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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. azza09999 banned. Reason: multiple accounts One account per person Members are only allowed to be in possession of one account on the site. Members caught using more than one account will be regarded as attempting to exploit or circumvent features on the site and will have both their accounts banned. If you are experiencing problems with your account please contact the admins using the Contact Us links on the sites and we'll work to resolve the issue for you. Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  2. you didn't read the description , did you? because there it states that if you also use https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20454/? , you'll need to download the patch (which is the file under the update section) so if you do use that mod , get that file . otherwise don't download it but on a general note , it really depends usually when mod authors update their mod to the point that files under the update section aren't required , they'll remove them however , it's not always the case , and these files might contain patches (although these are often found under the optional section instead , so it depends on the mod) so there is no single answer for all mods , and you'll need to check this on a case by case basis though if you read the description , the description of the files in question and the posts section , you should be able to find an answer . if not , you can always leave a comment and ask , hopefully someone will notice and answer
  3. could you be any more general? seriously , it would help if you told us which game is in question , which mod you are trying to fix (a link to it will also help) , and the issue you are trying to fix without these , there is absolutely no way that anyone can help you........
  4. it's actually very simple Skyrim LE site https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim Skyrim SE site https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition so if you find a mod on one of those sites , it's for that version of the game
  5. you need to choose to wake up , and that gives you the choices of where to do so , with what kind of items and all of that the other options are to just jump to the cryo pod , or to play the entire opening sequence
  6. probably something like this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18946 not sure about the starting items , though you could just modify one of the options to fit your liking . but you should look at the different starting "professions" and see if one really fits your style
  7. the issue is that on Steam the Legendary Edition is no longer available for purchase and they are trying to find another place to buy it from (or at least they did , but it seems like they gave up)
  8. no problem enjoy bringing freedom through sheer force and tons of steel ;)
  9. well , I've never personally played the full BoS main quest line (I think I only finished the main quest once , I generally don't repeat these quests in Bethesda games , as they are generally not very interesting , and don't usually provide many options for multiple playthroughs) however , looking through the Wiki , it seems that the Railroad becomes hostile at the start of Tactical Thinking , so you should avoid starting that quest if you want to get the Deliverer and Ballistic Weave (both of which you can get relatively early on in the Railroad quest line , as it takes one or two main quests and maybe a side quest or two to obtain both) as for the Minutemen , I'm not sure if the BoS turns hostile towards them , so I'm not sure if you have a limited time I'm not really sure how far you are into the BoS quest line , as The Lost Patrol is a side quest , not a main quest if you don't mind a bit of a spoiler , you can look at the list of quests here http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_4_quests#Main_storyline it just shows the names of the quests and possible rewards for completing them , so it won't spoil any information (aside from the icon , as the quest icons in the game generally spoil the quest itself)
  10. sure you are getting these items well before the actual main quest portions that determine your end game so just stop the quests you are doing for the BoS just to prevent turning the others hostile , do the few quests with the Railroad needed for the Deliverer , and the relatively pain in the butt quests for the Minutemen until you can clear up the Castle and buy The Last Minute , after which just get back to your BoS friends and continue their quest line
  11. I gave you one name , as well as a way to search for it you aren't supposed to look at torrents or download sites , so either you are seeing very different sites on your google search , or you aren't searching correctly but I'm pretty sure I can't give you links here , so you'll need to look these up maybe add "purchase" to your search?
  12. considering the fact that mods don't overwrite game data (as that is compressed into archives , while mods either provide more of these archives or loose files) , there should be no problem if you just install the LE version over your existing installation but since you are going to use different mods , and the ones you have might be old etc , I would recommend just starting with a fresh installation , and installing all the mods you wish over that new installation it might be some extra work , but it should help prevent issues that may arise from trying to use your existing installation as a basis
  13. tried looking up on Steam , but while I managed to find the Skyrim page , it didn't have an option to buy the DLCs there however , there are several sites that you can buy the game through (like HumbleBundle) just google Skyrim Legendary Edition Steam , the first page should give you links to sites where you can buy it from , or forums that discuss this and have such links
  14. hanaa48 banned. Reason: spammer Reference post Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  15. do note that this was a second account , https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6878372-michaelopcobbs-banned/
  16. ellenhy banned. Reason: spammer Reference post Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  17. there is already a power armor mod inspired by the Big Daddies from Bioshock . just search for it , you should be able to find it (and if you can't , I'll see about finding it for you) pretty sure the others don't exist , but I'm not too familiar with power armor mods (never really use power armor....)
  18. I'm not 100% sure on this , but I believe that if you download mods via a mod manager (like NMM or MO2) and for some reason your download stops (power outage , a connection error etc) , you should be able to resume the download once the error is fixed . so in such a case , you should be able to download mods even if you have such outages not sure you can do that with all games , as not all games have downloads with a mod manager but honestly , if you have such severe issues with power outages that a 1MBps download is insufficient , I wonder how can you actually play games properly? I mean , doesn't it meant that your systems are crashing that often , meaning that you can't properly play games?
  19. have a look at this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25933 I think it covers the same items , and it looks like balanced version of the mod you linked , at least in some aspects
  20. there should be similar mods like that for Skyrim LE , though you'll have to look for them on the site but converting mods from SE to LE is a problem , if it's possible as far as I know , there is no method to convert assets (models or meshes) from the SE version to LE this mod is only a plugin , so maybe you could do the reverse method for converting between LE and SE , though I don't think I've heard about it being done worst case scenario , you should be able to reproduce this using xEdit . but that's only if you can't do a backwards conversion , and can't find a similar mod for LE , and I really doubt that would be the case
  21. generally speaking , the unofficial patch , and similar bug fixes of that sort maybe some of the tools that fix performance as well some UI mods and such might also help , as they don't really affect gameplay if you look in the mod list you have linked , steps 2 and 3 contain quite a few rather useful ones , so I think you should use some of those
  22. personally I wouldn't install all of these mods for a first playthrough there are quite a few gameplay overhauling mods in that list , and these will drastically change how the game will play for you while this might be nice for someone that already knows the game , I think it would be best that you at least get a feel for how the vanilla game is first , so that you would know how you wish to change it so I would honestly recommend starting with a vanilla game for at least a few hours , learn the different mechanics and how the game works (as it is rather different to older titles) , and after this you should decide how you wish to change the game , start installing the mods you wish to use , and start a new game this will take you a bit more time to do , but I think it would be better in the end , as you'll know what you are getting yourself into but that's just my opinion , and others may disagree with that
  23. No, I don't understand how it all works, which I clearly stated at the beginning, otherwise I wouldn't be here. And no, Mod Managers do not require manual extraction, SOME MODS DO, you don't seem to know on the subject more the I do, but I thank you for your reply. I don't think you understood what I was saying , so let me try to clarify since you clearly don't know how to work with mods (as you've stated several times) , I would strongly suggest that you pick and use a mod manager , rather than going for manual installations manually modding is possible , but it's usually done only by people with enough experience to do so , which you are clearly not so I suggest picking a mod manager . I personally use Mod Organizer , but I know it looks a bit more complex than NMM , which scares new users away . so you'll have to decide as for mods , I don't recall seeing mods that require manual installation , unless you are referring to mods that are installed outside of your Data folder (like SKSE , and other tools) . these may require manual installations , but these usually come with instructions that are so detailed , I doubt you would have problems following them but most mods can easily be installed via a mod manager , and they can also easily be uninstalled that way , if needed . manual uninstallation is usually a pain in the backside , which is one of the major reasons not to go that route , especially if you don't know which mods you are going to use , how they work individually , and how they work together with other mods as for my experience on the matter , considering the fact that I've been modding Bethesda games for the better part of 9 years now , I can promise you I have plenty of experience and considering I've helped people with modding issues for the better part of 4 years now , I think that also says how much experience I have so try not to make assumptions , especially ones that would make the few people who are willing to help you just ignore you........ a tip for your time on the site , from someone who has seen quite a lot here ;)
  24. well , the video was uploaded a week ago , and it's pre alpha footage , so it's really hard to say anything about the game in fact , it's quite likely that the game won't be anything like what the video shows (though I doubt it will be too different) but I'm already seeing the reviews , calling it middle eastern souls or something like that....... all in all , this could be an interesting project , though I somehow doubt they'll get the backing . kickstarter games have quite a terrible track record , so I wouldn't hold my breath with such projects , though I would love to be proven wrong in this case remind us in 2 months , maybe there will be actual news worth discussing , as this is really too early to say anything about the game
  25. according to the GitHUB page , version 0.65.9 should work but if it doesn't work , you should report your errors there , as that is where the NMM devs are so go here https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases , go to the Issues tab and report your issue
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