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Status Replies posted by Spaceritual

  1. Well I finally finished my Forsworn Woman role-play. You can find those images and stories in the Skyrim gallery. I doubt I will ever do that again. As much as I liked doing it going to the trouble of posting everything in the Skyrim gallery is a complete waist of time. Just way to much traffic for anything to be noticed. Oh well, I guess I'll just post random pictures now.
  2. a merry winter solistice to everyone!
  3. I need something to cheer me up for the weekend
    1. Spaceritual


      being out of it for 1000 years could be very interesting presuming you do get to wake up :)
    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  4. Happy Holidays, my dear friends!
  5. Merry Christmas, all yinz!
  6. The latest patch seems to have caused no end of graphical glitches with my game that were not there before.. but miffed as it makes some parts unplayable..
    1. Spaceritual


      You do have a good point there...I often promise myself to dust the thing..but never really get around to doing it..so will give it a go tomorrow for sure :)
    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  7. The latest patch seems to have caused no end of graphical glitches with my game that were not there before.. but miffed as it makes some parts unplayable..
    1. Spaceritual


      Got that one and using it now , does seem to be helping with the crashes and letting me play for a lot longer before those graphic glitches kick in :)
    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  8. Loving Skyrim..it does seem to be eating up all my time :)
    1. Spaceritual


      I got that 4gb mod as well and so far things are running pretty well , although still it seems to run out of steam after several hours I am pretty happy with it :)
    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. The latest patch seems to have caused no end of graphical glitches with my game that were not there before.. but miffed as it makes some parts unplayable..
    1. Spaceritual


      @vvk78 & Pagafyr Will try all the tips.. it is odd that I should be running out of memory..:)
    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  10. The latest patch seems to have caused no end of graphical glitches with my game that were not there before.. but miffed as it makes some parts unplayable..
    1. Spaceritual


      @ vvk78 Does seem an idea to wait for the Construction Kit but that will not be until the new year apparently.


      @devilmay I would have thought as all xbox's share the same configuration they would have much less of an excuse for messing things up on it.. ah well..


      @Pagefyr Doing well lately although bit puzzled how my 64 bit win 7 is running out of memory all the time when I have 8gb of it :)


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. The latest patch seems to have caused no end of graphical glitches with my game that were not there before.. but miffed as it makes some parts unplayable..
    1. Spaceritual


      They certainly have a lot to fix... odd though I would have thought the xbox version would not have all these bugs as you have only one version of the "hardware" for it to work with...
    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  12. Loving Skyrim..it does seem to be eating up all my time :)
    1. Spaceritual


      Loving looking at the pictures but it is going to take me months to get up to date assuming the posting rate for Skyrim ever goes down and really enjoying your scenes AsaRuth :)
    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. Loving Skyrim..it does seem to be eating up all my time :)
    1. Spaceritual


      they already seem to be modding the scenery and graphics already... not sure how but there are hundreds of mods :)


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. Loving Skyrim..it does seem to be eating up all my time :)
    1. Spaceritual


      yep ... having a nice time here and so many scenes to see :)
    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  15. Loving Skyrim..it does seem to be eating up all my time :)
    1. Spaceritual


      so many screens to look at..on page 48 of the screen shots and getting no where near being up to date :)
    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  16. Loving Skyrim..it does seem to be eating up all my time :)
    1. Spaceritual


      Have you tried using a bow? dragons for me seem to be pretty easy but I shoot them full of arrows..do a bit of shouting then go in with the sword.. the thing is to keep moving and firing it seems.. not sure if my nord gets any special bonus with them but I presume not...
    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. My copy of Skyrim is on it's way to me according to my games retailer... so I will be able to have hours of fun playing with the model dragon and reading my map and planning various routes before the activation happens on 11-11-11
    1. Spaceritual


      It does seem to be very good..a few little glitches but overall it is proving to be living up to its pre release hype :)
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  18. My copy of Skyrim is on it's way to me according to my games retailer... so I will be able to have hours of fun playing with the model dragon and reading my map and planning various routes before the activation happens on 11-11-11
    1. Spaceritual


      ah..missed the cracked bit... that seems silly with just a day to go.. half the fun is the suspense..bit like christmas,... the waiting..the wondering.. then the hoping it does not crash :)
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  19. My copy of Skyrim is on it's way to me according to my games retailer... so I will be able to have hours of fun playing with the model dragon and reading my map and planning various routes before the activation happens on 11-11-11
    1. Spaceritual


      Yep ..found out that although the game was sort of posted to me it is being held back at a depo till tomorrow... so no early peek for me.. oddly there are screen shots up at Skyrim already.. I had thought this wait till the 11-11-11 was for all of us..
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  20. My copy of Skyrim is on it's way to me according to my games retailer... so I will be able to have hours of fun playing with the model dragon and reading my map and planning various routes before the activation happens on 11-11-11
    1. Spaceritual


      3 more to go and my game is still with the postal service somewhere.. ah well...as long as it gets here in time :)
    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  21. My copy of Skyrim is on it's way to me according to my games retailer... so I will be able to have hours of fun playing with the model dragon and reading my map and planning various routes before the activation happens on 11-11-11
    1. Spaceritual


      the map does not look very cloth like in the photos which is a little worrying but hopefully I will know more soon ... just got to make room on my shelf for it now :)


    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  22. My kitty, Weeble...she was very old 17 1/2, finally passed last evening. She was a good kitty and I will miss her.
    1. Spaceritual


      Sorry to hear of your loss but like my cat she did live to a good age and I am sure she had a lovely life with you :)
    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  23. Enjoying the latest DLC for Dragon Age 2 , seems to be wittily written and some interesting additions :)
    1. Spaceritual


      it is getting so close now.,..just over a week :)
    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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