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Status Updates posted by Keanumoreira

  1. The hell I will! I've planning to use that money to retire in the Caribbean for years now!
  2. We'll never know...
  3. I just discovered that two of my friends today are homosexual bigots. Seriously? Are people still this dumb? Because apparently, as I was misinformed today, "disowning our children who are homosexual would be the right thing to do". Society, you officially suck. Grow up.
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Nadin


      On a forum for primarily RPG games, no less! :P
    3. brokenergy


      I always found that RPG make people look like babies rather than men.
    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      Mmhm. Gotta say though, it's fun if it's not overdone.
  4. Close close close!!! YES! *Notices she's standing right next to me*. -_-
  5. My last status mysteriously vanished, so Nadin, if you would please play the fantastic tune of Mopakiin again...
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      That's the one. All hail Mokpakiin! XD


      And Broken, it was an accident, I promise. xP

    3. VesemirTheWitcher
    4. brokenergy


      Yeah... accident... *looks for clues*
  6. I write poetry and a bit of fan-fiction on the side. I've tried short stories but I'm better working from material I already have. Nonetheless, I pull from my imagination and try to put into words what the mute mind can't say. I've been doing it since the third grade I do imagine. :)
  7. Lol, you guessed right! I am the Lord of Lunacy, and I am most certainly....random, as you say. Well, peek no further! If it is interest you seek, I have it. If it is the spontaneous you desire, prepare to be fulfilled. And some third thing, which I can't think of, I most likely possess as well.

    Nice to meet ya Mythic. I can see you write roleplay. Interesting and a fellow writer. ^^

  8. Hello random visitor. I noticed you randomly visiting my profile, so I thought I'd drop in randomly to see such a random person, and I thought I should do it randomly.

    So, randomly speaking, what's up? Who do I have the pleasure of greeting? :)

  9. Uncle? Where'd you go? You haven't be seen or heard for a week now and...we're getting worried. Get back to us soon, okay? Love ya Uncle. Be safe.
  10. Sure...IF you can make it. *Presses the "close" button rapidly*.
  11. No we aren't, because I built a shelter. See ya. *Pulls the hatch down and climbs underground*.
  12. What? *Is clueless to the explosion brewing within his stomach*.
  13. *Eats the thingamajig*. I had to eat something. * Belches*.
  14. NO! COOKIE! >:O
  15. Oh...that's a surprise *cough*, I mean...no reason. ;)
  16. Made, one quick question. What's your favorite color?
  17. Greetings Nadin. *Tips his hat, a cookie falls out*. You didn't see that. :D
  18. I guess we will. See ya soon. ^^
  19. I will, and you better take care too or I'll kick your butt, little sis. Lol, see ya soon. Stay safe. :)
  20. Wish you'd come around more often. We miss ya. *Back shattering hug*. :(
  21. Hey brother. *Crushing hug*. :)
  22. Yep, I've been too. Trying to make more time for my family and friends though. ^^
  23. Nope, not particularly. How are ya sis? Everything sunny on your end? Haven't talked to you in forever. :)
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