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Status Updates posted by Spaceritual

  1. you are welcome... Skyrim does seem to be amazingly good for visuals .. are you going to use it now for your comic strip ? :)
  2. I see from your scenes that you are enjoying the Skyrim experience :)
  3. there is a memory manager mod now out... let me get the link...

    Large Address Aware


    Might be worth trying.. I used something similar for New Vegas and it worked well.,

  4. If your Skyrim is crashing it might be worth lowering your graphic settings :)
  5. I am playing but not doing pictures till my next run through.. there is so much to see and do so far :)
  6. Hi there...enjoying Skyrim at the moment... does seem to make time fly by :)
  7. saw a screen shot of him on the Skyrim screen shot page..lovely to see they included him and his good one liners :)
  8. sounds very intriguing indeed :)
  9. Not sure about lucky... buying the collectors edition is probably the daftest thing I have ever done..but I figure if it gives me as much pleasure as Oblivion did then it might be worth it :)
  10. My copy of Skyrim is on it's way to me according to my games retailer... so I will be able to have hours of fun playing with the model dragon and reading my map and planning various routes before the activation happens on 11-11-11
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Khylian


      I am waiting for my copy too..I may have it tomorrow!. Looks like real fun.
    3. Spaceritual


      It does seem to be very good..a few little glitches but overall it is proving to be living up to its pre release hype :)
    4. Deleted54170User


      I agree it the hype was accurate. A good thing! :- )
  11. yep..two funny parts there ..I am enjoying the series :)
  12. I know it is probably totally obvious but... what is DX3 ? and would I like it? :)
  13. are you having a rest from images? perhaps saving your energies for Skyrim? bit seen any of your pictures lately ...
  14. not a lot going on really besides the speculation about Skyrim but not long now :)
  15. looking forward to them :)
  16. Is your story going to continue.. when you left them they were still in the deep roads :)
  17. Hi and thanks for adding me and hope to see more of your scenes :)
  18. Congrats on the 3000 :)
  19. Just noticed I seem to be downloading a lot of your mods lately , very nice work indeed :)
  20. Have not see any scenes from you of late , are you still playing DA or waiting for Skyrim ? :)
  21. Belated thanks for commenting on one of my Witcher pics from June , was a good game but moved onto Dragon Age 2 and now waiting for Skyrim like everyone else seems to be :)
  22. nice idea bringing in guest characters :)
  23. Glad to hear you have it all sorted , was wondering where you had got to , all going well with my pc so far..playing that new DLC at the moment :)
  24. It is indeed a good avatar , are you on your holidays at the moment ? :)
  25. Enjoying the latest DLC for Dragon Age 2 , seems to be wittily written and some interesting additions :)
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Spaceritual


      I suppose Neverwinter Nights would be a bit dated by now? although by next week hopefully I will be too busy playing Skyrim to try another game :)
    3. Naktis


      Counting days until Skyrim, are we? :P
    4. Spaceritual


      it is getting so close now.,..just over a week :)
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