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Everything posted by Tertisentar

  1. Because even in a Post-Nuclear Wasteland, you shall still own a house with more interior space than most of the cities combined :unsure:
  2. Random Mental Illness would make for an interesting roleplaying scenario :teehee:
  3. Guns are http://www.the-gladiatorz.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/hmph.png
  4. I hit her with my silenced 10mm once, then Lucy pulled out her rocket launcher :laugh: Sneaky, not so much, but quite effective nonetheless
  5. Probably as high up as possible, to avoid the patch changing data that was changed by a mod previously and resulting in crashes. So yeah, where you placed your unof DLC's looks the way I would do it except that I don't know what linerfinethings is and how it might conflict.
  6. Quoted this, but then read you two played Morrowind as well, so know they weren't always like this :/ God I wish there was some sort of LgNPC project, but from what I hear you can't even mod NPC's without conflicting the hell out of your sytem :( In agreement with both the dullness of Oblivion (Played one char to 40 or so on a free weekend, then ditched the game forever) and the game being heavily unfinished, thought it did attract me a lot more then Obv.
  7. I hope at least one of those mods disables the CSS's stealth field, otherwise the game won't be nearly as fun :/ I'd say that the character should be careful to avoid consolidating the BoS's power wherever possible, but should realise that the faction is better kept as a friend than a foe, for now...
  8. I use the RI&PN and I didn't bother keeping the timeschale at one minute equals one minute, or something. It kinda defeated the whole purpose of going to look for food and water, as you just said :P I often have to drink from stationairy sources to keep my character refreshed, also don't have a water purifier, rad suit or rad perks with me and try to steer away from buying waters. Still, purifying is not the most important thing of the world but at least I have to take the rads into account in my game. Radiated water is only 4/sec for me though, luckily :teehee:
  9. Exploitable, at least, but pursuing goals unrelated to the people's republic, hmmm. I'd say that the threat level to the people's republic will have to be determined further on in the story, so that way you can start playing already :P
  10. For those of us that don't play Vanilla radiated water can be a pain in the ass when you actually need to drink :unsure: Most of my caps go to doctor bills, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the wastes isn't as wealthy as I am
  11. It is not an unmarked quest, as far as I know. It relates to whatever you make from it :P
  12. Is there some sort of bump topic on this forum by the way?
  13. I'd like Vegas to have some sort of enclave bunker or base with a subquest or two of it's own surrounding it and the respective lore after the other fallouts, but not as the main opponent. There's much more to work with that deserve a spot equally well.
  14. Shouldn't everything that is non-actor be of a more even colour? Like, everything virtually the same colour, black or something so you'll have no problems detecting actors but the environment is less recognizable and attention-drawing than in your mod? Obligatory explanation picture: http://ve3dmedia.ign.com/images/02/37/23737_normal.jpg
  15. The small details everywhere are indeed done quite well, but they make up the environment, not the story. A story develops through information, not through 'do this for me and do that for me and I'll tell you where the next person who wants you to do this and to do that will be' dialogue.
  16. I'd have to agree on most of those things, for a better game overall.
  17. Currently mostly using the AEP7 laser pistol for small game and the rifle (just found one to replace my Wattz2000) for big units like SM's, having a PKM (just switched from the M60 due to ammo issues) as my heavy back-up weapon. Only 8 though :P But at least I don't have to resort to small guns anymore
  18. http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/315/metrotunnels.jpg Basically, in my game it looks like the metro tunnel statics have somehow shifted, making them look like in the picture and because of that, I can't use half the metro's :/ The problem only occurs in the metro halls, the tunnels themselves are fine. Is this a common problem or something? My load order is below, but I really don't have a clue which mod would screw with the tunnel statics like that.
  19. Coming out of the Vault for the first time was that moment for me as well, yeah :teehee:
  20. Yeah that was one of the changes Beth made with Oblivion & it was carried over to Fallout 3. Oblivion :yucky:
  21. You can't make esp's dependant on each other anymore being masters? I used to do stuff like that all the time with MW, worked perfectly :/
  22. My guess is that you indeed need the Geck, create a duplicate copy of that housemaid and change the scripts involved so that it recognizes the Underground Hideout as the correct house, by swapping all references from the Megaton house, coördinates, items, path etc. into those of the Underground Hideout cell. Don't have the Geck myself so that's all I can tell you :/
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