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Everything posted by lefttounge

  1. Fr! Totallt gotta say press F to pay my respects to that :wallbash: I've been a member since 2014, not literally all my friends are just gone I had like over 400 homies What was the nexus thinking when they removed that? Honestly, I'm still having trouble understanding why that happened, and why another solution wasn't implemented to keep that active. Also the 'badge' system is pretty strange; I should like have all the badges, most users probably should, since there are many veterans among us, lol
  2. Can I say something? I miss having friends. Honestly, I get it, ok, the new forums doesn't have a friend mechanic now. However I thought the friend mechanic was extremely useful, and I am pretty disappointed that it's just literally gone now. Many places have the ability to friend someone; tiktok, reddit, twitter, even facebook, even myspace had that. Yes, I get it. This is Nexus mods, not a social media platform, and not any of those platforms, however I think that this is a serious downgrade for the site. Hopefully one day it can return some kind of way, otherwise others might struggle to feel like this is a true community, when they can't even friend somebody to keep them in close contact.
  3. lefttounge


    Greetings Private Gedeon77. I'm Commander Lefttounge. It's good to see new faces trying their hat at modding Skyrim XD
  4. What? But why? Why was the friends list removed? That was extremely helpful in helping me to organize and track mods!
  5. I'm having issues with the messaging, where I'm not receiving a message alert after the update. I also don't have the ability to friend people, which sucks because I like friending people. It also gave me a one year in badge, which I appreciate, however I've kinda like been here since 2014, so that's like almost a decade. Do I like get a decade badge?
  6. @InDarkestNight Yeah, I feel ya. I read as much of the walltext as I could, and honestly though it was a massive amount, I felt you in just the first couple sentences. :sad: For me, the internet has become insanely boring. Youtube content creators, just dont post content anymore, I could be waiting for months and months for them to do something. I'm like, dude just do something--anything! Smack your face, make a crazy noise, do anything to entertain me dude. People like Yongyea, Rerez, and a couple other of my favorite game info users there just don't post anything. :hurr: I mean yeah they post, and yeah I know they have a life, but I'm bored. I want to watch something, though Youtube has gone downhill for years, that's a story for another time. I'd love to read more about art analysis videos, but those on youtube are just always 'biased' seeming, or they just don't feed my mind with enough satisfying info to keep me interested, and of course you can make a comment, nobody cares. Nobody replies back, unless they want to make a stupid remark. It's like if I discuss a topic and nobody cares, do I make a sound. No it feels like I don't, so why even have a comment section? The nexus for mods I haven't really been satisfied with, I mean a bunch of good mods still come on here, but it's nowhere near enough as back when I first started on the site, that topic can go on and on though. Tiktok is the only thing that is moderately entertaining, but usually they hardly have anything tangible or meanigful. And I feel like my paintings I upload on there just don't get the recognition I feel they deserve, I need like over 1,000 followers just to go live...? I could go live on Youtube anytime I want. It's ridiculous and detours me from uploading, I have 200 followers, I'll never make the jump, and even if its possible, it's no longer fun because I feel like a monkey performing for treats to no avail. All in all, I think the internet is displaying that everybody ever since 2020 is just, depressed. Nobody wants to do anything, because they're struggling so much, hell me I'm struggling immesenely with me being unemplyed for 3 years unable to find work (yeah I can find work at mcdonalds, but I've been working odd jobs ever since college.) Now that I have my bacheleors of science in computer information, you mean to tell me I cant even find work at a simple desk job? I need 5 years experience in clerical for that? Really? Well that's my problems, many others have issues too, and tbh, I don't feel happy enough to even write, or do anything on social media, and trolls make me even less likely to do so, so yeah I totally agree, and perhaps maybe that might seem so distant online? :sad:
  7. Anybody who wants the marryme mod, let me know in a pm
  8. If you don't use reshade, then dude, why are you here? :facepalm: This post is for people who actually know how to help
  9. I know this is an old post, but I feel like talking. I’ve used enbs such as Caffeine enb, an enb that I used for years and years, and had no fps drop at all, literally running circles around skyrim, only to come back after nuking and reinstalling my entire skyrim, for the enb to suddenly have crippling fps loss----mind you that I was using the same exact laptop as last time with no downgrade in my GPU, or any tech issues whatsoever. With a 1060 NVIDA graphics card, I have no idea why this would happen. I can summarize it’s many things, I can name a few: 1. Your charger pack---the thing you use to charge your laptop; most don’t realize it, but the less output it has to power your laptop as you’re playing, the more fps loss you’ll have. I’ve had it so that I was using a crappy Walmart battery charger for my laptop, and suddenly my Skyrim’s fps had died and went to hell on me, I couldn’t do anything, in where I just was the day before on it. I replaced that with a better battery that had more watt power, and my fps recovered in full with no loss. Check to see if you’re laptop has an input of 100-240V~~60/50. 2.5A and output of 19.0V===9.47A (that’s what I use, and my brand is Insignia) and if it’s input is any lower than this, no doubt you’ll have FPS issue, because what your skyrim is running, your battery cant deliver on the same input. I bet many users had never realized this before. I found out my battery’s specs by looking at the information on the back of it. 2. Sometimes mod authors change their enbs and add a bunch of unnecessary crap that they really might not needed to add, which might make it take up more fps, that usually doesn’t happen, but it can. 3. Check to see if your graphic card’s properties hasn’t been set to “ultra” NEVER run your game on ULTRA. Ever! I say this even to the screen archers with good pcs; even if your pc can handle it, it’s still a vampire that will drain your computer for years every time you use it. Your computer can’t handle 12 years of you playing ULTRA settings on a heavily modded skyrim, it’s just not something one should be doing, and sooner or later you’re gunna burn something out---a broken graphic’s card on your laptop could mean it’s irreplaceable, and the costs to try and replace that are just not worth it. Playing on high is reasonable, and it’s what I do, that’s the most one should use. 4. Double enbs---sometimes some enb files might not’ve gotten deleted, check to make absolutely certain you have removed prior enb files before putting them in your folder, I found that sometimes stacked enb files may make your game overly bright in gamma, or times the enb itself just won’t work until installed properly. I found that as you install Skyrim, the game actually seems to mold itself into the enb you’re using, in other words it starts to depend on that enb, and it’s files used for it, and when you go and remove enbs left and right, the game really hates that. In other words, enbs such as Caffeine must be added in first in a newly installed skyrim, that way you can look at what mods you install aren’t slowing your fps down as you play, you can catch that, instead of installing a new enb and getting that fps chaos all at once. Looking at other users, I found that it seems like over 60% of users aren’t even using an enb, this includes even some well-known mod authors, you can see it in their pics. Enbs are a giant hassle that if you aren’t tech savvy in it, it can be a very stressful experience, and with Skyrim, it’s an outdated game, which demands you mod the game’s mods around what enb you’re using one at a time, and not midway through, otherwise fps can just die out on you from out of nowhere for no reason.
  10. NOPER! I found it! ;D It's this one https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38715?tab=description tactical action extension. It's the katana animation one! Thanks bud!
  11. There was this one mod on the fallout 4 nexus that gave katanas both a first and third person animation, but I cant remember the name of it. Does anybody know? I think it even worked for celtic katanas.Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Hello Ausbrecher, I had sent you a pm, if you could read it and get back with me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks
  13. A good bit of game days had already passed :( I can try to do the sleeping thing. I think everybody's pc is shooting out children :hurr: ANy other ideas? :huh:
  14. Thanks bud, I already have it so the'll like give birth in the least amount of time, this is way after they even gave birth, like literally they aren't pregnant anymore. I suppose they're in recovery still? This happens with both my pc character, and npc. It's virtually unplayable lag inbetween actions. I tried reseting bf functions, and everything. :( Any other ideas anybody?
  15. So I'm getting major lag coming from my Beeing female mod; in where I get a delay in response time for each action I do. Like I can activate a barrel, and It'll take 4 seconds later that the barrel finally 'opens'. I have no idea why this is happening or how to fix. I tried asking for help over on the beeing female help page, but nobody answer. Any help somebody can provide would be very much appreciated, as I've never had this kind of issue with this mod before. here is my load order if it helps. Also I am using the immersive interactions mod, which allows animations for each action if that helps in any way
  16. Hey bud, it's Lefttounge! :) Hey bud when you get the chance, be sure to check you pms. I sent you one. Also check your twitter, sent you one there as well. Thanks bud!
  17. Hello, I'm having trouble getting the Appearance menu Mod to work. After the mod is installed, how do I change my appearance? I'm not seeing the mod in the console. :confused: I'd ask on the mod page, but the mod author has locked his comment section. Any help provided would be much appreciated.
  18. I just uninstalled that mod, and everything was fine. If you dont have that mod, it might be another rifle mod you have doing the same bug. Uninstall them one by one and see if the bug goes away.
  19. This will work friend: Use the alchemy table. When you leave, you should be able to use those powers again. It helped fix my bug with this. Good luck friends
  20. For some reason, the "save feature" in my Grand Theft Auto Game 5 is just now completely gone! Please, how can I get it back, it doesn't matter who answers, just any help you can provide would be much appreciated. :(
  21. Hello, Im hoping somebody could help me in understanding how to install a gta5 mod? The drug trafficking mod, or just any mod in particular, but this one most of all. :confused: I just bought gta 5 today, and im nee to how to add mods i to the game, besises the enb. Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  22. Nevermind, I found out how to do it. I did it ingame using the shift+enter, however I had to go into my enb local, open it, and set the keyeditor to 13, so that shift+enter will work, there I messed around in the enb effects to get it to change normal.
  23. Hello, I'm new to gta5 modding. I just downloaded PRSA Photorealistic ENB, but I received this Letterbox effect, and I have no idea how to remove it. Can anybody please help? How do I remove this so I can see the game in full view? Thank you https://www.nexusmods.com/gta5/mods/208?tab=images
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