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Status Updates posted by vvk78

  1. You working on the bug fixes for 2.13?

    Make sure you don't remove the 2.10 version from your uploads. It was most stable for me.

  2. So, Amidana, how is the schoolwork and life in general? Any new game screenshots to share with us?
  3. So how did you VD go?
  4. Me too. I prefer PC gaming to consoles, since we can add mods, do some hacks to improve performance, and upgrade the PC system later.
  5. Buddy, glad to hear that you are enjoying the vacation!

    I always say: "Make hay while the sun shines, and burn them during the winter."

  6. vvk78

    *Vvk sheathes the bow and sneaks off, keeping a wary eye for any loitering sheep. His work is done for the time being.*

    *Hmmm, he must ask Kiri and the wolves the recipe for those cookies.*

    *They are good bait for those pesky sheep.*

  7. vvk78

    *DFSL watches the whole drama in dumb-struck silence*

    *Then he smiles, laughs and grabs the basket of tea, cookies and flowers as he merrily hums a tune back to his door*

    *Suddenly he pauses*

    *Bends down and takes something from the floor*

    Mmmmmm.. JellyPoo.. Yummy!

    *He goes inside and shuts the door with a bang*

  8. vvk78

    *They run around in crazy circles trying to rid the sticky jellypoo which is burning them. Even licking the jellypoo causes their foul tongues to be burned*

    *They beat a hasty retreat*

    We're burning, burning! Get out of my way! Achoo! Wait for me! Baaaa! Acchhoo! Sniff!

  9. vvk78

    *The sheep bleat in terror at the hailstorm of arrows*

    *Which suddenly disappear in mid-air in a thunderclap of noise!*


    *And like merciless hailstones, blobs of JellyPoo fall down on the hapless sheep*

  10. vvk78

    Here, sheepy sheepy. Lookie here fellas!

    *The sheep in their mad scramble towards DFSL and his cookies are halted in mid-stride*

    *A hidden adversary unleashes a storm of arrows that almost blot out the sky*

  11. vvk78

    * The sheep are sick mentally (and few of them are currently sick in the body too recently)*

    *But they don't plan their attacks. They attack like dumb zombies, crazed by human blood and cookies*

  12. vvk78

    *It is a trap for DFSL!*

    *The sheep wanted to capture and eat him, and the tea/cookies too!*

    *But sometimes, the hunters are the hunted*

  13. vvk78

    * DFSL opens the door, and jumps in joy at seeing the tea, cookies and flowers *

    * He bends down to take them, when suddenly he is almost deafened *

    Baaaa! Baaaaaaaa! Achooo!

  14. Thanks for those pics of the mudkipz. It is cute.

    I watched only a few pokemon episodes, but I liked Pikachu!

    What is the special attack of the Mudkipz?

  15. *Leaves cookies and skooma on Nadin's doorstep*

    *Casually saunters into the distance, turns a corner, and takes out the remote control explosive trigger*

  16. Hmmm.. Looks like Kiri's invisibility shield is protecting her from the sheep. No sheep posts here in quite a while!


    I need to find some other potential victim to sell my JellyPoo guns.

  17. Wolfie is back! Hope you are feeling better my dear.

    What's with all this epidemic of Nexusians falling sick this month.

    Aha! VD got over just a few days back. It guess it is Lovesickness that's haunting everyone!

    Thank goodness I never get bitten by that bug! :D

  18. poffertjes?

    It sounds like toffees made by gremlins!

  19. vvk78

    * Leaves scented flowers near the tea and cookies, and walks away silently *

    * Turns around a corner, sneaks to hide behind a boulder, readies his bow&arrow taking careful aim at the cookies, and waits *

  20. Bee is neither Ghost Sheep nor Fluffy Sheep.

    He is Albino Sheep!

    Mind you, I have a few friends who are albinos, and they are perfectly normal except for the lack of melanin in their skin.

    But Bee is.. different.. I am scared of him. I think he is mutating slowly... into...


  21. *Eats the cake from the doorstep, and slips a 'Thank You' note under the door. Rings the doorbell and runs away with his mouth full of cake.*
  22. What is mudkipz?
  23. Drip, Drip, Drip...

    *It is blood dripping from your bedroom ceiling*

  24. Knock, knock. Anybody home?
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