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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. lizajmaes1 banned. Reason: spammer Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  2. ranklinbradley banned. Reason: spammer Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  3. yep , you can also hide the two files from within MM , though most users don't know about this feature but you are absolutely correct about this , and if you have a lot of mods that might interfere with ELFX if you change your mod order , hiding these files are probably the better option for you it really depends on the situation , and what the user actually knows , as MO isn't quite as obvious and easy to use
  4. this has nothing to do with load orders a load order is the order in which plugins are loaded into the game what you need is to change the mod order . basically have the ELFX mod load after Majestic Mountains in MO . so change ELFX's priority (drag it in the list) so it's after MM
  5. you didn't "take my time" at all I'm glad to be able to explain things as long as I can this is the kind of issue I don't really wish to open publicly , due to it's nature but in this specific case I think it is worth being transparent on the case , especially as there are users who care to understand the issue no worries , and always feel free to ask stuff here (as long as it's not against any of our rules , obviously) worst case you won't get an answer . but never feel like you are taking our time , we choose to be here and do this :)
  6. I believe there is a Discord server , though I can't send you a link as I'm not on it but I think you should be able to find a thread about it here , or use Google to find it there are probably other options , but I'm really not familiar with all of these as for your issue , it's rather strange that your DLCs aren't recognized by MO I recommend checking the Data tab , to make sure the archives are found there . or you could try to launch the game and jump to a DLC location , to see if you see everything properly (you could even try adding a DLC weapon via a console command , that should be enough to verify the assets are found properly) I've never heard of such an error , so I'm not sure why it could be and thus I'm not sure if it'll work properly for you , but you could check
  7. what do you mean the DLCs don't show up in your modlists? which modlist are you talking about? one that is generated with which mod manager? because in your load order the DLCs should only show up as their plugins . and I'm pretty sure not all mod managers assign the DLCs as mods , so they aren't always added to the modlist (though the modlist doesn't really matter in most cases) so the real question is what are you trying to do , and what kind of problem do you have? also are you sure you've copied all of the DLC files properly? (plugins are data archives)
  8. I'll try to explain we have received reports of this mod using copyright protected music . the reporters have added links to music from anime shows and games that had tracks identical to those the user posted on their bandcamp profile , claiming as their own compositions . when we contacted the user regarding this issue , instead of answering us they simply removed the mod (both LE and SE versions) so we can assume not all of their music is actually their own compositions (especially as they weren't credited as the authors in the other sources of these tracks) . unfortunately bandcamp can't take any action regarding this unless the original author files a copyright claim against them . so they could potentially be selling copyright protected music that they haven't composed again , I have no proof either way . but the behavior of this user was so dodgy , I have little doubt that the music isn't of their own making and it seems like the user and the bandcamp user are the same (if it was some person stealing the bandcamp music , they wouldn't provide links to that profile and use the same name and image , and possibly other information) I hope this clears it up , though I don't really like discussing such things (although in this case I don't think this user deserves anything really)
  9. the mod was removed by the author , though we've contacted them regarding concerns of copyright issues as for the bandcamp , it appears that as long as your content there doesn't receive a copyright strike , you can upload whatever you want (showing them evidence of such issues isn't enough , they need a strike from the original author or the owner of the music to take action) . so the fact that the movie is uploaded there doesn't mean it was really composed by them . just an FYI in case you are curious
  10. as far as I know , yes , replacing the new executable with an older version should simply undo the update that is assuming they didn't also update other files , but I believe that the script extender and all simply looks at the executable version , so it should be fine
  11. really depends on the mods you wish to use some of the great mods don't require the DLCs , but most do some mods have a no DLC version , but it's usually an older version of the mod and it's usually not being updated . so other mods might not work with that older version of the mod , making it rather pointless I would say that you should either wait until you get the whole batch on a sale or something or you could look around on the kinds of mods you may wish to use , and see if they would work without the DLCs
  12. nothing to be sorry about just wanted to verify you didn't talk about another update in the future (though we should probably expect those as well)
  13. Snakel101 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here Important links: Our terms of service
  14. I'm pretty sure your information is way way off November? the update has already been released a few days ago so either you've mistaken the version number , the date or I'm somehow way off (which I doubt considering the discussions I've already seen regarding this update)
  15. kevkiev is correct , didn't see the optional file the one has a no DLC version and patches for individual DLCs . so you can install the no DLC version with the Far Harbor patch (both from the optional download) not sure if the mods you may wish to use will work with that old version of AWKCR , but it's worth a check (or you could try asking the mod authors of these mods)
  16. in fact it really is a case of you misunderstanding if you look at the requirement list for AWKCR , you'll see that all it requires is the 5 mentioned DLCs . this already means you can't use it if you don't own all of these DLCs however , the rest of the list is mods that require AWKCR , not mods that AWKCR requires . it's stated in the title of the list , but most users miss that fact and end up asking the same question so while you do not need all of these mods just to get these specific mods to work , you won't be able to install and use the Tao mod without AWKCR , and you can't use that unless you get the DLCs
  17. fraserkeen1 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Important links: Our terms of service
  18. also have no interest in FO76 , or really any future Bethesda game on launch . we've all been burned enough by these , and it's not really getting any better I'll just keep my eyes on the community , because while FO4 wasn't amazing there are several projects I'm really interested in (like FO4 New Vegas , Miami and a few others) I see absolutely no reason to get FO76 considering it's exactly what I'm not looking for when getting a Fallout game . but I hope it's at least enjoyable for those that do get it
  19. just verified I was not mistaken about the mod I really doubt it'll be back
  20. if it's the one I'm thinking of , it was removed by the author and I doubt they'll reupload it but I could be thinking of a different mod....... will need to check
  21. I meant screenshots when I said content we do have a public gallery that all users can upload images to the two articles I've linked contain the rules regarding general image uploads (the second article) and specifically regarding adult contents (the first article) . this is to make sure your screenshots don't violate the rules , otherwise we may have to remove them
  22. report your profile , and in the report ask to change your username , and state the username you wish to use we'll pass this up to the admins , as I'm pretty sure moderators can't do that (I'll have to check , as it's the first time I was asked this) just stress the point , my post wasn't meant to scare you or anything I'm just seeing a lot of users that violate these rules on a daily basis , and you seem like you really want to be a part of the community and share your work , so it would be a shame to have to moderate your work I encourage you to upload content , just be sure it doesn't violate the rules :)
  23. welcome ! :) seeing as you are brand new , and you seem to be fond of taking screenshots and uploading them , please be sure to read this https://help.nexusmods.com/article/19-adult-content-guidelines this will help prevent you violating the rules here regarding images (specifically adult images , general upload rules are here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules under the relevant section) also try not to use profanity , as you will see about our profanity filter , and our rules regarding this are quite clear these are just to help you not muck up your stay here :) feel free to ask if you have any questions
  24. matricharrison banned. Reason: spammer Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
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