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Status Updates posted by Keanumoreira

  1. I'm doing fine. Work and all that you know? You should check into Xat more often. I drop in every now and then. I might be in sometime this week. Take care Miranda. :)
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ithildin


      Too bad Nadin's gone until September. He likes crickets.
    3. AliasTheory


      ^ dat guy man

      Also, we won't get to read his blog posts. D:

    4. brokenergy


      Damn! I wanted potatoes!
  4. No, I'm an innovator, a trailblazer, and a dreamer. I live in the clouds and build mile high clubs and all that jazz (but clean ones. There'll be no illegal or offensive activity in my clubs. Only a family friendly atmosphere but with ostentatious prices. Kinda like a hotel no one can afford). :P
  5. I've got mad senses.
  6. I have no face, for I am faceless. Or, something...
  7. So...I work until midnight four days this week. What a load of crap trap.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vvk78


      If you find yourself always cribbing about your work, maybe you need to find a better job.


      Happiness at work is not always easy to come by, but it is an important factor in your daily well-being.

    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      my little brother's becoming a man!

      *star eyes*

      Naw, seriously, good on ya and all that, but if you're unhappy and another job winks at you, go for it.

    4. Keanumoreira


      My mom wants me to expand my horizons too. IDK though...
  8. And that's called nonsense.
  9. They call that "Philosophy". :P
  10. I know that I know nothing.
  11. I don't work for a terrorist organization.
  12. *Throws a pillow at his face*. Tremble before the overwhelming sensation of a good night's slumber! (Sleep? Slumber? Sleep....).
  13. Nope, I wanted to be a lawyer, and now, I run a political party and argue with rival accountants who park in my parking spot every Tuesday. Well, she did. Her contract was, and I'm just putting this metaphorically, "terminated".
  14. What else to say? Clowns are creepy, stay in school, drink milk, eat right, go Africa, save the Earth, clean water, and god bless the queen even though I'm not British. That is all.
  15. Did you not read that I support Calliton now, which is a monarchy, if I remember correctly...
  16. I don't support the Templars, I support my own causes, which are completely different from world domination...
  17. He'd be on my side anyway...
  18. *Overly dramatic gasp* You monster!

    Well....I guess it's time to pull out the big guns. *Fetches his teddy bear, Mr. Tickle Me Ted*. Behold his fearsome awe!

  19. Ezio is dead, and I'm voting for the parliament!
  20. It's not bigger than mine! *Pulls out a straw*. Beware its menacing menace to which it shall menacing menace your soul of menace....menacing.
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