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Status Replies posted by Spaceritual

  1. Seems the company I pre-ordered from is packing my game ready for dispatch...could be an early release for me if the postal service get their act together :)
  2. Anyone know how to explain those Shojo races? I have tried reading up on it on the net but none the wiser...
  3. Fallout New Vegas have reached the Goldstatus today :D
  4. I see you guys.. peeking at my profile. Leave comment here pls, even if it's to say something mean :P
  5. Out of curiosity...sign here if you have read at least a part of my story.
  6. better leave comment while you're here or else........
  7. New Veagas still showing as released oin the 22nd so only 18 days to go :)
  8. New Veagas still showing as released oin the 22nd so only 18 days to go :)
  9. New Veagas still showing as released oin the 22nd so only 18 days to go :)
  10. Anyone know of a good necklace/choker mod for Fallout 3?
  11. Fallout New Vegas have reached the Goldstatus today :D
  12. Anyone know of a good necklace/choker mod for Fallout 3?
  13. Anyone know of a good necklace/choker mod for Fallout 3?
  14. Waiting for New Vegas whilst playing Fallout 3 and Dragon Age, alternating as the mood takes me :)
  15. Playing Dragon Age...again :)
  16. I would appreciate it if someone would comment on my writing/picture setup... http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/237080-blood-sweat-and-tears/
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