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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320, #39494820, #39495215, #39495510, #39495745, #39495875, #39496060, #39496080, #39496750 are all replies on the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*!.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.
Red890 wrote: While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

daedriccat wrote: You can't just come in and demand what you want. It's that simple.
RaffTheSweetling wrote: Isn't it always the way. The people who've never endorsed a thing here, never added a mod of their own, or even a picture for others to enjoy, want to share their "valuable insights" on how authors should really feel when their work is stolen. It's incredible.
arn13 wrote: If you can't be bothered to read the entire thing, then at least copy and ctrl+F search for this section: "Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them?"

It's not a question about someone having too much "ego." It's about having respect for other people's effort to actually create content for everyone to enjoy.
Shosholada wrote: + the point:

"9. Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all."

End of story.

I wish to have option to block some users from my mods ;)
MysticalFlare wrote: Congrats on doing the complete opposite of what this article is trying to achieve.
jim_uk wrote: Files=0 Images=0 Videos=0 Friends=0 Endorsements Given=0 Files Tagged=0

Three years you've been here and you've contributed nothing at all.
Gilles19870 wrote: Ehhh no.. They made it for themselves first.. community second.. and if you just download the PC version, then alter it through the Creation Kit for console use.. then you're an thief. The original owner owns the rights to the mod.

The least you can do, if you reverse enigneer the mod, is credit the original maker.

If paid modding is to start on Bethesda's own site.. you have thiefs making a profit on somebody else's hard work.. that could open a whole sh*tload of complaints, and legal issues.

I understand Bethesda wanting their "own" mod site. Gives them great insight what the community wants in a new game.. but make sure the maker of the mod is the original maker. And not somebody that reversed engineered the mod from a pc version.
UlanX wrote: I don't think it's a god complex. I think it's more of a case of people are tired of the blatant sense of entitlement among some members of the gaming "community" (as reflected by your attitude). It's the same attitude you see on various forums where people are demanding, not asking, devs for this, that and the next thing. Claiming they know better than anyone else and basically being a selfish keyboard warrior. People who spend hours making content for others to enjoy at least deserve to be acknowledged and decide where, when and how their content is used.

Otherwise what I can see happening is people breaking off into smaller, closed modding guilds/groups and just producing content for a close knit community they know they can trust. I guess it's a case of "don't bite the hand that feeds you".
jagdhundnull wrote: @arkancelo

In all honesty, I think it's really difficult for you to make that argument when you seemingly haven't contributed anything to the community in 3 years.

And before you write me off as just another egotistical mod author, I'm not -- I too have no mods uploaded like yourself, and in 7 years at that. But I do enjoy and support the efforts of the mod authors, especially given the fact some of them have to deal with seeming toddlers clamoring for updates/fixes/new features as if the mod author doesn't have their own life to attend to. And don't get me started on the people who actively subscribe to the Fallout 4 betas and then complain to mod authors when the voluntary and ever-changing beta patches break the mod...

All that said, yeah, there are douchey mod authors here and there. Happens everywhere. But, while not having published any mods myself, I have made several personal ones, and can attest to the days, sometimes even weeks that can be spent on testing what you're trying to do to get it right. And that's just some simple stuff. Some of these mod authors have been working on their mods here and there since last November.

In the end, remember one thing about all this: the modding community is just that -- a community. It's voluntary. People donate time from their lives to provide this for the enjoyment of others. For them it's an achievement and also a bit fun. But if they become burnt out on the community, if it's no longer fun nor a positive thing for them, why should they even bother sharing mods?

When all the great mod authors on this website decide to pack up and move on with their lives, can we depend on you to give us the game-changing masterpieces?

Now there's an idea: I'm not aloud to get mad for people stealing food out of my home, cause "other people should also be able to enjoy my food"

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In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320, #39494820, #39495215, #39495510, #39495745, #39495875, #39496060, #39496080, #39496750, #39496960 are all replies on the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*!.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.
Red890 wrote: While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

daedriccat wrote: You can't just come in and demand what you want. It's that simple.
RaffTheSweetling wrote: Isn't it always the way. The people who've never endorsed a thing here, never added a mod of their own, or even a picture for others to enjoy, want to share their "valuable insights" on how authors should really feel when their work is stolen. It's incredible.
arn13 wrote: If you can't be bothered to read the entire thing, then at least copy and ctrl+F search for this section: "Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them?"

It's not a question about someone having too much "ego." It's about having respect for other people's effort to actually create content for everyone to enjoy.
Shosholada wrote: + the point:

"9. Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all."

End of story.

I wish to have option to block some users from my mods ;)
MysticalFlare wrote: Congrats on doing the complete opposite of what this article is trying to achieve.
jim_uk wrote: Files=0 Images=0 Videos=0 Friends=0 Endorsements Given=0 Files Tagged=0

Three years you've been here and you've contributed nothing at all.
Gilles19870 wrote: Ehhh no.. They made it for themselves first.. community second.. and if you just download the PC version, then alter it through the Creation Kit for console use.. then you're an thief. The original owner owns the rights to the mod.

The least you can do, if you reverse enigneer the mod, is credit the original maker.

If paid modding is to start on Bethesda's own site.. you have thiefs making a profit on somebody else's hard work.. that could open a whole sh*tload of complaints, and legal issues.

I understand Bethesda wanting their "own" mod site. Gives them great insight what the community wants in a new game.. but make sure the maker of the mod is the original maker. And not somebody that reversed engineered the mod from a pc version.
UlanX wrote: I don't think it's a god complex. I think it's more of a case of people are tired of the blatant sense of entitlement among some members of the gaming "community" (as reflected by your attitude). It's the same attitude you see on various forums where people are demanding, not asking, devs for this, that and the next thing. Claiming they know better than anyone else and basically being a selfish keyboard warrior. People who spend hours making content for others to enjoy at least deserve to be acknowledged and decide where, when and how their content is used.

Otherwise what I can see happening is people breaking off into smaller, closed modding guilds/groups and just producing content for a close knit community they know they can trust. I guess it's a case of "don't bite the hand that feeds you".
jagdhundnull wrote: @arkancelo

In all honesty, I think it's really difficult for you to make that argument when you seemingly haven't contributed anything to the community in 3 years.

And before you write me off as just another egotistical mod author, I'm not -- I too have no mods uploaded like yourself, and in 7 years at that. But I do enjoy and support the efforts of the mod authors, especially given the fact some of them have to deal with seeming toddlers clamoring for updates/fixes/new features as if the mod author doesn't have their own life to attend to. And don't get me started on the people who actively subscribe to the Fallout 4 betas and then complain to mod authors when the voluntary and ever-changing beta patches break the mod...

All that said, yeah, there are douchey mod authors here and there. Happens everywhere. But, while not having published any mods myself, I have made several personal ones, and can attest to the days, sometimes even weeks that can be spent on testing what you're trying to do to get it right. And that's just some simple stuff. Some of these mod authors have been working on their mods here and there since last November.

In the end, remember one thing about all this: the modding community is just that -- a community. It's voluntary. People donate time from their lives to provide this for the enjoyment of others. For them it's an achievement and also a bit fun. But if they become burnt out on the community, if it's no longer fun nor a positive thing for them, why should they even bother sharing mods?

When all the great mod authors on this website decide to pack up and move on with their lives, can we depend on you to give us the game-changing masterpieces?
Th3 Duk3 wrote: Now there's an idea: I'm not aloud to get mad for people stealing food out of my home, cause "other people should also be able to enjoy my food"


Cool. So that means I should be able to come and take your computer right? Its yours, but, well... I should be able to enjoy it, irregardless of if you want to give it to me.
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In response to post #39491315. #39496050 is also a reply to the same post.

tvs_frank wrote: I think the simplest solution to this would be to just make your mod rely the SKSE libraries, even something as basic as a texture replacer. There must be a way, right?
qasm0ke wrote: SKSE for Skyrim and F4SE for Fallout 4. This way the developer can focus & care about only for PC. That's the way I think.

I don't have any console so I couldn't test anyway. My Skyrim mods are all require SKSE, so if the so-called 'thief' stole my mod to Bethesda market, he can't play it on non-PC environment.

That's not a solution though. It's a temporary preventative measure to avoid theft, that prevents ALL console users enjoying a mod because of the arrogance of a very small minority who would resort to theft.

A solution has to come from Bethesda, so that mod authors can feel safe about releasing their content wherever they choose, without fear of theft, because they can trust Bethesda to work as hard as the Nexus staff to do protect their creations.

Consoles on mods could be a wonderful thing. The reason we're all here is because we love modding our Bethesda games on PC, to get a lot more out of them, and I'm really glad console users will be getting a similar experience from now on. Bethesda definitely need to step it up though, and focus on protecting content instead of blatantly focusing on a method of trying to reintroduce paid mods with a 75/25 split in favour of themselves and Valve again...
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In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320, #39494820, #39495215, #39495510, #39495745, #39495875, #39496060, #39496080, #39496750, #39496960, #39497070 are all replies on the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*!.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.
Red890 wrote: While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

daedriccat wrote: You can't just come in and demand what you want. It's that simple.
RaffTheSweetling wrote: Isn't it always the way. The people who've never endorsed a thing here, never added a mod of their own, or even a picture for others to enjoy, want to share their "valuable insights" on how authors should really feel when their work is stolen. It's incredible.
arn13 wrote: If you can't be bothered to read the entire thing, then at least copy and ctrl+F search for this section: "Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them?"

It's not a question about someone having too much "ego." It's about having respect for other people's effort to actually create content for everyone to enjoy.
Shosholada wrote: + the point:

"9. Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all."

End of story.

I wish to have option to block some users from my mods ;)
MysticalFlare wrote: Congrats on doing the complete opposite of what this article is trying to achieve.
jim_uk wrote: Files=0 Images=0 Videos=0 Friends=0 Endorsements Given=0 Files Tagged=0

Three years you've been here and you've contributed nothing at all.
Gilles19870 wrote: Ehhh no.. They made it for themselves first.. community second.. and if you just download the PC version, then alter it through the Creation Kit for console use.. then you're an thief. The original owner owns the rights to the mod.

The least you can do, if you reverse enigneer the mod, is credit the original maker.

If paid modding is to start on Bethesda's own site.. you have thiefs making a profit on somebody else's hard work.. that could open a whole sh*tload of complaints, and legal issues.

I understand Bethesda wanting their "own" mod site. Gives them great insight what the community wants in a new game.. but make sure the maker of the mod is the original maker. And not somebody that reversed engineered the mod from a pc version.
UlanX wrote: I don't think it's a god complex. I think it's more of a case of people are tired of the blatant sense of entitlement among some members of the gaming "community" (as reflected by your attitude). It's the same attitude you see on various forums where people are demanding, not asking, devs for this, that and the next thing. Claiming they know better than anyone else and basically being a selfish keyboard warrior. People who spend hours making content for others to enjoy at least deserve to be acknowledged and decide where, when and how their content is used.

Otherwise what I can see happening is people breaking off into smaller, closed modding guilds/groups and just producing content for a close knit community they know they can trust. I guess it's a case of "don't bite the hand that feeds you".
jagdhundnull wrote: @arkancelo

In all honesty, I think it's really difficult for you to make that argument when you seemingly haven't contributed anything to the community in 3 years.

And before you write me off as just another egotistical mod author, I'm not -- I too have no mods uploaded like yourself, and in 7 years at that. But I do enjoy and support the efforts of the mod authors, especially given the fact some of them have to deal with seeming toddlers clamoring for updates/fixes/new features as if the mod author doesn't have their own life to attend to. And don't get me started on the people who actively subscribe to the Fallout 4 betas and then complain to mod authors when the voluntary and ever-changing beta patches break the mod...

All that said, yeah, there are douchey mod authors here and there. Happens everywhere. But, while not having published any mods myself, I have made several personal ones, and can attest to the days, sometimes even weeks that can be spent on testing what you're trying to do to get it right. And that's just some simple stuff. Some of these mod authors have been working on their mods here and there since last November.

In the end, remember one thing about all this: the modding community is just that -- a community. It's voluntary. People donate time from their lives to provide this for the enjoyment of others. For them it's an achievement and also a bit fun. But if they become burnt out on the community, if it's no longer fun nor a positive thing for them, why should they even bother sharing mods?

When all the great mod authors on this website decide to pack up and move on with their lives, can we depend on you to give us the game-changing masterpieces?
Th3 Duk3 wrote: Now there's an idea: I'm not aloud to get mad for people stealing food out of my home, cause "other people should also be able to enjoy my food"

khalkists wrote: Cool. So that means I should be able to come and take your computer right? Its yours, but, well... I should be able to enjoy it, irregardless of if you want to give it to me.

just wow
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In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320, #39494820, #39495215, #39495510, #39495745, #39495875, #39496060, #39496080, #39496750, #39496960, #39497070, #39497535 are all replies on the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*!.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.
Red890 wrote: While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

daedriccat wrote: You can't just come in and demand what you want. It's that simple.
RaffTheSweetling wrote: Isn't it always the way. The people who've never endorsed a thing here, never added a mod of their own, or even a picture for others to enjoy, want to share their "valuable insights" on how authors should really feel when their work is stolen. It's incredible.
arn13 wrote: If you can't be bothered to read the entire thing, then at least copy and ctrl+F search for this section: "Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them?"

It's not a question about someone having too much "ego." It's about having respect for other people's effort to actually create content for everyone to enjoy.
Shosholada wrote: + the point:

"9. Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all."

End of story.

I wish to have option to block some users from my mods ;)
MysticalFlare wrote: Congrats on doing the complete opposite of what this article is trying to achieve.
jim_uk wrote: Files=0 Images=0 Videos=0 Friends=0 Endorsements Given=0 Files Tagged=0

Three years you've been here and you've contributed nothing at all.
Gilles19870 wrote: Ehhh no.. They made it for themselves first.. community second.. and if you just download the PC version, then alter it through the Creation Kit for console use.. then you're an thief. The original owner owns the rights to the mod.

The least you can do, if you reverse enigneer the mod, is credit the original maker.

If paid modding is to start on Bethesda's own site.. you have thiefs making a profit on somebody else's hard work.. that could open a whole sh*tload of complaints, and legal issues.

I understand Bethesda wanting their "own" mod site. Gives them great insight what the community wants in a new game.. but make sure the maker of the mod is the original maker. And not somebody that reversed engineered the mod from a pc version.
UlanX wrote: I don't think it's a god complex. I think it's more of a case of people are tired of the blatant sense of entitlement among some members of the gaming "community" (as reflected by your attitude). It's the same attitude you see on various forums where people are demanding, not asking, devs for this, that and the next thing. Claiming they know better than anyone else and basically being a selfish keyboard warrior. People who spend hours making content for others to enjoy at least deserve to be acknowledged and decide where, when and how their content is used.

Otherwise what I can see happening is people breaking off into smaller, closed modding guilds/groups and just producing content for a close knit community they know they can trust. I guess it's a case of "don't bite the hand that feeds you".
jagdhundnull wrote: @arkancelo

In all honesty, I think it's really difficult for you to make that argument when you seemingly haven't contributed anything to the community in 3 years.

And before you write me off as just another egotistical mod author, I'm not -- I too have no mods uploaded like yourself, and in 7 years at that. But I do enjoy and support the efforts of the mod authors, especially given the fact some of them have to deal with seeming toddlers clamoring for updates/fixes/new features as if the mod author doesn't have their own life to attend to. And don't get me started on the people who actively subscribe to the Fallout 4 betas and then complain to mod authors when the voluntary and ever-changing beta patches break the mod...

All that said, yeah, there are douchey mod authors here and there. Happens everywhere. But, while not having published any mods myself, I have made several personal ones, and can attest to the days, sometimes even weeks that can be spent on testing what you're trying to do to get it right. And that's just some simple stuff. Some of these mod authors have been working on their mods here and there since last November.

In the end, remember one thing about all this: the modding community is just that -- a community. It's voluntary. People donate time from their lives to provide this for the enjoyment of others. For them it's an achievement and also a bit fun. But if they become burnt out on the community, if it's no longer fun nor a positive thing for them, why should they even bother sharing mods?

When all the great mod authors on this website decide to pack up and move on with their lives, can we depend on you to give us the game-changing masterpieces?
Th3 Duk3 wrote: Now there's an idea: I'm not aloud to get mad for people stealing food out of my home, cause "other people should also be able to enjoy my food"

khalkists wrote: Cool. So that means I should be able to come and take your computer right? Its yours, but, well... I should be able to enjoy it, irregardless of if you want to give it to me.
jguerr73 wrote: just wow

If I may. I know how much work is involved in making mod. It's not just sketch things up and upload them. The programs that are involved, the effort in LEARNING how to use these tools. Nifscope, photoshop and others that even the author gives credit .It all takes time...I'll be honest with ya. I've tried to use some of these programs, and just could not get it. Yeah, you have some modders with ego trips. But you know what? It's deserved. Time, effort and a lot of patience. I've been a gamer since the Atari era. Blocks for graphics and paddles the size of tennis rackets. Well maybe a little exaggerated . I too owned many consoles and enjoyed them very much. And still own a ps4, and maybe the ps4.5 in the future. When I heard that they where going to suped up the ps4 or even Xbox1, first thing that came to my mind ,they're going to be able to run the more powerful mods. If feel even though mods are free, I still should contribute something. If not financially, how about endorsements. I'am baffled by how many downloads and so little endorsements. And the sad thing is many of the authors only as for endorsements. Hence "please endorse". One thing both the pc and console people have in common, we enjoy playing video games. WE'RE GAMERS. But when I download a mod, I don't take it for granted. And am very thankful to the modding community for the work they've done, free of charge. Even this site is free. Thank you modders for your free stuff. And I will continue to at the very least endorse your stuff. Again, thank you... Edited by Red Titus
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In response to post #39485330. #39488480, #39488735, #39490310, #39491875, #39495320, #39496320 are all replies on the same post.

MrJoseCuervo wrote: I urge modders to keep their console brothers in mind when they make mods. Make sure your mods are in good working order and safe for them to use. We don't want any consoles getting damaged due to poor modding.
alanlwilcox wrote: How can a PC modder EVER make a mod safe for console gaming? There are no tools for a console game as said in an earlier post. Consoles are a new world that only Bethesda may know enough about to mod for them. I would think that consoles would be at great risk and will blame these modders for problems caused by pirated mods.
A_name wrote: There are 0 tools for a modder to troubleshoot on a console. And frankly asking a modder to buy 2 consoles just to test his mods is ridiculous anyway.

Maybe we should encourage the thieves or pirates to do the testing?
I am pretty damn sure a handful of modders would be glad to outsource this to them.
If they ask first of course.
chinagreenelvis wrote: AFAIK there shouldn't be any difference. Console mod problems will come from the the same source as PC mod problems: load order. It's not like you can write a mod that will physically destroy a console.
CrazyIvan12 wrote: ...and the troll/asshole, emboldened by this statement, set out to create a mod designed to do just that.

But in all seriousness, the biggest problem would be troubleshooting. People (including me) don't use consoles ever, and as a result, they have no way to bug test. I personally think, if the modder is the "won't upload to bethsda.net" type, if they can work something out with a console user to troubleshoot the mod, that they should think about uploading to bethesda
arn13 wrote: It's already quite difficult enough making sure your mod even works on the PC. My "Populated Wasteland" mod worked perfectly fine for me, but a lot of users reported problems on their end and I simply had no idea what could be causing it. If I'm not experiencing the same problems, how else can I troubleshoot it?

Now imagine if I had to do that for consoles too. That's just too much of a headache to even bother with.
UlanX wrote: I play this on PC, my husband on PS4 so I personally don't have an issue with mods for consoles. I understand very well why some people prefer consoles and there are games I prefer to play (or can only play on console). I don't go in for the whole "PC Master Race" nonsense. If I want to play a Final Fantasy game on Playstation, I damn well will. I won't suddenly be overcome with shame because "oh my god, a console!". That said I love my PC to bits and play several single player and MMO's with it. These divisions are artificial and created out of a need to be part of an "in-group".

That said, I can see how modding for consoles may be a bit more time consuming, beyond the need as some have pointed out, to own both the console and a PC to create the mods. I can currently make a mod on PC and test it straight away without having to faff around transferring it to console, testing it, switching back to PC to troubleshoot etc

yes you can
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In response to post #39493565.

ZengarZonvolt wrote: i dont know how you would think about this question guys but im quite confused with the matter. ive run with some game that has modding capabilities but the various mod authors of that game decided to somehow lock it on a basis of "legitimate copy only" terms. but here is the question about that, isnt modding suppose to be done to modify a game? and modifying something means you would most likely void any warranty you have for your game. i dont know where im going with this but why such mods exsist? anyway last question would be just a simple, "where is some of the mod or mod authors these days?"

Mods on Fallout and ES games arent to "modify" the game, they are to ENHANCE them, theres your difference. Mods for these games are allowed and encouraged compared to say, modding max level in an online fps game. Plus, pirating a game is just wrong, the mods wouldnt continue to be made without the game (and subsequent games) making money.

The whole notion of "pirating the game is ok, they make enough money" is absurd and mind boggling to think that folks actually BELIEVE it.
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In response to post #39476840. #39478715, #39485735, #39485900, #39486310, #39487060 are all replies on the same post.

Namea wrote: Within hours of the trailer release for the new enhanced skyrim I saw a popular modder in the Skyrim community getting high and mighty and saying something along the lines of "Great, now all the pathetic console peasants will be flooding my pages demanding mod ports to consoles."

Let me just say that anyone who uses the term "Console Peasant" seriously and without joking intent is automatically a douchenozzel in my mind. This particular creator is usually a b&@*$, she's arrogant and clearly thinks herself better than everyone but I STILL expected more from her.

Personally I am excited for console users to get mods. I am a PC girl all the way but my husband is a console gamer. We have similar taste in games and often play them together, at the same time on our differing platforms. It's a fun way to bond as we discover new things and get to be excited together about it. To me he's not a console peasant, he's just another gamer.

My dearest hope is that mods for consoles will be a turning point in this stupid separation between console and PC gamers. Finally a way for us to meet in the middle and people to start just enjoying that we have a hobby in common.

Which brings me to mod theft and the biggest problems with it.

Yeah, stealing mods sucks, it's a horrible thing to take something someone else has worked on extensively and release it as your own. While many modders are handling this issue with arrogance and punishing the whole community for a few asshats there are those who are seeing the larger issue with this: Console gamers aren't used to modding.

What does this mean? Anyone who has extensively modded games for years knows that sometimes crap goes wrong. Sometimes a mod breaks your game or is incompatible with another mod. Sometimes you as the user have to go in and figure out what's up because a mod author is not responsible for figuring out every possible configuration and incompatibility of their mod. Console users can't do that. They have no access to the internal systems. No way to open a mod up and look, no way to manually delete it or fix it. No way to go in and completely remove every part of a mod if a mod author leaves the community and the mod doesn't get updated.

And if they could, would they know how? Now my husband is terrible with computers. He really is. I build them for a living but that man can kill one in 30 minutes if left alone with it. I know that's not typical for console gamers but on the whole most of them have less knowledge of the technology behind their consoles than PC users have about their machines. This is going to cause problems as well when inevitably mods break.

This, more even than morality, is the problem with mod theft. Making a mod stable enough to work on consoles is not as simple as ticking a checkbox in the CK. Mod authors, at least the good ones, will want to optimize their mods and actually build them to be stable for console users. There needs to be a quality control threshold here. No more shoddily built mods coded by amateurs. I can fix those on my PC but on a console? A console user will have to deal with the consequences and will be unable to fix it. There has to be a screening process in place for the protection of save games across the board so to speak.

In the end this whole situation is new, strange, and for me at least exciting. There are a lot of kinks that are going to need work and it might take a while. If everyone just pulls their heads out of their asses and starts trying to work together we might actually get somewhere towards a more peaceful gaming community.

And as for creators like the one I mentioned at the beginning of this novel of a comment? Well screw them. She may think she's the cream of the Skyrim crop just because she's released popular mods but at the end of the day she's just another person behind a screen who ports assets she didn't create into a bit of software she didn't create to put into a game she didn't create. If she wants to look down on people for their choice of gaming platform she's going to need some serious stilts because from where I'm standing it looks like better people, better authors, and a better mentality will hopefully be on the rise.
PonceMonster wrote: Ey now, she has that right considering he's in the visuals department. Unless you can do what she's doing on console, then you should know better. For one thing, you can't just take her visual mod and put it on Skyrim remastered or Fof4. And I can't say that ENB would be recommended for use on consoles either, as it may butcher performance, altogether. As people might have mentioned, Fof4 runs like shite and it is better off that you stick with the visuals it had already and only use visual mods on pc, it's simply not optimized. And no it's not that they are full of it, it's that it's not that simple and you can't just tell people one way or the other, THAT THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. And even if she were to try and explain, how do you know it will even get to everyone. 15 minutes after she posts the damn thing, she could still be getting the same bs. And people hype console games a hell of a lot more than any mod, and so put those two factors together, and she's gonna get a lot of clueless people who couldn't even be considered a part of the community yet, already asking for her work to be on console already. Please understand their perspective, they're a hell of a lot more important and valuable than you think.
CliveBarker wrote: She has the right to do anything with her mods and to state her opinion no matter if that opinion or actions doesn't fit your own narrative.

You are contradicting yourself by using Ad Hominem. Let me clarify that to you since you are clearly unfamiliar with the concept:

You said:
"anyone who uses the term "Console Peasant" seriously and without joking intent is automatically a douchenozzel in my mind"

Some people say:
"Anyone who plays in console is a console peasant and an inferior being in my mind"

Do you see any difference?

Your whole wall of text its filled with contradictions and unfair points like this one:

" Mod authors, at least the good ones, will want to optimize their mods and actually build them to be stable for console users"

So by your logic, a mod author who doesnt want to optimize their mods for consoles is "bad?

Fallacy, that's the conclusion I take after reading your post.
tartarsauce2 wrote: I'm liable to use the term console peasant myself, but rather than the feudal nobility being portrayed as "noble" and the villeins being portrayed as villains... I was thinking more that peasants are stuck living on a certain swathe of land by the mechanisms of that system

it's highly likely this meaning got lost when the term console peasant was getting popularized, but was understood by the original group/initial creative drive behind the term
Gregio wrote: @PonceMonster and @CliveBarker

Namea is perfectly right.
(slight edit) She may have insulted the author slightly, but mostly she criticized the author's attitude, seeing as it's admitted that the author is popular and very well received.
The very attitude that Dark0ne criticized in his post, name-calling console players helps no one.

The mod author has every right to ignore requests, or simply dislike consoles and choose not to port or allow her mods to be ported, calling people "pathetic console peasants" and diminishing them is never okay. Just like it isn't okay for PC players to be called "Master Race Elitist f@&#!ts" or anything of the sort.

Both sides can be assholes, so let's promote both sides having good attitudes instead of defending either's bad attitudes, yeah?
shhfiftyfive wrote: basically, since consoles won't be able to deal with load order and troubleshooting compatibility...

to me it is obvious that bethesda hasn't put any thought into this, and probably just hopes that the pc modders will be kind and generous enough to come together and make "compilations" where the modders have put their seal of approval on stability by doing all the hard work and merging several authors mods together into one package...

but of course this seems like a pipe dream. there is no incentive for mod authors to do this for console. also the consoles seem to have an unreasonable low limit on files size so there's that in the way too.

if console owners don't mind playing a massive game that takes hundreds of hours to finish... and can really only play with one mod at a time to avoid issues... i mean how many people fall into that category?

also, you can bet there will be nearly all console players will fall victim to things such as ruining their game save files, because they don't understand you can't just uninstall a mod, that it leaves a print and can harm your saves, etc.

I didn't say only good authors would port their mods. Many mods CANNOT be ported. I said if a mod author is going to port their mod any good one would see to it that it's optimized.

It is entirely up to an author whether or not their work gets ported. No one is forcing them to and no one should steal their work but if an author DOES choose to do it they should do it right.

As for that particular author, yes her mods wouldn't be able to be converted in the first place. However her automatic insult towards console players is a serious indication of the problem that is so common: PC players think console players are inferiour. Just because someone prefers a different platform does NOT make them inferiour to anyone.

And yes, that particular mod author has serious attitude problems ALL the time. She is clearly very full of herself. Even so I was surprised at the vitriol she spewed towards console players almost immediately after the announcement.

My hope is that this is a step towards more of a merge between the player platforms. Hopefully more people will adopt the attitude of "Oh hey you like games? I like games too! Cool beans." instead of "Oh you play on x platform? EFF YOU!"

Then again, what do I know, I'm just a filthy casual gamer with a life outside of my computer. (See what I did there? The gaming community is full of divisions that shouldn't be there.) Edited by Namea
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In response to post #39496935.

Marnevel wrote: Hmm 5,000 words to address something that should be common sense. Nice post and you have definitely earned the removal of ad block on your site 0_0 Just you know, don't spam me like crazy, and thank you for supporting the mod community

i did the same thing after reading your reply. Respect to Dark0ne for taking the time to write all that.
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In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320, #39494820, #39495215, #39495510, #39495745, #39495875, #39496060, #39496080, #39496750, #39496960, #39497070, #39497535, #39497750 are all replies on the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*!.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.
Red890 wrote: While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

daedriccat wrote: You can't just come in and demand what you want. It's that simple.
RaffTheSweetling wrote: Isn't it always the way. The people who've never endorsed a thing here, never added a mod of their own, or even a picture for others to enjoy, want to share their "valuable insights" on how authors should really feel when their work is stolen. It's incredible.
arn13 wrote: If you can't be bothered to read the entire thing, then at least copy and ctrl+F search for this section: "Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them?"

It's not a question about someone having too much "ego." It's about having respect for other people's effort to actually create content for everyone to enjoy.
Shosholada wrote: + the point:

"9. Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all."

End of story.

I wish to have option to block some users from my mods ;)
MysticalFlare wrote: Congrats on doing the complete opposite of what this article is trying to achieve.
jim_uk wrote: Files=0 Images=0 Videos=0 Friends=0 Endorsements Given=0 Files Tagged=0

Three years you've been here and you've contributed nothing at all.
Gilles19870 wrote: Ehhh no.. They made it for themselves first.. community second.. and if you just download the PC version, then alter it through the Creation Kit for console use.. then you're an thief. The original owner owns the rights to the mod.

The least you can do, if you reverse enigneer the mod, is credit the original maker.

If paid modding is to start on Bethesda's own site.. you have thiefs making a profit on somebody else's hard work.. that could open a whole sh*tload of complaints, and legal issues.

I understand Bethesda wanting their "own" mod site. Gives them great insight what the community wants in a new game.. but make sure the maker of the mod is the original maker. And not somebody that reversed engineered the mod from a pc version.
UlanX wrote: I don't think it's a god complex. I think it's more of a case of people are tired of the blatant sense of entitlement among some members of the gaming "community" (as reflected by your attitude). It's the same attitude you see on various forums where people are demanding, not asking, devs for this, that and the next thing. Claiming they know better than anyone else and basically being a selfish keyboard warrior. People who spend hours making content for others to enjoy at least deserve to be acknowledged and decide where, when and how their content is used.

Otherwise what I can see happening is people breaking off into smaller, closed modding guilds/groups and just producing content for a close knit community they know they can trust. I guess it's a case of "don't bite the hand that feeds you".
jagdhundnull wrote: @arkancelo

In all honesty, I think it's really difficult for you to make that argument when you seemingly haven't contributed anything to the community in 3 years.

And before you write me off as just another egotistical mod author, I'm not -- I too have no mods uploaded like yourself, and in 7 years at that. But I do enjoy and support the efforts of the mod authors, especially given the fact some of them have to deal with seeming toddlers clamoring for updates/fixes/new features as if the mod author doesn't have their own life to attend to. And don't get me started on the people who actively subscribe to the Fallout 4 betas and then complain to mod authors when the voluntary and ever-changing beta patches break the mod...

All that said, yeah, there are douchey mod authors here and there. Happens everywhere. But, while not having published any mods myself, I have made several personal ones, and can attest to the days, sometimes even weeks that can be spent on testing what you're trying to do to get it right. And that's just some simple stuff. Some of these mod authors have been working on their mods here and there since last November.

In the end, remember one thing about all this: the modding community is just that -- a community. It's voluntary. People donate time from their lives to provide this for the enjoyment of others. For them it's an achievement and also a bit fun. But if they become burnt out on the community, if it's no longer fun nor a positive thing for them, why should they even bother sharing mods?

When all the great mod authors on this website decide to pack up and move on with their lives, can we depend on you to give us the game-changing masterpieces?
Th3 Duk3 wrote: Now there's an idea: I'm not aloud to get mad for people stealing food out of my home, cause "other people should also be able to enjoy my food"

khalkists wrote: Cool. So that means I should be able to come and take your computer right? Its yours, but, well... I should be able to enjoy it, irregardless of if you want to give it to me.
jguerr73 wrote: just wow
Red Titus wrote: If I may. I know how much work is involved in making mod. It's not just sketch things up and upload them. The programs that are involved, the effort in LEARNING how to use these tools. Nifscope, photoshop and others that even the author gives credit .It all takes time...I'll be honest with ya. I've tried to use some of these programs, and just could not get it. Yeah, you have some modders with ego trips. But you know what? It's deserved. Time, effort and a lot of patience. I've been a gamer since the Atari era. Blocks for graphics and paddles the size of tennis rackets. Well maybe a little exaggerated . I too owned many consoles and enjoyed them very much. And still own a ps4, and maybe the ps4.5 in the future. When I heard that they where going to suped up the ps4 or even Xbox1, first thing that came to my mind ,they're going to be able to run the more powerful mods. If feel even though mods are free, I still should contribute something. If not financially, how about endorsements. I'am baffled by how many downloads and so little endorsements. And the sad thing is many of the authors only as for endorsements. Hence "please endorse". One thing both the pc and console people have in common, we enjoy playing video games. WE'RE GAMERS. But when I download a mod, I don't take it for granted. And am very thankful to the modding community for the work they've done, free of charge. Even this site is free. Thank you modders for your free stuff. And I will continue to at the very least endorse your stuff. Again, thank you...


lol you REALLY should have kept reading, because this argument you raised is covered near the end. search this in the page: "Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them?"

and feel stupid.

edit: wow I had this page open for a while. I've probably been ninja'd several times, lol Edited by cridus
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