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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. It indeed looks weird. The graphics remind me a lot of Immercenary on the Panasonic 3DO. I love FPS games but I'm not sure I'd like gameplay that doesn't involve shooting something or some other form of combat. Is there somewhere that we can get it for the PC?
  2. Centre


    I'm English, I speak English. Not American English. Real English :)


    Exactly. "Through" is not spelled "thru". Sometimes I think it's a wonder that any of us in the States can read or write at all, especially with the advent of the internet and texting. I could make a long list of popular misspellings used quite commonly by the retail industry, but this really isn't the proper place for a rant...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif

  3. Sounds fishy to me, but sometimes I can be a bit of a conspiracy theorist.


    It also sounds like another one of their big money-making schemes in conjunction with internet service providers.


    As it stands now, I can still enjoy playing many games on my PC even if I can no longer afford my internet service or the service is otherwise somehow interrupted.


    A lot of new games are rigged with some kind of on-line DRM, thus forcing us to pay for internet services and often memberships to some sites if we want to play those games.


    Putting my OS on-line someplace would mean that I'd be forced to pay for these services simply to use my computer PERIOD.


    They might as well go ahead and tattoo the bar-code on my forehead now...

  4. @jim_uk:


    Thanks for sharing that video. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif


    If the video were my only guide, I'd say the "future of gaming" looks to me a lot like a high-res version of the Dark Ages of gaming.

  5. I've been waiting in anticipation of DOOM4 as well. My only hope is that with the new one they will return to a style of gameplay more similar to the original games rather than trying to be all survival-horror storytelling this time.
  6. Thanks. My next posts on the blog will begin to focus on add-on levels and other content that can be used in conjunction with these programs to breathe new life into what some players these days consider a tired old game.


    Since it is a bit of a nostalgic subject I'm not going to hold my breath in hopes that the blog will have a lot of followers, but if I somehow manage to attract a few new players to the game then at least I'll feel like I've somewhat accomplished my goal.

  7. Have you ever checked out Classic Doom 3 (the original Knee Deep in Dead levels ported to the Doom 3 engine)?


    Yep. The only thing I found disappointing about that was the fact that they were only legally able to convert the first episode since it was the only one that is now considered freeware.

  8. Wrye allows me to run a collection of mods together without any problems that otherwise I would need to choose between. In my book, that benefit is worth any amount of aggravation in getting it to work properly. Not everyone will feel that way, of course.



    TES4Gecko allows me to do this as well.


    Don't get me wrong here. I'm not trying to be a Wrye-basher here (pun intended). The original post was asking for advice on merging files and I merely offer a simpler solution, especially for folks who might be new to modding.

  9. I can only speak for myself here, but...


    ...I WOULD NOT merge the DLC files. That could cause a lot of problems for anything dependent upon them.


    I WOULD merge the UOP DLC files. I've done this in my current install and have had no issues.


    I WOULD NOT use WRYE BASH BAIN or whatever else it's called. All I ever see about those on these forums is how the Bashed patches are ruining people's games. Perhaps this is largely due to user error and no fault of the program, but still I go with the statistics.


    I WOULD use TES4GECKO to merge the files. This is what I always use to merge files and make other edits that the CS won't do, and I've never had any issues.


    Hope this is helpful.


    Having a bashed patch will reduce your number of mods considerably and the only problems it caused for me was to override some mods. However, if you place those mods after the bashed patch or sort your mods before building the patch that won't be a problem anymore. Of course you need to understand what you are doing or you might create a mess for yourself. I recommend any user who has some understanding about mods to learn Wrye bash. Since I started to use it, I have experienced less crashes and it's much easier to sort mods and uninstall mods you don't want anymore.


    And that's fine if you're a member of the minority that gets that to work right. I prefer to stick with what I've had proven positive results with. I've been watching these forums for a good while now, and 9 times out of 10 when I see the word Wrye in a post it's someone asking how to fix what it's borked.

  10. Don't pay for a premium account. No real benefit. Use AdBlock Plus and you won't see a single advert anymore on this site.


    Thanks for the tip, but no thanks. Fortunately most of us are able to think for ourselves.

  11. I'm sitting in a corner, biting my fingernails, hair standing on end at the very thought of it! NOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :ohmy:


    Memory sticks and external hard drives are your friends! :thumbsup:




    Like I said, I learned that one the very hard way.


    Most pre-assembled PCs these days come with the OS already installed and no backup disc, so what happens if you don't make your own backup and then your OS get corrupted beyond repair?


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another $200 to Microsooooooooooooooooooooooooft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I think many people experience this, especially where it concerns the loss of a loved one. The holiday in question will always remind them of that person and the loss.


    I don't think it's abnormal and certainly not stupid.


    I think you're human.

  13. I know that feeling. Totally borked my entire OS once and had to start over from scratch. Having learned from that experience, these days I make backup copies of almost everything in one form or another with the dilligence of OCD.


    So I'll just take this opportunity to recommend that anyone who has a computer invest in an external HD and some program like Nero BackItUp so that you don't have to continue walking the tightrope without a net or skydiving without a backup chute.

  14. Personally I don't think it's fair to say that FO3 is lame just because it's not exactly like Oblivion. I think the appropriate term would be "different". Oblivion and Fallout are two totally different stories set in two totally different realities. To compare the two is like trying to compare Escape From New York to Conan The Barbarian. Obviously, they are two different types of stories.


    But if we're determined to compare...


    You mentioned that the damage you take from gunfire is unrealistic. Well, it's a game, after all. Dying every time you take a single bullet would make the game so difficult that far fewer gamers would want to play it. I can't think of many video games where your character gets killed by getting hit just once. Furthermore, Oblivion does exactly the same thing. I can get hit by a giant bastard sword 14 times and still win the battle, then cast a healing spell on myself and merrily skip down the hillside. This is realistic?


    Of course the subject matter is depressing and downcast. Kinda hard to make the world being all but destroyed by a nuclear holocaust into a happy fairy tale. Oblivion isn't really all that cheerful. Hordes of demons from a fiery realm bent on destroying or enslaving us all isn't a cheerful fantasy tale in my opinion.


    200 years? Once again I point out that it's a game and as such was intended to be entertaining, not to win the Nobel Literature Prize. The fact that everything resembles the remnants of the United States in the 1940s-1960s and yet we know in reality our world was not gutted by a nuclear holocaust in that era is an obvious indication that the story takes place in an alternate timeline and reality. Obviously it's not going to be historically accurate and we shouldn't expect it to be.


    I will agree with you on a few things, however...


    V.A.T.S. is indeed a turn-based sort of thing that I could have lived without. Turn-based combat is one of the reasons why I finally became disenchanted with the Final Fantasy franchise.


    And the gore is indeed a bit over-the-top, even for a military combat game. They could still have included some blood without trying to be so anatomically correct.


    Anyway, these are just my opinions.

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