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Everything posted by secksegai

  1. probably an issue of mod order - or mod itself. If you're not leaving clothing in her inventory, she shouldn't have anything to equip unless she's been modified beyond having her clothes removable.
  2. Well, its effectively impossible to install without the files, so that would be a problem. Asuka isn't a major change and never led to crashing on its own for me, wouldn't be surprised if you had conflicting mods. If you've been downloading mods from this site for a very long time, you really shouldn't have any trouble when the steps in the readme are pretty straight forward and fairly standard for a mod of its type. If you don't know what archive invalidated is, that would be something to look up, but it shouldn't even be necessary. To quickly summarize, extract the files, place in proper folder (if you're not sure where that is, then you should be more forthcoming), and enable the esp in the loader. This was one of the easiest mod files I've ever gotten running, I wouldn't recommend you use lings or dimonized's body type 3, and probably use in the FOMM, which is wonderful and much better than the standard loader.
  3. Of all the quests I've experienced to be broken or buggy, Lily's has always been reliable for me. That script has always run without a hitch for me, unlike the rest of the game really. You aren't running any mods by chance? You could try using the console to set the quest stage, but sounds like something else borked your quest and reverting to a save before any extensive gaming beyond that point would have been wiser.
  4. If the legion at the cove are that dangerous after completing that many sidequests and levels, you really need to revise your strategies. Boone alone can effectively clear out the camp by himself just about, and as soon as I've hit 75 guns and have my sniper rifle in tow there's no challenge at all. Perks and levels are more supplemental. One of the biggest discrepancies between difficulty is equipment, and depending on your playstyle you need to dress appropriately. Melee can work just as effectively since the higher end weapons can break past the Damage Threshold all the same.
  5. Not sure if was corrected in the newest patch, but I know from previous experience the stock didn't reset. I don't have that problem anymore, but I adjusted stock of key vendors to be more reflective of what I'd expect from them having to rely on a three day rotation period.
  6. never heard of a bug like that, sounds like it would be mod related.
  7. The quests were adequate to me - it's just that with choice you end up wanting more. I would have rather kicked everyone's ass, though remove NCR without violence and let the followers take hold and employing the BoS as the Mojave protectors with my guidance, I mean, I was shot in the head and end up being their most effective paladin and I wasn't even born into the family. The NCR has grown too big too fast and the bureaucracy has lost sight of anything outside of their own needs. Even with Caesar's Legion destroyed, they simply don't have the resources and manpower to manage that much territory effectively enough for me. Yes man was just asking to become the Fallout skynet so handing him the reigns is only preferable to House since house is so bent on the BoS destruction. Like Veronica says, gotta love em even if they can be assholes.
  8. The most progressive Elder is/was Lyons, as he stopped living by the codex in the most literal sense and actually cared about people outside of the BoS. Aside from him, every BoS experience I can recall, the BoS were all about the weapons and themselves. They weren't really starving, but they did have to depend on outside communities for additional food sources. But aside from Lyons, I can't imagine any Elder giving serious thought to food tech since they're so focused on weapons tech. Depending on folks they otherwise would care less about isn't surprising. I used to not get why so many people felt so negative towards the BoS of FO3 until being reminded of their nature in FONV. I still feel bad that poor Matt got wasted by Horrigan tho.
  9. I'm pretty sure at least one person has completed the game without killing a single person and relying heavily on speech, so its definitely possible to "complete" the game, but you'll probably be ignoring or at least avoiding certain mobs (namely cazadors or deathclaws). Endurance is definitely something to focus on since it also affects implants (aside from the general health per level)
  10. I typically can't help but make my own personal mods on top of fixes I find along provided by fellow members. Ling's is a must for any play through from this point for me though, the vanilla faces and hair are just too limited and generally ugly for my taste. MTUI and asuka is nice. TG's armor is great, though preferably for male couriers The ghost body suit's a must for my female couriers. Main reason I don't console anymore - no mouse/keyboard!
  11. The save files are significantly large, you also should check your hdd space, not sure if you're on pc or console, but either way its one possibility. Also, if you've got undeleted files, they may be taking space that is otherwise being shown as free.
  12. That's funny. A game that launched full of bugs and pricing would be what ruins it for you. Also, keep in mind, if you're that concerned with pricing, that can be modded with the GECK.
  13. The Fallout Wiki is your friend ;) So is google =)
  14. I guess I'm a bit of a purists since I played FO1 and 2 at least once every few years since they were such great games and the experience was both enjoyable and memorable. FO3 was going to have a hard time feeling like "Fallout" in the sheer fact that you were now in a 3D Environment and effectively an FPS setup. If you were to take the original games and "upgrade" them in 3D that alone would make them feel like less than they were for most people. Players with experience of the Fallout Universe prior to FO3 will see the world differently than someone who hasn't. We've got expectations and different interpretations of how things would change, even amongst ourselves. I myself felt FO3 wasn't as Fallout-like as it could have been, but in the end I still enjoyed playing it, bugs and all. New Vegas definitely feels more like the originals, but the setting alone could be a big factor. Considering the first two were a lot farther West than the Capitol Wasteland, they did have a bit more freedom with the Lore. I think the biggest frustration for me with FO3 was being restricted to Sewer Travel so often. It's one thing to spawn dangerous mobs topside to hinder travel, it's another to conveniently block pathways with indestructible objects and forcing sewer travel. Topside is where you can see the Aftermath of the Great War and how people have adjusted since then. I think the biggest appeal for NV to me has been having so many more open areas. Since I've usually had builds that relied extensively on stealth and range, the open areas really feel like a wasteland. It feels a lot more like 1 and 2, where you'd traverse a lot of nothingness before coming upon something notable, and without a lot of inconvenient random encounters during fast travel along the way. I'm pretty sure I've played FONV more times than FO3 at this point, and that's counting FO3 with all the DLCs.
  15. Fallout 3 mods needed to be ported over as there are certain things that need to be accounted for between the two games. In other words, not all the settings are the same thus the majority of FO3 mods need to be adjusted before they're compatible with FONV.
  16. There is a mod called Dupe this, but it does require having one of the original item. When spawning items with reference ID, keep in mind anything outside of the vanilla items added through modding will base its reference ID on its load order, as that provides reference to which file it needs to use to find said item. If you're using FOMM, it shows the mod "number", for example, the main file falloutnv.bsa should be 00. When adding items through console, there should be two numbers in the beginning you basically change to match said number.
  17. It can be ironic, but yes, sometimes the lowest settings don't always result in the best performance. It's likely to be related to the coding in the drivers, something along the lines as scripting being more. efficient I believe. Also keep in mind things like new patches can affect performance (typically for the better) as code is optimized.
  18. Pretty sure she's related to both. Clanden was the one to actually screw and kill her, while Troike was led to believe he did it in a drug-enduced blackout of sorts.
  19. There are a few out there, but its definitely in short supply, usually found in areas where they'd make sense (ie major ammo caches). They're more for decoration than actual use, especially since you aren't fighting any Behemoths or anything =)
  20. While not familiar with your mods, I can easily understand the frustration with the games and toolset. Having dabbled in modding (mostly for personal experience in game) and dealing with bugs galore, I doubt anyone would try to convince you the engine was wonderful (pretty sure its been dropped after this FO anyway). I think removing your mods outright might be a little much, as you could leave them up with a simple notice of no further updates.
  21. Nothing wrong with referring to the wiki - as long as the person keeps in mind it can be edited by anyone and the information may be incorrect or simply not apply to certain situations. One should also keep in mind that certain bugs actually do get fixed in patches so that a problem in a previous version may not experience the same problem at all.
  22. If you're getting one-shotted by a legionary wielding a machete, critical hits are the least of your problems. If one wanted to otherwise remove "critical hits" you'd need to modify every weapon to have a crit chance modifier of 0% - but it wouldn't stop sneak criticals, though the player shouldn't ever worry about getting hit by that. But if machete legionaries are a problem now, what are you gonna do about the cazadors and deathclaws..... if you mod the game to the point nothing can kill you, why not just use invincibility mode instead?.
  23. Lings overrides presets, although the textures can be influenced if placed in the data folder in the proper spot. Also Lings does require some extra modification, like the archive invalidation bit as well as incompatibility with other beauty packs - would think a regan mod would fall under that category.
  24. I hated the percentage of success/fail in previous games, as it effectively nerfed the skill into more of a save/reload situation as opposed to anything else. Having options that were influenced outside of speech were a nice change since they were so limited in FO3. Granted, I've always utilized speech in some extent in each FO game I've played (no tactics) and it seems more practical (at least as a skill) now. Since there's no "empathy" perk/trait its nice for them to include the number required, and one can always run a mod that removes said info if he/she so desires.
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