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Status Updates posted by Omeletter

  1. Hmm, I did some writing? I don't recall anything to be honest. If you want to move them I give you permission to do so.
  2. Just got GTX 570. The world of ENB is amazing.
    1. Deleted54170User


      In our heads and in our hearts is the child we always will be.
  3. Aaand I just noticed that I crossed the 500 post line! I can change my title!
    1. Deleted54170User


      Yikes! Have some hot cocoa.
  4. Happy Holidays, brokenergy!
  5. 35.12 posts per day!? Merry Christmas, you crazy spammer :D
  6. Was it a nice omelet? Not that yucky one with Chinese vegetables in it?
  7. Merry Christmas and happy new year! I remember when you had a bouncing sheep as your pic!
  8. Merry Christmas and happy new year!
  9. I have a very important announcement to make-
    1. Omeletter


      Merry Christmas and Happy new year! Oh, wait that wasn't that important... I know!

      Happy hanukkah! Nah, that didn't work either. Anyway, happy whatever you celebrate and look forward to 2012 as well!

    2. CheeseyBall
    3. vvk78


      All celebrations are very important events.


      Life without celebrations is like Skyrim without a sky, a car without a carburetor, or a bike without a bikeburetor.




      HNY 2012 to you too!


  10. Wow, your name is so close to mine!
  11. Visiting other people's profiles so they visit mine.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      *O^O* You must be visiting with your real life, closer to you, family and friend's.
    3. vvk78


      You would get more visits if you added a cute, beautiful or weird avatar for your profile.


      Go for weird, it always works, trust me. ;-)

    4. Omeletter


      ^ Lol, thanks for advice. Hmm, let's see... what is considered weird? I'll just go for cute instead :D
  12. Actually I went off the forum for a bit... now I'm back for a bit until Skyrim. Then? I don't know how long I will be gone for.
  13. Nice joining date, and name!
  14. Wait, there is co-op in VVVVVV? Or are you referring to that part where you have to rescue those dudes?
  15. I can't wait for Skyrim... it's going to be like Modern Morrowind! Great graphics, great details, and lots of things to do!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I had a duck I named George, a mud turtle too. I think I got the name George from several places' during my youth and named my pet's George because of the frequency of hearing it. Come on over and see my Post of one of the cartoon's I saw that had both Gremlin's and George got mentioned.
    3. Deleted54170User


      I may fade from this site on the day of Skyrims arrival for...who know's how long?
    4. Deleted54170User


      Only 2 week's, "2 week's, 2 WEEK'S. y...agh?!" Leader, "It's him! Get him!" Goon, "Where?!" Leader, "The Fat woman! Over there! Can't you see her?! Don't you have Total Recall?" Skyrim will be here in 2 weeks... Woo Hoo!
  16. That's great! I used to play Discovery for like, 1 year or so. I quit, but my characters with around 750 million or so credits are remaining. If you want any characters, I might install Freelancer and send them to you.
  17. Who else here remembers Freelancer? It's such a shame that it was left to die...
  18. Freelancer... such a great game. You are lucky you know it. Too bad the space sim genre was left to die. :(
  19. Just using search feature, typed in "Freelancer"... I can't believe someone actually knows that great game. And a kudo to you for including it in your top 30 game list.
  20. wow, I can't believe someone knows Freelancer game... that was epic. I miss it :(
  21. I thought you made that yourself lol :D Anyway I think I finally found what Cyan looks like, then?
  22. It's nice to see you active as usual lol
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