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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. well , I'm not really sure I can help you decide which files you need to use , as I have no idea which mods you are trying to use alongside FCO , so I don't know which optional files you are going to need but looking at the way the mod is packaged , it's not really as easy as I thought (there are several options that require you to overwrite files in specific locations if you wish to use them , so it's not as easy to do , especially if you aren't familiar with where such files are located) honestly I can't think of a reason why the installer isn't working for you tried looking through the comments and bug reports , as well as searching through Google and couldn't find any record of a similar issue could you please try redownloading FCO 3.0 , try to install that version , and add screenshots of what you are seeing when trying to install this with MO?
  2. it's probably because your installation doesn't install the files in the correct path , thus the game doesn't recognize the meshes from FCO , and you get the wonderful exclamation marks (which means missing meshes , in case you aren't aware) I'm not familiar with the tutorial you are following , and I can't recall if FCO gave me an installer last time I tried installing it (can't even recall if I ever tried FCO 3) but solving this is actually rather easy , so long as you understand how installing mods with MO works what you need to do is look at the folder structure other mods have in MO , create a mod in MO for FCO , and manually extract the files you want with the correct folder path into FCO's mod folder that you've created in MO to explain , each mod in MO needs to be set up like it's folder is the Data folder . therefore inside it you need to have the plugins if the mod has any (FCO has plugins , but in general not all mods require them) , and the asset folders (Meshes , Textures , Sound etc) , which contains the assets the mods use as long as you extract the files properly so that they have the correct paths , the game should recognize the assets and the mod should work correctly yes this requires manual work on your end , which is probably not exactly the answer you were hoping for maybe there is an easier fix (I recommend reading the comments on the mod's page , maybe other users have encountered similar issues and have discussed a solution) but if you can't find a better solution , this should allow you to install the mod in a way that MO can still manage , while circumventing the lack of the installer
  3. you can do this easily yourself via SSEEdit all you have to do is find these armors (which should be rather easy) , edit the armor values and save to a new plugin of your choice shouldn't take more than a few minutes if you need help with doing this feel free to ask
  4. sinningforthesinofit banned. Reason: repeated violations of our terms of service , including repeated rude and senseless comments which include personal attacks of mod authors , offensive PMs to mod authors and overall a terrible behavior over their short time on the site from our terms of service : Be Civil! We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along No profanity. It is perfectly possible to express yourself using civil language. Do not attempt to circumvent the profanity filter. some examples Reference post Reference post Reference post Reference post Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 1 formal warnings before they were banned
  5. you're just overthinking it everything you install into Skyrim SE needs to be placed inside the Skyrim SE folder (unless you install it via a mod manager that uses a virtual folder , which isn't the case here) so the Data folder it mentions is the one inside your Skyrim SE installation folder and to simplify this , instead of moving the pex files inside the scripts folder , just move the scripts folder itself . just extract the scripts folder inside your game's Data folder , so you should have the path Data\Scripts all of the files that don't go inside the data folder need to go outside the data folder , where the SkyrimSE.exe is found I really doubt you'll find someone to do this for you via remote access , but if you really can't figure the instructions out just find a basic video tutorial on this I recommend checking out Gopher on YouTube , the guy has wonderful instructional videos that you can use . this should cover it (already at the installation timestamp) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTNy9Qr2sOc&t=244s you couldn't find SkyrimSE.exe? can you find SkyrimSE with no extension? have you actually managed to play the game? try running it , if you can't please verify file integrity via Steam , to make sure the files were properly installed
  6. are you sure you've installed SKSE64 in the correct folder? if you go to your game's folder , can you find SkyrimSE.exe and skse64_loader.exe in the same folder? (the .exe might not show if your computer is set to hide known extensions , but if that's the case simply look for the file names without the extensions) if you don't have both files in the same folder , it means that either your game's installation has somehow failed generating SkyrimSE.exe (which I doubt as you say you've played the game) , or you haven't installed SKSE64 correctly and regarding your last question , yes by Data folder I mean the one inside your Skyrim SE folder this might not be the case if you install it via NMM , as it might install the mod to a virtual folder , but if that's the case you'll need to check it's installed correctly (not really sure how to check this , as I haven't used NMM in such a long time , and last I used it it didn't have the virtual folder setup)
  7. okay I checked LL and Sexlab 1.63 does exist for SE , and it does require the SKSE64 version you have and SkyUI SE from what you're saying , you already have SKSE64 version 2.0.8 working , so unless I'm wrong all you need is help installing SkyUI? and if that's the case , you should know it's really easy as SkyUI is packaged with a BSA archive , so you just need to make sure both the BSA archive and the plugin (esp file) are inside your Data folder so what exactly is the issue you're having? what exactly do you need help with?
  8. take a look at these two mods https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18757 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12613 not sure the second one works , and these aren't exactly what you are looking for , but it's the closest thing to this idea that I know of (though there could be other mods I'm not aware of , that my searching haven't showed)
  9. what leads you to think these assets will work within FO4? I'm pretty sure FO4 uses the same file types like SSE , but you need to convert LE assets to work with SE if I'm correct , these assets are simply not recognized by the game , hence the missing meshes you see ingame I could be wrong about this though . never really heard of someone trying to use LE meshes in FO4
  10. download 0.65.10 from here https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases this is the latest version , and the download should work
  11. how are we supposed to know? you haven't mentioned anything that could lead us to the reason why your installation of CBBE doesn't work....... care to explain which mod manager do you use? which mods do you have that do work? how you have installed CBBE? if you've made sure to properly follow the installation instructions of CBBE? we're smart but not psychic , we need information.......
  12. williamson007 banned. Reason: spammer Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  13. first of all , lets take a deep breath second , please make sure that your caps lock isn't on . there is no reason to go ALL CAPS!!! , it really doesn't help you ;) not for your issues , I think the main one is that v1.9.32.08 should be a version of Skyrim LE , while you are trying to install SKSE64 which is for Skyrim SE so the first thing you need to verify is that the version of Sexlab you want to download actually works with Skyrim SE , assuming you really have Skyrim SE and not LE (it would help if you verified and told us that , as it does matter) as for installing SKSE (normal or 64 , depending if you have LE or SE) is extremely easy . in fact the download contains a readme file with very clear instructions , so just download the correct version for your game and follow the installation instructions as suggested SkyUI is also not difficult to install , but it depends on which game you have and which mod manager you wish to use so deciding this will also allow us to direct you to the installation instructions , and understand whatever issues you have following them but it all depends on you making sure you have the correct versions and explaining the issues you're having
  14. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6991786-nmm-update-fail-today/ look at my post there , it has a link to the newest version of NMM and what to do with it , as well as an explanation on the issue you're having
  15. the bashed patch does copy entries from mods and combines them , but it doesn't necessarily take all entries which is why I would recommend opening it with xEdit to verify that it didn't remove entries that matter (which happens from time to time , and could potentially remove the functionality of a mod due to a conflict with another mod) all you really need to do is go through the entries inside the patch and verify it takes the correct information , but depending on how many mods you have it could be a lot of entries to comb through it's best if you know what isn't working and just combing through that patch looking for the specific entries (or checking the mod itself to find the entries , and checking what the patch contains) as for the files , pretty sure 3 of these folders are empty and just generated when creating specific patches the Meshes one should actually contain meshes , probably from something like BodySlide so that you should move to a new mod (call it something like BodySlide builds , something that you'll recognize . and if you rebuild these make sure to place the new meshes there and overwrite the files) the bashed patch you should probably just move to a new mod (call it bashed patch or patches , whatever you want) . of course activate both of these mods the rest of the folders you should just check , if the have contents move them to the correct mod . otherwise you can delete them (although they may be generated everytime you run the game)
  16. it's not necessarily a bug , just an issue with how the system works I'm not exactly sure how it works and what it checks , but I've heard of such things in the past the point is that you should manually check when mods are updated (I do this by tracking the mods , and checking my tracking list here from time to time) if you see that a mod has been updated , consider downloading the new update and installing it (as per the author's instructions , if they say it's safe to do mid playthrough) don't count on the update warnings in NMM to the point of not checking yourself , and you should be fine
  17. it's been discussed before plenty of times , but I'll redirect you to a post by Dark0ne that should explain this https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6989306-which-version-do-i-download-to-use/&do=findComment&comment=63601876 that thread should explain the whole thing . if you still aren't sure , check the articles on this site , I believe there was one explaining this , although it was several months ago
  18. if I recall correctly , version 0.65.2 is one from before the server updates a few months ago (though I could be wrong) if it really is , the server update won't work with this version , as it can't connect to the server . this means you'll need to manually download and install the new version over your current installation you can find the latest release here https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases after you install this version , I believe you should be able to update it via the server updates
  19. body presets go inside this should be inside your Data folder , but it depends on which version of NMM you are using (basically if you are using a version with a virtual installation folder or not) face presets go inside this also should be inside your Data folder , but also depends on whether or not you use a virtual installation folder or not body presets aren't supposed to show in game . you are supposed to see them when opening BodySlide , where you can use the building feature to build the existing assets to use this body preset . again the BodySlide mod page has great tutorials on how to do this , so you should try following them face presets do show in game , when in character creation (or when opening the character creation menu , I think the command is ShowRaceMenu) the question is do you even see the Preset tab in the character creation? if you do see the tab but not the presets , it means the presets aren't installed correctly . if you don't even see the Presets tab , it probably means you haven't installed RaceMenu properly , so you need to make sure to download and install it if you still have issues regarding how a preset looks when you apply it to a character , I would recommend asking the uploading mod author , as they should know best about their own presets
  20. are you sure you've properly installed both RaceMenu and BodySlide? because you need both to use face and body presets but let's go over these 4 mods and see what you need to do for the first , you say it works but looks bad this could be due to you using the wrong mods (aside from the requirements , maybe you have other mods that ruin it) . or you could be using the wrong race for the preset . there are several options , you need to truly explain what you are doing if you really want an answer about this (though the mod author is probably the best person to ask) . as for the seam , it's probably because it's meant to be used with a specific body preset that you aren't using for the second mod , you need to understand that all it includes is a BodySlide preset . this means that you need to use BodySlide and convert both the nude body as well as your armors and clothing to use this preset , if you wish to really use it (the BodySlide mod page has operation instructions , just follow them with the preset added by the mod) as for the third and fourth mods , both aren't properly packaged for a mod manager installation . this means you'll need to open the downloaded archives and extract the files to the correct folder yourself , as no mod manager will know where to install them . both have the correct file path in their description , so just place the files in the described path and it should work (though it will only work well if you use all required mods , and run it on the correct race etc) I hope this covers it , but feel free to ask if you have any more questions
  21. this really depends on the mods you've tried to install , as their contents determines where the files should go but generally I would recommend that you go to the mod pages of those mods that don't work , and make sure you follow their installation instructions properly if you want our help , it would be best if you could link to the mods that don't work for you
  22. these mods are updated (aside from LM , which hasn't really been updated through the main page , updates are from other mod authors) the issue is with the CC content , and due to the fact that most don't use it (including mod authors) , there isn't necessarily support for it but alot of these mods give some rather clear instructions on how to create patches for them , so you could try making such patches yourself . you could even ask the mod authors for help in making these patches (just keep in mind that since they most likely don't own or plan to own said CC content , don't expect them to make these patches for you)
  23. have they confirmed that it is indeed their decision? because last I heard they weren't commenting about this , as the casting wasn't decided yet but the news I heard are a few days old now , so this could have changed but if this is indeed the case , I'm probably going to skip the show just like you (and many others) will do the sheer disrespect towards the origin story , as well as it's sources of inspiration (eastern European folklore in this case) just for the sake of fake diversity is a sure fire way to ruin such things (just look back at KCD and the claims for it being racist for not having characters of color)
  24. thedark1234 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here Important links: Our terms of service
  25. lickmyshorts banned. Reason: multiple accounts , ban evasion Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
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