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Status Updates posted by Spaceritual

  1. things are moving along which is often the most that can be hoped for :)
  2. It is not really that the game is so good more that I want to try each ending... but the good thing is that there is a lot to do in the game :)
  3. you are giving the site bot a sound thrashing today :)
  4. Talking of Glastonbury they had BB King on... good set :)
  5. me and God are taking a rest at the moment but thanks :)
  6. did not know there was a Saints Row 3 coming up....will have to look out for reviews :)
  7. yep only 5 months and Skyrim will be with us :)
  8. Playing my DA2 at long last and now on third run through , although I think I prefer the first one :)
  9. Playing DA2 now and on my third run through :)
    1. Odile


      I saw your shots over on DA2 Nexus--I was wondering where you'd gone (last time I was around image share you were over in the NV side)! I just got DA2 and am playing it through for the first time--I'm having a hard time getting used to how different elves look. They sort of remind me of Na'vi *ramble* :O
    2. Spaceritual


      Ah yes...can not understand why they did that to the elves and coming from The Witcher 2 I am not sure why the graphics are so bad either...but the story once it gets going does flow along nicely :)
  10. hope we will be getting more of your screen shots soon :)
  11. you are welcome :)
  12. On my second run through of the Witcher 2 now , and what a wonderful story it was...giving it a go by siding with the elves this time around and trying to be a lot nicer :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spaceritual


      It is worth trying and since I have gone through it twice now I can help with hints if you get stuck :)
    3. Deleted54170User


      Okay! Great. *If I get stuck?* I never ever get stuck! lol I will get back to you as soon as I get off the floor and have played the game a couple minutes or more. :- )
    4. Mamiwinte


      You should read books about him.... Splendid really.

      I've just installed Witcher 2... oh I know it's late... and that game is from My Corner in This World... shame on me!


  13. Congrats on the File of the Month , well deserved after all your hard work :)
  14. Good news from the Witcher 2 broadcast about everyone getting all the dlc plus new dlc soming in the patch tomorrow :)
  15. Patched the game and it is all going along nice , not overly keen on the button mashing bits but luckily they seem to be far and few between now :)
  16. It does effect some of the happenings in the game like choices you made in the first part can effect characters in Witcher 2 although I am playing it without any saved games from my Witcher 1 as I did not keep any and the story is still good so it is not essential :)
  17. The Witcher now patched is working pretty well for me , if you installed it early it might be worth installing again as they had problems with the first patch and also they put in some DLC for nothing. Great service really as they are quick to respond to faults unlike some other games lately :)
  18. no worries was very well presented :)
  19. It is all down to the time and care you took over her... well deserved popularity :)
  20. Congrats on Willow's success she seems to be everywhere now :)
  21. doing well...things are getting a little hectic but finding time to get The Witcher 2 loaded up :)
  22. Loading up the Witcher 2 now it is on Nexus :)
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Spaceritual


      bison1967 - It is going very well so far...little bit fiddly at the start but now the storyline has kicked in all is going well :)
    3. amw80


      It seems the Steam version auto patches, but if you installed and registered the game when it first came out, auto patch isn't working and you have to do a manual patch first, and they will include the Troll Trouble DLC in that patch as well. Official link on patch info is here: http://en.thewitcher.com/patch/
    4. Spaceritual


      thanks for the info and I seem to be all up to date now :)


  23. nice image ....Nexus probably isn't ready for topless geckos yet :)
  24. Trying out Honest Hearts with minimal mods ticked and it seems fun so far :)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      After discovering the mod I was using NevadaSkies began working after patch 1.3 was installed I thought it was part of the 1.3 Patch. Now I know NevadaSkies.esp is the real cause. The last time I checked weather reports in those places of Utah used in Honest Heart's sandstorms weren't a part of the regular weather. Author of NevadaSkies.esp need's to start watching < http://forecast.weather.gov/wwamap/wwatxtget.php?cwa=usa&wwa=Hazardous Weather Outlook > at NOAA if...
    3. Deleted54170User


      ...they are going to try and put weather condition's any game's mod.
    4. Spaceritual


      ah that explains it then it is the mod causing your storms :)
  25. yes..might give it a try later :)
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