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Everything posted by FreedomsFlame

  1. Millenia, FadingSignal (ask about his music if you interview him), Arthmoor, maybe some of the Skywind/-blivion development heads? Oh, and Trainwiz. Can't forget about Trainwiz.
  2. It seems like the way keywords are handled in FO4 is extremely opaque, with a lot of keywords essentially being functions in and of themselves, but not showing you how exactly said functions work. While I'm not trying to make EC-Packs with charge, I am trying to use the mod association keywords to create generic mods and have similar issues. In essence I should be able to get my desired result by copying something's function and changing the name, but when I do so it just doesn't work because there's something going on behind the scenes that I can't access, with some of these keywords being tied to functions that are just part of the engine.
  3. So I'm trying to create a mod that allows me to add a certain modification to every weapon in the game, and I figured I would use the Null Muzzle mod as the base since it acts like that. I copied the Mod Association keyword and the Dynamic Naming data, added the ma_myweaponmod keyword to each of the weapons I wanted to have it, and associated ma_myweaponmod with the mod_weap_myweaponmod object. As far as I can tell, I've done everything that Null Muzzle does, but for some reason, it won't work. Is there a quest that applies the mod association effect?
  4. There's a console command for this already. If it's an essential NPC, they most likely have a unique Base ID. Use help "character name" 4 to find their Base ID, then use setessential BaseID 0.
  5. FO4Edit has a beta merge function, can't remember who implemented it, but they released a merging script on the Nexus.
  6. I've had this image in my head for a while now that I unfortunately lack the skill to produce to a level I would be comfortable releasing to the public. I hope that this will inspire someone among you talented modelers to bring it to life. The idea is that it's a pre-war soldier who was in his power armour when the bombs fell, somehow surviving, but having taken extreme amounts of damage, now melted into his suit and unable to escape. He'd be a Glowing One in a half-melted suit of T-45, powered by his natural radioactivity. The helmet would be broken apart with loose tubes and half of it slagged down to expose the ghoul's face. The torso would be charred and scratched, missing its fusion core, but instead glowing from the leaking radiation. It would be missing a few plates and melted on the left side, exposing the shoulder. The left arm would have the several plates and pieces of frame slagged and sticking out of it, but would mostly be exposed, while the right is completely covered in armour, wielding a Power Fist. The legs would be fully armored as well, scratched and charred, but otherwise fully functional. For his attacks, he'd be melee focused, acting as a ghoul but maybe a little more restricted (not throwing himself at the enemy, but instead jumping forward and landing on his feet then attacking), including the variations with ranged attacks and the reviving radiation burst.
  7. Super simple mod, if the CK didn't crash for me every 15 seconds I'd do it myself. Vanilla, you can send elevators up shafts without you inside by walking out of them before the doors close, however the doors of the elevator only open on a higher floor if the player is inside. My proposal is for a mod that makes it so you can send elevators up without going inside them (or even just adding a delay between when you press the button and when the doors close) and then having the doors open at the higher level. It would make mines and the Portable Turrets mod that much more fun to play with. Just imagine a group of cutthroat raiders crowding around an elevator waiting for you to come out when you surprise them with a turret inside. From the floor below you can hear their screams of terror.
  8. It means a lot to know you care about these problems. I originally had Nexus whitelisted on my AdBlocker, but eventually it got to the point where I had to take it off. Welcome back to the club!
  9. Ugh. The more I dig under the hood of BethSoft's engine the more annoyed I get at its frustrating limitations. Thanks for responding.
  10. So in theory I could just add a new keyword for every single vanilla weapon mod, then use a script to check for those keywords? That's... far from elegant, haha. There has to be a way to do it. Like how in Skyrim the enchanting table knew which enchantment was on a weapon when you went to disenchant things.
  11. Is such a thing possible? From what I have seen with my bumbling attempts at modding using xEdit, weapon mods seem to just be weapon enchantments that stack. Is there a way to reference what "enchantments" are attached to a weapon and use that information in another script? Specifically, I am trying to find a way to make it so that you can break down weapons into their component mods when you scrap them, rather than just getting scrap. Anyone out there with more experience who could help teach me a few things?
  12. Are you still looking for voice actors? I have a rather deep voice, perfect for Daedra, should you need more talent. Give me some lines you want read and I can provide samples.
  13. @Martinus It's very Warhammer 40K. I can't wait to see what it looks like with materials applied.
  14. Debating over the source of a model of a real weapon is silly. They'll all look the same because, surprise, they ARE the same! But to the subject at hand, I personally prefer to work from scratch, rather than cut apart a pre-existing texture. This lets you avoid trying to match the existing colour of the texture, as well as any awkward "seams" in the texture, as you are just working from your own personal base coat that you set and detailing from there. Just don't forget to make a new normal map to go with it, otherwise you'll still have the shading from the grooves on your (what I presume to be) smooth grip.
  15. I've always been one for tweaks and balancing, so my largest current project is a complete rebalance of the game, leaning toward lethality. The Survival Rebalance tool is nice, but limited, and the game still feels very bullet-spongey, even with it. My main goal is to give every enemy and piece of armor both DT and DR, adjust the weapons to account for that, and make regional damage done to the player more pronounced (25% health damage if a limb is hit, 100% if torso, 200% if head). In a suit of Power Armour .38 rounds should just bounce off of you, plus enemies will actually run away in terror if they can't do damage to you, as found out by the lovely Tougher Vertibirds mod. I'm also currently brainstorming a quest mod that takes place pre-war, accessed via the Memory Den, where the protagonist and their wife/husband meet at a protest on opposite sides (Male was in the National Guard, Female was a college student, think Vietnam-era protests but more violently suppressed because of the Enclave). Being that far in the past will also let me still have a voiced player, as you will be playing a much younger version of the Sole Survivor.
  16. I've been thinking about how it could be done, and I think you could make a script similar to the horses in Oblivion and Skyrim. Make it an entity, rather than an object and have it use something like "Dead Body Collision" to make it so that you can stand on the vehicle when not using it. There are probably a lot of factors that would make it more difficult than just that, but that's what I have been thinking. I know people tried to make vehicles in New Vegas/FO3 but weren't very successful.
  17. Please, for the love of God, would someone make a model of this glorious piece of machinery and throw it into Fallout 4 as a new power armour set? -Ad Victoriam
  18. I am planning on making a winter texture mod for Afghanistan, but I was wondering if there was a way I could apply the footprint effect from the desert sand to other ground textures, so that you can see footprints in the snow. It would make for a neat little touch.
  19. Oh, wow, I feel silly. Didn't even see that tab, XD Thanks for pointing that out. Now I can get to work. Probably.
  20. Thank you for the advice, but unfortunately looking through the Story Manager Quest Node I haven't found anything on doctors. Looking at doctor NPCs such as Doctor Sun it would appear that in FO4 all dialogue is packaged with their AI in some proprietary package file, I have no idea how I would go about opening that up. Any suggestions?
  21. Okay, the title is rather silly, but to the meat of the issue: how do doctors in FO4 work? I'm trying to make an overhaul for the addiction effects, which includes adding a new addiction. Basically what I want to know is how do doctors remove all the addictions? Do they use the CureAllAddictions from Addictol, just attached to a dialogue option or does activating that dialogue just run a script that removes addictions, separate from how Addictol works? I'm trying to make it so that doctors can only alleviate your addiction temporarily, rather than remove it, but Addictol does completely cure you. While on the subject of addictions, how does using a chem remove the addiction effect and replace it with the relevant chem's effect then re-apply it?
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