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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. I'm not so sure you can do that with spells but you can do that with powers for sure . just look at the cooldowns of shouts or powers in general see if you can apply the same method to a normal spell . if not , consider changing to a power instead
  2. the unofficial patch https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214 you should always use it when playing the game . it fixes many issues https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2667094-guide-manual-cleaning-skyrim-master-files/ this is a guide on how to clean the master files you should also do that , as it would also prevent issues which graphics card do you use? are you trying to run the game on the highest settings? are you using very heavy texture packs? (like 2K resolution or above) if so , try lowering the graphical settings , and use smaller texture packs (1K) and see if the game is more stable this could also be due to too many scripts running (though I don't see any script heavy mods in your load order , but I might miss some)
  3. well , you really haven't provided the required information , so let me try and guide you you say your game crashes . when does that happen? do you crash when starting up the game? when loading a save? or load screens? randomly while playing? each of these could suggest a different issue , so you need to be more specific here does it also happen when you are running the game with no mods? have you cleaned the master files? why are you not using the unofficial patch? please try to provide any information you think might help us help you
  4. ok..... where is your NMM installed? if it's in the default Program Files , please reinstall it to a different folder somewhere on your HD and make sure that the folder isn't set as read only if this also doesn't work , I would recommend doing a google search for something like "NMM security exception error" . this is a rather common issue , so there are plenty of threads about this . I'm afraid I don't know what the solution is , so I can't direct you to the solution , but hopefully you'll be able to find it via google , or someone else might pop in and suggest a different solution
  5. try this : launch NMM as admin , in the options there should be an option to add shell extensions for supported file types . activate this option restart NMM , and try installing the mod again
  6. I can't see something like this does this happen when you try to upload a new mod? because when I look at a mod's details , I don't see multiplications , just one set of these
  7. no problem my suggestion is to use google . it's so easy to find threads if you make a proper search (which is how I found the one I linked) though if you could detail your solution , so that others might be able to use that as well , that would be great
  8. OhNoDontBanMe banned. Reason: Offensive comments to mod authors Duplicate account for IAmClarity and others Reference post Reference post Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  9. take a look here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5911373-creation-kit-removing-all-masters-on-save-after-new-update/page-2 specifically the 3rd post on that page . try these out and it seems to be a common error , and a pretty old one at that
  10. when you say adding the masters manually , you mean setting them to also load in the CK , right? I think you can add masters to a plugin through Wrye Bash , or maybe even through FO4Edit , and that should do what you are trying
  11. a quick google search brought me to this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/19510 you can check how the uncapper in it works , or just use these two settings from the whole thing (it's an executable , so I think you can just choose these options)
  12. nvm , figured it out you want to know if you can use https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61917 and https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/64797 at the same time since they both replace the same file , the answer is obviously no whichever one you install or load last with overwrite the other
  13. which master file is it? we need to know the name of the file , if you want help in finding it it would also help to know which plugin you have that requires it
  14. perhaps it should be simpler , but believe me when I say you do not want it to be that simple the ini file you have to change? it is to allow the game to load other assets . if you won't make that change , the game won't load these assets , so mods won't work properly now some mod managers can edit this themselves , either automatically or by a specific option within the mod manager itself so the fact that you had to manually do that is due to the mod manager you are using , as others do this for you as for everything else , if it really was as simple as you wish , you wouldn't see most of the mods around anything regarding tools like ENB , script extenders , dlls and other things won't work like that , as they aren't installed to the Data folder also , what happens if you are using two conflicting mods , that both add similar assets? if you installed them in the wrong order , good luck uninstalling and reinstalling them properly believe me , mod managers are so much better with their complexity , as it allows you to do so much more sure it might take a bit of learning (though there are amazing tutorials out there) , but in the end you don't even realize how much pain they save you and I say this from a 9 year experience with modding games , I wouldn't replace my MO2 for anything simpler , nor would I wish to see a simplified mod manager for these games , as it would just cause more and more issues
  15. why do you consider any hypocrisy behind not allowing profanity , while allowing adult content? as an adult , shouldn't you strive to behave as an adult , to not allow your anger to control you , and learn to handle whatever you need with a respectful discourse? why should the posts here devolve to toxicity and childish rage , like some tumbler post? this site is geared towards adults , and we should expect people to behave like adults here so expecting and demanding a proper discourse is definitely something befitting a site like this having adult content has nothing to do with it . there are pretty clear guidelines regarding such contents , and children aren't supposed to have any access to it . but you cannot equate adult content and adult behavior
  16. well , usually people make a mod that they wish to use , and use it while playing the game but if they stop playing the game after some time , and the game is still getting updates , why should they update the mods? why work on something you no longer care about? and as I believe mods for this game specifically require even more work when updates drop , why would you want to put in extra work for something you no longer care about? the point is , you should be thankful that the mods have existed in the first place if the mod author is no longer maintaining a mod , you could offer to take over and lend a hand (or update the mod for your own personal use , without uploading it) but unless you pay a mod author to do any work , you can't expect them to do any work (and no , donations don't apply here . I mean actually hiring the mod author to do the work , like a normal contract)
  17. did a quick search in the posts section , and it seems like it does work as a side note , I would recommend first doing a search there (go to the forum thread , and use the search function) , or ask there first (that would be the best place to find specific info on the specific mod
  18. all that has nothing to do with the mod managers . these issues are due to you making a pretty simple mistake (at least part 5 . don't know about NMM recognizing FO4 VR , as I don't own it) the thing is , when you are using NMM , it is set to handle NXM links , which is how downloads from the Nexus work when you've downloaded Vortex , you didn't assign it to handle these links , meaning that is still tried to go through NMM so if you would just assign Vortex to handle NXM links , it should become the default tool for downloading mods from the Nexus , thus bypassing your entire issue as for manually installing mods , it should be identical to normal FO4 , which would probably be the same as it was with Morrowind (so about 16 years or so) if you couldn't find instructions on how to do manual installations , you are clearly not searching properly , as there are plenty of sources about this (from written guides , YT videos and probably even Wiki articles) but I would recommend fixing up Vortex to handle downloading mods , and using it to install everything (if for some reason it still doesn't work , you can just manually download the files , and install from file into Vortex , thus bypassing the download issue while not having to do manual installations) I hope this is clear , though feel free to ask if you have any questions but please don't blame the mod managers for your own issues or lack of knowledge . the sources are out there , and there are plenty of them . if you couldn't find the proper information , you either haven't searched enough , or are just not searching it properly . but the mod managers work , and they work well . so they are not the problem , it is your lack of knowledge on working with them
  19. maybe they are just not playing the game anymore? maybe updates break their mods , so it means recreating the mods after every update I honestly couldn't tell you , though I know modding this game isn't as easy as some other games whatever the case , you are probably going to have to ask the specific modders to know for sure but always keep in mind that making mods is a hobby . no one is getting paid for this , so you cannot expect anything out of anyone (aside from obeying the rules , obviously)
  20. settings -> Nexus , there is a button that says associate with download links that should do that
  21. CreeperX60official banned. Reason: spammer Reference post
  22. have you tried starting a new game after installing the mod , to check if it works? generally it's very ill advised to change anything regarding mods on an existing save file...... looking at the comments on the mod's page , I don't see anyone reporting anything similar so this is likely something on your end . it might be a conflict with another mod , but I'm not quite sure . you are going to have to try and test this , to at least narrow it down
  23. are you using a new installation of MO2? if so , have you made sure to associate NXM links with MO2 , so it knows to download these mods with MO2? have you tried a different browser? I've never used the Nexus on Chrome , but in Firefox it works properly try to narrow it down as much as you can , to try and find the cause
  24. if you wish to report what you consider as the misconduct of a specific user , please use the report function do be sure to provide all the evidence , like screenshots of any PMs between yourself and that user , and links to your relevant posts this way we can take whatever steps we deem necessary , after viewing all the evidence as for the subjects of nudity and such , do note that we have a rather strict policy regarding adult content if you feel that a mod violates our guidelines , please report that mod , so that we can check if it is indeed violating our guidelines other than that , if it follows our rules and guidelines , there is generally no reason to take any actions against it I don't personally agree with the contents of some mods on this site , but I can just move past them and simply ignore their existance you don't have to download them , look at them or even acknowledge their existence . though again , if you believe they are in violation of our rules , please report them to let us know of the issue
  25. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34825 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34702 either you weren't searching properly , or maybe your account is set to hide adult content but the mods are very much there
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