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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. Sounds like your Windows InstallShield might have a bug. Have you checked for an update or fix for it? Again, I'd say it sounds like a problem with the disc, but that wouldn't affect every game. It now sounds more like some sort of virus or something.
  2. Since you're having exactly the same problem on more than one computer with multiple games, I'd almost have to say that it sounds like something is wrong with the disc(s)? But the odds of that happening must be crazy. I'm perplexed.


    Are all the computers using the same type of operating system?



  3. If your original Morrowind executable file has been altered in any way (i.e. pirated or No-CD cracked, or just a legal copy that has been made large-address-aware or patched with a previous version of the MCP) the Morrowind Code Patch will not work.


    If you don't have a copy of the original installation files somewhere, you'll probably have to re-install the game again.


    As for the problem with re-installing errors, you might want to try running a registry cleaner like CCleaner and then try again. Who knows what that pirated copy might have left behind in your registry...

  4. Thanks. I was fairly certain that it was an update rather than a sequel due to all the doubling I experienced with them running simultaneously, but I generally interpret things the way they are written so the name confused me and I needed to hear someone else confirm my suspicion.


    Also, thanks for reminding me of the Code Patch; I'm likely running an older version of it.

  5. Chrome is my default browser. While I wouldn't say I get those messages frequently, I do get them often enough to know exactly what you're talking about. But it doesn't always happen with the Nexus sites; it's other sites too, so I'm thinking it's a Google thing rather than a problem with the Nexus. How to fix it? IDK. If I hear of anything I'l bring it here.
  6. Perhaps evidence of my noobness, but...


    I'm returning to Morrowind after a long absence and finally have a setup capable of running THE UNDERGROUND. So, I installed both The Underground and The Underground 2; now there's two of everything...


    Is The Underground 2 a sequel to The Underground, or is it an updated release of the same mod? The title suggests it's a sequel that can be run simultaneously with the original, but seeing 2 of every NPC is suggesting otherwise.


    Please somebody clarify this; I'm so confused....

  7. The site is property of Dark0ne. The rules are his to make.


    Personally I think that the rules are fair enough. The rules coupled with the moderating staff makes this site a haven from the trolls that roam the massive virtual wasteland know as the internet. The rules really aren't that hard to follow.




    It burns me to no end to go to some sites for my other favorite games where I have mods uploaded and see endless posts in a file's comments thread personally attacking the author of the mod. On those sites such behavior seems to be encouraged by the folks running the place, and it really makes me not want to even visit the sites, let alone upload any more content there.

  8. re-install the old version over top of the new version EXCEPT tell it NOT to overwrite Game meshes and textures, those you keep. If the problem now stops and your able to again obtain screen shots, Talk to MGE about what you did, he will know exactly whats doing it. Most likley, an *xml menu file is the cause.


    Overwriting any of those files with ones from an older version appears to invalidate game saves. It was a nice idea, though...


    Perhaps in the morning I'll see about getting in contact with Timeslip...

  9. The print screen key on your key board should deposit a (*bmp) file in that games folder. If not, your system is compromised. That key should always work no matter what.


    I could understand your saying that my system might be compromised if my "Print Screen" key would not copy an image of my active window or desktop to my clipboard, but that's not the function I'm referring to.


    I'm talking about the game's ability to produce a screenshot when you modify the .ini file as such: "Screen Shot Enable=1".


    Morrowind Graphics Extender is for some reason undoing that modification and not allowing me to tick the relevant box in its GUI. When I press the "Print Screen" button while playing a message comes up instructing me to make the change to the .ini, thus it's a vicious circle.


    I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced this, heard of it or might know how to remedy it.


    I didn't have this issue with an older version of MGE, so I'm guessing it must be something specific to version

  10. I'm playing Morrowind GOTY on Windows 7 with MGE v3.8.0.0 and FPS-opt v2.0 in order to play in fullscreen widescreen. Despite my .ini settings, I am unable to take screenshots; MGE will not allow me to tick the appropriate box on its GUI (it's "grayed out").


    Does anyone know how to fix this?

  11. Credit is so stupid man. Completely ruined our economy due to a bunch of teens getting them and racking up huge debts they (or more correctly their families) can't pay. It's a catch 22, you can't get credit unless you already have credit.





    I refuse to own a credit card simply because I know it would turn me into a financially irresponsible idiot.


    For online purchases and such, I simply get one of those disposable Green Dot cards. Yeah, go ahead and steal that identity...



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