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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. I have two PCs, one running Windows XP and one running Windows 7.


    I recently purchased two 2TB hard drives, one internal and one external.


    To install the internal drive on the PC with Windows 7 I had to first format it on the PC with XP and then use the Win7 Device Manager to enable it, now it works fine.


    The external drive however is being more problematic. Neither OS or Bios will detect it. I'm %99 certain nothing is wrong with the drive itself since the power indicator lights and I can feel the vibration of it running.


    It's an Iomega drive, serial # XTA0512957. I've gone to their website and looked up the troubleshooting info for the drive but nothing they suggest has helped thus far.


    Any suggestions please?

  2. I had this problem on Windows 7 as well. It turns out that I have my hard drive set up to compress all its contents and the installer will not install the items to a compressed folder. I had to change the properties of the folders in question to be not compressed before this would install and work properly.


    Hope that helps and good luck!

  3. Well, you might just have a point about the malware business...


    ...so I'll mention that I also run Microsoft Security Essentials and Comodo Firewall in tandem with Windows Firewall and have been quite satisfied with the level of security, flexibility and customizability I get with these. With Comodo especially, you'll get very obvious messages asking if you want to allow things, like a game, and once you add it to your list of trusted files it won't bother that program anymore. Plus they're free and have constant updates and support.

  4. MarkInMKUK's question has not been addressed, but I'll restate it (as I understand it), since I'm curious as well. I have the KOTN DLC. I also have the KOTN unofficial patch. What could be the problem with merging these two? That makes no sense to me, either.


    Anyway, Herculine, I'm aware of the stated ability of the CS to merge .esp files, but I, too, remember reading somewhere that there was an issue with this and I didn't really want to take a chance with it. I'll look into TESGeko and TESEdit, though. My main question about all this is whether or not there's actually a difference in the behavior of two merged mods, compared to simply recreating the functionality of both of them in one mod. Would the automatically-merged mod be bigger than a made-from-scratch combo, for instance? What if I'm merging three mods and "B" is dependent upon "A", but "C" is completely independent from both, such that "B" would have to come lower than "A" in the load order. Would TESGeko, or even the CS, automatically do it right, would it get it right half the time (i.e. flip a coin and pray) or would it not even make a difference in a merged mod?


    Quite simply, I know how I would manually merge those two mods, but I have no idea if the auto-merge does it exactly the same way, or whether it maintains the resources of both of them separately, somehow linking them together.



    If mod B is dependent upon mod A, merging mod B to mod A will create a resulting mod C that is still dependent upon mod A.


    In other words, merging the KOTN UOP to KOTN and renaming the resulting file KOTN will cause KOTN to look for KOTN when the game loads, thus causing really bad juju to happen.



  5. @Ferryt:


    The CS does indeed have a function to "merge all loaded plugins", but for some reason (which I'm sorry I can't recall the exact details of right now) I eventually found the GECKO to be more reliable and useful for merging, plus it does a lot of other cool stuff that the CS doesn't but I won't list all of that here. TES4Edit is very similar to TES4Gecko in functionality, but I believe that the GECKO is the more complex and versatile of the two.


    My advice would be to try merging something with the CS, then if it doesn't work for whatever reason, try one of the other utilities.




  6. If you have a lot of little random mods that add a spell here, a sword there and an NPC over there, most likely they are safe to merge. As has been suggested above, however, it's always best to hang on to the originals and make sure the stuff in the merged .esp is all working before you remove the originals from your load oder, and even then you should still keep a library of your original mod DLs in a folder someplace 'cause you never know what might happen.


    Now there are other things that can't be merged or that you have to be very selective about merging. One thing that I've done recently is get carried away with DLing castles from the Nexus. I've got dozens of them now. I can't merge many of them because they edit the landscape, and unless they are in certain spots on my load order I'll have big landscape errors. So now I really need to decide which ones I want to keep and which ones I'd be willing to uninstall.

  7. I can only speak for myself here, but...


    ...I WOULD NOT merge the DLC files. That could cause a lot of problems for anything dependent upon them.


    I WOULD merge the UOP DLC files. I've done this in my current install and have had no issues.


    I WOULD NOT use WRYE BASH BAIN or whatever else it's called. All I ever see about those on these forums is how the Bashed patches are ruining people's games. Perhaps this is largely due to user error and no fault of the program, but still I go with the statistics.


    I WOULD use TES4GECKO to merge the files. This is what I always use to merge files and make other edits that the CS won't do, and I've never had any issues.


    Hope this is helpful.

  8. I'm pretty new to Windows 7 so I'm not even sure what the UAC is. Wouldn't turning it off, if it's a safety feature, possibly open me up to harm?



    Only if you're not the only person who uses the computer and the other people using the computer are ones who you don't trust or they don't know what they're doing.


    UAC is User Account Control. It's just a series of securities and permissions settings that you can adjust to allow or deny users access to make changes to the computer, such as installing new programs. I've heard that many games are having issues with UAC.



  9. Holy Akatosh indeed!

    I had an inkling that it was expensive to run this place what with the multiple servers and all, but Dark 0ne's revelations of the actual costs of it all are certainly eye-opening.


    Makes me feel bad that I only paid for 3 months instead of going for the lifetime premium. But on the other hand, that just gives me more than one opportunity to contribute in the future I suppose.


    Anyway, such revelations lead me to in a very civil manner ask that site members complaining about ads please re-evaluate their priorities and consider that what they get for free here cannot be found elsewhere. Pale imitations of it can be found elsewhere, sure, but the Nexus sites do it much better on a much larger scale.


    Furthermore, advertising is already everywhere in our lives anyway, and especially so on the internet, so I don't really understand the whole OMG! There are ads on the Nexus sites! mentality anyway. We should really learn to appreciate what we get for free here.

  10. It seems to me that you're reluctant to believe anything that's said.

    "If that first paragraph is true"

    "if I'm to believe everything else that's been said in this thread"


    If you don't trust people's advice, why ask for it?



    Making accusations over semantics in an effort to start an argument over nothing isn't helpful either.



  11. You would get the best performance boost by focusing on your video card setup, getting an SLI or Crossfire motherboard and powerful cards. If your getting a lot of stuttering and your PC specs are above recommended video is going to make a much bigger difference than your CPU and RAM.



    My video card is a ATI Radeon 5500 series, but Oblivion is old enough that it only recognizes it as a 3300 series; so, if I'm to believe everything else that's been said in this thread, upgrading my video card wouldn't change anything either.



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