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Everything posted by lefttounge

  1. I'm looking for somebody who could make yakuza style tattoos. :( I know there is already this mod that was made: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65216/?tab=images&BH=0 But I already have this mod, and was looking for more in regards to the yakuza, I also wanted to see if somebody could do this one I would really much appreciate it if somebody could do this. :(
  2. In response to post #55558519. It makes me feel like I'm bout ready to start having an epileptic seizure...!!! :blink:
  3. In response to post #55558639. You got's to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the website, look for visit "old" website. Or you can simply pull up the find in page, (or type ctrl + F) And type in old website
  4. Hello Dark0ne. My name is Nevada. I'm an insane yakuza samurai high elf babe, and I have been on the nexus for a long time............:hurr: However, this new webpage design, I truly have to say is waay to complicated. I just dont really like it, I tried so hard, but I failed miserably :( You see the main problem is that EVERYTHING is large (font, images, links) they're just too big. With all of the largeness and closeness of how everything apprars, it makes me very dizzy looking at it. I'm actually not able to stare at the page for too long, because of this unpleasant side-effect. I did like the old version better because it's smaller and in my opinion more legible. The closeness and lack of value in the widgets and prompts is what's giving the site that 'flat' look. It seems like you were trying to make the site more compatible with phones :confused: I would still appreciate an easier access back to the old site layout to please remain. -Sincerely, A concerned insane high elf yakuza samurai hot babe that don't make no sense, but does here though
  5. I'm having issues as well. I try and try, refresh, clear, and clear, and I still have the same profile pic I'm trying to swap out, please help. :sad: It only works on the forums, but not the message boards.
  6. I'd LOVE to see modders actually care about being helpful more than being arrogant. There ARE some very helpful, and friendly people on nexus. But a good score of modders feel like people owe them something for a free request. Almost how Bethesda feels like we owe them something for using free mods on their game. When in reality though, THEY should have done these cools things themselves. L_L It seems like the 'mod requests' page is truly useless. The number of 0 replies makes me vomit, horribly and gives me gas and the shakes. :facepalm:
  7. Go to my tumblr Nevadathehighelfbabe.tumblr.com to see nunde skyrim pics I can't show here on the Nexus
  8. Go to my tumblr: Nevadathehighelfbabe.tumblr.com to see nude hot babe pics, and nude insanity involving me babling like a nude high elf insane yakuza style babe that don't make no kinds of sense, posing nudely in many possible nude ways in where I can't exactly show on the nexus, cuz they don't like nude
    1. lefttounge



      Knucklehead... L_L

  9. That's good and helpful. I have tried to make followers in the past, but it became very confusing, even though I looked at videos, the meshes and texturing always made thing very difficult for me. I am unskilled in working on creation club. My skill is as a writer. Therefore I am unable to work on this my self. God gives everybody different skills in life. Programming and stuff such as this is just not what I am able to do. Hopefully somebody kind will decide to help me and my friend kiki finish Nevada. If not, then I guess this mod may never be finished, I will have to take Nevada and share her with the world in other ways that the Lord has gifted me to be able to do. If anybody wishes to help, please do pm me. Voice acting is all done Writing is all done I have all the files ready to send. All I need is for somebody to place it all in creation club for us.
  10. Hi there, my name is lefttounge. Me and a friend are working on putting together a custom voiced follower mod. The voice overs are already done, and everything- but we needed somebody to put it together here is what me and my friend had so far, but progress was interrupted when Hurricane Maria hit her country :sad: her name is Nevada, she is a samurai warrior, she will say The Art of War quotes, some of my personal haikus, and then use some idles, and even whisper when the player crouches I wanted to keep her simple as possible, I have all of her written dialogue already made, if you want to hear some samples, here; https://mega.nz/#!p6...iYtynBcM4SrxtDs and here were some of the haikus https://mega.nz/#!Ev...P6AOvT9f1724u5k --- all the writing is done, all the dialogue is done, I even have an emotions chart that will tell you what dialogue gives off what emotion. I have idles, I have The art of War Quotes, I even have Haikus. And even marriage dialogue The theme is that: She is Nevada, she is a member of the blades. She is a yakuza samurai, and she's quite funny, feel free to give those samples a listen. The double ganger is that, high elves are usually 'prissy, love magic, and what not' Nevada is burly, love to fight, hates magic she will also have yakuza style tattoos All her dialogue AND voice over is already done. me and kiki simply need somebody to put it all together into creation kit for us. I truly hope that somebody will respond and help us finish her. We would greatly appreciate it. More pics Also, I have all the files needed and can send anybody that wishes to help everything needed and ready.
  11. Does anybody know how or if this thing is even possible? :confused:
  12. I hope so too, I have enough written for somebody to make it into a mod. :) All they need to do is pm me please. I tried to keep this as simple as possible, so it is, just dialogue boxes, a simple mcm to customize it, and then buffs or perks that last for a couple hours depending on the type of dream you have, Please be sure to read that spoiler. :)
  13. Lol, I had made the same exact request, that nobody seemed to care about. L_L I had requested that somebody could make a dreaming mod. Whenever the player would go to sleep, there was a chance that they would dream, either a dream, or a nightmare. And depending upon what they dream will determine whether or not they receive positive buffs or negative buffs. I was going to use ACTUAL DREAM symbols from out of a dreaming book and everything, along with mixing it in with some lore friendly topics. I would have done ANY and ALL writing, so all somebody would have to do is make it a mod. I actually have enough written so far for anybody to get started. Here is an exerpt If anybody want to help out, I would LOVE to try and complete that request Myctican, :) I'm no modder though, I'm only a writer. Randomly at different times when the player sleeps, if they dream, a word box (such as the one in Oblivion for vampires) would pop up describing the dream. And then the player can exit out, and they will either receive a good buff (increased speechcraft, etc.) or negative buff (more easier to contract diseases) for random hours, like 2, three, or so hours, or they might not receive any buffsThe dreams had Vaermina, Molag bal, and other, let me repeat, REAL LIFE OUT OF AN ACTUAL DREAM DICTIONARY dream symbols that I HAVE LOOKED UP just sitting around in my house just collecting dust. I STILL have that book.An MCM menu that will allow the player to control how often they dream, of what type of dreams are they more likely to have, (more nightmares than good dreams) whether they receive buffs or notI have EVERYTHING WRITTEN enough to make this mod a REALITY. Please, please consider making this epic mod. Please do PM me if you can help out. I think this mod can work. Here is an excerpt on one of the dreams I written, both nightmare, and good dream
  14. Hello, I simply wanted to see if anybody could possibly please create a custom race, or if it were actually possible. I wanted a race in where they still look like a regular race (preferable imperial, or breton) but the have a third eye on their forehead. Would that be possible. So that they have three eyes, the two normal ones, and a regular one in the middle of their eye. It was alien inspired, and you can make it so that changing the color of the character's eye changes the third eye's color as well? Wasn't sure if possible. I wanted it to be a female race, but if you can do it for male to, that'd be cool. I'm no modder, but if somebody else could please do it, or consider it, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you. Also it doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't even have to look aesthetic at all, I just wanted it to have a third eye that blinks in sync with the player.
  15. Â Sigh. And what you need to realise is that no matter how much someone wants to do that they simply might not have the ability. I'm working on my own (none Skyrim) project but I don't consider it the "bestest idea eveh". In fact I'm going out of my way to have others give me ideas which I might then add in because they're good ideas. I also tried to get into webcoding, but this combined with everything I needed to do was simply too much at once. And now I know someone ELSE that has a better head for code and can do that. I know enough to be able to tell them where the code needs to go. But THEY are the one putting in the code. And that's what a mod is like. Some people are the ideas guy that does the writing. Others are the ones putting in the content itself. You're basically telling everyone to "Do it on your own". Neglecting the fact that perhaps, just perhaps someone will see an idea on this very sub forum and might just think "Oh, maybe I want to work on that." Maybe they won't just work on that, but it could be something to add in their already existing project if nothing else. Depending on how big or small it is. Or wherever someone finds an idea interesting enough to put their own personal project aside because they might find another, unconsidered idea even more interesting then what they didn't think off. Â By your logic we may as well not bother with sharing ideas at all and just do it all on our own. Which is exactly how games came to exist in the first place. People share ideas. They either work together or take another persons ideas and add it into their project. This isn't just how mods are made. It's how games themselves are made. Mods don't just magically get made with one persons ideas. A multiple number of people give ideas for something to exist in the first place. Then something is made and more ideas are added on after that. In the case of the former it's formulating something to be added in to begin with. Tents. Campfires. Hunger. That kind of thing. In the case of the later it's more feedback based. What kind of tent. What can campfires do. How hungry you get over time. Either way it all revolves around ideas. Not just from the person making the mod (or game. Or even book or film or even a RL event) but from other people as well. Lol af, there is no way in hell i'm reading that giant script L_L sorry bucko. Please consider shortening.
  16. If you wish to see my NEW Flickr Account site, I post pictures there, please visit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/92605242@N06/
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. lefttounge













      yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. ye...

    3. lefttounge


      GASP! LOOK! Here goes the link again:



    4. lefttounge



      your Welcome. :)

  17. It actually disappears after 6 seconds, so it doesnt actually stay and not go away. I found that my game wont start with enb host in the directory (not data) folder. So i use the other, which is injector. I am out right now, so i'm not near a computer at the moment.
  18. I've got an idea :)
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    2. lefttounge


      ᕙ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) ᕗ

      Shaaaaaady high elf...

    3. lefttounge


      Trippin High elf ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)
    4. lefttounge


      ( ͡☉⁄ ⁄ ͜⁄ ͜ʖ̫⁄ ⁄ ͡☉)


  19. ;DI had to lol a little, i'm sorry... :( Well, it's more than likely a yes, because skyrim 'mods' are free. If the person making the mod isn't getting paid, then he's jot going to want to pay just to use a voice actor. I'm so sorry... :( It hurts woefully. X(
  20. Hi Kerstyn, when i get back from work, i will totally look you up.
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