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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. vvk78

    Just had a peek again at your Vilja mod page. Wow, you get bombarded with so many user questions, yet you unflinchingly support them to max extent possible.

    I would give you kudos again, if I could.

    *Hugs and cookies instead!*

    I found some companion-friendly abodes, they're not listed in that thread in your own forums. Let me know if you want the abode links. Thanks!

  2. QTP3 Reduced Redimized and Unique Landscapes Compilation will give you best graphics, especially if you already installed OBSE, OBGE and some of the Shader mods. Tweaking the Oblivion.ini file will also enable/improve many graphics features, at a cost of performance. Did you see the mod recommendations in List of Mod Lists?
  3. vvk78


    Those are very nice cosmic shots, Illiad. Thank you for sharing them with us.
  4. Hello!

    Greetings from a Samurai!

  5. What's your favorite dance song video? I like the Crazy Frog remixes:
    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. vvk78


      LOL, Lovender, that was funny!


      Problem is.. I don't have any cat to bell !

    3. lovender


      DORAEMON is a cat...& he has a bell! ^^

      Should i call him for you?? LOL...

    4. vvk78
  6. I don't play NV, but it sounds like the meshes / textures are missing. You may need to reinstall the game, or copy the correct files from a friend who have NVSE. Open the mod file archive, make a note of the meshes and textures included in the mod, and try if you can copy their original versions from the game DVD.
  7. What doesn't kill you, only makes your stronger. Yes, but not if you give up, in frustration and fear. When your life seems to be spiraling out of control, when everything is happening at a breakneck pace, and you seem to have losing control and don't know how to take back the reins, try to take a break. It is difficult, but try to go off on a very short vacation out of the city/town, maybe for a day or two.. somewhere away from the hustle and bustle, maybe on a wilderness trek, mountain biking, boat ride, visit an aunt, or at least a dinner/movie outing with a few friends. The problem with a spiraling life, is the lack of energy and focus to get it back in control, or to make sense of recent events. Taking a short break means you get some time doing something fun, maybe some peaceful time for yourself to contemplate and decide on some recent events, and the verve to get back into the driver's seat when you return. The key thing is to take yourself off the scene of the tumultuous action, even if your family or friends are pressurizing you not to make such a foolish decision at this eventful time. Even a day's break makes a difference, you will see. And I would suggest you to read some nice pep-talk books. "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie and the "Chicken Soup" series are good bets. You will suddenly realise that life isn't so difficult, and once you get through this difficult phase, you will probably look back and laugh at how simple those challenges truly were. All the best! :thumbsup:
  8. Necris, Thanks for that useful info! :thumbsup: Yes, I realise that the Skyrim "3D" trailer cannot be very realistic 3D -- after all, it is recreated from a 2D trailer (which had a fixed camera)! So, if my understanding is correct, there's no way that 3d trailer could have been created using Side-by-side technique to create realistic 3D. :unsure: I have watched a few cross-eyed 3D videos before, and perhaps the tutorial video I linked may not have been the best to explain the concept to someone trying cross-eye psuedo-3D videos for the first time. I did search for a few good tutorial videos, and that one seemed adequate, since it did have a fair amount of detail in it. Since you seem to be good at 3D, is it possible for you to recreate the recent official Skyrim trailer (it was mindblowing!) and share it with us fans here? We would love to see a proper 3D rendering! :woot: If it is not possible, perhaps you can oblige us by teaching us how to turn a 2D video into realistic 3D, as many of us here would want to try to convert our home/family videos into 3D videos (without buying those expensive 3D cameras!). Thanks.. :cool:
  9. vvk78

    Ban for Fun

    Ban paganwannbe, for having a thing for Ravens, and for blocking Smurfs, when we all know that Ravens are a scary, black and fake, while Smurfs are cute, blue and real.
  10. Yeah, I wrote about the aliens in the Lounge debates. Most of the UFO sightings are only in countries where advanced planes/weapons are regularly (and secretively) tested! "Disclosure Project" is a bit disconcerting though, since many of those "witnesses" are credible military men. Still, I am skeptical about alien visitations. Sometimes, fact and fiction are blurred.
  11. Wolfie, open up your profile status and comments, so we can spam you!!


    Those of you who agree with me, can start spamming wolfie here itself...

  12. Cute avatar! Squirtle-dude!
  13. Nice avatar Wayne!
  14. Nice avatar!
  15. Katy, wish you belated birthday wishes!

    *Hugs and cookies*

    So, what did you buy as your birthday gift? More RAM or Windows 7?

  16. Nice avatar!
  17. Didn't understand you. Samurai Jack used to do what?

    As far as impersonating him is concerned, I have been embodying some of his qualities right from my childhood (even before that TV show was created), so I say I am like him in some ways -- though I don't claim to be as pure as Samurai Jack -- it is difficult to always follow the Noble White Path..

  18. All the best for the championship!

    (I will endorse your new piccies this weekend! :-)

  19. Amidana, wow what is that championship of your country that you are training to participate in? I didn't know you were into that high-level of sports. Very, very nice to hear that!

    I was never that good in sports (except Table Tennis and video games), so I always appreciate good sportspersons.

    All the best for the championship!

    (I will endorse your n...

  20. Once you figure how to do the cross-eyed 3D and practise it on a few videos, it is extremely useful. And fun! Though, I would reiterate that doing it for longer periods should be avoided. Those people who wear normal glasses/spectacles or sunglasses every day, are already doing cross-eye. Our eyes strain through the tiny stains/blemishes on the glasses, to form a blemish-free 3D image of the real world (your depth perception is hampered without using both eyes - try closing one eye and you will find that distant objects look flat).
  21. First, understand and learn how to view Cross-Eyed 3D video. Cross Eye 3D without glasses (Complete Advanced Tutorial) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvShotHl1As Now, you can enjoy...... Skyrim Trailer in 3D (let it buffer completely and then watch it in full screen) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoK72ULN480 Disclaimer: These are not my videos, just sharing them here with the Skyrim fans. If this topic should be in another forum/thread, please have it moved accordingly. Thanks!
  22. Long post. Typo errors. But a good intention. And hence a good post! :thumbsup:
  23. vvk78

    Ban for Fun

    Ban krimzin for banning fake sheep and for having a siggy that personifies all the violent and secretive evils of the criminal humanity he himself banned. :pirate::wallbash::devil::tongue::ninja::sick::nuke::yucky::teehee:
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