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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. oh , that is a different question I think these would be under magic effects , but I'm not sure but if you want to be sure , download a mod that edits the blessings , and check it in TES5Edit , to see what it actually edits
  2. I don't think there are commands for this so you'll need to have a script that checks your stats , and applies an effect depending on it , but I'm not even sure if that works in case you can't do that , I would recommend just checking your stats , and applying a different effect depending on your stats (for example < 100 stamina gives 25 , 100 < stamina < 200 gives 50 etc) it's not perfect , but I believe this is the way to do something like this (although I could be wrong)
  3. DeathclawBooty banned. Reason: promoting piracy , excessive profanity on the forums and verbally attacking users Reference post Reference post Reference post
  4. honestly I don't know when in doubt , try google , as someone has probably asked such a question before but I think it could be due to many different reasons . it seems like something due to missing lip sync files , but maybe it could be due to having too many actors (never really encountered such an issue , so I honestly don't know)
  5. my guess would be a no , as they seem to do pretty much the same thing so if both replace the same files , you'll only use the files from one of them (one will overwrite the other , depending on what you choose) however , it seems that the second has extra variants , which means that it contains files that the first doesn't have , so these won't have a conflict
  6. there are several ways to go about it , but I haven't found anything regarding this from recent years and I don't want to give any old information , but as I haven't used NMM for any Bethesda game for well over a year , I can't say for certain but it should be a feature within the tools of NMM , as far as I recall (there is no need to download anything for this , just look through the tools menu) I've never touched the in game menu , I think it's all about mods from Bethesda.net , so I don't think it would show you anything if none of this works , it sounds like you haven't installed the mods properly somehow if you could post a link to the mods you are trying to use , maybe we can find a specific issue I would also try to install a random mod that has a plugin (something that you could easily test , like maybe a new item in Sanctuary) . specifically choose a mod that isn't just a plugin , something that contains new assets (like a new weapon or armor set) , and see if that mod works properly
  7. okay , let's start with some basics mods that only edit assets can come without any plugins so mods that only edit meshes\textures or replace music can come with no plugins , so this is perfectly fine as to the issue you are having , I assume you've installed them with NMM? are you sure you've set up NMM correctly , and installed the mods properly? have you followed whatever instructions the mods may provide? have you made sure to get any and all requirements , if there are any? have you also made sure to use ArchiveInvalidation through NMM? I suggest looking here https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation there is a link on how to install mods with NMM by Gopher , and while NMM has been updated since then , and new features were added , it should still cover most things correctly (although now you don't have to install mods directly into your Data folder)
  8. how do you know if happens with no mods? have you seen this on a newly installed game? or just disabled the mods? because I believe the draw animation is stored in the bow nif files . if that is correct , any mod that replaces these files (or provides them , as the originals are packed inside the BSA archives) could cause the issue even without the plugin being activated I never noticed something like this , but I'm generally not using 3rd person , and in 1st person it seems to work properly so it's probably related to something you are using , or maybe you've somehow caused this (though I doubt it) best way to check is to just uninstall and reinstall the game , and load it right there , with no mods installed , to test
  9. I don't know of any pack animals , but I'm pretty sure there are horse mods that adds usable satchels , so that you can have your horse share the load as for carrying a pick axe , my characters always carry one (I have yet to play a character that didn't craft . even more magic focused characters still use crafting , as it's just great money I don't use mods like Frostfall (I really hate the survival aspects in these games , I find them usually unrealistic , especially since it feels like other humanoids don't have the same rules applying) , thus I never carry a wood axe (I usually keep one in Breezehome , so that I could chop wood if I need any for crafting) if you get a mod like mainland Stahlrim , you'll get even more reasons to go get (or make) the ancient pick axe , and always carry that on you
  10. well , in order to know what isn't working , we need to understand what you are trying to do , and what you've tried it's a very general problem , and you haven't actually provided any details , aside from the fact that the game is FO4 and that you are using NMM so please add as many details you can , and we'll try to help :)
  11. at this point , why not just go 7+6=13 , 1+3=4 , ergo it's Fallout 4 all over again , just with a flashier name or that it's actually meant for 4 year olds , which won't really surprise me.......
  12. in fact , I am branching out in games my usual character (and you can look at my user name for proof of this) is using sneaking and sniping (and I made this user back in 2009 , but I still prefer that style of character) so if the game is set in older times (before guns were a thing , like in the ES games) I would go for a bow and sneaking around however , that isn't to say that this has been my playstyle in all of these games I've played ES games as a mage , in Dragon Age I've played as an archer , a mage , a melee assassin and more in Mass Effect I actually tried the sniper class , but ended up not using the sniper rifle at all . in fact , I've finished the games using most classes , from the guns ho soldier to the biotic experts , and my last playthrough were with the vanguard (completely different from how I usually play games , but it was a lot of fun) however , the reason for me to use such builds in games like Fallout is due to 3 reasons . back when I started playing such games (when FO3 was released) , the aiming mechanics in these games were so bad , I had to rely on VATS to shoot (otherwise the combat itself wasn't just not fun , it was actually a chore) . however , sniping was still possible , and it was the only way to actually aim in that game . so I chose that second is the fact that ammo is limited . I'm not about to throw the little ammo I have by spraying and praying like some brain dead raider and last , it was due to the obscene approach of Bethesda to difficulty (and how enemies are just absurd damage sponges in higher difficulties) in FO4 , playing with mods that increase the damage multipliers (for both the player and enemies) , I was able to use semi auto rifles (I absolutely love the Radium rifle , and it helps that the .45 ammo is common and quite cheap) so I've used such weapons (though I still prefer to go semi auto and sneaky , rather than full auto) I don't think I've ever really done a full melee build in games though (aside from games like Dark Souls , in which I'm mostly doing straight up melee builds) I'm considering trying to do a full playthrough in SSE as a heavy armor , sword and board user not sure how well it's going to be , considering the difficulty mods I'm using , but I'm very interested in seeing how well that will work out for me
  13. you'll need to find where your loadorder.txt is (that depends on which mod manager you use) , and copy the contents of that file here (again , please do it under a spoiler tag) if you can't find the file , use google to search for where it should be located , for the mod manager you use
  14. please check that you've installed all files to the correct location that is , specifically check for the existance of the loader.dll in that location if you've placed it there but it is now gone , I would check your antivirus software , to see if maybe it has flagged that file as malicious , and placed it under quarantine if non of that works , please provide a screenshot of your SSE folder (where the executables are)
  15. it's probably due to a mod you have installed so you should provide your load order (in spoiler tags) and look through the mods you have installed , to try and find the culprit what you could also do is open TES5Edit , load your entire load order , let it run and look through either the crafting or the armor sections (it depends on what is actually edited by the mod) , and try to find the plugin responsible for this change
  16. and what is their typical audience? if you are going by Bethesda's games , do you think that FO3 and FO4 were meant for the same audiences? because I've heard plenty of the Fallout community outraged about how FO4 dumbed down so many things that FO3 did right (and I won't mention NV , which I think most consider to be the best of the bunch) so you really need to first define what is the "typical" audience , before you ask such a question and another thing worth considering , is that FO4 was released back in 2015 . that's 3 years . New Vegas was released in 2010 , that's 8 years ago . so just consider how many people that have played FO4 have never played NV or FO3 . imagine how many new players they'll have with this game , and how many of the older games may have already left , for whatever reasons . I would say that games aren't just about recapturing old fans , but instead making new ones . this is why game companies are going wild for any new successful idea (for example , look at how many new games will have a Battle Royale mode , trying to capture some of that Fortnite glory) honestly , I really have no idea who this is aimed at to me , it looks like the worst elements of FO4 getting even worse , with the two good aspects of that game (the shooting and settlement systems) either staying the same or getting dumbed down I definitely know it's not for me , but even if they remade FO3 in a multiplayer game I probably wouldn't care about it so I think this is going after new players , and those that are still waiting for the co op mods in Skyrim and Fallout , or maybe those that waited for Fallout online (or whatever that game was supposed to be called)
  17. I really don't recommend using NMM , but that's a matter of perspective I would suggest using MO2 instead , but that's just an extra advice on the side of the topic if you open the SKSE64 archive you've downloaded (not the installer , the rar archive) , there is a readme with manual installation instructions these should be very easy for you to follow , so just install it manually and see if it works if it still doesn't work , please provide screenshots of your game's directory (not the Data folder , the folder that contains it , where the launcher is) and also a screenshot of the SKSE64 archive you've downloaded
  18. yeah , I think I know what your issue is could you verify if you are trying to install SKSE or SKSE64? because SKSE is the version for Skyrim LE , while you have Skyrim SE , for which you need SKSE64 different files , though downloaded from the same place
  19. as far as I know , the issue with Bethesda games (and New Vegas counts here , due to the engine it's built on) are very heavy on VRam usage so while the game might not use a lot of Ram , it's probably maxing your VRam my suggestion , never use the largest texture packs possible the actual visible difference between the largest and second largest are usually rather small (unless you actively look for it) , but the impact in terms of memory consumption is really drastic so just because you have a decent rig doesn't mean you should try to push it to the maximum (these games are unstable without mods , don't push them too far) so try uninstalling your version of NMC's pack , and install the seconds largest version of it , and see how your game runs (you might still get these crashes , but hopefully it will happen far less often) and this goes for any other major graphical mods you might be using . try limiting yourself to either 1K or 2K textures , and try the performance versions instead of quality (if you just check , the differences aren't big enough for the impact on your game's stability)
  20. I'll give you one thing , the video was very fascinating and informative (I wasn't expecting much , looking at the video here , with the fleshy colors and such) it provides an interesting point of view , and a nice breakdown of the institute , with a very interesting comparison to the templars . I've never seen something like this done , so for that alone I say the video is worth watching and while I think you are giving Bethesda too much credit on this , and maybe overthinking this a bit , I would still suggest that people go and watch this , more for the actual breakdown of the institute than the supposed point of the video I hope you can take this as constructive criticism , and I do hope to see more interesting breakdowns from you , if you plan on making them so don't take my wall of text in the previous post as anything other than me expressing a different opinion , one that doesn't really give Bethesda anywhere near as much credit as you gave them ;)
  21. I watched the video , and in my opinion , while what you have discussed is interesting , I don't think it explains anything in terms of the world it might work for FO4 , but considering the 7 or so years of FO3 and NV prior to FO4 and the real introduction of the Institute , it looks like a huge dosage of hindsight if I were to try and explain it , I would say that it has nothing to do with the actual story of the game for example , if people were so gun crazy throughout the 200+ years since the war , spraying as they are in the game , there would probably be no bullets to be found (as they aren't manufactured , and enemies are wasting them in the hundreds with the way the AI works) . and if there are so many people around , do you really think you would find food around? if it's a building still standing up , someone would have gone through it . so in terms of gameplay , in 200 years of consumption with barely any manufacturing , most places would have been picked clean of anything useful , meaning that the game would have nothing for you to find my point being , I think the decision is directly centered around gameplay , not story . and there is really no way to make this look realistic for example , look at mods like Frost , that are trying to set the game far sooner the mods remove a lot of the items around , as people would scrounge around for anything usable as soon as possible . but even these have a major issue , as going through a place that holds a group of people , but you only being able to loot 2 rounds and a can of food just doesn't make sense . groups of people won't stick together if they can't sustain the groups , and so you have to make sure that the player can loot enough supplies to make it realistic that the group would have been able to survive with these supplies as a final point , as realistic as these games are trying to be , they aren't realistic no mechanic in this game is actually realistic , and everything about it is completely gamified on the one hand it's good , as it being too realistic will mean the mechanics aren't well noticed (imagine a realistic version of a needs system , where you will die after several days without water , not several hours . a system where you don't have to shove 3 pigs and an elk every few hours to sate your hunger . if the effects are meant to be realistic , you should never really be in a situation where it gets that bad , especially if NPCs actually behave like humans , and carry some of the supplies you need so much , as they should also play by the same rules) if enemies shot at you as though every bullet counts , you would never see anyone using a minigun . in fact , you would probably never see anyone firing an automatic weapon , just to conserve the little ammo they have , or actually make it count . but these are all things left to the player and the player alone . NPCs play by different rules , enemies play by different rules , and I've never really seen any game that does this differently (although Stalker does this pretty well)
  22. first you need to understand that Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE are two different games , and have their own sites here trying to load LE mods on SE may lead to the game not starting (though some mods work just as they are) you need to start by verifying that the game actually works properly without mods , that you are installing the correct mods (the proper version of the mods , from the SE site unless the LE version is reported to work on SE as is) you should also choose a mod manager you wish to use , and learn how to do so after this is done , you can start discussing mods I don't know how good your PC is , but Skyrim SE still doesn't run amazingly for most people I would suggest modding the game with discretion , not going overboard (optimizing textures , not using anything above 2K resolution etc) there are several good guides out there (here or on YT) that showcase graphical mod lists for Skyrim SE , along with instructions on how to install them as for "must have" mods , aside from actual fixes (like the unofficial patch) , it really depends on what you are trying to do in the game there are plenty of amazing mods out there , so you are going to have to be more specific if you want proper suggestions but since you are going for a werewolf playthrough , I would suggest starting by looking at the different werewolf overhauls out there , and choosing the one that appeals to you the most
  23. as far as I see it , unless you use magic yourself , there really isn't much you can do a lot of spells are so fast to cast , and the projectile is so fast , there is really no way to avoid them (specifically lightning is terrible in this regard) . so for this , I highly suggest getting shock resistance , and trying to dodge out of the way of fire\frost spells (as these move far slower) if you are going for archery , using the terrain or any obstacle as cover , and just using the cheesiest techniques of ready an arrow , take a peek , shoot , hide and repeat seems to work pretty well , but it's not guaranteed and it really depends on the mods that you use to determine just how dangerous spell casters are , and what your options are (as well as your playstyle) while using shock spells could drain an enemy of magicka , I don't think I've ever seen an enemy stop spamming spells because they ran out (it seems like they have such gigantic pools of it , you'll probably never actually be able to really hinder them like that , but again that really depends on the mods you use) so all in all , I would really suggest that you stay far away , use hit and run tactics , and use your surroundings to avoid getting hit yes it's cheesy and not so epic , but especially if you are using some really difficult enhancing mods , you are going to need to play smart rather than stylish so better to be lame than a human torch or frostsicle
  24. actually , two handed weapons are that great either sure they do more damage , but they swing really really slowly and since enemies can in fact cancel your attacks with stuns , slow weapons are at a severe disadvantage in such a case there is no best weapon in the game in my opinion 1hd swords appear to be an all rounded favorite , being really fast and with decent damage , but you can make a good build using each style of weapons , if you use the correct perks and enchantments (a good perk overhaul or combat overhaul also helps)
  25. with such a spec , I wouldn't recommend trying to go overboard I personally have a better spec (but not a top of the line one , just marginally better) , and even without really using graphical mods I still see some issues (stutters from time to time , sometimes even massive stutters , like the game freezes for a second or two) , so I really wouldn't recommend trying to use the heaviest graphic improving mods out there I recommend using the optimization project , to improve the way the game runs (Bethesda are pretty terrible with optimizing their assets) , maybe choose a lighting mod , a weather mod (if your lighting mod doesn't include it , or if they are compatible) , a water mod , and at this point SMIM and Ruins Clutter Improved are always in my game , no matter what there are plenty of smaller mods that improve specific things (statues , rugs , flags etc) that you may consider using but I'll generally recommend not using anything over 2K , and considering 1K versions of things that are loaded often (like environments , trees , walls etc) there are still beautiful textures that you can get in 1K or 2K versions , and it would be much easier for your PC to run as a side note , there are several guides for making a beautiful Skyrim SE . so I would recommend that you find one that you like , and follow it with discretion (as these are usually created by people with better rigs , so they are usually using bigger textures and more mods)
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