't get me wrong, I think Skyrim's still a really good game. I think Oblivion is too. But Morrowind had so much going for it. It was/is truly unique from a stylistic sense, gave you way more options, and character development was deeper imo. If Morrowind had today's tech behind it, it wouldn't even be close. That is just my opinion.
  3. In light of this original, fresh and totally new of idea of dogging the US and calling them everything from terrorists to corrupt ***holes, what major world power that's ever existed did *not* have their own (sometimes corrupt) agendas behind the things they did? Can you name one? I sure can't. In fact, the US is pretty tame on the scale of corruption, tyranny and bloodthirst compared to many global powers of the past, such as Rome, Germany, and Russia, to name a few. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not here to interrupt anyone's American bashing as it is a rip-roaring good time for lots of folks these days (and if you dislike it to the degree of the OP I cannot imagine why you'd still be here), but can we at some point stop acting as though the US is the only nation that ever existed that used its power and influence to further its own goals? If you want to believe your countrymen are terrorists, fine, that's your right. But it seems to me something of this nature is at least partially posted just to see what kind of reaction we can get out of people.
  4. I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but one of the main things that keeps the US in an advantageous situation is agriculture. People mention oil prices or military and all those things, and yes they're part of it. But it is agriculture that is the US's true strength and should be one of its main international bargaining chips, even though they don't use it as much as they could. I don't know what the exact figure is this second, but I do know the US produces a very, very large percentage of the world's food supply. In all honesty, theoretically the US could possibly settle a conflict much faster by simply refusing to export its grain and/or livestock. Threaten people with military force, and they may well stand against you based on principle. Tell them they'll starve to death, and it might just bring them to the bargaining table faster. This however is considered not a very humanitarian thing to do I guess, though many would argue dropping two a-bombs in the middle of Japan wasn't very humanitarian either, so...And I dare say that our enemies would be more than happy to use such starvation tactics against us if they had it as an available option. This is definitely something I would do without hesitation, so I suppose it's good that I don't hold a political office. As may be gathered, I am pretty pessimistic about the current goings-on in the western world as a whole. When you begin thinking of ways you could starve your enemies into submission, (and make no mistake, it is definitely something the US could do if it chose to), chances are your view of current affairs has become less than favorable.
  5. Sorry, but that in particular is an absolute load of bullsh**. Weed smoked in the same amounts as cigarettes is WAY worse for you. By this I mean that smoking 10 joints in a day for example is *far* worse for you than smoking 10 cigarettes in a day, especially since you can get cigarettes with filters. Joints and bowls don't have filters. It's one thing to support the legalization of weed and other rec drugs. I get that. But don't spout nonsense such as weed is better for you than cigarettes. That is quite untrue.
  6. I'll definitely be going male Redguard or Argoni-...No I won't. I'll end up playing a female Breton sorceress using a 2-handed blade with a total focus on offensive capabilities. It's what always happens regardless of whatever else I think I'm gonna do.
  7. Truth. Every colonial power on Earth has tried to screw the African continent over.
  8. 1. Kazuya Mishima 2. Darth Revan 3. Leon Kennedy 4. Sheogorath 5. Scorpion
  9. It doesn't much matter if it gets bloody or not. Independence is rarely won without bloodshed; Sudan would be no different. Chances are the Sudanese are already aware of what could happen, so I doubt they're walking into this blind. As the old saying goes, freedom isn't free, and I am guessing they understand that. Whatever the cost, I hope they accomplish it.
  10. I agree with the OP. The females in Oblivion were and are terrible, and just as it's not realistic for every female to look like a model, it's conversely not realistic for all of them to look average (or less) either. There are pretty people in the real world, and this should be better balanced in V.
  11. World events these days usually are a bit more complicated than country A. doesn't like country B. so they go to war. Whether a country likes you or doesn't like you is often completely beside the point. Here is China's position: Other than China itself, the US is the single biggest purchaser of Chinese goods on the planet (much to the chagrin of US veterans, etc. Yes yes buy American, we know, that's not my point here). Going to war with the US would be a very risky endeavor for China. It is a war they could lose, and in doing so they'd hurt their country far more than they'd help it. Another thing to keep in mind about China is even during wartime, there's pretty much no way they'd ally with the Japanese for 2 reasons: 1. Many Chinese nationalists still hate Japan for the atrocities of WW2 committed against the Chinese (as well as Japan's rather non-apologetic stance on the matter), and 2. Japan's military size is limited by statutes put forth as a result of their surrender in WW2. What good militarily would Japan really do China in any war even if they wanted to ally with them, which I can assure you they do not. I'll give you this though: a war involving these three nations would be very interesting and complex, because they all have pretty good reasons for disliking one another. It'd be tough to say who would end up alllying with who. It's the easy, chic thing to do these days, blame the US for all the world's problems and what not, but if you're speaking of who has hurt who, Japan has done far more to hurt China over the last century than the US ever has, and I can promise you most of the Chinese (especially citizens) would agree with this without blinking. The truth is there are many nations within the UN that don't like each other. I'm pretty sure that underneath the amicable ass-kissing between the two, there are still undercurrents of resentment between the British and French, for example. You don't war with another nation for centuries on end and then one day all of a sudden decide they're your BFF. There is tension between many nations, not just the US and China.
  12. Lol This^^^. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  13. Generally speaking the most popular bodies for the game are HGEC for female, and Robert's body for male. Other choices include: Exnem's Eyecandy Body (female, which HGEC is based on), Fantasy Figures (female), and BAB (female) If you use the HGEC female body, which I highly recommend, you will need to install Exnem's Eyecandy Body first, as HGEC builds its version upon the existing Exnem files.
  14. Fable: The Lost Chapters was released on the PC, and Fable 3 is slated for a PC release. It is simply a question of when.
  15. You don't owe anyone an apology. Regardless of what drives you, at least you have motivations and opinions. I don't think you're a "fool" either. Whether or not some of us agreed with everything you said regarding your goal, many of us still appreciate you sharing it :) That is all.
  16. I don't know, but your rather volatile attitude regarding the matter is likely to: A. keep you out of the military if you continue to exhibit it, especially in the presence of military officers, and B. Get you (and possibly others) killed if you did get in. I'm all in favor of you wanting to fight for your country, whether male or female. It's an easy thing to get behind, But, If you are serious about becoming an infantry soldier, I'd advise you to keep a level head and temper your goal with sensibility. Being infantry isn't just about you. It's about all the other people on the field with you, too. It will serve you and them both well for you to remember this, and approach something like that with a selfless attitude. Just some friendly advice.
  17. That's easy enough. It's a culture dominated by straight men who coincidentally enjoy watching two (or more) women do the dirty deed with each other. Present company included. Women are nicely shaped and for most guys, watching two of them go at it certainly beats watching cooking shows or the stock market ticker on CNN. And yes, it does turn completely hypocritical to turn that preference of gay and bi-sexual women into disdain for gay and bi-sexual males. It's really no one's inherent business what orientation someone else is. Certainly not to the point where we feel the need to insult (and sometimes destroy) gay males.
  18. I agree with this. I played WoW for a couple years, and many of the biggest d**kheads I've ever met in life were met playing that game, and that's saying something, because I'm 31 years old which is old enough to have encountered a large enough variety of d**khead the world has to offer. WoW (and online games in general) take the cake in the world d**khead race.
  19. I have a rather strong opinion on this (doesn't everyone!). In my own game, I'm a straight dude that has some female characters, and I dislike ultra-revealing armor/clothes for either gender in-game honestly. I've just never really connected the TES games (or others) with anything super-sexual, and I also have an issue putting my character in a bikini and then instructing her to go fight things that want to stab or otherwise mutilate her. To me, there is no practicality in this, it is completely illogical and I like my characters to feel somewhat...smart. In my little Karasuman world, no one with half a brain rolling around in their skull would go to fight a horde of creatures like Dremora Lords while wearing nothing but a thong. But that is only my opinion on the whole sexy clothing thing. But then, once again, I don't directly see my characters in TES games in sexual terms. I prefer the violence of the game over the sexual potential, which by definition means I'm just as depraved as anyone who wishes to see their characters running around half (or all) naked. Yes, we're all depraved little humans in one way or another. Stones in a glass house, etc. That being said, I agree with you completely in that women do in fact play this game, and women are in fact sexual creatures like guys. Thus it would stand to reason that the skimpier clothing/armor mods would have a following with the female population that plays the game. I actually could understand a female doing this even more so than a guy would. I don't know where you're from, but in many places in the world (including the US), women up until recently have (and in many cases still are) encouraged to be sexually repressed in fear of being labeled as sluts, whores, and all those other words I'm sure we're familiar with. I have used a few of those words myself in the past during heated convos with real-life people, so I'm not sitting here playing the super-supportive hypothetical feminist Ken to the masses of Barbies. Just saying I can understand a possible point of view on this that perhaps a female might be inclined to dress their male characters in said skimpy clothing. I also think there is nothing wrong if a gay guy wishes to use these types of clothes/armors on his male character. So what? The government wastes his tax dollars just as easily as it wastes a straight guy's, so he can dress his male characters in whatever the frick he wants since he bought the game with his own money.
  20. The games are definitely getting worse. Developers these days don't really have to put much thought into actual gameplay and variety, because as long as it blings people still buy it. I can count on one hand how many (imo) good games I've played since Oblivion, with Oblivion being released in '06. That's less than one good game a year. Yet I can point out literally hundreds of games on previous systems that had good gameplay and replay value. I've played all the Castlevania's on NES, SNES, and PS1 I don't know how many times. N64 Perfect Dark. That game sucked me in for literally months. FF2 on SNES, Suikoden on PS1&2. It goes on and on. You simply don't have this laundry list of quality on current consoles/PC as you did 10 years ago and beyond. I've been raving about McGee's Alice recently, and how I can't wait for the sequel. Why? Because the original has actual clever forethought put into it that makes it interesting and replayable. This kind of thing is what is missing in roughly 90% of the games put out in this current era. I'm hoping 2011's promise helps change this, because the last 5-7 years of gaming in general have been absolute sh**.
  21. I make no assumptions about whether you would or would not sell yourself out. I do not know you. I simply was warning against it because all too often that is what people end up doing to try and win someone over. But judging from your above post, it appears you have a clear idea of yourself and what you want and like and ideas about how it should be done, thus advice must not be that necessary?
  22. Rule #1 of date club is: Use your sense of humor. Use irony with her, and learn to make fun of yourself when you're around her. Most people, in a dating scenario, don't like it when another takes themselves so seriously. Learn to be relaxed in her presence. Easier said than done perhaps, but necessary. Absolutely necessary. Find common ground between yourself and her and talk about those things which interest you both. There's no need to act interested in the things she likes which you don't. This is assertiveness, and it's a quality most people very much want out of their prospective mates. These types of courting situations require a sometimes difficult balance. You want that person to know you're interested in them, but you also don't want to sell yourself out just to try and become what you think they want. That's cheating yourself, and you have a right to be who you are, even when you're around them. No one should expect you to change that, and if they do expect it, then they're not worth having. Underlying theme here is control your nerves. Some people are just naturally shy. You seem like one of them, but you don't have to let doubts and such rule you. You control your thoughts and responses around others. Your thoughts/responses don't control you. Or at least they shouldn't. Always remember you have control at all times over who you are and how you respond to things. You'll be alright. P.S. - Usually, when someone says a potential dating prospect is "boring," it often translates to "You would do anything I want you to". If you have a tendency to act that way around her or anyone else for that matter, stop it. You can assert yourself without being a jerk, and I guarantee you that those people worth having around will like you all the more for it.
  23. I'm considering going Fascist so I can force the majority to agree with me.
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