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Status Updates posted by Spaceritual

  1. Sorry for the delay in replies , seems I had/have cancer and after a Whipples procedure I am now on chemo for the next 6 months or so which is leaving me a little short of focus and energy . I hope to slowly get back into things and wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year :)
    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Peeking; then ducking

      Peek n Duck

    3. Deathstruck


      Miss you, man. :(
    4. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Runs away!
  2. Bit busy being a visitor and a stay in guest at hospital at the moment hopefully if all goes well I should be back to normal by the end of the month or so :)
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. vvk78


      Missing you, where are you these days? Give us a holler, will ya?


      Hope your super-recupe mode is going full steam.

    3. Deleted54170User


      ) -'; Where are you?
    4. vvk78


      Hope you are feeling better, buddy?
  3. ah yes so true... sometimes you can spend so much time here you wonder where life has gone... not good :)
  4. You are very welcome and I am glad you got more into it here... took me a while as while as I am not really a mingler :)
  5. doing well thanks , should be getting more active once I get some things sorted :)
  6. ah mostly family stuff and such it is annoying when rl interferes with game time :)
  7. still here just a bit quiet of late while I sort some things :)
  8. hope the back gets back to normal soon , have a few hospital visits to make of my own but should be more active once everything's sorted :)
  9. oh yes...have not posted a lot lately..mostly sticking to Dragon Age these days :)
  10. what image section ? :)
  11. glad to see you are back :)
  12. ah you found the rose bush :)
  13. If you are having trouble running Skyrim lately it midnight be worth getting the 4gb large memory aware mod again as it seems Bethesda forgot to include it on the last patch
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spaceritual


      it is annoying :(
    3. leliane


      I can play it over one hour without a ctd. :D

      but in return I can't save anymore. xD

    4. Khylian


      No problems for me anymore, but it used to be a pain...
  14. :::sneaking by :::
  15. Will look into Baldurs Gate when I have finally exhausted Skyrim and ME3 and one more go of dragon age probably :)
  16. Is your DA story is going to be continued ? :)
  17. it is a little embarrassing but i set up ME3 , downloaded all the extras and such then got sidetracked with another Skyrim run-through ... :)
  18. does seem like they have remade Buldars Gate... a game I have not yet got around to playing but heard of it a lot :)
  19. Thanks there...that star must have fallen behind the sofa or something :)
  20. Just been notified my Mass Effect 3 copy is on its way to me , should be fun days ahead :)
    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Deleted54170User
    3. Spaceritual


      I am for some odd reason back in Skyrim again. bought a new pc and had to test it out... :)
    4. Khylian


      I never played Mass Effect. It is worth starting by the first one or shall I skip the first 2?.
  21. Thanks Beth... I think one of them dropped off :)
  22. Bit of a cold at the moment plus Nexus has been very laggy for me of late so I am not at my most active :)
    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Spaceritual


      your not really leaving much time for sleep then :)
    3. Lazysheepherd


      Not these days yes.
    4. Naktis


      Yeah, cold weather stinks...
  23. I was on planet vampire and downloaded lots of the mods and apparently they have one now that makes it okay to run it with win 7 64 :)
  24. You are welcome you have posted many good scenes :)
  25. I am probably too addicted to scenes... it does cut into my gaming time :)
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