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Everything posted by wetblanket

  1. Have you avoided the bugs listed at the bottom of the description page (at the link you provided)? I played around with this mod a couple of years ago and know it does in fact work but unfortunately can't remember if I had any trouble getting it to work.
  2. Looks good. If you are going to use collision boxes then this makes them much easier to use especially for your purposes.
  3. You're right - not ideal for viewing your dungeon. Regarding your collision problem: could you use collision boxes to smooth out the surface invisibly? The surface would still look rough and you could position it mostly below your rocks, just covering the deeper holes.
  4. That and the judicious use of objects, including rocks, in combination with the standard cave pieces can bring individuality without the lag. Which is pretty much what Better Dungeons is all about. Something that I think would be a good addition to Oblivion caves would be entrances like Fallout NV uses. For those unfamiliar, the exit is obscured visually with a winding path and has a light box (?) to indicate daylight (or lack of) and no door (for natural caves). A collision box/activator provides the mechanical means to leave the cell. So you can 'see' the exit but not actually approach it. A lot of work for someone really keen but it would/should work alongside Better Dungeons.
  5. As regards 4., count the windows on the exterior, make your interior to suit. Don't be afraid to deviate from this if necessary, the original devs created a very elastic relationship between inside and outside spaces and few seem to care.
  6. Steps 3. & 4. here explain the process well enough I think. If you wish to replace the dresser with an otherwise identical container version then use 'Search & Replace' (ctrl + F) rather than dragging in your new container - quicker and easier. Make sure you have first selected the dresser you wish to replace and pay attention to the dialog checkbox options before hitting 'OK'.
  7. Re: Mount Interaction Endorsements are an indication of popularity, not necessarily quality. There are many, many good mods out there that have been overlooked and if you look at this mod author's other work there are endorsements aplenty. Having said that, I have no idea as to the quality of this particular effort but it is certainly worth trying given your 'no OBSE' restriction. The ini file allows you to change the key used and to alter the time delay that differentiates between a 'normal' keystroke and a 'long' one. Use notepad or similar to open and edit it, nothing to be afraid of assuming you take normal backup precautions and/or keep the original mod archive.
  8. Perhaps such mods, rather than being removed completely, ought to have a page on the original link that explains the situation or just redirected to a standard 'Removed for containing stolen content' page or similar. If nothing else it would help stop threads such as this one popping up regularly (no offense reaper55 :)).
  9. This is probably an insulting question (so apologies in advance :D): You say 'I came up with a quest script - yeah and I checked, it's marked as a quest script' but did you create an actual quest to go with it, the type that runs all the time? Sadly, that's pretty much all I know about scripting... If you get no joy here consider posting at the official forums or TESAlliance - bit more traffic there and more modders as opposed to players.
  10. I believe you are missing fose_v1_2_beta2.7z. What you downloaded is the latest loader executable not the full FOSE package. Extract both archives (latest loader last) into your Fallout3 root directory not 'Data' folder.
  11. You need the Blender Nif Scripts 2.5.9. Note other requirements such as Python and the correct version of Blender (2.49b). Once installed correctly you import rather than open a nif file. edit. And read this thread.
  12. On further investigation I think you would have to create a copy of the existing nif for each texture variant and edit the texture paths in Nifskope accordingly - old-school Beth stuff. I don't have the zombie mod you refer to but suspect it is based on the ghoul mesh. This is quite simple and you would only have to change three or so paths, all referring to the same texture.
  13. Texture sets are probably the way to go although I haven't used them with creatures. video may help. edit. Texture sets aren't used with NPC's and creatures it would seem :facepalm:
  14. Yes - IMCN - Imps More Complex Needs
  15. Start up the GECK but only load fallout3.esm. If necessary, have 90SK1.esp open in FO3Edit so you can check things. Create a new armour addon (right click on list > new) - call it anything you like* but copy the file paths etc. from 90SK1.esp. Similarly create a new FormID list adding the new armour addons you just created (click and drag). Again, call it anything you want*. Then open the existing Vault 77 armour dialog and in the drop-down at the bottom-left ('Biped Model List') select your new FormID List. Save your new esp. * it's a good idea to use a consistent prefix for your stuff but don't start with a digit.
  16. Firstly, FO3Edit is virtually indispensable for seeing exactly what a mod does, much more than the GECK. Get it and examine 90SK1.esp in it. In particular: 'Armor Addon' - 90SKvault77arm - 90SKvault77body 'Armor' - VaultSuit77 (see 'BIPL - Biped Model List' towards the bottom of the right-hand pane) 'FormID List' - 90SKvault77addons Now you probably can already see how this works but if not: In the GECK Armor addon's are defined a bit like armor in the GECK as far as model, 'Biped Object' (slots) etc. These are grouped in a FormID list - '90SKvault77addons' (these are found under Miscellaneous>Form List in the GECK). Then this list is referenced in the armor dialog for 'VaultSuit77' in the drop-down at the bottom-left ('Biped Model List'). Hope you can make sense of all this :)
  17. Unless the assets are in a bsa there is no need to 'extract'. How do you want it available in-game as there is any number of ways?
  18. I can't answer your question but the following links *may* help: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Avoiding_Blender_animation_pitfalls http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Importing_Animations_from_Blender Good luck :)
  19. Don't forget the advanced search options on Nexus either ('Search Again'). This can make all the difference in narrowing your search. Also, I have a custom search set up with a firefox extension called 'Web Search Pro' that appends "site:http://fallout3.nexusmods.com" to search terms. I find this very useful although it does tend to get a lot of non-mod related hits. Sometime I may get round to refining it to try and filter out those unwanted hits. Sometime.
  20. Well there's this and *ahem* this. edit. And this. That's enough pity for one day :)
  21. Have a look here. It's a general explanation that links to two detailed tutorials. Don't worry about the Oblivion references, it's essentially the same as Fallout 3.
  22. If you ask for criticism then you really ought to be more diplomatic in your rejection of suggestions... Having said that, the first dozen or so of your perk ideas (all I read) seem quite interesting and reasonable. Also, you are quite right - Bethesda use the term 'encumbrance' rather than 'weight' for a reason. It is pointless to try and bring real world weight figures into the game.
  23. I doubt it. As far as I know it's to do with unauthorised use of third party models on the whole. This is not necessarily the direct fault of the mod author (there are users who have passed off the work of others as their own and uploaded as resources) nevertheless it is the responsibility of the mod author to ensure all assets used are legit. This site, quite rightly, doesn't tolerate such shenanigans.
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