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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. *Next day his doorbell opens, and he finds the jar of his robot-cookies on the doorstep, and another jar of real crunchy cookies beside, attached with a cute note*

    "Sorry, I drowned your cookies. Here, I made some new ones for you. Can we be friends? Regards, your friendly neighbourhood Samurai"

  2. At other side of the town, Sarcast sits in front of control panel controlling the robots, and hearing radio static over his earphones.

    Suddenly, ear-piercing noise erupts from his headphone, as all robot-cookies drown and die with screams of electrostatic noise.

    With a bleeding ear, Sarcast stumbles to his bathroom, vowing never to booby-trap the cookies ever again!

  3. *He gags, spits and vomits out the cookies which have suddenly gained a life of their own and have started wiggling and crawling out of his mouth*

    Who the heck makes robot-cookies!!

    *His face turns red as he runs to the nearby stream and dives straight into the murky pool*

  4. *Laughing gleefully the Samurai runs towards his hidden fortress with his mouth full of Sarcast's cookies and juggling the jar with more cookies*

    *Suddenly he freezes and almost falls down*

    Yech! Blanch! Sheesh! Acchooo!

  5. *Leaves crunchy cookies and tea herbs for dear Treb*
  6. *Throws pebbles from a safe distance, till all the landmines explode and the whole backyard is just a series of small craters*

    *As Sarcast comes running out into the backyard, I sneak into the kitchen from the side window and steal the "Sarcast Special Cookies"*

  7. Hello. Want some cookies?
  8. *Sneaks in, leaves cashew-honey-butter-cookies and herbal-tea, flicks a jar of the Swedish Pancakes, and vamooses*
  9. *Sneaks in, leaves cashew-honey-butter-cookies and herbal-tea for cute little Puppy, and vanishes*
  10. *Sneaks in, leaves cashew-honey-butter-cookies and herbal-tea for BlackBaron, and vanishes*
  11. *Sneaks in, leaves cashew-honey-butter-cookies and herbal-tea for Naomi, and vanishes*
  12. *Sneaks in, leaves cashew-honey-butter-cookies and herbal-tea for Tee, and vanishes*
  13. vvk78

    *Sneaks in, leaves cashew-honey-butter-cookies and herbal-tea for Emma, and vanishes*
  14. *Sneaks in, leaves cashew-honey-butter-cookies and herbal-tea for Korana, and vanishes*
  15. *Sneaks in, drops cheese-cookies for Cheesey, and leaves*
  16. *Sneaks in, drops cookies for Raph, and leaves*
  17. *Sneaks in, and leaves cookies for Alonso, and leaves*
  18. vvk78

    For Fans

    ffa, this looks pretty good, I must say! Nice bit of work. Some more ideas to encourage you. http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=ea5fff6ad57b53c4bca12f733a6f7c7 http://forums.eyesonff.com/relms-studio/119281-3d-firefly-class-ship-image-heavy.html
  19. Me? As a Samurai Sheep!!


    *Commits suicide at the insane thought........*

  20. Who's Petra? Sounds like a hot gal character for Beee!

    If so, also make one for meeeee!

  21. The sheep here are harmless. I am yet to see a single instance where they deliberately caused nuisance to someone. In fact, they are cute, cuddly and bouncey. LOL

    And as a noble Samurai (as I pretend to be :-), I defend the weak. If a Sheep is sick, I tend to it. The mighty must protect the weak. That is the true realisation of power.

    Don't you agree?

  22. Thanks for the videos. I liked them all!

    *Offers honey-cashew-butter cookies and skooma to Kj*

    The cookies are for you and your friends, and the skooma is for your date tomorrow. :P

    You never know when and how a bottle of skooma might come in handy -- offer it to him if he's nice to you or bash him on the head if he gets frisky ! :D

  23. We celebrate puppy's return!

    *Passes the jars of tasty cookies and skooma bottles*

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