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Everything posted by Herculine

  1. Greetings, Grand Maiden!
  2. Thank you Nexus Powers-That-Be for giving all us artists a place to commune! :biggrin: :thanks:
  3. Darkness and cold, gray sky and rain. A lonely, heavy heart, tears and pain. Buildings like tombstones of glass and of stone. My soul wrought with heartache, forever alone. I search for the morning yet find not the sun, Yearning in sorrow for this life to be done. Sinking in darkness like drowning in mire, My heart cannot find what it truly desires. The clean edge glides freely through flesh against bone; My decision is made and my last act is done. I gasp for air, reach out to no avail For my chamber is empty. My vision grows pale. The Abyss in cold bliss welcomes me. I am wrapped in the embrace of Eternity. I hear lost souls in agony moan... Or are these screams in truth my own? By endless oblivion I am now consumed To rest forever in an unloving womb. I glimpse what becomes of our souls when we die Until a bright light then blinds my eyes. I live no more yet my lungs fill with breath. Has my soul somehow eluded Death? A golden angel's face I now come to see. With tearful joy she smiles upon me. At my hospital bed she had waited, Through the long night had anticipated My return to her world, to her embrace, Though I had fallen so far from Grace. Like heavy lead shame burdens my being. What a pitiful wretch she now must be seeing. Yet at my bedside she still stands And with great earnest she now grasps my hand. "Oh thank God! We thought we'd lost you!" Her sweet tears of joy they flow anew. In this white place where lives begin and end I am reminded of the love of my friend. I was never alone, oh how I was mistaken! In this rebirth my heart reawakens.
  4. Well, I have nothing against those modes of writing, per se, but they're just not my forte. My head's in the clouds, you might say. Fantasy and adventure with the right touch of erotic romance... now that's something I can do. Swords and sorcery. That's why you're finding it posted HERE. honey as a narrative it rocks,but you can slowly add characters,nothing wrong with that.If you need some help I'd be more than happy to give you some tips or ideas. Love ya lots, Dezi Thanks. I'll have to do some soul-searching to see if I still have the ambition...
  5. Well, I have nothing against those modes of writing, per se, but they're just not my forte. My head's in the clouds, you might say. Fantasy and adventure with the right touch of erotic romance... now that's something I can do. Swords and sorcery. That's why you're finding it posted HERE.
  6. Hi and welcome! You'll find lots of useful information from lots of friendly people here.
  7. Thanks. Maybe I'll get up the confidence and ambition (and find the time) to do some more.
  8. You are correct in your observation that I don't have a grasp on the dynamic portion of the storytelling skill. That's why it remains in fragments; I haven't figured out how to put all the many ideas I have together into a single fluid story. Thank you for the constructive criticism. I wonder, however, what is your definition of a serious topic for a novel? Politics? Religion?
  9. Thanks. I'll get around to uploading another piece in a day or so maybe, but like I said before don't expect any kind of continuity. It might not even follow the same character. These are just some old ideas I was toying with back in high school. Thank you for the praise. All your dragons get clicked!
  10. I'm starting this new thread to post some random narratives that were at one point supposed to be part of a novel I was writing. That work was never finished, but I've received such wonderful encouragement from all my new friends here and gained confidence from reading works they have posted that I thought I would share some of this old stuff with you all. But don't expect to be able to follow the storyline because, as the title says, they're just random sections taken from an unfinished work.
  11. I strongly agree. When I was a sophomore in high school I found it extremely difficult to understand how one of my classmates had made it to the same grade level without being able to read. Things like that should never happen in our schools.
  12. So it is written, so shall it be done.
  13. I'm loving this story! And the social commentary too!
  14. More fine work, M! Who needs books when we have so many talented writers here?
  15. I love this poem! Once again you've said volumes in so few words, and made me feel the words because I've experienced them. Thank you for giving this gift to us!
  16. Dezdimona mystified me with her writing, both narrative and poetic, when I first joined the Forums and she welcomed me. Maharg67 caught me with more of a sneak attack, enrapturing my attention with a magnificent narrative when I least expected it. Lord Tenaim dazzled me with more poetry and a style I admire and envy: the ability to say so much with so few words. And now I find myself here, again ensnared by the creativity of a writer whose talent is blossoming and maturing before my very eyes. Thank you so much for sharing your work with us!
  17. Thank you. Again I'm humbled by how welcome and at home everyone makes me feel here.
  18. Thank you for such eloquent praise. I intend to post more such works here in the near future, but most recently I've been a bit more pithy over on the Order of the Dragon thread.
  19. Most mods that contain adult content on the Nexus are tagged as such so you know what you're getting into before you even try to view the file. Unless there's a way to tag a forum thread in a similar way, then the censorship rules are necessary to protect people who are underage or simply don't want to read a lot of profanity and pornography. This is especially important since the Forums also allow us to upload images. Without some sort of restrictions on that, this would sooner or later become a porn site.
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