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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. workgloves banned. Reason: spammer Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  2. I really doubt the errors are due to the pex files could you please post pictures of the errors you're getting? or at least make a list of these errors with their entire text? (use spoiler tags to keep the post short and concise , helps us to read through the thread) I would also recommend that you check your antivirus software . sometimes it flags Dll files as viruses etc , so they are sometimes quarantined . this could be the cause of your missing Dlls , though I can't know for sure with the information you've provided maybe add pictures of your game's folder (where SkyrimSE.exe is) , your Data folder and your Scripts folder , just so that we can verify everything is installed correctly?
  3. have you made sure to copy all files properly? also have you installed this and started a new game , or tried it with an existing save? if it's the latter , try making a new character and see if it works now if not , I suggest checking the bug reports and comments on the mod's page , and if you can't find an answer there (and if google doesn't help either) try asking in the comments , maybe someone familiar with the mod will be able to help you can't think of any reason for this to happen.......
  4. you don't have to install the scripts with NMM at all , it's just something that people do to keep their game's folder as vanilla as possible , which makes removing mods easier to do but you can just manually install the scripts and it'll work just fine if you want to install the scripts , just do what the video shows . it's really simply up to you to decide
  5. inside your Data folder you should have a Scripts folder . if not , simply move the scripts folder of SKSE64 inside your Data folder . if you do have the folder , you could still put the downloaded folder into your Data folder , and allow it to merge with the existing one . there is no reason for it to ask you to overwrite files , but if it does there should be no reason to say no after you verify you've installed SKSE64 correctly , simply reinstall SkyUI and that should work I hope this covers it , but I may not fully understand the issue so please try to explain what exactly isn't working
  6. may I ask why? since you can activate console commands , it's clear that you are playing on PC so you should have a load order file that you can access if you can't , maybe there is something wrong with your game? because I've never heard of someone not being able to do this.......
  7. check the installation path , to verify that you don't have an extra folder compare this with other mods you have installed , to verify that it's installed correctly , as it's a clear case of an improper installation (otherwise NMM would have detected the plugin and you would have found it in your load order)
  8. well , I checked the wiki and this bug was mentioned , but it was only reported to happen on consoles and if it has occurred on PC , the unofficial patch would have fixed it so I really can't tell you what might be causing this or why you can either try initiating the DB quest line via console commands and hopefully it'll work , or just play it on a new save file definitely not the best response , but I really can't think of a reason for this bug to happen , nor do I know of a fix for this out of curiosity , what exactly can't you do? can't you post your load order? or can't you run SSEEdit? and why , if I may ask?
  9. well , I've never really heard of this bug could you please post your load order in spoiler tags? (use the Special BBCode button and choose Spoiler) what you could also do is open xEdit (SSEEdit in this case) , run it with your entire load order , then look inside Skyrim.esm to find the NPC entry for Aventus to see if any mod you have edits it not sure this will actually reveal the possible source of the issue , as I'm not sure such an issue could be caused by editing the NPC (it might be due to the quest being edited or something like that)
  10. since you've installed it through MO2 , you also need to launch it through MO2 , otherwise it won't find any of the files to edit (not sure if it'll show the sliders or not) as for the file , it needs to go to Tools -> BodySlide -> SliderPresets . but it shouldn't be inside your Data folder , as you're not installing any mods to your Data folder (at least you shouldn't , it defeats the point of using the virtual installation feature of MO2) . so you can add the preset to your BodySlide mod , or make a new mod with the correct folder structure for this preset
  11. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to see a locked door on the house..... I believe it should be open did you try loading a previous save , waiting til morning and going to the house? also , did you see the scripted conversation outside the house? the one with the child and his babysitter\maid? what happened when you tried the console command? did it give an error message , or did it move you to a specific cell? because I've never heard of it moving you to a different cell , but the NPC whose ID you used isn't there not sure that's possible.......
  12. dvabuhqpoamz banned. Reason: spammer Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  13. Witong1962 banned. Reason: spammer Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  14. my guess is that your game got updated but you didn't update F4SE or whatever mods you have that require it not sure when the last update was , as I don't have the game installed right now . and I'm not sure if all mods were properly updated thus far but you should check that all of your mods are up to date , and updated to the new version of the game and F4SE
  15. devs are aware of this and on it hopefully it'll be fixed soon :)
  16. doesn't appear where? in his home? do you have the misc. quest to talk to him? you really didn't provide any information , making it very difficult to give you a proper answer......
  17. regarding where to start , it's completely up to you I would recommend starting with the story and quests , and maybe you can find existing work that you can use (with permissions from the authors) instead of making your own items and even if you can't find anything , maybe if you have a written and implemented story you could try recruiting the help of other mod makers to help you with items and animations regarding the specific animation , I really have no idea I've never tried working with animations , and I'm not aware of the limitations of them I believe it is possible , but I'm definitely not the person to ask this . if you are interested in animations and info about them , I would recommend looking through the different animation mods for Fallout and Elder Scrolls games , finding a mod that handles something similar (creature animations if you are interested in making creatures , same for humanoids , weapons etc) , seeing if the author is active and maybe PMing them your questions . hopefully if you are polite and they are active and kind they would offer you assistance or at least give you useful information
  18. quests are created through the Creation Kit or GECK , whatever it's called for FO4 . it's the official tool Bethesda has released you can get it from Bethesda's site if you don't have it yet I believe that meshes and animations are made with the same tools , though I could be wrong . and these are made with 3D modelling software textures are made with image editing software I'm not sure which programs most mod authors use , but some mod authors state these in their credit sections regardless , I would recommend visiting https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5978333-fo4-modding-tutorial-list/ and https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3760875-fallout-4-modding-tutorials/ both threads should have more than enough information to at least get you started on a side note , I recommend starting with one specific thing you want to do (making new animations , new items , new quests etc) , learning the basics and working just on that part for a time I think many people try to do everything at the same time , and therefore fail at everything as they stretch themselves between too many programs and projects so start small , learn the basics , improve and hopefully achieve what you are aspiring to
  19. normal Skyrim? are you talking about Skyrim LE? if so , there is obviously a version of SKSE for Skyrim LE , just make sure you get SKSE instead of SKSE64 and since LE doesn't get CC updates and such , it doesn't get more broken over time
  20. well , it seems to be a common error with RaceMenu now , probably due to the latest SSE update (you can thank Bethesda for breaking their game again....... :wallbash:) also saw you commenting on the mod page in several places I hope the community there can find a solution for the issue
  21. this means you don't have SKSE properly installed are you sure you've followed the installation instructions properly? all files are in the correct place?
  22. honestly I have no idea . I could ask the devs next week about this , maybe they can explain the reason for this feature but right now I can't tell you , this was implemented before my addition to the team , and I'm not a part of the Nexus development team so I can't speak for them if you have input regarding this feature , I would recommend writing it in the suggestions forum , I'm sure the devs will see it and take it into consideration (especially as I'm sure they are aware of the confusion regarding this)
  23. I can't think of a mod that has all 4 sections , I'll have to look through a lot of mods to try and find one but an example of 3 of the 4 , look here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2228 this doesn't have offsite requirements in the list , but has the 3 other sections hope this example will help clarify it
  24. as I mentioned , not all mods will have all of these if a mod requires the DLCs , you would see that section , but mods that don't require any DLC will obviously not have that section same with off site requirements and on site requirements . if there are none , that section won't be there and if all you see is mods requiring this file , that means that you don't need to do anything as Jeir and myself have stated , this section is for other mods that require this mod to work . so you don't have to download those mods at all
  25. Thomas0071 banned. Reason: spammer Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
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