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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. assuming that you can see the data from your plugin in xEdit , couldn't you just copy the records from Imperious into your plugin , while not overwriting your own personal changes? I believe that if you'll do that , and load your plugin after Imperious , you should have all of it working properly if you really must merge them , and you can find your edits in xEdit , you could just use the copy as new entry on the records from both mods into a new plugin , and that should do so without requiring these plugin to be active so that should act as merging but due to the fact that I have no idea how your own personal plugin works , and which records it touches , I can't say if this will work
  2. there is this command but this is meant for NPCs try Player.removefromfaction <faction id> , maybe that'll work . but I really have no idea if it will other than that , I didn't see any other console command , but I didn't really scan through the whole page , nor am I familiar with most of the console commands in the game
  3. well , the title is rather misleading , as the mark of caesar does make the legion not hostile towards you (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Mark_of_Caesar) as for your question , look here http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_console_commands the first set of console commands are about player reputation . so try using these to reset your reputation , get rib of Boone , and be sure not to wear NCR armors . with all of these you should be fine to try messing with the Legion not sure if there is a console command to set the entire faction to non hostile maybe if you add yourself to their faction via console command , it will stop them being hostile . but I've never tried it , so I can't confirm if it will work the only command regarding hostility that I've seen needs to be applied to every actor individually , so it's not going to be easy or enjoyable to do
  4. sofialisovichenko banned. Reason: piracy We have a strict anti-piracy policy and we take a proactive and preemptive stance on anyone who gives us reason to believe is using a pirated version of any game or software. We only support official game versions and users should not provide help to others requesting help with unofficial game versions (e.g. cracked games). If your on-site activities provide us with sufficient evidence that you are a software pirate then you will be instantly banned. If you ask for help with a cracked game then your posts or topics may be set to hidden or deleted, and persisting to ask for help with your cracked copy may result in your account being banned. Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  5. there are in fact quite a few YT tutorials on modding personally I really like Gopher (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CSCMwaDubQ4rcYCpX40Eg) , but there are other great channels (like https://www.youtube.com/user/ar15nurse and https://www.youtube.com/user/gamerpoets/featured) while you may find that most tutorials are for Skyrim , they apply to FO4 as well what I would recommend that you do first is to watch a video that explains the differences between the different mod manager (Nexus Mod Manager , Mod Organizer 2 and Vortex) and choose which one you wish to use for your game (using more than one mod manager for the same game is never a good idea) after you decide on a mod manager , find and watch some of the basic tutorials for that mod manager , and do the basic setups and all once you've done this , you should have the basic knowledge required to start modding your game , so you should be able to browse the FO4 Nexus site , find the mods you may wish to use , and start downloading and installing them do read the descriptions of the mods you wish to use , install them as per their instructions , and read the FAQs and sticky posts to get the most info you can before installing these mods . this should make sure that you make no mistakes , and therefore allow you to avoid the errors that most users might have due to not properly reading the information provided by the mod author and if you have any questions , feel free to ask (for modding questions , please go to the appropriate forum and post there , though I would recommend searching for similar threads first , to save you the time of waiting for an answer , as there is a great deal of information already in the forums , if you are willing to search for it) good luck , and enjoy :)
  6. no problem . knowing these mods for years does help when users as for them ;) in the future , aside from what I wrote , I would recommend trying the search function of the site . and try using acronyms if you can't find the full mod's name (for example , weapons mods expanded is actually called WMX)
  7. cfgxhfdgth banned. Reason: repeated abuse of the report system and harassment of staff members Reference post Reference post Reference post Reference post Reference post Reference post Moderation history This member received 1 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  8. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42666 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37576 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39651 pretty sure WME and WMX conflict , so you would need to choose one of them (I have always used WMX , so I don't know much about WME) you should also check the requirements tab , and read the description , as that should have stated which mods are used , and probably has links to the mods in question
  9. well , good luck with that because unless you really know what you are doing , you are going to have plenty of issues if you go manual especially if you'll have conflicts , or wish to remove mods to me it seems like you don't actually understand how modding works , as mod managers don't require you to extract mods manually , and I have no idea what "countless folders" you are on about whatever the case , it's your decision . I would suggest not going manual until you have plenty of experience , but go ahead if you think it's best
  10. hanaa18 banned. Reason: spammer Reference post Reference post Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  11. there are so many different options , so it really depends on what exactly you are looking for and it would also depend on the strength of your system (for somewhat weaker systems it would be best to avoid the heavier mods , especially with the engine of Skyrim , unless you have Skyrim SE which is a bit of a different story , and you should really clear up which of the two you actually have) however , to me it seems like the biggest issue you have is just not understanding how to actually mod the game for me , I always started with the tutorials by Gopher (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CSCMwaDubQ4rcYCpX40Eg) you would have to decide which mod manager you wish to use . if it's NMM , get the latest version from the GitHUB . for MO you need to download the latest version (if you are using Skyrim LE , get the latest version of MO from the MO2 mod page on the Skyrim SE , if you have Skyrim SE get MO2 from that page) , or you could use Vortex (though I'm not sure how many tutorials exist for that , as I have yet to try it out) after you decide on the mod manager , watch the basic tutorials for it before you even attempt to do any modding , to be sure you are doing it properly after you have tried the basics , if you have any specific questions , or if you would like more specific mod suggestions , feel free to ask but do start with learning the basics , it's really important
  12. considering the fact that the original mod clearly states that converting it is not allowed , I highly doubt it unless someone can get permissions from the original mod author to port their mod , such a port would not be allowed here
  13. xiaotaozhi banned. Reason: spammer Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are not allowed on any Nexus sites. Reference post Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  14. it's not what you think it is the name column is just really thin after a new installation for some reason , so you need to expand the column to view the actual mod names as for the unassigned , you need to tell NMM to use the Nexus' official categories , and have it reassign your mods to the correct categories , as they are all set to the unassigned category for you
  15. does this happen for a specific mod? if so , please provide a link to it because I can't replicate this , nor can I find any way to change the order of displayed posts (I don't think there is a way to change this)
  16. a little suggestion , if you want anyone to take notice while I see this is a request for Fallout 4 due to the forum it's in , it would be wise for you to not only specify the game , but some of the details regarding the mod you are trying to make , and what you have tried already for example , if you want to make a new weapon or outfit , you would need a tutorial for this , but not all mod authors can offer help in all fields so if you can specify what you are trying to accomplish , people can offer you specific help regarding that goal also do mention which tutorials you've tried already , and if you have tried anything , do take the time to try starting out with tutorials after all , you can't really expect people to take the time to offer you help , if you are not willing to help yourself first...... ;)
  17. so let us divide this into two questions , one about the assets that you made yourself , which are based around images you found online , and the other being assets you found on sites for the first , as far as I know (and don't take this as an official answer , just what I know) there should be no issue with you uploading these assets , since you made them yourself I've seen mods that contain models based on big franchises like LoTR or Star Wars , and as far as I know there was never as issue with these , so long as the assets weren't ripped from games , or used without permissions from the creator of the assets (since you are the creator in this case , that won't be an issue) . so for these , I don't foresee any issues as for assets you found on free sites , these aren't necessarily free to use (as far as I know) . you'll need to check where you found the assets , and verify that these assets are under a creative commons license or something like that , or that the authors allow for usage of their assets again , this is based on my limited knowledge on the matter , and is not an official statement , so you'd have to wait for that (I'll try to ask an admin in the morning , maybe I could get you an official answer)
  18. game got a new update , and the mods you are using are for an older version of the game so since you allowed your game to update , you'll need to update F4SE and those mods to their latest version (if they were updated yet , it could take a bit of time)
  19. well , I have no idea which mods Bethesda allows , as I don't own a console , and I never really looked at mods on that site either but I would assume that Bethesda would try to keep that site PG13 , so it would make sense that there would be no such mods there if you don't mind working for it , I'm sure you could find tutorials on converting mods to the XB1 , and converting something yourself (not sure if even this will work , as you may need to upload it to Bethesda.net to install on your console.....) otherwise , I don't think you'll find what you are looking for sorry
  20. you should probably go check Bethesda's site , as that is the only place to find mods for consoles so if you want to take a look , that site would be the place to look through
  21. glad it worked for you :) now I actually know this method works (wasn't sure if it would add Frost as a master , now I know)
  22. if you want to use this part of Frost without the need for the whole mod , you should be able to easily do this open up the Frost plugin in FO4Edit . open the Perk tree , and choose one of the perks you wish to use . right click , choose copy as new entry , select new plugin and name it however you want after this , do the same for all other perks you wish to copy , but instead of adding to a new plugin every time , add to the plugin you created when adding the first entry if I'm not mistaken , that should give you a plugin that contains all of the edits you took from Frost without requiring Frost as a master file , so you could just disable that mod and just use your new plugin if someone else were to do this for you , or try to upload it , it would require permissions from the author of Frost . but you should be able to do this for your own usage I know it might not be the type of reply you are hoping for , but hopefully you could do this for now , until such a mod is released (if it wasn't implemented into another mod I am not aware of)
  23. do you have an old version of NMM? because this was a common error after the sever update that happened some time ago , but the newest versions of NMM should work with the new servers so if you have anything older than 0.65.2 , you need to download a newer version of NMM (note , the update feature within NMM won't work , because you can't access the servers , so you need to manually download and install the new version)
  24. look at how drunkenness is implemented in https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228 I think this covers what you are looking for , although you may not be interested in everything the mod does but you should be able to configure most settings via the MCM menu , so you should be able to make it usable regardless of how you like to play there are other mods that touch these effects , but I think this one does a pretty good job of covering everything (including your character falling down randomly when really smashed)
  25. you are asking about permissions to port something from a game . instead of this , you should go check the games' developer site (or publisher site) to see if they give permissions to use their assets and if they don't provide a clear answer , you could try to contact them and ask for permissions (yes , this has been done by users before , even if it sounds rather far fetched) but it is up to you to provide us with proof that you have permissions to upload these ports here (there is a list of companies and their permissions on the Nexus Wiki , but it's a small list , and I'm almost certain it doesn't cover anything related to the game in question)
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